Dream is average, yet people are acting like he's a subhuman

Who the fuck is this guy lmao?
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Be honest with yourself, he's no chad but he's not a subhuman either. Fucking brutal, the responses of everyone calling him ugly is blackpilling af. Apparently you need to be a supermodel nowadays. It's over.

I've been saying that he's clearly not ugly just not attractive either
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Did anyone notice how weird his speech was? He was looking at the camera all the time at 3/4rd angle, trying to use an angle that best shows off his face. He knew a shitstorm was brewing and probably practiced the right speech, right angle for months. He couldn't afford to look a tiny bit subhuman. That's why he seems so weird speaking. He doesn't even look straight at the camera.
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Did anyone notice how weird his speech was? He was looking at the camera all the time at 3/4rd angle, trying to use an angle that best shows off his face. He knew a shitstorm was brewing and probably practiced the right speech, right angle for months. He couldn't afford to look a tiny bit subhuman. That's why he seems so weird speaking. He doesn't even look straight at the camera.
Yeah, he knew what would happen. how could any normal person survive being called ugly by a million people on the internet. At least he has a ton of friends calling him attractive though, and he can still get a gf honestly. But now I doubt CorpseHusband will do a face reveal.
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he got jaw angle implants

i designed his implants back in ‘21
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I think his problem is that his lower third is large, but his midface (nose mainly) and eyes are faggy, so it fucks up the harmony.

He'd look very masculine if he had a more forward grown forehead and a forward but flatter maxilla

i hate people
Statusmogs 99.9% of humans that ever existed and still gets plastic surgery
Because of his fat loss he looks like a serial killer wearing some one elses face. It's a subtle but it's gross.

Then you add his fake looking doll like hair, rosey complextion, and general demeanor and he looks like the cross between a possessed doll and a re-animated corpse.

I have no clue who this person is, but that is disturbing.
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Honestly, the guy was a total moron for doing a face reveal. He should have remained anonymous forever if he knew he was normie / above average and not AT LEAST Chadlite.
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His rosy, pink complexion with reddish eyes screams "incel faggot" vibes.
He should have tanmaxxed and hopped on a course of Melanotan2 to get rid of that beta white boy look.
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why the actual fuck does a random anonymous minecraft YouTuber have 30 MILLION subscribers? what the fuck is so special about minecraft, isn't it a fucking children's game from the 2000s? what the fuck
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looks like a turbo uncanny jaw implant btw
Yeah, he knew what would happen. how could any normal person survive being called ugly by a million people on the internet. At least he has a ton of friends calling him attractive though, and he can still get a gf honestly. But now I doubt CorpseHusband will do a face reveal.
Someone found pic of CorpseHusband, he was ugly as shit.
I honestly expected him to be uglier.
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People who hide something only draw negative attention to whatever they are hiding. It's the same with Tim Pool and his hat/baldness. If Dream had always streamed his face he would just be seen a normie with a ton of money and would get positive feedback for looking the exact same way.
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What is with all the mayocels in this thread pretending that dream is even average? Dream is a 4 at best, carried 99% by status halo. This is a huge blow to JBW copers imo. Status is everything for dream
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Jerma is my favorite mayo. He mogs dream to death
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  • JFL
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He is average. It’s the fact that he waited to long to do a face reveal that cucked him. All that anticipation for him to be your average normie is just disheartening to people.

What do you expect gonna happen of people discover that CorpseHusband is anything below Chadlite??
  • +1
Reactions: Slob, ErbCel and noodlelover
Be honest with yourself, he's no chad but he's not a subhuman either. Fucking brutal, the responses of everyone calling him ugly is blackpilling af. Apparently you need to be a supermodel nowadays. It's over.

Retard, they’re calling him ugly because of his controveries with racism and shit. The only way he could’ve gotten away with that is by being legit psl chad.

Jfl guys learn how the world works already
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Honestly, the guy was a total moron for doing a face reveal. He should have remained anonymous forever if he knew he was normie / above average and not AT LEAST Chadlite.
nah it's his own fault. dude was hyping it up and talking cryptically like it was a damn album release. And then he got his friends to face time him and record their reactions, made people wait so long after announcing it. He has normie friends in the same profession who do not get crap for their looks...the dude started to get narcy too with all his friends reactions...idk what he was expecting.
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Reactions: ErbCel and noodlelover
Retard, they’re calling him ugly because of his controveries with racism and shit. The only way he could’ve gotten away with that is by being legit psl chad.

Jfl guys learn how the world works already
they're calling him ugly because he's ogre as fuck 💀
why the actual fuck does a random anonymous minecraft YouTuber have 30 MILLION subscribers? what the fuck is so special about minecraft, isn't it a fucking children's game from the 2000s? what the fuck
Are you an out of touch boomer?
Are you an out of touch boomer?
no but what the fuck are you playing that shit for for decades? how is that shit entertaining? do you not get bored? fucking retards
go and play sims while you're at it
Retard, they’re calling him ugly because of his controveries with racism and shit. The only way he could’ve gotten away with that is by being legit psl chad.

Jfl guys learn how the world works already
I actually didn't know about the controversies but now it makes perfect sense.

I was utterly shocked to see people calling him ugly when he is a solid solid MTN 5-5.5/10. But yeah only way he could've gotten away with it all was by being a PSL chad à la Meeks
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  • +1
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they're calling him ugly because he's ogre as fuck 💀
He looks like any other guy you’ll see walking around outside. He’s not at all good looking and he’s not at all ugly, saying otherwise is obvious cope

They’re calling him ugly because he’s a controversial figure, it has 0% to do with his face. If he was a mr. rogers type then people would be virtue signalling calling him gl even though he’s not. It’s not any more complicated than that.
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The Guy is far from ugly, I already gave up
Looking through #dreamwastaken on twitter and god damn this is brutal, I feel bad for him. I know he might be more used to stuff like this since he's famous but he must feel like shit
he has plenty of fans talking shit who are literally just as dogshit as he is.
Tall chin is a meme it ruins his harmony
he's obviously recessed you can tell by his orbitals and rounded jaw. this is why mewing is important. it improves all features at once since they are all interconnected and driven by one part of the body
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you can tell he lost a lot of weight
Dream is just MTN as fuck, nothing more to that

He mogs the average joe :ogre: kids are just being edgy and/or ironic and you niggas are taking them serious lol
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this is why youtubers should always do face reveals before they blow up so that people's expectations don't go up.
chin unironically too tall
People who hide something only draw negative attention to whatever they are hiding. It's the same with Tim Pool and his hat/baldness. If Dream had always streamed his face he would just be seen a normie with a ton of money and would get positive feedback for looking the exact same way.
exactly why "height frauding" is stupid
Low trust face

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