Egypt #1


Deleted member 5522

dont be jealous asshole
Feb 28, 2020
The Neolithic (farming) revolution had reached Egypt by the year 5000 BC and, typically for the time, the Neolithic settlements in Egypt were independent of one another. Archaeological finds on these sites of items such as copper ore, lead and silver, show that they had established definite contact with the civilization in Mesopotamia. This period in Egypt of loose settlement is called the pre-dynastic period and is formally considered to have come an end in 3100 BC.

Racially speaking, the inhabitants of Egypt at this period in time were divided into three groups. Skeletal evidence from grave sites show that the original White Mediterraneans and Proto-Nordics were in a majority in the area - a well preserved body found in a sand grave in Egypt dating from approximately 3000 BC, on display in the British Museum in London, has even been nicknamed "Ginger" because of his red hair - a racial trait only found in persons of Nordic ancestry.

A well preserved body from the pre-dynastic period in Egypt, circa 3,300 BC. Buried in a sand grave, the natural dryness of the surroundings kept the body preserved. His red hair (and thus Nordic features) have been so well preserved that he has been given the nickname "Ginger" at the British Museum where he is kept on public display.

However, diggings also reveal a significant minority of Semitic (Arabic) peoples were living in the Nile Delta valley alongside the Whites, and in the very far south (in what later became southern Egypt and the Sudan) lived a large number of Blacks. These were the Nubians who were to feature in Egypt's history - and against whom the Egyptians waged war and enslaved for nearly 2,000 years.

The existence of these two Nonwhite groupings within Egypt was later to have a major impact on the history of that civilization, and also do much to destroy the "environmental" theory of the origin of civilizations, as all three groups shared the same environment, yet produced very different levels of achievement.

THE OLD KINGDOM 3100 - 2270 BC
In terms of contemporary time frames, however, the Egyptian state first started formally emerging shortly after the establishment of the civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates river valley.

By the year 3100 BC, a measure of unity had started to take hold in Egypt, coalescing into northern and southern kingdoms. Around that year a dynamic leader named Menes united these northern and southern kingdoms and established a capital city at Memphis on the Nile River. The year 3100 BC therefore marks the start of the Dynastic Period, called the Old Kingdom by historians.

Menes developed the idea of using channels to divert the waters of the Nile to irrigate land - and this irrigation system exists along the Nile River to this day. Menes was such a gifted and charismatic leader that he was later deified by later Egyptians, and a cult developed which pictured him as a direct descendant of the Gods, a tradition which then spread to other pharaohs. It is very likely that the very word "man" originated with Menes.

During the reign of Menes, construction was first started on the greatest city of ancient Egypt, Memphis, which became the capital of this first kingdom. Also about this time, Egyptian pictograph writing appeared, probably inspired by the Sumerian script. The Old Kingdom traded extensively with surrounding lands, obtaining wood from Lebanon and copper from mines in the Sinai peninsula.

It was also during this Old Kingdom period that the great pyramids and Sphinx at Giza were built, starting around the year 2,500 BC. The project was launched by Pharaoh Cheops (also known as Khufu), who, because of the pyramids, remains one of the most famous pharaohs of this First Kingdom.

The Cheops pyramids are however not the oldest Egyptian pyramids - the step pyramid at Memphis predates the Cheops pyramids by at least a century, and was designed by a court architect who was later to be deified by the Egyptians, Imhotep. This great structure, nearly 66 meters high, must have seemed overwhelming to ordinary Egyptians at the time, who at best lived in two storeyed mud brick houses, and it is no surprise that the builder was eventually deified.

The first great pyramid of Egypt: the step pyramid of Saqara, circa 2600 BC. The architect, Imhotep, was later made into a deity out of respect for this technological achievement.

The Sphinx and pyramids of Ghiza, circa 2500 BC.

The Cheops pyramids are impressive today - by the standards of the time of their construction they must also have appeared to be superhuman. Twenty years in the building, these pyramids used between five and six millions tons of stone, some blocks being moved over 500 miles, with virtually perfect masonry work on site so that the alignment variance of the stones even today is less than one percent. The greatest pyramid reaches 146 meters - higher than St. Peter's cathedral in Rome (which remains the biggest Christian cathedral in the world.)

Charms and magical prayers were collected into a book and paid for by the living to put into their tombs - a sort of insurance policy for a successful resurrection in the hereafter. This book made up what is known as the "Egyptian Book of the Dead."

Egyptian religion of the time was primarily concerned with the achievement of life after death. The practice of mummification was started on the basis of a myth that the God of the Nile River, Osiris, had been murdered by his evil brother, Seth. According to the myth, Seth cut Osiris' body into pieces. These pieces were however gathered together by Osiris' grieving widow, Isis, and re-assembled, thus resurrecting Osiris.

The Nile God then became the first mummy, and every mummified Egyptian became a second Osiris. This resurrection theme was to become dominant in other religions, and adopted by Christianity.

Thus the tradition of mummification started: a jump start to everlasting life in the hereafter. The process of mummification has also provided modern day historians with a spectacular and virtually unique chance to see the physical characteristics of Egyptians exactly as they were. The evidence is overwhelming that these first Egyptian societies were White - a Proto-Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean cross. The leadership elite - in particular the pharaohs themselves - were mostly Nordic.

The mummified remains of numerous pharaohs and common folk from this first great Egyptian civilization have unmistakable White features, while the first written reference to blond hair is made on an Egyptian wall painting of the daughter of the famous pharaoh Cheops, Queen Hetep-Heres II, who is identified specifically by her blond hair.

The well preserved body of Pharaoh Ramses II has red hair, and there are large numbers of mummies whose blond hair has been extraordinarily well preserved through the centuries. This tradition of Nordic pharaohs was to last almost till the second part of the Third Kingdom, circa 1050 BC, by when racial demographic shifts had taken place in Egyptian society in favor of Nonwhite groups.

Nordic nobility in Ancient Egypt: Yuya, Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC, father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Yuya's blond hair and Nordic facial structure have been well preserved by the embalming process

Nordic Egyptian Female Pharaoh: Queen Hatshepsut, wife of Pharaoh Thutmosis II. She ruled Egypt after Thutmosis' death in 1520 BC. Her long blonde hair and Nordic facial structure has been well preserved by the embalming process of the time.

Nordic Egyptian King: the mummy of Pharaoh Seti I is the most lifelike of the great pharaohs of Egypt, and a tribute to the embalmer's art. His Nordic features remain crystal clear and because of the excellent preservation process
Seti's mummy can easily be compared with a relief of his face made in his lifetime at the Temple at Abydos. Seti was the son of the great Rameses I, and became pharaoh in 1320 BC. He reoccupied lands in Syria lost to earlier Syrian invasions, conquered Palestine and conducted campaigns against the Semitic Libyans and the Indo-European Hittites.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer, Deleted member 6272 and Deleted member 6997
probably a good post

but im too low iq for all of this man
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Warlow, Britishlooksmaxxer and eyearea
  • JFL
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Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 5522 and Hozay
Jfl at people talking about Egypt now
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Reactions: Deleted member 6997
too long dnt read but i have egyptian toes so based
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we wuz kangz
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Reactions: Hozay and Deleted member 5522
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B88B53A8 C9B7 4555 ABAB 66ED965E77A8
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Hozay and Deleted member 5522
egyptians were brown and black though, the hieroglyphics prove this
Yet they have blue eyes JFL

After 800bc yes most of them were sandniggers and the original Egyptians were gone
They wuz Black
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 5522
Yet they have blue eyes JFL

After 800bc yes most of them were sandniggers and the original Egyptians were gone
sandniggers have blue eyes too, even curries have blue eyes lmfao. colored eyes are just gene mutations, lmao.
sandniggers have blue eyes too, even curries have blue eyes lmfao. colored eyes are just gene mutations, lmao.
Yet I never see them, again regardless there have been MANY European-Nordic phenotype's found. Its not a one off thing

Yet I never see them, again regardless there have been MANY European-Nordic phenotype's found. Its not a one off thing

View attachment 586281
levantine arabs do, look up lebanese people for instance. also not just lebanese but also moroccans whom are north africans, i have blue eyed blond haired friend for instance.
levantine arabs do, look up lebanese people for instance. also not just lebanese but also moroccans whom are north africans, i have blue eyed blond haired friend for instance.
They have nothing to do with the ancient Egyptians, most likely left over people from before the Arabs and ethnics etc conquered those places.
They have nothing to do with the ancient Egyptians, most likely left over people from before the Arabs and ethnics etc conquered those places.
they have everything to do with them, levant arabs are close to egypt and like i said egyptians were mostly brown. how can you argue the only source from that era and cope with delusions? lol
they have everything to do with them, levant arabs are close to egypt and like i said egyptians were mostly brown. how can you argue the only source from that era and cope with delusions? lol

what happened?
I put my dick in a females mouth for 1 second years ago and some dude on discord reported me and that was apparently a "brag"
Racially speaking, the inhabitants of Egypt at this period in time were divided into three groups. Skeletal evidence from grave sites show that the original White Mediterraneans and Proto-Nordics were in a majority in the area - a well preserved body found in a sand grave in Egypt dating from approximately 3000 BC, on display in the British Museum in London, has even been nicknamed "Ginger" because of his red hair - a racial trait only found in persons of Nordic ancestry.
jfl the Ancient Egyptians never had ginger hair, they had trace amounts of European ancestry, its well known that the mummification process causes oxidation of the keratin in the cortex of the hair due to alkanine substances used during mummification, this changes hair colour from brown/black, to red/dirty blonde, melanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized.

The ancient egyptians HATED red hair, it was disgusting, a bad omen and represented the god Set, the god of disorder/violence and immigrants
THIS is what the ancient Egyptians thought about red hair:

"With regard to the ancient Egyptians we have it on the authority of Manetho that they used to burn red-haired men and scatter their ashes with winnowing fans, and it is highly significant that this barbarous sacrifice was offered by the kings at the grave of Osiris."

" It is lawful to sacrifice red oxen, because Set seemed to be of that colour, who treacherously murdered Osiris, and was himself put to death by Isis, for the murder of her husband. They report likewise, that antiently men that had red hair, like Set, were sacrificed by the kings at the sepulchre of Osiris."

- Diodorus Siculus
jfl the Ancient Egyptians never had ginger hair, they had trace amounts of European ancestry, its well known that the mummification process causes oxidation of the keratin in the cortex of the hair due to alkanine substances used during mummification, this changes hair colour from brown/black, to red/dirty blonde, melanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized.

The ancient egyptians HATED red hair, it was disgusting, a bad omen and represented the god Set, the god of disorder/violence and immigrants
THIS is what the ancient Egyptians thought about red hair:

"With regard to the ancient Egyptians we have it on the authority of Manetho that they used to burn red-haired men and scatter their ashes with winnowing fans, and it is highly significant that this barbarous sacrifice was offered by the kings at the grave of Osiris."

" It is lawful to sacrifice red oxen, because Set seemed to be of that colour, who treacherously murdered Osiris, and was himself put to death by Isis, for the murder of her husband. They report likewise, that antiently men that had red hair, like Set, were sacrificed by the kings at the sepulchre of Osiris."

- Diodorus Siculus
Of course they hated redheaded men later on when ethnics took over Egypt just as blacks hate white people today.

  • JFL
Reactions: hairyballscel
Of course they hated redheaded men later on when ethnics took over Egypt just as blacks hate white people today.

dumbass they hated gingers early on

jfl at using those results, researchers who worked to decode Tut's genome in the first place say the claim is "unscientific."

"Dr. Albert Zink from the EURAC [European Academy of Bolzano, an independent research center] in Bolzano and co-author of the 2010 JAMA publication screened the footage and confirmed that the company acts very unscientific," Pusch wrote in an email to LiveScience. "The Swiss company did not try to get into contact with us prior to launching their new Internet page."

Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible."

Do you even know how they got those results?

iGENEA admits that they reconstructed the haplotype by watching the Discovery channel episode, where a computer screen shows the data that they needed to do their analysis -- the DNA itself has "been locked away" and is not available to other researchers.
now if you want some legit DNA results

Pentawere and Rameses III are E1B1A

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