Driving is the most important thing ever

I am tired of posts like this. It is not true. I can simply reftue it with the statement, that in Germany we have 60 million cars. Having a car is absolutely mandatory i nthis life and era. I really do not know why people here are in denial about this. Every normie outside will tell you, that you have to drive, but for some reasons in forums like this, people refuse to accept simple facts like this. Please stop this.
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I fucking hate cars and I fucking hate car drivers. Fucking smug faced law violating sons of a thousand fleets of bitches. The way they look at you when they pass you, you know they want to hit the accelerator as fast as they can and crash their Toyota into your body. I wish all cars would explode suddenly
i have lived in big cities tbh idk about other places

I lived in Berlin for more than two decades. Public transportation is absolutely obnoxious. There is nothing good about it:
- You have to rely on public transportation
- You are exposed to children and other people in general
- You have to wait for public transportation
- You cannot make your own time schedule because you have to rely on public transportation
- You have to change the bus or the train all the time in order to arrive at you destination
- You also have to walk a lot
- Public transportation is also not really cheap and you have to spend a lot of money for it
- You also have to endure delays, weather conditions, a long way to walk in order to arrive at certain bus stops

If you could dirve, none of this would be a problem and this is why people drive. Because they do not want to rely on public transportation. Being able to drive is absolutely significant. This is why most people still drive.

Mogs me to be honest.
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I am tired of posts like this. It is not true. I can simply refute it with the statement, that in Germany we have 60 million cars. Having a car is absolutely mandatory i nthis life and era. I really do not know why people here are in denial about this. Every normie outside will tell you, that you have to drive, but for some reasons in forums like this, people refuse to accept simple facts like this. Please stop this.
Driving is a good thing don't get me wrong but just don't expect it to get you pussy if you wasn't getting any before. Driving is nothing special in the West. Literally anyone with half a brain can learn. Once you've got the hang of clutch control and gear shifting you know how to drive, the rest is just road awareness which is common sense.
I’ve been driving for 5 years non stop trynna get my license but fuckers still don’t pass me on my driving test. They keep telling me I gotta practice on maneuver and shit. I thinkI’ve failed the driving test like 20 times. It’s suifuel and cost a lot of money

This shit is infuriating.
Driving is a good thing don't get me wrong but just don't expect it to get you pussy if you wasn't getting any before.

I do not care about any pussy. I do not want to be fucking emasculated by teenage females who can easily drive a car while I am being unable to do so.

Driving is nothing special in the West.

And this is why it is making me so mad. I am failing at something that is normal and most people can do it without any efforts whatsoever. It jsut comes naturally, but not for me though.

Literally anyone with half a brain can learn. Once you've got the hang of clutch control and gear shifting you know how to drive, the rest is just road awareness which is common sense.

Not for me though. There are also other men with similar problems. More females have a driver lcience than men. First they took the horses and now the cars.
I do not care about any pussy. I do not want to be fucking emasculated by teenage females who can easily drive a car while I am being unable to do so.

And this is why it is making me so mad. I am failing at something that is normal and most people can do it without any efforts whatsoever. It jsut comes naturally, but not for me though.

Not for me though. There are also other men with similar problems. More females have a driver lcience than men. First they took the horses and now the cars.
Bro I failed my driving test twice before I passed. Just practice as much as you can. If you have a games console get a driving wheel with pedals and a gear shift then constantly practise on driving simulators like Grand Turismo or Forza in your free time. If you know someone that drives just go with them to practice in an empty parking lot or something. Good luck.
i havent driven in years its sad.
i dont have my own car though is why
Bro I failed my driving test twice before I passed. Just practice as much as you can.

It is not about practice. I am unable to drive, otherwise I would drive. Is not that obvious? I was so bad, that the driving teacher told me to do driving simulation first. Nobody else was there. I was the only one. Meanwhile, teenage females passed their driving test easily while I could not even get behind of driving simulation. Keep in mind, I had to do 10 lessons of it which also costs a lot.

If you have a games console get a driving wheel with pedals and a gear shift then constantly practise on driving simulators like Grand Turismo or Forza in your free time.

I legit had this talk like 100 times by now and people say the same thing over and over again. "Just waste all your money to buy a set up brah". To be honest, this is a really bluepill way of thinking. I also did not get any better even after driving simulation. People are so quick to jump blindly on conclusions...

If you know someone that drives just go with them to practice in an empty parking lot or something.

I even failed at driving simulation despite the fact I felt more comfortable with it. How do you expect me to drive a real car at this point? Also, both cars are down at the moment (keep in mind year of construction around 2000, they are old, used up and literally nobody would buy such a car). So even if I would get better with just driving itself (which is not the case), I could not. It is not about practice, I am legit unable to drive.

Good luck.

Just.... fucking... lol
It is not about practice. I am unable to drive, otherwise I would drive. Is not that obvious? I was so bad, that the driving teacher told me to do driving simulation first. Nobody else was there. I was the only one. Meanwhile, teenage females passed their driving test easily while I could not even get behind of driving simulation. Keep in mind, I had to do 10 lessons of it which also costs a lot.

I legit had this talk like 100 times by now and people say the same thing over and over again. "Just waste all your money to buy a set up brah". To be honest, this is a really bluepill way of thinking. I also did not get any better even after driving simulation. People are so quick to jump blindly on conclusions...

I even failed at driving simulation despite the fact I felt more comfortable with it. How do you expect me to drive a real car at this point? Also, both cars are down at the moment (keep in mind year of construction around 2000, they are old, used up and literally nobody would buy such a car). So even if I would get better with just driving itself (which is not the case), I could not. It is not about practice, I am legit unable to drive.

Just.... fucking... lol
It is about practice lmao. You think people just get in a car suddenly know how to drive? No, they learn through practice and repetition to the point where its engrained in their brain and muscle memory. I was just like you, unable to drive but I worked my ass of doing shitty construction labouring work to finance my lessons and car. After I failed twice I felt demoralised. Did I give up? No, I took a few more lessons and passed on my third test. Don't give up brother.
It is about practice lmao.

It is not at least for me and also for a good handful of other men because there is an increasing number in men who just cannot drive anymore.

You think people just get in a car suddenly know how to drive?

Nobody said such thing. You are once again jumping blindly on conlusions and it always happens when it comes to this topic for some reason.
There is clearly a difference between taking some driving lessons (around 5) and then you are able to do it and you also make real progress against someone who could not even get behind of driving simulation even after 10 lessons.

I was just like you, unable to drive but I worked my ass of doing shitty construction labouring work to finance my lessons and car. After I failed twice I felt demoralised. Did I give up? No, I took a few more lessons and passed on my third test. Don't give up brother.

I mean, it is good that you could get behind of it but did you even read what I have said? It does not work for everybody. I even could not get behind of driving simulation. Please stop this bluepill way of thinking.
I fucking hate cars and I fucking hate car drivers. Fucking smug faced law violating sons of a thousand fleets of bitches. The way they look at you when they pass you, you know they want to hit the accelerator as fast as they can and crash their Toyota into your body. I wish all cars would explode suddenly

Are you able to drive though?
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I’ll never drive. When I die I want my gravestone to read “if only he Knew how to drive.”
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It is not at least for me and also for a good handful of other men because there is an increasing number in men who just cannot drive anymore.

Nobody said such thing. You are once again jumping blindly on conlusions and it always happens when it comes to this topic for some reason.
There is clearly a difference between taking some driving lessons (around 5) and then you are able to do it and you also make real progress against someone who could not even get behind of driving simulation even after 10 lessons.

I mean, it is good that you could get behind of it but did you even read what I have said? It does not work for everybody. I even could not get behind of driving simulation. Please stop this bluepill way of thinking.
How can you not get to grips with driving simulation? Have you ever played racing games with a normal game controller? Anyway I wish you all the best brother. Driving is not the end all be all.
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How can you not get to grips with driving simulation?

Like I said, I am legit unable to do it otherwise I would drive, but this should be obvious by now.

Have you ever played racing games with a normal game controller?

I only played one racing game once with my mouse but once again, I had to do 10 driving simulation lessons with a professional set-up and I did not get any better.

Anyway I wish you all the best brother.

This does not give me a driver licence though.

Driving is not the end all be all.

Stop playing it down. I hate when people talk like this. It is extremly important and if you cannot drive as a grown up man you will be emasculated by teenage females. If I could choose between having a female or to obtain the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts. Not being able to drive is the absolute worst.
No. I drove around when I was 12-13 and lived in the cold mountains but not anymore

That is indeed brutal. It is absolutely infuriating when you have to see other people driving around in their decent cars while you have to walk like a peasant despite the fact being a grown up man. It is even more infuriating, if it is a female. Seriously, this topic is about to kill me.
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Meanwhile I am unable to drive despite being a 26 year old man. This is infuriating. Every teenage female can drive. Also, on top of that, everyone has a good car as well.
yes but most teenagers cant afford a car so they have to work. imagine cucking your youth so hard that u decide to work part time, while having school. its basically like having 0 life just to try to be cool and fit in the upper class. only a retard would waste 600 a month on a piece of metal that deteriorates in value. only useful if you live in the middle of no where.
yes but most teenagers cant afford a car so they have to work. imagine cucking your youth so hard that u decide to work part time, while having school. its basically like having 0 life just to try to be cool and fit in the upper class. only a retard would waste 600 a month on a piece of metal that deteriorates in value. only useful if you live in the middle of no where.

Driving is everything.
Driving is only important if you're a normal person. What would I do with a car. Where would I go? I live inside my house
Driving is only important if you're a normal person. What would I do with a car. Where would I go? I live inside my house

You can live inside of your car. If i would be able to drive, I would live inside of my car. I would drive all the time in order to show off my car.
  • +1
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You can live inside of your car. If i would be able to drive, I would live inside of my car. I would drive all the time in order to show off my car.
Based as fuck. I would kill the fucking fatass waste of oxygen faggot who doesn't let you drive
Got my test in less than a month.
i have a car but always make escorts drive. can tell they get annoyed lol
Based as fuck. I would kill the fucking fatass waste of oxygen faggot who doesn't let you drive
Looks>>car obviously, but as a normie if you don’t have a car you are fucked.
(as an incel you are fucked even if you have one, at least you can cope by driving around or maybe even betabuxx some roastie)
thank god i'm learning how to drive
thank god i'm learning how to drive
Good job. I will try to get my license next month. It’s an ultimatum. Do or die for me. If I fail I hope I end up being killed by a car on my way home that day
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Is everyone in this thread from teh US out of interest? I know quite a few UKcels who don't drive and it doesn't effect them getting laid at all
It literally never began


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