Dont worry we're all gnna make it

Girl 23 white, basic looking average body 6/10 face. She said she lost her virginity at 22, but since has gone on a "ho phase" since losing her virginity 8 months ago and had sex with 19 guys in that 8 months

I asked her " do u think thats a lot of guys in that time period?" She laughed and said for her group of friends its pretty middle of the road
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  • JFL
Reactions: the next o'pry, RAITEIII, Deleted member 2846 and 2 others
Girl 23 white, basic looking average body 6/10 face. She said she lost her virginity at 22, but since has gone on a "ho phase" since losing her virginity 8 months ago and had sex with 19 guys in that 8 months

I asked her " do u think thats a lot of guys in that time period?" She laughed and said for her group of friends its pretty middle of the road
Does slaying lose its spark after doing it so much? and do you ever plan to settle down with hot girl if she is loyal/not a slut in the future or do u plan on just slaying for life?
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Does slaying lose its spark after doing it so much? and do you ever plan to settle down with hot girl if she is loyal/not a slut in the future or do u plan on just slaying for life?
yeah its boring af, Im doing a no sex month this month. Video games and junk food and porn and shitposting is more enjoyable than slaying, the validation high isnt even there anymore
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 3043, RAITEIII, Peachy and 6 others
Thank you @Amnesia this has been the greatest blackpill I will ever get
  • Woah
Reactions: Kingkellz
@Kingkellz smh the rampant state of degeneracy in 2020
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl and Kingkellz
yeah its boring af, Im doing a no sex month this month. Video games and junk food and porn and shitposting is more enjoyable than slaying, the validation high isnt even there anymore
do u see ur self ever getting into a LTR if it was a supremely loyal hot girl or does slaying always mog?
do u see ur self ever getting into a LTR if it was a supremely loyal hot girl or does slaying always mog?
No, Im way too autistic and introverted to be able to maintain a relationship. Before I surgerymaxxed and slayed I was a total loner but really enjoyed it. I am naturally reverting back into my shell cause that's just how I am wired, I really do like just rotting
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Kade, EthnicelAscension, Deleted member 2846 and 3 others
Girl 23 white, basic looking average body 6/10 face. She said she lost her virginity at 22, but since has gone on a "ho phase" since losing her virginity 8 months ago and had sex with 19 guys in that 8 months

I asked her " do u think thats a lot of guys in that time period?" She laughed and said for her group of friends its pretty middle of the road
Its so over for men trying to find a good woman to settle down with and make a family with, its so over.
@Kingkellz smh the rampant state of degeneracy in 2020
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl, EthnicelAscension and Kingkellz
Theres no way she admitted to fucking 25 guys.
I said I wouldn't judge (I did judge)
Just loling at all the purple pilled mgtows out there who always go on about how they want a slavic wife cuz they're traditional unlike western women :lul:
If anything they're worse
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy
Giphy 33

me reading this entire thread, hoping that the west truly isn't this fucked.
@Amnesia What are your stats? PSL rating and height? Would you consider yourself NT and socially charismatic?
This shit is just ragefuel tbh. Fuck fairytales making me think girls were innocent, fuck being ugly, fuck everything man. My parents raised me to be such an innocent pure kid expecting the world to be nice. If I ever have a son I'm just telling him all women are whores from the get go so he doesn't have to learn the hard way.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5143, TsarTsar444, Deleted member 245 and 1 other person
what the fuck. just read all your comments @Amnesia, i would consider myself blackpilled but this shit seems so insane it’s like a larp. what are your thoughts on the modern woman?
  • +1
Reactions: LordGodcat
You need to send me a profile of each of these females in your posts with pictures of their body. I really do enjoy erotic non-fiction stories like these. I will give you a rep if you do.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1553, DidntRead, stuckneworleans and 2 others
@Amnesia u gonna get on the discord bruv?
any hole's a goal
Holy shit bro, you sound exactly like my cousin, he's 24 and has a lay count is low 30s, he's slightly above average looking and above average height, low inhibmaxxe and NT as fuck.
Pics? If not just fraud larper
U aint the real amnesia you little faggot and you know it, you just using his reputation
  • Woah
Reactions: LordGodcat
This shit is just ragefuel tbh. Fuck fairytales making me think girls were innocent, fuck being ugly, fuck everything man. My parents raised me to be such an innocent pure kid expecting the world to be nice. If I ever have a son I'm just telling him all women are whores from the get go so he doesn't have to learn the hard way.
Same feelings man.
all read like larps

met 2 virgins off tinder as a 35 year old?

lmao ok mate
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2733, thickdickdaddy27, Deleted member 4430 and 2 others
post physique
I really do hope this is all a larp, for my sanity.

the ones i read didnt even sound slutty at all but ye, this guy isnt getting laid
  • +1
Reactions: thickdickdaddy27 and LordGodcat
Did you have an account on reddit amnesia_truerateme?
Thanks for my daily dose of hate bro
No, we're def not

I always ask girls I sleep with redpill related questions post fuck and we're just chatting. I feel this is a good time since guards are down they're feeling good from the post sex, etc. I usually first tell them a story about some sexual conquest of mine (real of fake or exaggerated doesnt matter) so that they feel comfortable opening up.. The last few girls I asked what the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

Are you guys ready for some redpills?
I knew post sex was the best time to ask anything lol. But I'd rather not know certain things lol
  • +1
Reactions: Unbound
BTW it's hard for me to believe that u have barely had 8 lays at 30
all read like larps

met 2 virgins off tinder as a 35 year old?

lmao ok mate
Cope. My last gf admitted she fucked a 29yo when she was 17. Plenty of virgins around that age. Amnesia most likely mogs that 29yo to oblivion aswell so it's plausible.
all read like larps

met 2 virgins off tinder as a 35 year old?

lmao ok mate
I'm only 31 not 35 and have my age set as 24 on TInder. But with that said I am just as surprised as you that there are still virgins out there and even more surprised they are using Tinder/Bumble.

Why larps? These stories aren't even that outrageous in my view
BTW it's hard for me to believe that u have barely had 8 lays at 30
Well given I am a super introvert with no friends and self employed and worked ffrom home the only time Id leave my house and interact with any human beings is the grocery store or gym
Did you have an account on reddit amnesia_truerateme?
No, thats an impostor
I knew post sex was the best time to ask anything lol. But I'd rather not know certain things lol

It helps me never ever catch feelings if I learn how slutty she is
Pics? If not just fraud larper
U aint the real amnesia you little faggot and you know it, you just using his reputation
I confirmed I am the real amnesia on lookism
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  • Woah
Reactions: RAITEIII
wish i didn't read this thread
all read like larps

met 2 virgins off tinder as a 35 year old?

lmao ok mate
literally stopped reading a word at that point. ridiculous jfl
This fucking Chad lives in my head rent fuking free.
Knowing what he gets on daily basis I cannot even dream about, make some fuckin resentfull and fucking angry.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
It's over for the west

Fuark I got a hard boner reading all these
Another, 26 white girl like 7/10 face, body was very hourglass huge booty.

Said she and her Tinder date were sharing an Uber ride home, the Uber dropped him off first she hugged him goodbye and then noticed her Uber driver was very gl started taking and flirting with him and ended up inviting him into her apartment when they got to her place and she fucked him after inviting him in. She even laughed about her TInder date having paid for the Uber ride home and the 100 dollar dinner yet he didnt get any action out of it

At 18 it was 2, but 1 was a hooker, and my lay count was 8 all the way up till last yr when I banged about 50 girls since 2019
Arent you 30yo or smth? So you only banged 8 Girls in 10 years in your twenties?
Do you meet all from tinder, mr chad?
Imagine not cumming inside whores and just using them for their holes, beyond me how u can believe anything they say, I just go into limbo when they speak till I fuck again till it dies out, it just gets tiring having to chime in every now and then to remind her I’m not her boyfriend
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I legit fucked 2 virgins off it, like legit broke their hymeen and bled all over my bed and them crying level of virginess. But then again they lost their virginity to some PSL autist off Tinder, so I guess that makes them a sut anyway. Kinda a paradox
you do realize there's a high probability you fucked 15 year olds who larped as over 18

:forcedsmile: :feelsgood::love:

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