Dravidian mogger bumble experiment results UK

He was scared to offend them. Cancelculture
I donā€™t think he was, this was over 10 years ago. I guess he just liked them because they were beneficial to him. If he started saying things against them then it would have affected his income. Keep in mind he was a giga degenerate American so he would have problem with gays. He used to say back in his time, school showers were mandatory so everyone at his school knew he had a big dick (he was 8ā€ x 6.75ā€) with some women even refusing to have sex with him after seeing it. He said it helped with his confidence, the reputation he got for having a really big dick.
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I donā€™t think he was, this was over 10 years ago. I guess he just liked them because they were beneficial to him. If he started saying things against them then it would have affected his income. Keep in mind he was a giga degenerate American so he would have problem with gays.
Of course, someone who accepts gay people will not shy away from any other degeneration.
He used to say back in his time, school showers were mandatory so everyone at his school knew he had a big dick (he was 8ā€ x 6.75ā€) with some women even refusing to have sex with him after seeing it. He said it helped with his confidence, the reputation he got for having a really big dick.
Brutal girth pill. 6.75" is almost mutation tier.
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
Of course, someone who accepts gay people will not shy away from any other degeneration.
Exactly. He said that he found it incredibly weird that straight guys in porn were getting pegged in their newer scenes, JFL.
Brutal girth pill. 6.75" is almost mutation tier.
Yeah his girth was insane, he was the thickest guy in porn 10 years ago, even according to other porn stars. He actually claimed to be 7ā€ x 6.75ā€ but I think he just gave his non-bone-pressed number since it looks easily like 8ā€ BP. His dick was basically like a fleshy Coca Cola can. šŸ˜‚
  • +1
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That guy is a LTN. What is this gaslighting pretending otherwise
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21661
That guy is a LTN. What is this gaslighting pretending otherwise
With a user title like that we canā€™t take you seriously. I know for a fact he mogs most south Asians here.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Razeb
With a user title like that we canā€™t take you seriously. I know for a fact he mogs most south Asians here.
This is an incel forum, so that doesn't mean shit. That's not what a "Dravidian" chad looks like and I've seen quite a few on tiktok. Ryanjt2 looks much better than him, as does my boy @rand anon

As does Sri Lankan (Sinhalese?) oldcel mogger Denham Ravi

That dude in the experiments is a LTN Dravidian meaning it was over before it ever began
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21661 and rand anon
Exactly. He said that he found it incredibly weird that straight guys in porn were getting pegged in their newer scenes, JFL.
He does not want plastic he wants real flesh? JFL
Yeah his girth was insane, he was the thickest guy in porn 10 years ago, even according to other porn stars. He actually claimed to be 7ā€ x 6.75ā€ but I think he just gave his non-bone-pressed number since it looks easily like 8ā€ BP. His dick was basically like a fleshy Coca Cola can. šŸ˜‚
What is his name?
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
This is an incel forum, so that doesn't mean shit. That's not what a "Dravidian" chad looks like and I've seen quite a few on tiktok. Ryanjt2 looks much better than him, as does my boy @rand anon

As does Sri Lankan (Sinhalese?) oldcel mogger Denham Ravi

That dude in the experiments is a LTN Dravidian meaning it was over before it ever began

First guy is a prettyboy but the oldcel in the second gets mogged by the OP.
He does not want plastic he wants real flesh? JFL
No he was just saying it is weird how straight actors were now getting pegged, it was a ā€œwtf?ā€ moment for him.
What is his name?
Billy Glide. I know youā€™re gonna look him up so let me know what you think when you see his cock, JFL.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
First guy is a prettyboy but the oldcel in the second gets mogged by the OP.
OP is not mogging shit JFL the kind of girls that like the oldcel Sinhalese(Dravidian) guy is 1000x better than any bitch that would go for the Dravidian in the OP. You're blind or delusional, you have no idea how aesthetics work. The 1st guy is nothing more than a MTN but in reality he's capped to LTN
No he was just saying it is weird how straight actors were now getting pegged, it was a ā€œwtf?ā€ moment for him.
If a pornactor finds something weird, than you know society has reached its limits.
Billy Glide. I know youā€™re gonna look him up so let me know what you think when you see his cock, JFL.
JFL You got me. But i only wanted to see his face, not penis. So cockologist what rating would you give?
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
OP is not mogging shit JFL the kind of girls that like the oldcel Sinhalese(Dravidian) guy is 1000x better than any bitch that would go for the Dravidian in the OP. You're blind or delusional, you have no idea how aesthetics work. The 1st guy is nothing more than a MTN but in reality he's capped to LTN
If you think the oldcel mogs the guy in OP itā€™s not me who is delusional itā€™s simply just you. You canā€™t tell me the older guy mogs him?
Dark ethnic falio
muslim falio
not 6 feet falio
If a pornactor finds something weird, than you know society has reached its limits.
And that was 10 years ago. šŸ¤£
JFL You got me. But i only wanted to see his face, not penis. So cockologist what rating would you give?
Rating for what exactly? Iā€™ll show you his face. Brb.

He was 6ā€™2ā€. With 2362 titles in total. This dude fucked. A lot.


To compare, the biggest slayer here has 300+ bodies.



  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Absolute chad facial aesthetics imo. I didn't think he'd be failod by being dravidian that much so I gave him a couple of failos because I actually thought he was going to do 'too good' on OLD JFL (how wrong I was). These were his stats
  • Age 28
  • Ethnic name + Muslim
  • 5'10
  • Location failo up north away from city
  • Nearly blank profile

View attachment 2230080
View attachment 2230083

2 likes in 24hrs. Likely LTBs as they were between ages 26-30. Maybe a couple more if height and locationmaxxed at best. But that's not saying much...
View attachment 2230101

Mogs me I got 0 in 72 hours. Expected way more for him. If this is the best, a 0.1% Dravidian can do it's absolutely over. There is really no point in looksmaxxing to even bother looking like this. Curry tax in UK is too much, I don't think being light skin helps either, it only helps with other ethnic foids at best.

Used mogger I found from @emeraldglass

Tagging random users from thread
@rand anon
Welcome to britian, where men who would get 90 likes on 24 hours in any other place get 3 in 24 hours in Bristshitland

Gods I hate this island I feel I was put here as a punishment I despise it so much
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
And that was 10 years ago. šŸ¤£
JFL we done for.
Rating for what exactly? Iā€™ll show you his face. Brb.
rating for the
film vintage GIF

He was 6ā€™2ā€. With 2362 titles in total. This dude fucked. A lot.

View attachment 2230428
Not good looking at all, i swear he looks gay.
To compare, the biggest slayer here has 300+ bodies.

Length almost same like me, but girth is big, foid cant even wrap here whole hand around it
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
JFL we done for.
Itā€™s only getting worse. We now have new tranny laws in the Netherlands. Did you know?
rating for the
My verdict? Too big. Itā€™s definitely a thing and he said so himself.
Not good looking at all, i swear he looks gay.
Yeah but he does look masculine at least, so heā€™s dimorphic at least.
Length almost same like me, but girth is big, foid cant even wrap here whole hand around it
Yeah I know youā€™re also 20 cm / 7.87ā€ minimum or you were 22 cm / 8.66ā€. His girth is insane yeah. Makes it hard to have regular sex. Makes sense he went into porn so he could use it anyway with no holds barred.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
those are shit pics to use on tinder bro
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21661
Itā€™s only getting worse. We now have new tranny laws in the Netherlands. Did you know?
WTF did not know that. What kind of law?
My verdict? Too big. Itā€™s definitely a thing and he said so himself.
Yeah I am not surprised that women refused him. Would be like sticking a sledgehammer inside the eye of a needle.
Yeah but he does look masculine at least, so heā€™s dimorphic at least.
yes, and he also has that 2008 haircut it seems.
Yeah I know youā€™re also 20 cm / 7.87ā€ minimum or you were 22 cm / 8.66ā€. His girth is insane yeah. Makes it hard to have regular sex. Makes sense he went into porn so he could use it anyway with no holds barred.
No i am 7.5" non bone pressed. 19cm and 5.5" inch girth 14cm if i had almost 9 inch it would be an even bigger pain in the ass.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
WTF did not know that. What kind of law?

Here it speaks about it in detail.
Yeah I am not surprised that women refused him. Would be like sticking a sledgehammer inside the eye of a needle.
Exactly. Itā€™s not something you can take on a daily basis. Iā€™m sure they get sore for a few days. Not ideal for anyone.

yes, and he also has that 2008 haircut it seems.
Picture probably got taken around that time so yes hahaha.

No i am 7.5" non bone pressed. 19cm and 5.5" inch girth 14cm if i had almost 9 inch it would be an even bigger pain in the ass.
Non-bone-pressed measurement is cope bhai, you need to give bone-pressed measurement. Itā€™s not about how much you can use during sex but for scientific reasons, you have to measure it BP. I think probably, since youā€™re gymmaxxed, 19.5 cm - 19.75 cm bone-pressed, which is 7.68ā€ - 7.78ā€ BP. I think you can claim 8ā€ BP (20.32 cm) at that point. Is your girth measurement midshaft or base? Sometimes base can be larger than midshaft. Or vice versa. Depends on person by person.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
@emeraldglass @TRUE_CEL why are you both talking about gay porn, gay dudes and their dicks?
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist and emeraldglass
Dravidian mogger sounds oxymoronic

Here it speaks about it in detail.
Een tweede belangrijke wijziging heeft betrekking op de leeftijdgrens. In de nieuwe wet mogen jongeren onder de 16 jaar ook hun geslachtsregistratie laten wijzigen. Dat kan nu niet. Wel staat in de wet dat kinderen hiervoor eerst langs de rechter moeten.

the walking dead smh GIF

@MoggerGaston @Gargantuan @Alexanderr @Nebula
Exactly. Itā€™s not something you can take on a daily basis. Iā€™m sure they get sore for a few days. Not ideal for anyone.
safe for kate crushing GIF

Picture probably got taken around that time so yes hahaha.
I miss those days man.
Non-bone-pressed measurement is cope bhai, you need to give bone-pressed measurement. Itā€™s not about how much you can use during sex but for scientific reasons, you have to measure it BP. I think probably, since youā€™re gymmaxxed, 19.5 cm - 19.75 cm bone-pressed, which is 7.68ā€ - 7.78ā€ BP. I think you can claim 8ā€ BP (20.32 cm) at that point. Is your girth measurement midshaft or base? Sometimes base can be larger than midshaft. Or vice versa. Depends on person by person.
Girth is measured at my midshaft, my base is slightly bigger.
  • JFL
Reactions: Nebula, MoggerGaston and Michael Myers
onder de 16 jaar
Het is echt bizar. 18+ zou ik nog kunnen begrijpen. Nou ja, 25+ want volgens mensen is je brein pas volgroeid op die leeftijd. Blijkbaar willen linkse mensen alleen maar leeftijd als argument gebruiken als het hun agenda alleen maar bevordert. En JFL @ die tweede .GIF.
I miss those days man.
Good days indeed bhai.
Girth is measured at my midshaft, my base is slightly bigger.
Whatā€™s your base girth? You should go with that number instead. Itā€™s about the biggest point, so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s midshaft or base girth.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Een tweede belangrijke wijziging heeft betrekking op de leeftijdgrens. In de nieuwe wet mogen jongeren onder de 16 jaar ook hun geslachtsregistratie laten wijzigen. Dat kan nu niet. Wel staat in de wet dat kinderen hiervoor eerst langs de rechter moeten.

the walking dead smh GIF

@MoggerGaston @Gargantuan @Alexanderr @Nebula

safe for kate crushing GIF

I miss those days man.

Girth is measured at my midshaft, my base is slightly bigger.

Ik ga mijn leeftijd laten veranderen. Als geslacht kan, waarom niet leeftijd?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Nebula, emeraldglass and Michael Myers

Ik ga mijn leeftijd laten veranderen. Als geslacht kan, waarom niet leeftijd?
Goed punt. Je bent transtijd: je identificeert jezelf als 15 jaar jonger.
  • Love it
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Nebula, MoggerGaston and emeraldglass
Het is echt bizar. 18+ zou ik nog kunnen begrijpen. Nou ja, 25+ want volgens mensen is je brein pas volgroeid op die leeftijd. Blijkbaar willen linkse mensen alleen maar leeftijd als argument gebruiken als het hun agenda alleen maar bevordert. En JFL @ die tweede .GIF.
Inderdaad, meten met twee maten en gewichten. Politiekers hebben sowieso nooit het beste voor met het volk, welke individu met een normale rationele denkwijze zou dit goedkeuren.
Good days indeed bhai.
Nostalgic feelings hit hard.
Whatā€™s your base girth? You should go with that number instead. Itā€™s about the biggest point, so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s midshaft or base girth.
5.90" 15cm so in your opinion i should claim 8"X5.90" from now on?
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers

Ik ga mijn leeftijd laten veranderen. Als geslacht kan, waarom niet leeftijd?
Ik zou er niet versteld van staan als dit binnen een paar jaar ook gewoon kan. Niks is gek genoeg deze tijd.
  • Love it
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Goed punt. Je bent transtijd: je identificeert jezelf als 15 jaar jonger.
'Nee edelachtbare, ik ben geen pedo. Ik identificeer mij namelijk als 8-jarige, even oud als de meisjes in kwestie in deze zaak'

  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers and emeraldglass
Ik zou er niet versteld van staan als dit binnen een paar jaar ook gewoon kan. Niks is gek genoeg deze tijd.
Naja in het einde ben zo oud als je eruit ziet. Leeftijd is sws makkelijk om over te liegen. Ik zeg tegen mensen dat ik 23 ben, is wat het is.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers and emeraldglass
Inderdaad, meten met twee maten en gewichten. Politiekers hebben sowieso nooit het beste voor met het volk, welke individu met een normale rationele denkwijze zou dit goedkeuren.
Wij zijn buitenlanders, laten we weer stoppen met ABN a sahbi.
Nostalgic feelings hit hard.
My best years were 2009 - 2010.
5.90" 15cm so in your opinion i should claim 8"X5.90" from now on?
Yes bhai. Alternatively 8ā€ x 6ā€, the perfect size according to many delusional dickmaxxers.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
'Nee edelachtbare, ik ben geen pedo. Ik identificeer mij namelijk als 8-jarige, even oud als de meisjes in kwestie in deze zaak'

Ik wilde nog grappig doen met 14 jarigen maar jij wint. ā˜ ļø
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: emeraldglass and MoggerGaston
5.90" 15cm so in your opinion i should claim 8"X5.90" from now on?
let me jump on the dick train

detail all the problems and uncomforbal-ities caused by this.
Ik wilde nog grappig doen met 14 jarigen maar jij wint. ā˜ ļø
14-jarigen zou sws niet illegaal moeten zijn naar mijn mening. Dus vandaar maakte ik er 8 van. Wel een leeftijd waar iedereen op dit forum het ook over eens is dat het niet gezond is :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
Naja in het einde ben zo oud als je eruit ziet. Leeftijd is sws makkelijk om over te liegen. Ik zeg tegen mensen dat ik 23 ben, is wat het is.
Klopt, het is sowieso geen probleem zolang de persoon geen oude zak is die het wil doen met niet-puberale kinderen. Iemand die 30 is en er uit ziet als iemand van 24 is geen probleem.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers and MoggerGaston
14-jarigen zou sws niet illegaal moeten zijn naar mijn mening. Dus vandaar maakte ik er 8 van.
Ik vind het altijd grappig wanneer tieners ā€œkinderenā€ worden genoemd. Vooral als deze 14 jarige ā€œkinderenā€ al gangbangs hebben op school. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Meeste ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ zijn eigenlijk 17 jarigen. Brengt een compleet ander beeld op, je zou denken dat het 10 jarigen waren hoe ze het ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ noemen.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Naja in het einde ben zo oud als je eruit ziet. Leeftijd is sws makkelijk om over te liegen. Ik zeg tegen mensen dat ik 23 ben, is wat het is.
Hoe oud ben je ook alweer?
Klopt, het is sowieso geen probleem zolang de persoon geen oude zak is die het wil doen met niet-puberale kinderen. Iemand die 30 is en er uit ziet als iemand van 24 is geen probleem.
Naar mijn mening zijn diegene in de prepuberteit kinderen, zodra je de puberteit in gaat ben je geen kind meer in mijn ogen. Ook geen volwassen persoon, maar zeker geen kind. Ergens tussenin. Tiener dus.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Ik vind het altijd grappig wanneer tieners ā€œkinderenā€ worden genoemd. Vooral als deze 14 jarige ā€œkinderenā€ al gangbangs hebben op school. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Meeste ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ zijn eigenlijk 17 jarigen. Brengt een compleet ander beeld op, je zou denken dat het 10 jarigen waren hoe ze het ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ noemen.
Jah daarom.

De 'echte' pedos willen 4-8 jarigen. Echte kinderen die niet vruchtbaar zijn en 0 secundaire geslachtskenmerken hebben.

Maar 14-jarigen kunnen echt al heel ontwikkeld zijn qua lichaam, en zijn ook al jaren vruchtbaar etc. Dat is gewoon natuur.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass and Michael Myers
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
Hoe oud ben je ook alweer?

maar ik heb dus weinig sociale/romantische ervaring voor mijn leeftijd, en ik ben ook nog student.

Dus als ik mijn echte leeftijd zeg hebben mensen meteen veel verwachtingen en vooroordelen tbh. En daar heb ik gewoon geen zin in, vooral als ik uberhaupt amper met die persoon omga. Dan wil ik helemaal niet dieper op mijn leven in gaan en de hoe en wat.

Dan wordt mijn leeftijd+mijn situatie meteen het middelpunt van de belangstelling en daar heb ik geen zin in als ik iemand voor het eerst leer kennen etc.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers and emeraldglass
Jah daarom.

De 'echte' pedos willen 4-8 jarigen. Echte kinderen die niet vruchtbaar zijn en 0 secundaire geslachtskenmerken hebben.

Maar 14-jarigen kunnen echt al heel ontwikkeld zijn qua lichaam, en zijn ook al jaren vruchtbaar etc. Dat is gewoon natuur.
Je hebt gelijk. Het is wellicht een controversiĆ«le mening maar ik vind dat je het niet verkeerd hebt. Een lid van de koninklijke familie van Nederland ā€œbestrijdtā€ ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ wereldwijd. Met succes. Landen die 16 jaar als het minimum hadden gezet, hebben het verhoogd naar 18. JFL.
  • So Sad
  • Woah
Reactions: emeraldglass and MoggerGaston
Mine was 2006
I was in groep 6 / 4th grade at the time.
Those numbers are only good for sizequeens. You wil stretch her pussy loose with 6" girth.
Thatā€™s true. 8ā€ x 6ā€ is seen as ideal by men but theyā€™re delusional. Most women canā€™t take that and if they can itā€™s gonna limit your sex life a lot. Guys with 5.5ā€ girth already claim their partners get sore even with tons of lube. Now imagine 6ā€ girth. Even 0.1ā€ makes all the difference.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Je hebt gelijk. Het is wellicht een controversiĆ«le mening maar ik vind dat je het niet verkeerd hebt. Een lid van de koninklijke familie van Nederland ā€œbestrijdtā€ ā€œkinderhuwelijkenā€ wereldwijd. Met succes. Landen die 16 jaar als het minimum hadden gezet, hebben het verhoogd naar 18. JFL.
Ik vind het niet vreemd of slecht dat mensen vraagtekens hebben bij grote leeftijdsverschillen in (seksuele) relaties. En dat vies vinden of proberen te voorkomen.

Maar dat moet je niet wettelijk illegaal maken en met die wetten gaan straffen. Maar gewoon aan de cultuur/samenleving/mensen overlaten.

Overheid will perse overal 100% bemoeienis en alles bepalen. Daar walg ik van. Geef mensen vrijheid hun eigen leven in te richten.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass and Michael Myers

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