Don't take aromatese inhibitors(arimidex/aromasin)

Estrogen helps with EVERYTHING in the body. It is neuroprotective, it protects your hair, it helps your sexual function, it aids in gaining muscle/burning fat, it aids in growing through IGF-1, and the list goes on.

When you are injecting testosterone, the "healthy" range for E2 doesn't apply to you. When testosterone is super high, the E2 should also go up according to it. Some say a 20:1 ratio is sufficient, and some say 10:1. But I doubt you will get regular blood tests and act according to it. I don't do it as well because it is expensive.

If you are lean, the conversion rate will be lower. You might get away with using a fair amount of testosterone without an AI. I think the MOST LOGICAL way of cycling with high testosterone is using raloxifene with it. Raloxifene will minimize the risk of gynecomastia and you won't inhibit any positive effects of estrogen.

I was on a 300+mg test with no AI. I was feeling like a beast and got noticeably more muscular. After getting some acne, I freaked out and popped Arimidex pills. I feel stupid and super weak right now. Currently waiting to recover from it. The question was also on my mind when I started the journey so I hope this helps someone.
A lot of people on here are heightmaxing and taking AIs to stop their plates from closing. Its an interesting subject because as you said, estrogen is neuroprotective and even aids in neurogenesis during puberty so it has the potential to literally skip certain aspects of brain development. That being said its an interesting subject and im not sure what the exact consequences or gains would be.
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I'm about to take Raloxifen to stunt my growth and help decrease the size of my gyno. Something that is scaring me is that Raloxifen could maybe harden my facial bone sutures thus fucking up my facepuller, mewing thumbpulling, Alf appliance and chewing project.. What do you think ?
Is the bone hardening because of raloxifen specifically? also the same mechanism that stops face bones from growing also fuses growth plates. Why not just take an AI?
I need to nuke estrogen tho if i take test to not close my growth plates
I would suggest you heightmax and only after your finished and happy with the results do you take test.
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You need to be megadosing asin to crash your e2 with a functioning HPTA. It's near impossible, you have to have a legit 60 IQ to crash it. Cope harder nigger. My cheekbones are literally projecting more and made me have incredible pumps at the gym.
if youre very lean (15-5% bf), take boron supplements and eat a bunch of raisins, take thyroid to boost metabolism, do sprints, exercise, basically do everything you can to lower estrogen as much as you can while taking AIs, your e2 will be almost nonexistent.

if you constantly force your body to do something, it will adapt due to neuroplasticity, itll probably take like a month tho
if youre very lean (15-5% bf), take boron supplements and eat a bunch of raisins, take thyroid to boost metabolism, do sprints, exercise, basically do everything you can to lower estrogen as much as you can while taking AIs, your e2 will be almost nonexistent.

if you constantly force your body to do something, it will adapt due to neuroplasticity, itll probably take like a month tho
U know he ain't doing allat right ? hé should just take small dose aromasin and hop on Mk and huperzine A bro
Is the bone hardening because of raloxifen specifically? also the same mechanism that stops face bones from growing also fuses growth plates. Why not just take an AI?
Cuz i would become an enderman i need to stunt my growth, because i'm gonna blast cjc and ipomarelin later in the future my growth plates have to be completly closed, however more clavicles and wrist growth will be ideal. So i'm gonna take a big dose of enclo for now hoping that the estrogen increase will fuse some growth plates but not all as i have 20 estrogen without taking anything idk why they didn't close yet..
Is the bone hardening because of raloxifen specifically? also the same mechanism that stops face bones from growing also fuses growth plates. Why not just take an AI?
I think so, the Raloxifen acts like estrogen on bones. It closes growth plates fairly easily in studies but idk how it influences facial bones as they don't grow with g plates but still are influenced by estrogen. And it also increases bone mineral density wich sound good but maybe with allat it'll just ruin my facepuller mewing thumbpulling Alf appliance and chewing project.. i need a genius from this forum to answer or it's ropefuel
is 1mg of arimidex a good amount to not nuke e2 but also keep it low?
if youre very lean (15-5% bf), take boron supplements and eat a bunch of raisins, take thyroid to boost metabolism, do sprints, exercise, basically do everything you can to lower estrogen as much as you can while taking AIs, your e2 will be almost nonexistent.

if you constantly force your body to do something, it will adapt due to neuroplasticity, itll probably take like a month tho
Yeah bro, you can achieve the same reduction in your estrogen and estradiol levels just by sprinting, instead of taking a drug that is specifically engineered to combat breast cancer, which is coincidentally caused by supraphysiological estrogen levels.
Yeah bro, you can achieve the same reduction in your estrogen and estradiol levels just by sprinting, instead of taking a drug that is specifically engineered to combat breast cancer, which is coincidentally caused by supraphysiological estrogen levels.
bro no you can’t hahahaha, aromasin moggs any other method for inhibiting aromatase
Cuz i would become an enderman i need to stunt my growth, because i'm gonna blast cjc and ipomarelin later in the future my growth plates have to be completly closed, however more clavicles and wrist growth will be ideal. So i'm gonna take a big dose of enclo for now hoping that the estrogen increase will fuse some growth plates but not all as i have 20 estrogen without taking anything idk why they didn't close yet..
what the hell bro what is the point of this. im guessing your really tall and want to improve your frame with those peptides but without gaining any more height?
what the hell bro what is the point of this. im guessing your really tall and want to improve your frame with those peptides but without gaining any more height?
Exactly bro
Exactly bro
if you try to close your plates my promoting high estrogen, you wont be controlling which plates fuse. The clavicle bone for example fuses around the same time as the spine stops growing. Your use of peptides / raloxifen wont necessarily give you a wider frame because it may just fuse all your bones, of which case you wont have any way to improve your bone frame. I would suggest you just leave the peptides out ( as they may also give you more height which you say you dont want ) and just framemax with androgens that promote muscle growth. If you gain the right muscle in the right areas it will improve your frame. Also peptides dont have any targeted growth whereas testosterone for example will specifically make your shoulders wider if those bones havent stopped growing. If you want, i have a framemaxing group on telegram, you can pm me @ officialmatt and ill throw u an invite.
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You need to be megadosing asin to crash your e2 with a functioning HPTA. It's near impossible, you have to have a legit 60 IQ to crash it. Cope harder nigger. My cheekbones are literally projecting more and made me have incredible pumps at the gym.
How did you get your cheekbones to project lmao with just Aromasin? What’d you use with it?
estrogen is a poison, it should be nuked immediately in the body

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