Don't fall for the Female Gaze Theory

Club game is in fact mostly dead, OP. This comes from someone with 95 slays from OLD within a timespan of 4 years more tban most will get in 2 lifetimes. No way could I achieve that by going to cringe clubs. Women still have to meet up with you irl (from OLD) to see if you match up for them to fuck you. No distinction to irl scenario
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I have 62 so I'm no slouch either
Women still have to meet up with you irl (from OLD) to see if you match up for them to fuck you. No distinction to irl scenario
thats like my point
you might have a good face and get matches from OLD but unless you meet the woman's threshold for height, frame and basically any other variable that isn't obvious from pictures alone, that match won't necessarily turn into a slay

from my clubbing and bar experience I never saw a vinnie hacker type of guy doing well, the guys that do well were usually tall and jacked with at least a normie face
the only short guys I saw doing well were either super high status or had both an exceptionally good face and body
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Club game is in fact mostly dead, OP. This comes from someone with 95 slays from OLD within a timespan of 4 years more tban most will get in 2 lifetimes. No way could I achieve that by going to cringe clubs. Women still have to meet up with you irl (from OLD) to see if you match up for them to fuck you. No distinction to irl scenario
I have 62 so I'm no slouch either

thats like my point
you might have a good face and get matches from OLD but unless you meet the woman's threshold for height, frame and basically any other variable that isn't obvious from pictures alone, that match won't necessarily turn into a slay

from my clubbing and bar experience I never saw a vinnie hacker type of guy doing well, the guys that do well were usually tall and jacked with at least a normie face
the only short guys I saw doing well were either super high status or had both an exceptionally good face and body
How old are you both?
1 lay at almost 25 years old here. I don't like clubbing
How old are you both?
1 lay at almost 25 years old here. I don't like clubbing
29 soon to be 30 and I think dr tony is older than me
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Happy early birthday.
How would you rate my laycount?
thanks, tbh its kinda low but things can still change for you depending on two things: how good you look and how well you market yourself and make yourself available
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thanks, tbh its kinda low but things can still change for you depending on two things: how good you look and how well you market yourself and make yourself available
I am looking for a HQNP wife
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HQNP wife
sorry to burst your bubble but from all the experience I have, hqnp is nothing more than a myth propagated by certain manosphere communities
all women want a chad kind of guy and they all have the same biological hardwiring
  • WTF
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Y’all are retard
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robust but lean
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Even club girls prefer the prettyboy. The only women who want the masc guys are single moms.
  • Hmm...
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Female gaze isn't even a theory, it's a fact, people just have different ways of interpreting it.

And yes, to most prime females, the first guy is way better than the bodybuilders; you can chalk it up to being low estrogen, insecure, immature, misguided or whatever you want, but it doesn't really change the fact they don't find very muscular bodies ideal.

I'd like for you to pay extra attention to my word choice here - I said they don't think they're ideal, not that they find them unattractive.
Most girls, even young ones, would still find those physiques very attractive, and it only goes up with age; but that doesn't mean they're the most attractive to that age bracket. Still, this entire discussion is honestly a bit redundant since physique isn't even the main thing women look for in males when determining attractiveness.
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jfl at thinking vinnie cant slay any prime stacy jb you autist moron
one of my fuckbuddies got dm'ed by vinnie when she was modeling in tokyo. they met at a club and apparently hes a 5'7 manlet. tbh no clue how I bagged her.
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I wonder if my dimorphism cope was male gaze all along
Thinking about it women don't even have sex on their period which is the entire basis of the masc mogs theory
But this is only when you consider the period as the only point where estrogen peaks enough for masc attractiveness..
If the BASELINE estrogen level of a woman is high it applies too. a plus is, the higher E women are, up the ranking they go, so masc attractes stacies. in other words, it enhances the sexual dimorphism (masc attracts feminine).
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Female gaze theory will tell you this is good enough or even ideal
View attachment 1942691
but the truth is that it is far from it, hear it straight from the horses mouth:
View attachment 1942690

the reason female gaze theory picked up so much traction is because it is the ideal for like long term relationships and also easier to achieve than what is required to be a ons slayer @VeryFuglyNiyguhs

irl these are like the guys doing all of the slaying
View attachment 1942695View attachment 1942696View attachment 1942699View attachment 1942705
Women also say height doesnt matter tf is ur point
  • Hmm...
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Club game is in fact mostly dead, OP. This comes from someone with 95 slays from OLD within a timespan of 4 years more tban most will get in 2 lifetimes. No way could I achieve that by going to cringe clubs. Women still have to meet up with you irl (from OLD) to see if you match up for them to fuck you. No distinction to irl scenario
You think clubs are a waste of time? I have switched from club game to OLD as well.
Women also say height doesnt matter tf is ur point
I only take what women say as legit when the actions match up
women say personality is what matters but actions don't match
women say extremely fit men make them insecure and this is true because they rarely get into ltrs with them but they sure as hell want ons with them I know this because I have first hand experience
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You think clubs are a waste of time? I have switched from club game to OLD as well.
Define waste of time. It is all cool if you like it, willing to sacrifice you health by drinking and late nights, have enough free time and friend groups to go with etc, low inhibition to approach etc. I have done the club scene in my younger days (a decade ago or more). I am over it now.
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Being female gazed doesn't mean you should be skinny. In fact, having muscles is ideal, but not to the point that you look like ronnie coleman, which is a turn-off for girls

You are all retarded seriously. Lol at people who think u will ever be as big as ronnie coleman. Even on roids most guys are not gonna look impressive and ya'll wanna cope with muh natty lifting.

Almost everyone here who is non deformed would be slaying or having pretty easytime with girls if they just had a good sized lean physique but they come with all kinds of copes for not doing it.
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good face + good height > good face short height
Agreed with all your points except this

Height is super overrated on this site, unless it is 6’4+ Which is in the decimal percentile
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What makes you think that looking like a rock is ideal for slaying prime jbs? If you are going for milfs then go ahead and roidmaxx but let me remind you that most milfs are cum buckets and that their pussies smell like rotten fish.
What makes you think that looking like a rock is ideal for slaying prime jbs? If you are going for milfs then go ahead and roidmaxx but let me remind you that most milfs are cum buckets and that their pussies smell like rotten fish.
I didn't say to look like a rock mate
take away his tiktok status and halo and you will get a white normie faced manlet throw him into a club or bar scene where no one knows him and lets see how much pussy he slays
Are you retarded :lul: He got his status from his looks. Vinnie is like 6’1. Cope till you rot. Bro really used pics from freshman year to prove a point. It’s over for low IQcels.
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Are you retarded :lul: He got his status from his looks. Vinnie is like 6’1. Cope till you rot
no brooo he got it because he was nt :soy::soy::soy::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
thats what women like I don't make the rules pal
Are you retarded :lul: He got his status from his looks. Vinnie is like 6’1. Cope till you rot
there is a correlation between looks and status but it's not perfectly linear you clown
my point is if you were to throw him to a place where he is not known and see how women aged 18-30 would react to him irl you would be disappointed because he would get overlooked and do surprisingly bad

its important to assess attraction in person because you can hide and fraud your height, frame, voice, 360 view, and more in pictures but not so much in person
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thats what women like I don't make the rules pal

there is a correlation between looks and status but it's not perfectly linear you clown
my point is if you were to throw him to a place where he is not known and see how women aged 18-30 would react to him irl you would be disappointed because he would get overlooked and do surprisingly bad

its important to assess attraction in person because you can hide and fraud your height, frame, voice, 360 view, and more in pictures but not so much in person
Vinnie was getting sexually assaulted by 26 year old foids before he was tiktok famous. So it doesn’t matter if you think he’s frauding. Imagine what intoxicated foids would do to him at the club

The whole reason why he blew up in the first place was bc he was an attractive e boy. He did a thirst trap and got prime Stacy’s drooling over him. A-list celebrities like Demi Lovato were in his DMs.

You don’t know what you’re talking about :feelsautistic:
Vinnie was getting sexually assaulted by 26 year old foids before he was tiktok famous. So it doesn’t matter if you think he’s frauding. Imagine what intoxicated foids would do to him at the club
that was one 26yr old so you are trying to refute what I said with a sample size of 1???????? wtf
and there are many other instance of female teachers taken advantage of underage male children in school does that mean those male children were Chads and gigachads? no and did those kids end up blowing up everywhere for their looks? no
so stop coping with an exception and sample size of 1
A-list celebrities like Demi Lovato were in his DMs
a listers and tiktok are working together to push an agenda to feminize men and use tiktok to groom and watch little kids
that was one 26yr old so you are trying to refute what I said with a sample size of 1???????? wtf
and there are many other instance of female teachers taken advantage of underage male children in school does that mean those male children were Chads and gigachads? no and did those kids end up blowing up everywhere for their looks? no
so stop coping with an exception and sample size of 1
Ok, let’s just agree to disagree. Vinnie himself has listed his slays on his second TikTok account before he was famous.
a listers and tiktok are working together to push an agenda to feminize men and use tiktok to groom and watch little kids
can you name some examples of that occurring. All i see are celebs simping over men like Michael b Jordan or Chris Hemsworth. Henry Cavil as well.
Ok, let’s just agree to disagree. Vinnie himself has listed his slays on his second TikTok account before he was famous.
I didn't say vinnie is an incel with no success I only said he is not an example of peak sexual appeal to females like many kids here think
can you name some examples of that occurring. All i see are celebs simping over men like Michael b Jordan or Chris Hemsworth. Henry Cavil as well.
its a theory of mine obviously its going to be hard to substantiate
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one of my fuckbuddies got dm'ed by vinnie when she was modeling in tokyo. they met at a club and apparently hes a 5'7 manlet. tbh no clue how I bagged her.
get more info from her and make a thread on it
Ok, let’s just agree to disagree. Vinnie himself has listed his slays on his second TikTok account before he was famous.
How many did he slay?
Female gaze theory will tell you this is good enough or even ideal
View attachment 1942691
but the truth is that it is far from it, hear it straight from the horses mouth:
View attachment 1942690

the reason female gaze theory picked up so much traction is because it is the ideal for like long term relationships and also easier to achieve than what is required to be a ons slayer @VeryFuglyNiyguhs

irl these are like the guys doing all of the slaying
View attachment 1942695View attachment 1942696View attachment 1942699View attachment 1942705
Ah yes that youtube comment from an ugly roided incel larping as a girl proves your point 100%

I’m actually a trillionaire myself and I can confirm that girls only like brock lesnar lookalikes and no one else
Also as a professional psychologist myself I can confirm that you DON’T have autism, despite all the signs to the contrary
youtube comment
it lines up with my personal experiences and I'm not gonna like discard my personal experiences just because some incel on disagrees with me
Female gaze theory will tell you this is good enough or even ideal
View attachment 1942691
but the truth is that it is far from it, hear it straight from the horses mouth:
View attachment 1942690

the reason female gaze theory picked up so much traction is because it is the ideal for like long term relationships and also easier to achieve than what is required to be a ons slayer @VeryFuglyNiyguhs

irl these are like the guys doing all of the slaying
View attachment 1942695View attachment 1942696View attachment 1942699View attachment 1942705
Both are doing the slaying, but I agree the latter is more ideal, except the guy on the right, he's getting into the slightly uncanny territory
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Female gaze theory will tell you this is good enough or even ideal
View attachment 1942691
but the truth is that it is far from it, hear it straight from the horses mouth:
View attachment 1942690

the reason female gaze theory picked up so much traction is because it is the ideal for like long term relationships and also easier to achieve than what is required to be a ons slayer @VeryFuglyNiyguhs

irl these are like the guys doing all of the slaying
View attachment 1942695View attachment 1942696View attachment 1942699View attachment 1942705
Source on where the comment was made? Which video?

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