Does Martial Arts impress women?

I really do not get it. Why do people, specially men for some reason, say this nonsense? It is not even true. It is not quicker, even if you live in a big city and I lived in Berlin for the most part of my life. It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. Yo ueasily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. And it is elaxed at all, in fact it is absolutely stressful. Waiting for public transportation and then being in a full bus with young people who mog the shit out of me.
Living in small town, going for fun to the big city for a day trip.
Public Transport: $100 for 2 people. Takes about 4 hours travel.
Car: patrol $20 Parking $60. Takes about 5 hours travel.

About equal thus I see. Where I life.
But none of this matters because incel in a car gets mogged by chad on the subway.
LOL. Hobo Chad wins.
Only if chad. Short ugly incels will be laughed at
I hate using my leg to fight and it’s quite boring ngl

Karate is such a highclass ngl and you use your whole body to fight
Taekwondo is bullshit. All you need is a striking and grappling martial art. Boxing and BJJ are the best. Punches are more efficient than kicking. Karate is okay and it does teach some boxing. Almost every sparring match in karate is a kickboxing grappling match
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Driving is extremly important in order to exist in this life and era.

Cope. Everyone is driving in a city.

I really do not get it. Why do people, specially men for some reason, say this nonsense? It is not even true. It is not quicker, even if you live in a big city and I lived in Berlin for the most part of my life. It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. Yo ueasily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. And it is elaxed at all, in fact it is absolutely stressful. Waiting for public transportation and then being in a full bus with young people who mog the shit out of me.
You overrate driving bro. I prefer public transportation tbh if it’s clean and quick. Driving is annoying 90% of the time
First of all, it depends entirely on where you live in relations to where you need to be.

First on and now here. Please cut out this nonsense already. It has nothing to do with your location. You need to drive in this life and era. Why is everyone coping here when it comes to easy topics like this?

I currently live a bit outside the city centre, so I need a car. Previously, I lived slap bang in the middle of downtown, 2 minute walk away from my job.

That is clearly a huge difference. While you had to walk 2 minutes to your workplace, I had to walk over 8 km in total... This is not bearable and you would have instantly killed yourself in my position because you cannot drive.

You can guess which was cheaper.

I really do not care if it is cheaper or not. I want to be able to drive.

If I were to take public transport everywhere now, it would be a fucking hassle, although obviously cheaper (like 50$ for a buss pass per month vs insurance, gas money, repairs/downpayment on car etc etc).

This is also another lie. No, public transportation is not cheaper. Here in Germany you easily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. I would prefer the ability to drive and a car over this fucking nonsense.

Public Transport: $100 for 2 people. Takes about 4 hours travel.
Car: patrol $20 Parking $60. Takes about 5 hours travel.

I would prefer a car.

You overrate driving bro.

No, I do not and the general traffic confirms my point of view. You are unable to appreciate the ability to drive a car.

I prefer public transportation tbh if it’s clean and quick.

Stop this cope already. It is not clean and it is also not quicker. This is a straight up lie.
Why do people, specially men for some reason, deny the significance of something like driving despite the fact it is pretty much required in this life and era? There is literally no reason not to drive. It is also an unique experience.

Driving is annoying 90% of the time

It is not annoying. It is much more of a nuisance to take public transportation. Then why do you have a driver licence in the first place? Also, that only comes from people who can drive. This is pretty much the same thing, sexhavers are doing:
Sex is not that important brah... while they keep having sex.

Geneal reply: By the way, people like you also should not drive because you are unable to see the significane of the general ability to drive a car. You are unable to appreciate the craftsmanship of a car and you are unable to appreciate the general convience to drive a car. You are also unable to see that it is absolutely mandatory in this life and era.

You would instantly rope if you were unable to drive like me.
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Start doing BJJ. Good for your mental health, can meet new guys, and you can seriously fuck up any chads or normies that talk shit to you no joke
You overrate driving bro. I prefer public transportation tbh if it’s clean and quick. Driving is annoying 90% of the time
Ummm are you retarded lol?
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if youre a normie, the better you are at it you will look more masculine and feel more masculine, so it can help. if youre a professional, probably. if you do wing chun every weekend and are a framelet, nah
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you can fight

or you cant fight

it has to be in you
Not even 20cm dick impresses women anymore
jfl the delusion and cope ITT

Of course martial arts help. You think a cool action shot of you in a tight rashguard looking high t and dominant or knocking someone out won't get you swipes online? Lol. Of course this is assuming you're relatively fit and dominant looking to begin with. It's more icing on the cake than something that can redeem you in itself if you're ugly
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First on and now here. Please cut out this nonsense already. It has nothing to do with your location. You need to drive in this life and era. Why is everyone coping here when it comes to easy topics like this?

That is clearly a huge difference. While you had to walk 2 minutes to your workplace, I had to walk over 8 km in total... This is not bearable and you would have instantly killed yourself in my position because you cannot drive.

I really do not care if it is cheaper or not. I want to be able to drive.

This is also another lie. No, public transportation is not cheaper. Here in Germany you easily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. I would prefer the ability to drive and a car over this fucking nonsense.

I would prefer a car.

No, I do not and the general traffic confirms my point of view. You are unable to appreciate the ability to drive a car.

Stop this cope already. It is not clean and it is also not quicker. This is a straight up lie.
Why do people, specially men for some reason, deny the significance of something like driving despite the fact it is pretty much required in this life and era? There is literally no reason not to drive. It is also an unique experience.

It is not annoying. It is much more of a nuisance to take public transportation. Then why do you have a driver licence in the first place? Also, that only comes from people who can drive. This is pretty much the same thing, sexhavers are doing:
Sex is not that important brah... while they keep having sex.

Geneal reply: By the way, people like you also should not drive because you are unable to see the significane of the general ability to drive a car. You are unable to appreciate the craftsmanship of a car and you are unable to appreciate the general convience to drive a car. You are also unable to see that it is absolutely mandatory in this life and era.

You would instantly rope if you were unable to drive like me.

You prefer a car, thats fine. I completely get that, I too prefer a car! I fucking hate public transport! But that doesn't change the FACT that in most countries today, public transport is simply just cheaper. Look at all the toll stations in cities because of environment bs politics, the taxes on cars, fuel prices and so on. Its just factually more expensive to own and use a car than it is to just use public transport. I agree, use a car if its preferable i.e in any circumstance where you don't live close as fuk to your job and activities.
But that doesn't change the FACT that in most countries today, public transport is simply just cheaper.

It is not. Here in Germany you easily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. It is not cheap at all. This lie really needs to die.

Look at all the toll stations in cities because of environment bs politics, the taxes on cars, fuel prices and so on.

So? It is called responsibility. This is also not an argument not to drive. I would gladly have this responsibility.

Its just factually more expensive to own and use a car than it is to just use public transport.

Not really. Public transportation is also pretty expensive therefore money is not a valid argument.

Women get turned on when they see their man physically imposing fear onto other men and beating them up. It makes them feel safe and protected and they look up to the guy as cool, strong and reliable.

It’s high T to use force to take what you want rather than just back off like a weak little bitch.

That being said it’s obvious that women won’t be attracted to an ugly incel who can fight, its an additional halo once you already meet the bare minimum looks requirement
You don't need to do martial arts for that but just use steroids. It's about looking strong/dangerous. Actually being doesnt matter much.
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It is not. Here in Germany you easily have to pay 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. It is not cheap at all. This lie really needs to die.

So? It is called responsibility. This is also not an argument not to drive. I would gladly have this responsibility.

Not really. Public transportation is also pretty expensive therefore money is not a valid argument.

If the costs associated with owning and driving a car is higher than the costs of paying for public transport, your argument is wrong. In most western countries, likely including yours, that is the case. You made an argument about what is more expensive than another, which is wrong.
just like literally every other interest or hobby, it will interest them if u are chad.

chad mma = "tough guy!"

incel mma = "coping bully victim"

chad who likes warhammer - "cute nerd"

incel who likes warhammer - "neckbeard loser"
If the costs associated with owning and driving a car is higher than the costs of paying for public transport, your argument is wrong. In most western countries, likely including yours, that is the case.

Once again, money is not an argument not drive and you really have to pay around 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. The money is not worth it. You have to rely on public transportation, you have to endure full trains and busses, you need much longer arrive at you destination, you need to change the bus or train, you need to wait a long time for the bus or train to arrive i nthe first place - A driver lcience is superior to it.

You made an argument about what is more expensive than another, which is wrong.

You brought up this nonsense argument and once again, it is not an argument. Money is not an argument not to drive. If this would be an argument, you would be the one who is contradicting himself because you have a driver licence. Cannot you see your own hypocrisy here?

It is really weird, that only people who have a driver licence and a car talk like this: "Public transportation is much better brah and it also cost way less." - yet they are all driving. @rightfulcel
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It is really weird, that only people who have a driver licence and a car talk like this: "Public transportation is much better brah and it also cost way less." - yet they are all driving. @rightfulcel
Wheel chairs are great bro!
Once again, money is not an argument not drive and you really have to pay around 1000 Euro a year for public transportation. The money is not worth it. You have to rely on public transportation, you have to endure full trains and busses, you need much longer arrive at you destination, you need to change the bus or train, you need to wait a long time for the bus or train to arrive i nthe first place - A driver lcience is superior to it.

You brought up this nonsense argument and once again, it is not an argument. Money is not an argument not to drive. If this would be an argument, you would be the one who is contradicting himself because you have a driver licence. Cannot you see your own hypocrisy here?

It is really weird, that only people who have a driver licence and a car talk like this: "Public transportation is much better brah and it also cost way less." - yet they are all driving. @rightfulcel

Let me quote your original post which I replied to..

"It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. "

Thats the point I'm arguing. You want to go back on that statement, cool, but don't make it look like I was the one bringing up the cost argument.
Let me quote your original post which I replied to..

"It is also not cheaper, i nfact it is utterly expensive. "

Thats the point I'm arguing. You want to go back on that statement, cool, but don't make it look like I was the one bringing up the cost argument.

People brought it up before therefore it is not even my argument because it is not an argument at all. It is simply not an argument because most people are still driving. Germany have 50 million cars.

Also your statement:
You can guess which was cheaper.

But originially this argument has been brought up by @eduardkoopman if I remember correctly.

Of course you can say it depends on where you live and that it is cheaper if you really have to walk like 2 minutes to your job... but most of the time and on average, people need to travel. A driver licence and car is not only handy but also mandatory at this point. Money is not the issue here.

This is basically my point of view.
People brought it up before therefore it is not even my argument because it is not an argument at all. It is simply not an argument because most people are still driving. Germany have 50 million cars.

Also your statement:

But originially this argument has been brought up by @eduardkoopman if I remember correctly.

Of course you can say it depends on where you live and that it is cheaper if you really have to walk like 2 minutes to your job... but most of the time and on average, people need to travel. A driver licence and car is not only handy but also mandatory at this point. Money is not the issue here.

This is basically my point of view.

I agree with your general sentiment, but not the point about price. To avoid beating a dead horse, we can agree on the central point.
I agree with your general sentiment, but not the point about price. To avoid beating a dead horse, we can agree on the central point.

I would like to have a horse but a alive though.

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