Does the surgeon judge your looks?



Feb 19, 2020
As rule number one/only rule in the Blackpill: Looks are everything

What do you think about surgeon judging patient look, it's it a reality or a myth and what's your experience with it?

For exemple if the patient is subhuman do you think there is more chance for the surgeon to propose cope surgery, fail him or taxe him more money?

From personnal experience some surgeon treat me like shit while i'm high IQ about procedures, then taxe me without even saying good bye
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My mum has a doctorate or whatever the fuck it's called in English as a veterinarian so shes pretty high IQ about medical stuff since she needs to know a lot about a lot of different animals and medications and one thing I have noticed is that doctors really hate when they get challenged.

She wanted to give me a vaccine that the government hadn't yet made mandatory and the doctors disagreed even though she brought several studies to prove her point. 3 years later that vaccination became mandatory for everyone. Same thing with other medication, doctors will refuse if my mother proposes it but will give it to me if I go alone. :lul:

jfl @ doctors and surgeons, if you challenge them with your "high IQ" autistic surgery knowledge they will probably just feel threatened or resent you for it. And of course, the looks halo plays a big role too.
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She wanted to give me a vaccine that the government hadn't yet made mandatory and the doctors disagreed even though she brought several studies to prove her point. 3 years later that vaccination became mandatory for everyone. Same thing with other medication, doctors will refuse if my mother proposes it but will give it to me if I go alone. :lul:
why u have allergies
My mum has a doctorate or whatever the fuck it's called in English as a veterinarian so shes pretty high IQ about medical stuff since she needs to know a lot about a lot of different animals and medications and one thing I have noticed is that doctors really hate when they get challenged.

She wanted to give me a vaccine that the government hadn't yet made mandatory and the doctors disagreed even though she brought several studies to prove her point. 3 years later that vaccination became mandatory for everyone. Same thing with other medication, doctors will refuse if my mother proposes it but will give it to me if I go alone. :lul:

jfl @ doctors and surgeons, if you challenge them with your "high IQ" autistic surgery knowledge they will probably just feel threatened or resent you for it. And of course, the looks halo plays a big role too.
damn i'm scared about this. i've talked a local surgeon and explain what i need and why i want he acted like i fucked his mom even though i was definetely incredibly polite and sincere.
just don't say anything against their knowledge, follow their "commands" that's what they expected
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  • JFL
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damn i'm scared about this. i've talked a local surgeon and explain what i need and why i want he acted like i fucked his mom even though i was definetely incredibly polite and sincere.
just don't say against their knowledge, follow their "commands" that's what they expected
Pretty much, I got some extremely effective anti-histamines meant for the autoimmune by saying a family member used it to a slacker doctor so that might also work.

why u have allergies
you have no right to use that profile pic
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From my experience everybody treats others based on looks, this includes doctors as well. I would guess plastic surgeons are no exception, sure they must do the surgery to get their shekels for truecels too but I doubt they give too much fuck tbh . Meanwhile when they have an already good looking patient asking for some minor surgery they will treat it like they are working on a masterpiece , giving all their effort into their work :unsure:
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Yes, they prefer to work on people with better bases so they can post the results online.
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Yes, they prefer to work on people with better bases so they can post the results online.
very brutal truth, sure they will not want to post subhuman to subhuman
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From my experience everybody treats others based on looks, this includes doctors as well. I would guess plastic surgeons are no exception, sure they must do the surgery to get their shekels for truecels too but I doubt they give too much fuck tbh . Meanwhile when they have an already good looking patient asking for some minor surgery they will treat it like they are working on a masterpiece , giving all their effort into their work :unsure:
So subhuman have more chance of getting fucked
From my experience everybody treats others based on looks, this includes doctors as well. I would guess plastic surgeons are no exception, sure they must do the surgery to get their shekels for truecels too but I doubt they give too much fuck tbh . Meanwhile when they have an already good looking patient asking for some minor surgery they will treat it like they are working on a masterpiece , giving all their effort into their work :unsure:

even more reason to properly softmax before getting the surgeries

Imagine some truecel comes to you, not even gymcelling, horrible skin. Asking for bimax. You'd probably also be like whatever, if he thinks this will help him, lets perform some standard bimax so he can cope. You would probably not dedicate too much effort into the surgery, because you know, he would be ugly even after the surgery.
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So subhuman have more chance of getting fucked
Yeah pretty much , as in all other areas of life . If you are already good looking, the surgeon will be more than happy to work on you, otherwise you are a burden for him and he can't even show off after pictures of subhumans

even more reason to properly softmax before getting the surgeries

Imagine some truecel comes to you, not even gymcelling, horrible skin. Asking for bimax. You'd probably also be like whatever, if he thinks this will help him, lets perform some standard bimax so he can cope. You would probably not dedicate too much effort into the surgery, because you know, he would be ugly even after the surgery.
indeed brutal

sure it's not plastic surgery but back when I was fat & acnecel in high school doctors treated me like shit , like I was a burden for them , they presribed some useless shit just to get it over with

now I'm leanmaxxed, fixed my skin and I notice they treat me much better. like they chat a lot with me, take the time to understand my problem, overall I can feel they actually care about fixing me.

I cannot even imagine what it could feel like walking in to a surgery as a recessed subhuman. The surgeon very well knows even lefort 3 couldn't save your ass and it never even began :blackpill:
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indeed brutal

sure it's not plastic surgery but back when I was fat & acnecel in high school doctors treated me like shit , like I was a burden for them , they presribed some useless shit just to get it over with

now I'm leanmaxxed, fixed my skin and I notice they treat me much better. like they chat a lot with me, take the time to understand my problem, overall I can feel they actually care about fixing me.

I cannot even imagine what it could feel like walking in to a surgery as a recessed subhuman. The surgeon very well knows even lefort 3 couldn't save your ass and it never even began :blackpill:
man it's brutal i can't even read ur full comment without anger against doctor
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man it's brutal i can't even read ur full comment without anger against doctor
indeed brutal

sure it's not plastic surgery but back when I was fat & acnecel in high school doctors treated me like shit , like I was a burden for them , they presribed some useless shit just to get it over with

now I'm leanmaxxed, fixed my skin and I notice they treat me much better. like they chat a lot with me, take the time to understand my problem, overall I can feel they actually care about fixing me.

I cannot even imagine what it could feel like walking in to a surgery as a recessed subhuman. The surgeon very well knows even lefort 3 couldn't save your ass and it never even began :blackpill:
so even a local surgeon here would pay less attention to my BSSO basically?
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bro ur not a true cell stop ur bdd
ty man, but its more so that i just have the fact that so much gets thrown off by just a dumb thing like my lower jaw being a bit further back than my upper jaw aka overbite.

for now i hope i can atleast get to talk to a jaw surgeon instead of them recommending some cucked bracedevice and teeth pulling
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bro ur not a true cell stop ur bdd
my OG ortho wanted to extract multiple teeth not just wisdom teeth, elastics to pull upper jaw a bit back and some other bullshit
my OG ortho wanted to extract multiple teeth not just wisdom teeth, elastics to pull upper jaw a bit back and some other bullshit
Because they don't like surgery that's it

ASK BSSO , stop asking ortho to fix ur bite, ask him surgery directly nigga
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Because they don't like surgery that's it

ASK BSSO , stop asking ortho to fix ur bite, ask him surgery directly nigga
already did he didnt want to jfl we left that ortho and didnt look for a new one lmao. when i mentioned the word BSSO the look on his face:lul::lul::lul:

but ye im calling some in my country to just ask for BSSO idk if they'll do genio with it tho
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already did he didnt want to jfl we left that ortho and didnt look for a new one lmao. when i mentioned the word BSSO the look on his face:lul::lul::lul:

but ye im calling some in my country to just ask for BSSO idk if they'll do genio with it tho
go see surgeon first ,
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go see surgeon first ,
ask genio for vertical, don't tell him "i want genio bro", just say u want a vertical genio
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As rule number one/only rule in the Blackpill: Looks are everything

What do you think about surgeon judging patient look, it's it a reality or a myth and what's your experience with it?

For exemple if the patient is subhuman do you think there is more chance for the surgeon to propose cope surgery, fail him or taxe him more money?

From personnal experience some surgeon treat me like shit while i'm high IQ about procedures, then taxe me without even saying good bye
Think your worrying about psl too much, have an nt conversation with the surgeon and he won’t think your a wierdo
surgeons are supposed to judge objectively. Ideally halo effect shouldn't have in impact on them. Then again never were in a surgeons office room (will be going there). Maybe because when you mention terms like ccw and midpalatal sutures they can get challenged a bit and act with arrogance, it happens in many professions not just medical.
my OG ortho wanted to extract multiple teeth not just wisdom teeth, elastics to pull upper jaw a bit back
Good that i know about ruining effect of this
And didnt get IT afterall
Do retards here really believe that they know more about surgeries than surgeons? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Holy fuck this forum is retarded
Do retards here really believe that they know more about surgeries than surgeons? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Holy fuck this forum is retarded
Your avi :feelsrope::feelswah:
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very brutal truth, sure they will not want to post subhuman to subhuman
What if I deny him to post? They making it mandatory ?
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indeed brutal

sure it's not plastic surgery but back when I was fat & acnecel in high school doctors treated me like shit , like I was a burden for them , they presribed some useless shit just to get it over with

now I'm leanmaxxed, fixed my skin and I notice they treat me much better. like they chat a lot with me, take the time to understand my problem, overall I can feel they actually care about fixing me.

I cannot even imagine what it could feel like walking in to a surgery as a recessed subhuman. The surgeon very well knows even lefort 3 couldn't save your ass and it never even began :blackpill:

lifefuel knowing I only need minor operations like rhino and lipo; can't imagine needing major invasive surgeries. I'm showing the doctor as many high-detailed morphs as possible so they get a clear picture of the results I want.
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Do retards here really believe that they know more about surgeries than surgeons? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Holy fuck this forum is retarded

no but based on knowledge and by comparing before and afters you can choose the best surgeon possible in terms of aesthetics and function. Going blindly to some jaw surgeon without prior knowledge is hit or miss.

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