Don't Let Looksmaxxing Cost You Everything

No, I don't think so.

It's a textbook straw man argument. You're misrepresenting my position to make it easier to attack. I presented a range of experiences, and you chose to focus on the one that allows you to indulge in moral posturing.

This isn't a genuine discussion; it's a performance. You're not interested in understanding the argument; you're interested in being right.
Again, I am fine with everything you listed prior, I understand what you are saying and I agree with it I have been involved in this shit around as long as you have based on your join date perhaps even before you, and came to a similar conclusion as far as wasting time goes. Having said that there is a large range of things you can do in the name of being spontaneous and young I could fuck that same foid I kissed earlier, I could decide to buy an item on a menu I have never tried, those two things aren't remotely comparable for most people morally. The reason I say kissing a random bitch leads people to the same reasoning as engaging in casual sex is because 1 I have caught myself following that same reasoning when engaging in degenerate behavior, and 2 I have seen it first hand from others as well. Humans suck at drawing a cutoff point when you involve dopamine, you see this shit play out in drug use, gambling, and addictions, so logically when you include behaviors that are sexual or romantic in nature you end up running into similar issues.
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Crabs in a bucket.

Every user here that tries to justify rotting/looksmaxxing in their 20’s without enjoying any social activity will regret it big time in the future.

A good part of them are just too afraid to face their fears of social rejection, be it in dating or general friendship. They are mostly loners who have never had much success with socializing in general, and now cope with wanting to live up to some arbitrary ideal standard (be it in looks or any other metric) before finally being ‚allowed‘ to socialize.

The issue is that this idealistic goal is constantly shifting. Once they reach it, they will have a new standard to work towards to. This is how you get people in their 30‘s who ascended but still lack a proper social life.

In the end its just a cope. We as humans are meant to be social. It‘s a big part of what makes us successful as a species, and translates to a basic need like food and water.
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Again, I am fine with everything you listed prior, I understand what you are saying and I agree with it I have been involved in this shit around as long as you have based on your join date perhaps even before you, and came to a similar conclusion as far as wasting time goes. Having said that there is a large range of things you can do in the name of being spontaneous and young I could fuck that same foid I kissed earlier, I could decide to buy an item on a menu I have never tried, those two things aren't remotely comparable for most people morally. The reason I say kissing a random bitch leads people to the same reasoning as engaging in casual sex is because 1 I have caught myself following that same reasoning when engaging in degenerate behavior, and 2 I have seen it first hand from others as well. Humans suck at drawing a cutoff point when you involve dopamine, you see this shit play out in drug use, gambling, and addictions, so logically when you include behaviors that are sexual or romantic in nature you end up running into similar issues.
We seem to agree on the bigger picture: that wasting your youth obsessing over looks is a mistake. Perhaps we just differ on the specifics of what constitutes a "meaningful" experience.
really good and true post but I need to fix up first before enjoying life :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
Tbh I place no value on expierences. I don’t care if I want dopamine I can jerk off or watch tiktok.

I just want lookz. Don’t even care if I die virgin or whatever if I look good doing it
Tbh I place no value on expierences. I don’t care if I want dopamine I can jerk off or watch tiktok.

I just want lookz. Don’t even care if I die virgin or whatever if I look good doing it
I won't deny the pleasure of self-admiration.

But for me, the real power of good looks isn't about vanity. It's about social capital. It's about the way the world shifts around you.

It's a silent language, a subtle shift in the social landscape. Doors open effortlessly. Whispers follow you. Desires ignite. You become a living work of art, admired, coveted, and dreamed of.

It's about the dynamics of desire, the knowledge that you are desired, pursued, and ultimately, chosen.
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I won't deny the pleasure of self-admiration.

But for me, the real power of good looks isn't about vanity. It's about social capital. It's about the way the world shifts around you.

It's a silent language, a subtle shift in the social landscape. Doors open effortlessly. Whispers follow you. Desires ignite. You become a living work of art, admired, coveted, and dreamed of.

It's about the dynamics of desire, the knowledge that you are desired, pursued, and ultimately, chosen.
Oh, I don’t plan to interact with people in this lifetime beyond the minimum required to acquire substinance
wonder why the second guy gets with girls….water. wonder why the first guy isn’t at the party….not invited, water. Even if jeffery went, he’d get mogged to oblivion and sit there watching his adonis friends live out their teenage dream.
Soon enough this forum will go full whitepill philosophy which is something I have said for a while. You can looksmax all you want, but the issue is not you : it's this rotten society.
Trying to conform to its impossible standards and meaningless bullshit is only kicking the can down the road. Don't stop self improvement sure, but at some point just let go tbh and try to have an impact somewhere without needing to slay or whatever.
It's 10:00 PM on a Friday night.

Alex, is hunched over his computer, scrutinizing every pore in a dimly lit room, agonizing over his hairline. He's now on page 17 of the looksmaxxing subforum, meticulously planning his next routine, convinced that then, finally, he'll be ready to live.
View attachment 3229275

Meanwhile, Mark's on his fifth beer, belting out an off-key rendition of whatever song is blasting through the speakers, surrounded by friends. Two hours ago, he shared a spontaneous, sloppy kiss with a girl he met just minutes before. Tonight, he's just alive.

Which scene do you see yourself in? Which scene do you want to remember ten years from now?

We're all striving to improve, to reach our full potential. But while we're carefully crafting our routines, obsessing over every detail, something precious is slipping away: our youth. That raw, unfiltered energy, that sense of limitless possibility – it fades with time.

You simply cannot recreate the genuine spontaneity of your teens & early 20s when you’re older, no matter how good you look.

How many of us are postponing living until we reach some mythical "final form"?

We delay gratification, putting off experiences, relationships, and even simple joys.

We tell ourselves, "Once I fix this, then I'll be ready..." Then I'll go to that party. Then I'll ask that girl out. Then I'll finally enjoy my life.

But the reality is: that "end state" is a moving target. It can take years, even decades, to achieve. And what are we left with in the meantime? Regrets.

Billionaires, celebrities – they have everything, yet they reminisce about their youth. It's priceless.

Five years spent dissecting every flaw is five years lost. Take it from me. Years you could have spent building memories and experiencing life's freedoms.

View attachment 3229334

“But I’m too ugly!” Maybe. But will you regret missed experiences more than your looks in ten years? Staying up late with friends, first dates, road trips – these aren't just for Chads. Plenty of normal people experience them.

But let me be clear: this isn’t about abandoning self-improvement. It’s about balance.

Don't let looksmaxxing become an excuse for missing out on life.

Find your balance.
fucking brutal thread
i got 17 1 month ago and i have 11,6k posts
wtf am i doing here
  • JFL
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Don't let looksmaxxing become an excuse for missing out on life.
Missing out on life?
how tf you wanna live your life if you are ugly in the first place
sub5 goes to the party only to post on .is on his phone
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Degenerate? By whose standards? Going to a party, going on a road trip, having a first date, experiencing a first kiss – these are normal, healthy experiences
The side owner is a bluepiller
get chad or die trying
cope thread if you have big recession like me sadly tbh 😢
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Good post op, but It's impossible to enjoy parties while there is someone who takes all the attention of femoids and moggs you in all aspects :feelswhy:
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Reactions: gods lonely man, baldpumpkn and ShowerMaxxing
Go to any party, anywhere in the world. What percentage of people there do you think are perfectly non-recessed? This black-and-white thinking is ridiculous. Just because you're not a Chad doesn't mean you're incapable of having fun. Looksmaxxing is a means to an end, but it's not the only means.
Been to several parties most are HTN - Chadlite and MTNs are the invisible minority
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From what I've seen play out around me the ones who try to balance it fail miserably and fall into the degenerate hedonist pit where they lose all discipline. When one tries to hold onto two things at the same time, the one that is the easiest to hold onto is the one which shall remain. As for relationships every guy I know that went into one when young descended within a few years and lost all aspirations. Just due to me actively refraining from partying I look better than almost everyone from my previous class despite most of them mogging me just a few years prior. Everyone sacrifices something regardless, balance just means to sacrifice in both ends.
Soon enough this forum will go full whitepill philosophy which is something I have said for a while. You can looksmax all you want, but the issue is not you : it's this rotten society.
Trying to conform to its impossible standards and meaningless bullshit is only kicking the can down the road. Don't stop self improvement sure, but at some point just let go tbh and try to have an impact somewhere without needing to slay or whatever.
this is only true for giga ltn and subhumans
Missing out on life?
how tf you wanna live your life if you are ugly in the first place
sub5 goes to the party only to post on .is on his phone
my condolenced if you're subhuman
This is good advice

I got my jaw surgery. But still feel like I need a hair transplant before I start going out more and especially dating. Since now I cover up my thinning hair with dermatch and hair fibers
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I've seen this pattern countless times. The initial zeal, the obsession with optimization, the belief that looks will solve everything.

It's a phase. It burns hot, but it often burns out. Let's be honest, for many here, this forum is their social life. It's a substitute for the real-world connections they lack. We all need socialization, and this is where some find it.

Nobody would have thousands of posts here if their only goal was information gathering.

So, while some in this thread are quick to judge the guy enjoying his life as "actively deteriorating" or falling behind, let's be real. No one here, especially those living in complete isolation, has every single action perfectly aligned with optimal looksmaxxing.

We're not robots programmed for peak aesthetic achievement. We all cope, we all deviate, we all have our vices.

Five years from now, many of you will realize that incremental improvements in appearance haven't translated into meaningful changes in your life. You'll still be avoiding parties, still struggling with social interaction, still feeling isolated, despite having spent years "optimizing."

Don't fall into this trap. Find balance now.
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Reactions: gods lonely man
I understand your argument, but looks will always be above neurotransmitters or wealth looksmaxing is everything

a person's quality of life is based more on aesthetic factors
actually refreshing to see some sane perspective on this insane forum
Once you're softmaxxed (not being fat, not having pizza skin, & doing eyebrows), looksmaxxing is nothing but a cope.

The only "looksmaxxes" you can do from that point forward require surgery, which you need money for. Browsing these forums will not help you make money JFL. But we still browse these forums. Because it's the only place where you'll find people that aren't brainwashed normies, who will just dismiss your ideology and call you a crazy incel.

OP, your advice here is situational. If one is MTN+ with an average height and not autistic (or just white and tall), rotting here with the premise of waiting on "muh looksmax" is fucking retarded. I've had a white MTN friend who was a virgin loser at age 20 but ascended with a decent casual dating life. But I don't blame us LTNs and below for choosing to post here. It's the only community you'll find that will understand how hard it truly is.
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