Driving is the most important thing ever



life disintegrating
Oct 17, 2019
If you have a car, you will easily be able to succeed in dating, without one, you can’t.

driving a car is a matter of life and death. If you can’t drive you will be seen as a loser. You will lose your girl because she will think you’re just a complete dumb fuck. Of course if you’re a chad fucking ransoms off tinder, this won’t apply, but if you’re in a ltr and can’t drive a car, you should do yourself a favor....kill yourself now before I do.
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Big dick + car = VOCEL

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Someone to post elliot rodger pic in BMW
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It is true though. Driving is the most important thing at life, although it first might sounds weird but it is the truth. If you cannot drive, you are nothing but a complete loser. You are being emasculated by teenage females who can drive without any efforts whatsoever.
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no car for my face
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Cant wait to drive my bugatti :love::love::love::love::love:
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It is true though. Driving is the most important thing at life, although it first might sounds weird but it is the truth. If you cannot drive, you are nothing but a complete loser. You are being emasculated by teenage females who can drive without any efforts whatsoever.
I once knew a former incel who ended up getting a girlfriend and bragged so much about his happiness with her. He didn’t have a car or license though and apparently after some months, the girl basically told him “I hate having to be the one who picks you up for dates. You should be driving” and she left him Even after they exchanged promise rings and all that shit
Over if you missed on teenage driving
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I'll have my driver's license by the end of the year.
Over if you missed on teenage driving



JoinedDec 19, 2019Posts6,359Reputation14,917Time online116d 15h 22m
Jun 4, 2020
CopeKilla said:
What’s so great about teenage driving?
crashing your parents car into a tree and getting caught by the police, being completely fucked for driving without a license

so brutal writing that stuff out tbh, can't believe I missed out on it
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I once knew a former incel who ended up getting a girlfriend and bragged so much about his happiness with her. He didn’t have a car or license though and apparently after some months, the girl basically told him “I hate having to be the one who picks you up for dates. You should be driving” and she left him Even after they exchanged promise rings and all that shit

Imagine the female has to pick you up because you are unable to drive. It is like she is his mother and he is nothing but a little boy. This is so fucking emasculating.
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meanwhile chad skateboards to your oneitis's house and rawdogs her
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Carmaxxing is legit in 3rd world countries.
explains why i am still single
It is true though. Driving is the most important thing at life, although it first might sounds weird but it is the truth. If you cannot drive, you are nothing but a complete loser. You are being emasculated by teenage females who can drive without any efforts whatsoever.
Had it happen to me. I can drive but can't afford a car yet so I'm still biking. A car stopped to let me pass and the cute teenage girl in the driver's seat smiled and beckoned me to go. Pretty sure I'm older than her but I felt like a little boy.
Car is legit for highschool kids looking to work asap at 25$/h+. People need drivers. Dont fall for non-stem uni trap.
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A car stopped to let me pass and the cute teenage girl in the driver's seat smiled and beckoned me to go. Pretty sure I'm older than her but I felt like a little boy.

This shit is fucking emasculating man. Seriously, female driving is the worst. I hate it so fucking much. It makes me legit mad. You should have killed her for this. She was trying to emasculate you. You are nothing but a little boy to her.
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i thought the video was gonna end in him geetting out the car and shooting peeople on the board walk
I'm disappointend the video ending without blood on the pavement
I use the subway because I enjoy leaning on women's assholes with my penis
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There are many things you can do with a car.

- tie a rope with a hook on the back of your car that is directly connected to your manual facepuller as another user drives forward
- sit besides the door frame as another user constantly opens and closes the door, impacting your face and bonesmashing
- commit suicide by driving off the mountain
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Car is legit for highschool kids looking to work asap at 25$/h+.
In my country teens can't have a driving license, you must be at least 18, but you are allowed to drive a "micro-car", if you are at least 16. These micro-cars are very expensive, ugly, limited to 40km/hour, but if you have one in high-school, you are a king, I walk by a high-school every day, and I see some rich teens in their micro-cars and they are the most popular kids, all the girls try to cram in their small cars.

  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: tiresome96, BigBoy and johncruz12345
In my country teens can't have a driving license, you must be at least 18, but you are allowed to drive a "micro-car", if you are at least 16. These micro-cars are very expensive, ugly, limited to 40km/hour, but if you have one in high-school, you are a king, I walk by a high-school every day, and I see some rich teens in their micro-cars and they are the most popular kids, all the girls try to cram in their small cars.

Micro mogged.

teens here age 14 can drive electric mopeds, 16 cars. Lots of kids in hs got nice cars from parents or, some credit them and work part time. Paying around 500-800 monthly for a 16k car.

i dont have a car, because i live downtown and it would be a waste of money.
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Let's be real. If you're good looking none of this applies. Chad can be homeless and still slay whilst the incels and normies are driving mercs and beamers but only get laid once in a blue moon. When I got my car nothing changed except making me more broke jfl.
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Let's be real. If you're good looking none of this applies. Chad can be homeless and still slay whilst the incels and normies are driving mercs and beamers but only get laid once in a blue moon. When I got my car nothing changed except making me more broke jfl.
I know. SLAYING as a chad with no car and job is easy, but securing a long lasting LTR as a chad with no car is not possible.
I know. SLAYING as a chad with no car and job is easy, but securing a long lasting LTR as a chad with no car is not possible.
It is. Trust me when I say females will excuse anything for Chad. Have you seen the tinder experiments with the pedo and nazi Chad? After seeing that I will never look at females the same ever again. They will do anything for Chad.
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It is. Trust me when I say females will excuse anything for Chad. Have you seen the tinder experiments with the pedo and nazi Chad? After seeing that I will never look at females the same ever again. They will do anything for Chad.
Maybe if he is fucking gigachad literal male model then maybe, but chad has limitations. He’s not God that can keep a ltr and a baby all while living under a bridge begging for money
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live in europe = no need for car, nobody cares if you have car
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If you have a car, you will easily be able to succeed in dating, without one, you can’t.

driving a car is a matter of life and death. If you can’t drive you will be seen as a loser. You will lose your girl because she will think you’re just a complete dumb fuck. Of course if you’re a chad fucking ransoms off tinder, this won’t apply, but if you’re in a ltr and can’t drive a car, you should do yourself a favor....kill yourself now before I do.
Matt Lemond

"Help my car broke down and I can't drive anymore I guess that means I'm incel KHV for life" :forcedsmile:

JK barring extreme examples it's legit
I’ve been driving for 5 years non stop trynna get my license but fuckers still don’t pass me on my driving test. They keep telling me I gotta practice on maneuver and shit. I thinkI’ve failed the driving test like 20 times. It’s suifuel and cost a lot of money
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live in europe = no need for car, nobody cares if you have car
This. If a female is only with you because you can drive then you're just a betabux free uber to her anyway.
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I’ve been driving for 5 years non stop trynna get my license but fuckers still don’t pass me on my driving test. They keep telling me I gotta practice on maneuver and shit. I thinkI’ve failed the driving test like 20 times. It’s suifuel and cost a lot of money
You will die painfully, you fuck. I will too. In fact, I hope I get crushed by a car and die instantly soon.
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teens here age 14 can drive electric mopeds, 16 cars. Lots of kids in hs got nice cars from parents or, some credit them and work part time. Paying around 500-800 monthly for a 16k car.

Meanwhile I am unable to drive despite being a 26 year old man. This is infuriating. Every teenage female can drive. Also, on top of that, everyone has a good car as well.
This. If a female is only with you because you can drive then you're just a betabux free uber to her anyway.

I am tired of posts like this. It is not true. I can simply refute it with the statement, that in Germany we have 60 million cars. Having a car is absolutely mandatory i nthis life and era. I really do not know why people here are in denial about this. Every normie outside will tell you, that you have to drive, but for some reasons in forums like this, people refuse to accept simple facts like this. Please stop this.
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