East europe maxxing is very legit

The clown is larping, EE is more hypergamous than west by now. Foids know their worth and extract every last penny out of their looks. Every gl foid is on IG and has hundreds of beta orbiters from the west, some orbiters are prolly HTN type guys which these foids could pick out of all the ugly ones. No gl woman, let alone model, cares about money of some 3.5 psl old dude.

Imagine believing some larping nerds on here.
Why would I larp about this shit?
My first "girlfriend" was Lithuanian and she was a becky with rock bottom standards so I assume they're a shithole or at least have ugly men. Lithuania is 100% an eastern european country. They were part of the soviet union and a lot of them speak Russian.
You’re not an incel then
Why lie ?
But theyre bad for breeding:ogre:
It sounds like some kind of a retarded redpill but its 100% true, those countries are stack in the past
and your SMV will be massive if you have money, He legit sent me videos, and I visited his house multiple times
where I saw her
How much money you think is good for ukraine? I mean per month income to be considered as rich?

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