ElBastardo's Guide to Eye Lightening and Color Change with instructions for mixing your own solution of color changing & lightening eye drops

This guide will explain how the processes (both natural and artificial) that causes eye color to change. I will also be giving instructions on how to mix your own eye drop solution which will lighten/change the eye color and has the side benefit of whitening the sclera of the eye. The formula and mixing instructions are reverse engineered from the commercially available eye lightening drops based upon what are known of the ingredients. (The makers aren’t really stating all their ingredients, so it is educated deduction). The ingredients used here are the same ingredients used in the skin lightening stack on the BotB section.

My work is based upon modifying enchanted_elixer's skin lightening stack for topical use on the eyes (though my formula is not directly based on any eye lightening stack of his). Due to people putting out other people’s work on Tik Tok without giving credit to the original creator (e.g. Syrianpsycho’s Tik Toks), I would like to acknowledge and thank @enchanted_elixir for putting out his guides which gave me a basis of knowledge to come up with this eye lightening guide. I will also explain about the biology of eye color because to use my stack, you need to understand the theory behind it and how everything works. My thoughts are if you understand the theory and mechanics, then you won’t need to be bugging me with a lot of questions. Really, I have MANY MANY MANY people send me DM's before this even came out and I have a life and don’t need people sending me DM’s all the time.

If you do not understand what is explained, then DON’T DO THIS STACK. This guide is meant for ADULTS who behave like adults (and can handle their own shit), and NOT children who need their hand held. If you fall into the latter category, DO NOT DO. Everything you need to know is given to you here, and if you are not an adult enough to be able to work things out on your own based on what I’ve provided---then move on and ignore this guide. This guide is extremely thorough and if you still don’t get it after reading it—really nothing I say will help.

First off, I came up with this FOR MY OWN PERSONAL USE, but enough people have been asking for instructions that I am writing the guide. In particular, a lot of Indians/Pakistanis have been asking about eye lightening on Org, and as someone of SEA decent who also wanted visible pupils and limbal rings, I will help my Bhais out. However, if you are the least bit unsure about what is being explained, then do not do. If you do, then you do at your own risk. Also keep in mind you are not paying me for this. That means no demands for me to show you this or answer you this. I am doing this for myself, and will continue doing this for myself. I am not trying to get you to try and do it too, because frankly I don’t care if you do it or not. People asked me for my stack and I will give it. So don’t treat me like a salesman trying to get you to buy a product, because I am not. I am also not your employee or servant. You can see what I’m doing and decide for yourself if you want to do it—and I receive $0 either way.

To begin with, a person’s eye color is not set in stone and will change on its own due to the aging process (and subsequent loss of melanin). See:


As an eye doctor with over 20 years experience, I have seen my patients eyes turn lighter color over time. I’ve seen brown eyes go green, green eyes turn blue and blue eyes go lighter blue. This interesting phenomonen is not a function of disease but of time and age. Just like hair loses pigment over time so does the iris.
Similar to how your hair turns gray or white with age due to melanin loss, your eyes will also lighten due to melanin loss. Instead of waiting for old age, we can artificially accelerate and approximate the melanin loss using dietary supplements which will change the color of the melanin. Specifically, Glutathione and its precursors/derivatives cause the body to shift production from brown/black colored eumelanin to yellow/red colored pheomelanin.

This is a diagram of the bio-chemical melanin production process that occurs within the body (tyrosinase is a precursor that is turned into melanin by the body, either pheomelanin or eumelanin):

Melanin production pathways

I do not want to get into the specifics of how the biochemical process works because it is long and technical and well beyond the scope of this guide. If you want to learn more google (remember it is your friend, you lazy cucks) glutathione and eumelanin or pheomelanin for a better understanding. Long story short: with Glutathione, the melanocytes in the iris which produce melanin (and are responsible for the color) will produce yellow/red colored pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin which will in turn lighten or change the color of the iris. The melanin is stored in compartments known as melanosomes, and the refraction of the light with Rayleigh scattering—the effect that gives water its blue color--gives a person their eye color.

The conversion of eumelanin to pheomelanin is the same principal by which the skin lightening stack works. You orally ingest glutathione (along with vitamin c, and NAC/NAG) which then goes through your digestive tract, into your circulatory system, then into your skin which cause production of pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. NAC, NAG, and Glycine (which is also a precursor, and in my formula I am using all of the known precursors) are what are known as glutathione “precursors”. They are compounds which combine with other (already present) compounds in your body to form glutathione within the cells. They are taken as a part of the skin lightening stack because they allow the cells to absorb the precursors more easily than glutathione and the cells themselves form glutathione inside on their own. We are using the same principal, but modifying the stack so it can be applied topically directly to the eyes instead of orally. We are taking this topically to ensure sufficient saturation within the eye to force the production of melanin to convert to pheomelanin.


The innermost layer of the iris consists of tightly fused, pigmented cells to block light from passing through to the retina. The amount and distribution of melanin pigment in this layer is similar regardless of eye color, except in albinos. Because they lack melanin, their eyes can appear pink when light reflects off blood vessels.

The outermost layer of the iris is mainly composed of connective tissue that is loosely arranged and melanocytes — cells that produce melanin. Within each melanocyte, melanin is stored in compartments called melanosomes. The number of melanocytes is similar in blue, green and brown eyes, but the amount of melanin and number of melanosomes [PLEASE NOTE THIS AS IT WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER] differs. Melanin is minimal in blue eyes, intermediate in green and highest in brown eyes.

Melanin comes in two varieties, brown-black eumelanin and red-yellow pheomelanin. Blue eye color arises because tiny protein particles in the outer layer of the iris reflect blue light. In other words, the blue color results from structure rather than the presence of a blue pigment, and the shade of blue varies with the density and cellular composition of the outer layer of the iris. Blue scattering occurs in irises of all colors, but the greater the quantity of melanin around, the harder it is to see the blue.

So essentially we are changing the melanin to the lighter pheomelanin so the light reflected (Rayleigh scattering) can be easier to be seen (e.g. reflecting a lighter color rather than being absorbed by the brown/black eumalanin). As I said, the eye lightening stack is essentially modified from the skin lightening stack because we are attacking a specific area—the eyes. Think of the skin lightening stack as a B-52 carpet bombing a large area. Glutathione is ingested, travels through the circulatory system to reach the skin. The problem with taking it orally is that we can’t control where it goes and can’t specifically target an area to completely saturate since it will be spread throughout the body. Glutathione is used by EVERY CELL of the body because it what the cells use to repair DNA damage.


(Note the DNA repair/anti-aging effects is also a reason I am taking it orally). Because every cell uses it, it is divided among different parts of the body when ingested orally. For eye lightening we need it to be concentrated at a high saturation level in the eye (and specifically the iris) to ensure the melanocytes are forced to produce pheomelanin. Melanin is formed from tyrosinase into either eumelanin or pheomelanin, and we are hijacking the process by using glutathione and its precursors to force production to shift to pheomelanin (yellow/red).

I am likening eye lightening to a laser guided precision missile going through an open window. We are targeting a specific area—the iris—with a high concentration of explosives rather than carpet bombing a large area. I am packing that warhead with every known explosive (e.g. glutathione and each of its precursors) to ensure that the warhead does what it’s supposed to do (convert melanin production to pheomelanin). Basically glutathione and each of its precursors, the entire kitchen sink, is being thrown at the iris to ensure one of its forms triggers the conversion process from eumelanin to pheomelanin.

The only way to target the iris specifically is to mix the lightening agents (glutathione and its precursors) with a solvent, e.g. DMSO and MSM, and use eye drops to ensure that the glutathione goes into the eye at sufficient levels that the eye is saturated and the iris is forced to produce yellow/red pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. Over time the brown/black eumelanin will dissipate and be replaced with the yellow red/pheomelanin.


Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is a chemical that dissolves many organic and inorganic substances. It's available as a prescription drug and dietary supplement.

DMSO helps medicines get through the skin and can affect proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water in the body.

DMSO essentially allows compounds dissolved within it to be absorbed into the tissue. MSM is chemically related to DMSO and is also a solvent that allows material to be absorbed into the tissue. This is why it is being used in this stack. This is the same stuff that the commercial manufacturers use (and really MUST be used in order for the compounds to be absorbed into the tissue.

This is a video of Dr. Brian Boxer-Wachler (who I am actually a patient of) talking about eye lightening drops. Dr. Boxer-Wachler was asked to endorse an eye lightening product (and was given the ingredient list). Beginning at 0:40 the video explains that the product he was asked to endorse uses NAG (one of the ingredients I am using) and his concern was that the loss of melanin at the back of the eye which is necessary to see. (I don’t think he was aware that the mechanism of action was to convert melanin to pheomelanin, not to destroy it). ICololurbalm, the one that Scott Dissick endourses lists NAG as an ingredient, as well as other ones I have found. Dr. Boxer-Wachler's comments in the video about NAG and how the makers are using skin lightening ingredients is enough for me to figure out how to reverse engineer the stuff.

Diagram of Eye with Melanin Layer

The above is a diagram of the eye, which shows the melanin in the back of the eye. Dr. Boxer-Wachler is correct; that layer of melanin IS necessary to see. Albinos lack that melanin which causes vision impairment. If we use tyrosinase inhibitors this will inhibit the production of melanin at the back of the eye. WE CANNOT USE ANY TYROSINASE INHIBITORS, so do not try and add them to the recipe here; it might harm your vision. This is a non exclusive list of compounds you CANNOT USE: hydroquinone, kojic acid, monobenzene, etc. If you add these, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK (because I don’t add these to my mix).

The ingredients you need are:

1. Glutathione
2. NAC (N Acetyl L Cysteine also known as Cysteine)
3. NAG (N Acetyl D Glutamine)
4. Glycine
5. MSM
6. Vitamin C (I use pure vitamin C and do not crush up vitamin C pills because they will have flavoring and sugar)
8. Contact Lens Saline Solution

Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter what form or what brand you get. If you get capsules, you can break open the capsules and pour out the powder. If it’s pill form, you can crush the pills into powder (but I don’t recommend this for Vitamin C because it contains flavoring and sugar). My recommendation is just to get the best price on it you can. A good chunk of these materials are actually available at Walmart.

If you really must know what brands I use, I primarily get mine from bulksupplements.com just because I use a large amount, they sell in bulk, and it’s cheaper to combine shipping. I am not saying you should get it from them because they have large sizes and you really don’t need that much to make eye drops. Breaking open a small bottle of capsules that you can buy at Walmart will probably be enough to make solution for over a year and is less expensive.

For the DMSO I used this:


I like this particular brand because it is mixed with hyaluranic acid (already in the eye) instead of water, but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT. Any DMSO will work.

Just as a comparison, this is the price list for a bottle of lighteyez. The “Ultra X” is $500 a bottle, the DMSO & MSM is $100, and the cheapest they sell (the “Just Raw Honey”) is $45.


Here’s the prices of the other guys’ drops:

Price list 2

Price list 3

At the very least, mixing it yourself is going to save thousands of dollars over buying it. “Muh, but eye color drops don’t work”. Well at least you didn’t spend thousands of dollars to find that out.

If you are worried about whether these supplements are safe, or effective for eye lightening, I would point out that (1) all of the ingredients are scientifically established to lighten by changing brown/black eumelanin to yellow/red pheomelanin (2) all of the ingredients, which are sold as dietary supplements, are EDIBLE (including the DMSO, though you really don’t want to eat it and the smell alone will put you off of that idea) and a good chunk of the people reading this will ALREADY have some or most of the ingredients (3) all of the ingredients (except for DMSO) are ALREADY contained in your body, and (4) each and every ingredient (except DMSO) is already contained in your eye; what we are trying to do is simply increase the concentration to supersaturate the eye so that it is forced to produce pheomelanin instead of eumelanin.

As a correction to the video instructions I am posting with this guide: in my video I said put a drop in each eye. What I meant was put as many drops as you can tolerate (probably 2-3 or more) in each eye as many times a day as you can tolerate it. The idea is to saturate the eye so that there is a high concentration of the compounds so that it forces the eye to produce pheomelanin.

You also do not need to place the drops onto the cornea (the clear part of the eye), which will probably sting more than in other parts of the eye. Anywhere in the eye will work. Sometimes your eyes will be red, and you will see the blood vessels in the whites (sclera). The DMSO and MSM will cause the dissolved materials to go into those blood vessels which will put it into the circulatory system of the eye, and it will eventually reach the iris, which will in turn affect melanin production. Hence you do not need to place in the cornea. Remember we just need to get it into the circulatory system of the eye; the iris is covered by the cornea and there is no direct access available to us.

I have also incorporated safety measures in my mixing instructions in order to IDIOT PROOF it as much as possible. First, I want you to mix the supplements in dry form, and KEEP THEM IN DRY FORM until you are ready to mix a bottle of solution. That way you will only make a solution when you need it, and the batch you use will be FRESHLY MADE. This is to minimize the risk of bacterial infection. This is a news article on how some eye drop manufacturers had to do a recall because of bacteria.


Keep in mind that those drops were made in a LAB, under STERILE conditions. And even then, they had a problem with bacteria. You making it at home is nowhere near as sterile as the labs they had. I want to minimize the risk of your mix being contaminated by bacteria. Don’t let it sit around too long. Only add liquid to your premix when you need a bottle so that it is fresh and bacteria doesn’t have time to grow.

I am also giving instructions in terms of RATIOS. I don’t know what type of measuring equipment people have at home, so to simplify to the lowest common denominator I will just use ratios. So whether you use a teaspoon or a cup, keep the same proportion of ingredients.

Most commercial drops don’t list the precise percentage of the ingredients in their mixes. But we can deduce the range from what we do know. Isis.Gold (one of the few that has an ingredients list) states their percent of DMSO at 25%


The news article on the contaminated drops also states that Dr. Berne’s DMSO drops are at 5%. So with this we can figure out that the commercial range runs 5-25% active ingredients in the drops. Most of the stuff they sell will be diluted down because if it is too concentrated it will be too painful to put in your eyes. This should also be used as a sign of whether you mixed correctly.

My mix recipe dilutes the concentrated DMSO and supplements by adding 4 times that volume (so the concentrate is 1/5, and the saline is 4/5), so the active ingredients are 20% max. I am trying to err on the side of safety by having you dilute 4 times rather than having a higher concentration. If your mix is too painful to use, that should be a sign that you should check your mix.

Making a bad mix and dropping it your eye should not cause any real harm, especially considering the ingredients used here which are pretty safe. Only if you are constantly using a bad mix over a long period of time would you potentially start becoming in danger. REMEMBER WE ARE DOING A SLOW GRADUAL SATURATION OF THE EYES OVER TIME TO FORCE THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN TO CONVERT FROM EUMELANIN TO PHEOMELANIN. Changes to the body are slow, and this is not a race. If you really want to speed things up then use the solution more often during the day rather than trying to increase the concentration of active ingredients.


This is a good question, and the answer is still unknown. This stack is just coming out now. To my knowledge no one else (other than the commercial manufacturers) have experience with this, and we will need to see what the results of other members are. In other words, we are venturing into new uncharted territory here. I have been the human guinea pig for this formula for 3 going on 4 months now. I have been testing it out on myself before putting it out to make sure it works, and doesn’t cause any injury. Based upon my experience, other published information, and the results from the skin lightening stack I can offer some insight.

The BotB skin lightening stack says you won’t see results for at least 3 months which will also be the case here. Keep in mind that when you start you are starting with brown eumelanin already in your eyes. It will take time for the melanin already present to dissipate. It will also take time for the glutathione to accumulate and saturate, and time for the eye melanocytes to convert to production of pheomelanin. So hence it may be months of nothing before you start seeing any results. If you are starting from a T50, at around the 3 month mark you should begin to notice that your pupils and limbal rings will start to become visible. The results probably will be quicker if you are also ingesting it orally as part of the skin lightening stack.

The before and after photos from the commercial manufacturers also have time frames of months to over a year. I am pointing this out to remind you that even for them, this takes some time to work.






What Results Will You See?

What your results will be, and how much your eye color will change or lighten color will depend on your underlying genetics. If you have the genes for brown eyes (in other words you lack the OCA2/HERC2 alleles that produce blue eyes—and as I shall explain later if you are NOT WHITE you may actually have these blue eye genes), your eyes will remain brown, but will be a lighter shade of brown, or perhaps may even lighten to amber. Lighteyez gives some before and after photos of people as an example.

If you are South Asian (and don’t have the OCA2 mutation), your results might be similar to Mandip’s:


If you are black, you might end up with eyes like Ryan here:


If you have blue, green, grey eyes, etc., you probably see a color change, for example going from hazel to green, or green to blue, or blue to lighter blue as described by the doctor from Quora. To what extent the change will occur, I do not know at this point because it is only me who has tried this.

Now for a select few of you reading this who have brown eyes, you may have the ability to actually change eye color from brown to green, blue, grey, etc. All of these color variations are based off of one mutation that I will refer to as the blue eye gene for simplicity. Scientifically this is a mutation of the OCA2 and HERC2 genes (and actually a form of albinism). This is the same mutation in all non-brown eyed people. For more info see:


For people with the blue eye gene/OCA2/HERC2 mutations, there is actually a PHYSICAL difference in the structure of the iris. For these people with the OCA2 mutation, there are less melanosome compartments, which results in less melanin and a different eye color. (Which is what I wanted you to note earlier.)


To date, eight genes have been identified which impact eye color. The OCA2 gene, located on chromosome 15, appears to play a major role in controlling the brown/blue color spectrum. OCA2 produces a protein called P-protein that is involved in the formation and processing of melanin. Individuals with OCA2 mutations that prevent P-protein from being produced are born with a form of albinism. These individuals have very light colored hair, eyes and skin. Non-disease-causing OCA2 variants (alleles) have also been identified. These alleles alter P-protein levels by controlling the amount of OCA2 RNA that is generated. The allele that results in high levels of P-protein is linked to brown eyes. Another allele, associated with blue eye color, dramatically reduces the P-protein concentration.

On the surface, this sounds like the dominant/recessive eye color model that has been taught in biology classes for decades. However, while about three-fourths of eye color variation can be explained by genetic changes in and around this gene, OCA2 is not the only influence on color. A recent study that compared eye color to OCA2 status showed that 62 percent of individuals with two copies of the blue-eyed OCA2 allele, as well as 7.5 percent of the individuals who had the brown-eyed OCA2 alleles, had blue eyes. A number of other genes (such as TYRP1, ASIP and ALC42A5) also function in the melanin pathway and shift the total amount of melanin present in the iris. The combined efforts of these genes may boost melanin levels to produce hazel or brown eyes [IMPORTANT], or reduce total melanin resulting in blue eyes. This explains how two parents with blue eyes can have green- or brown-eyed children (an impossible situation under the Davenport single gene model) – the combination of color alleles received by the child resulted in a greater amount of melanin than either parent individually possessed.

For more information on the difference in the eyes of blue and people, and genetics Google OCA2 and HERC2. It’s really beyond the scope of me to write about it here, you worthless lazy cretins.

If 62% of people with two copies of the blue eyed OCA2 allele have blue eyes, then it follows that 38% of the people with two copies of the blue eyed gene have brown eyes. This is actually supported by my earlier quote from the doctor on quora who reported patients with brown eyes changing to green. Green is the next lightest shade from brown, and those with green eyes necessarily need to have the OCA2 alleles or else their eyes would remain brown. They must have the allele because the iris has a different structure that is the same as blue eyed people, and is different from those with brown eyes. (This is the second time I am mentioning this to get it into your heads.)


The number of melanocytes is similar in blue, green and brown eyes, but the amount of melanin and number of melanosomes differs. Melanin is minimal in blue eyes, intermediate in green and highest in brown eyes.

Long story short: brown eyed people with the blue eye OCA2 allele have fewer melanosomes in the structure of their eye, but have other genes increasing the p-proteins associated with melanin. As they age, the melanin decreases resulting in a change in eye color.


From 10 to 15 percent of the Caucasian population will see a change in their eye color as they age. In the case of you and your father, the eye color changed due either to a gradual decrease in the number of pigment granules in the iris or to a degradation of the granules.

So a good portion of the brown eyed Caucasian population actually have the blue eye OCA2 alleles, which changes due to melanin dissipating with age. For my nonwhite Bhais out there, what you need to understand is that a portion of the NON Caucasian population also carries these same blue eye OCA2 allele genes.

10% of the Chinese population also carries the OCA2 alleles for blue eyes, but may present as having brown eyes.


Let's take a closer look at China, which looks to have an allele frequency of approximately 10% on the map. Doing some quick math*, we can approximate that 1% of people in China should have blue eyes.

But 1% is actually pretty high. With a population of 1.4 billion, this would mean 14 million Chinese people have blue eyes! The true number is probably a lot lower

The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are also in the Southeast Asian population. Google the terms Blonde Hmong or Miao, you lazy scum.


Blonde hmong

This means that the OCA2 blue eye genes are floating around in the population of SEA...in people who have brown eyes.

A lot of the nonwhite population groups would also have the OCA2 gene. The South Asian population has OCA2 alleles from the Indo Aryans. Virtually all blacks in North America have white ancestry, and would also have the OCA2 alleles floating around in the population even if a person’s eyes are brown. Mestizo Mexicans have European ancestry and would also be capable of possessing the OCA2 alleles. So just because you are not white and have brown eyes, does not mean you do not carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles. There’s a scientific basis for this. I mention this because I know I will catch hell from haters who will say that changing eye colors is an impossible or stupid, especially for people who aren’t white.

Think about this. All people with OCA2 share a common ancestor who lived in central Asia thousands of years ago. The decedents moved North and West into Europe. The proto Europeans evolved to have less melanin in order to produce Vitamin D in the new climate with less sunlight. The default eye color is/was brown originally. While some Europeans developed blue eyes, others (38%) had genes that negated the OCA2 mutation causing them to retain the original brown eye color.

The same OCA2 genes also moved East into China, South into India, and into Southeast Asia. These climates had more sunlight, and loss of melanin in the eyes would be detrimental as it protects the eyes against strong sunlight. All these people have genes which counter acted the mutation, so they eyes remained brown as they were originally (before the mutation developed).

I do not know what percent of people in SEA or South Asia have the alleles for blue eyes, but 10% of China and the 38% in the Caucasian population seems to suggest that this is a fairly significant number of people with brown eyes who actually have the genes for blue eyes. I know because I am one of them.

I started looking into lightening and eye genetics because I also have two copies of the OCA2 alleles (and I am not white). I took the 23&Me DNA test, and they had the ability to check the alleles.

Blue eye alleles

Surprise surprise I carried a full set of OCA2, blue eye genes. My ancestry is mixed, and my OCA2 genes could have come from the European/Portuguese population (ElBastardo is from the Portuguese, not Spanish), the Chinese component of my DNA (of which 10% have the allele), the Hmong of Southeast Asia, or the Indo-Aryans. Any of these populations can and do have the genes floating around, with people being unaware that they carry them. So you do not need to be white to have these genes, because I’m not.

As a recap, and this will be the third time I mention it to get it through your heads), white people with brown eyes, as well as mixed race people, and non white people with brown eyes, also carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles and for those people there is a different physical structure to the iris with less melanosome compartments. However, these people’s eyes are brown because of COUNTER MUTATION GENES (TYRP1, ASIP and ALC42A5) which BOOST melanin production (most likely as an evolutionary trait to compensate for the mutation) so that it remains at the original brown color that existed in humans prior to the development of the blue eye mutation.

Ultimately what we are aiming to do is counter the counter-mutation genes by changing the boosted melanin’s color from brown/black to yellow/red. Coupled with the fact that there are (physically) less melanosome compartments, this will prevent the brown/black eumelanin from absorbing light and allow the Rayleigh scattering effect to take place, changing the reflected color of the iris so that it’s no longer brown.

Got it? I have tried to explain fairly complex genetic concepts in as simple terms as I can, three times now. I have also cited to the scientific sources so you can double check what it is I am saying. If you don't get it by now, DON'T DO THIS STACK.

This is the video instructions on how to mix the batch. I am giving the instruction as a video out of safety concerns. I think if I simply wrote out instructions, 95% of the people here would understand and be able to mix without a problem. However I think 5% would screw it up. Since we are putting things in our eyes, screw ups are dangerous, so out of safety I am going to give instructions through a video so you can watch me do it step by step so no one injures themselves. Someone injuring themselves because of my stack is a nightmare scenario for me. If you watch me do it and explain it as I do it, you’ll “get it” and won’t hurt yourselves. If you are the least bit unsure THEN DO NOT DO. I do not want your injury on my conscience.

Give the video a like, you shitheads!!!!!!

This is a picture of me taken in January 2023, before I began. I am outside (note the stucco in the back) with my eyes wide open in order to get the sun light into it. They started out at a T50, and you cannot see the limbal rings or the pupil.

Pre Eyes

End of January, beginning of February I began taking glutathione orally. In May I began to faintly see the limbal ring and pupils.


I am actually partially color blind along the green spectrum and had thought it had actually changed to green, because it had never been able to see the limbal ring and the color seemed different to me. I then began formulating the eye drop solution. This picture was taken in August, 3 months later, and the limbal rings and pupil are clearly visible. Keep in mind that I am also taking it orally, so it may be quicker for me.

IMG 0694 2

Since that picture was taken, the eyes have lightened even more. I have little doubt that it is possible to change eye color using this stack.

Also note that on oral glutathione my hair changed to light brown/blonde., which you can see on some hairs of my eyebrows. (I am not autistic enough to dye a few individual eyebrow hairs blonde). What I didn’t know is that the same OCA2 gene responsible for blue eyes, is also associated with blonde hair.


Glutathione (and NAC) is known to cause the hair to lighten:

https://www.icliniq.com/articles/skin-and-beauty/role-of-glutathione-a-skin-lightening-agent-in-dermatology#:~:text=The other adverse effects due,increased incidence of peptic ulceration


I would post pictures of the progress of the eye color change as it goes. But these are the last photos you will be getting from me . Every time that I do I get an unsolicited rating about how terrible my eye area is, or my pictures end up in other threads like the Brutal Evisceration thread of ElBastardo (thank you, Starboy). Since every time I post a picture something bad happens, no more pictures. Everybody happy now?

As a reminder, this is the LOOKSMAXING section. This is not offtopic, this is not ratings. This is for people who have questions or advice about how to improve their appearance. I posted pics of the eye to show the eye color change, not for you to give a damn unsolicited rating of my eye area. Keep your worthless ratings for the ratings section, not here. -My eyes normally do not look like that, and are much narrower normally. I am holding them wide open in a real wonky position so as to get as much light I can get into them so you can see the color. The thanks I get for coming up with this and stinging my eyes out trying to find the right concentration is a bunch of shit comments from even shittier people. But yet of course you must make shit comments in order for you to feel better about your shit existence. Your need to be an asshole outweighs the needs of everybody else to get things accomplished, so now no one gets to see the progress on the eye lightening.

“Muh, but without pictures you can’t prove it works.” Well then you don’t have to do it then. Problem solved. “But we need to see pictures”. No you don’t. You can thank the assholes commenting on my eye area and making evisceration threads about me for that. Remember: I DON’T CARE IF YOU DO THIS OR NOT. You are paying me $0 for this, and believe me this has taken a lot of my time to do.

If you have a legitimate question, and aren’t a brat asking stupid things that will waste my time trying to indulge you, I will be happy to answer them. For those who made evisceration threads and left shitty comments about me, remember there is such a thing as Karma and the laws of cause and effect. In other words, you better not be asking questions to someone you were antagonizing by throwing rocks at me while I was working to put this together.

Finally: Diego (Scherry6), you deserved better than the way you were treated. Rest in peace. I dedicate my work to you so that anyone reading this will remember your name.
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  • +1
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Reactions: confirmgy, Deleted member 121706, Dyloshia and 175 others
this seems very dangerous

just wear slightly lighter contacts
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997, Dontknowan, Deleted member 61703 and 9 others
don't do it, this brand got recalled by the FDA two weeks ago because their eye drops were contaminated with 4 different strains of bacteria. and they haven't responded to the recall and are still selling their products, trashy shit.

those eye drops (mainly dr.berne) are being produced in highly controlled, sterile environments with every safety measure in the book and they're still getting contaminated. imagine how bad you're going to fuck up your health if you follow OP's retarded advice and make eyedrops in your kitchen.

if you're going to put anything into your eyes, only buy from big, old-aged reputable companies. don't be stupid like OP, your eyesight is very precious you don't want to fuck around and mess with it.

if you want to lighten your eyes, do daily high dose MSM + vitamin C with weekly IV glutathione, you can add oral lipo glutathione as well. that should lighten your eyes at least 50% as well as eye drops but without the risks. there isn't a single safe eye lightening drop on the market at the moment, and again, making your own eye drops at home is FUCKING RETARDED. so there you go, that's your only option for eye lightening at the moment.
I see what you are saying but that would basically do jack shit, even if it’s safer. From T50 to T50, might as well not even bother.

I’m willing to take a risk tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Roquefort
But eye color doesn’t matter bro
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Arsene, Usum and Tabula Rasa
I see what you are saying but that would basically do jack shit, even if it’s safer. From T50 to T50, might as well not even bother.

I’m willing to take a risk tbh.
no, i think it'll make a pretty significant difference. but the IV glutathione will be doing like 90% of the work, get that done every 3-4 days
  • +1
Reactions: smvmaxxertilllate
I see what you are saying but that would basically do jack shit, even if it’s safer. From T50 to T50, might as well not even bother.

I’m willing to take a risk tbh.
seems legit. His eyes got definitely lighter on his before/after
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 32410 and zura
seems legit. His eyes got definitely lighter on his before/after
@Rollie Pollie you have before and after with the stack you recommended?

Also, since none of this is going into the eyes, then I assume one can use tyronaise inhibitors for better results? Although that could cause some unwanted skin changes…
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  • +1
Reactions: Arsene
Looking forward to see how results are for multiple people first

The pics show results and i'd believe it. but the pics are under different conditions. Would be more accurate if progress photos were taken in exact same lighting conditions mimic'd every time
  • +1
Reactions: joeveniro, Deleted member 32410, pongior and 2 others
@TRUE_CEL why isn't this in botb?
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain
This makes sense, and COULD work, however, once you’re reached saturation and begin to see results, you will have to continue to use the drops in order to maintain your new eye colour.
Once you stop, your eyes will revert to their natural colour.
You can’t really cheat genetics like that unfortunately.
I wish my D10s could become A10-20s, but it’s just not gonna happen.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: mathis, Deleted member 41229, N1c and 4 others
how are you going to explain this to people
This makes sense, and COULD work, however, once you’re reached saturation and begin to see results, you will have to continue to use the drops in order to maintain your new eye colour.
Once you stop, your eyes will revert to their natural colour.
Source ?
For real. Do you have a sourcee or is that am assumption ?
I’m assuming based on the fact that it would make sense, when in the absence of glutathione and it’s precursors, the eye will revert to its natural state, @ElBastardo thoughts?
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel
Can i just use the MSM + DMSO alone without mixing it with that other shit?
Read most and maybe I am too low IQ to comment on this but isn't this just a change in lighting?

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Arsene, Shkreliii, mathis and 9 others
great thread id be down to try after we get a decent sample size from other users, i have t40s rn but may have a blue eyes allele due to my paternal grandfather having grey eyes and my mother having sectoral hetrocromia (part brown part blue green) my best hope is a hazel or green but even a light brown is a halo on ethnics
  • +1
Reactions: smvmaxxertilllate
Great thread and good detail. Btfo's wignat muh race copers.
yeah but basically you guys hate your genes and race by doing this
yeah but basically you guys hate your genes and race by doing this
lmao you could say the exact same thing about any kind of looksmaxxing, you tint ur eyebrows? fuck you must hate ur naturally light and sparse eyebrows which are a common trait for your race, Your height maxxing? fuck you must hate your genes are race because ur race is on average short, your lifting? you must hate ur genes because your ethnic group has lower testosterone and leans mass/your family has a history of low muscle mass!

Lighter eyes are a masculine feature as shown by men on average having lighter eyes than women, even hazel or very light brown can boost a non whites smv alot and going from dark blue to light blue can also dramatically increase a europeans smv. Stop coping cuz ur too high inhib too try it
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: bizcocho, kiyopon, AsGoodAsItGets and 13 others
Read most and maybe I am too low IQ to comment on this but isn't this just a change in lighting?

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no different lighting would have made his eyes apear more brown i think, as you can see he has some streaks of dark brown out from his pupil and his limbal ring so i actually think this is legit lighter
  • +1
Reactions: smvmaxxertilllate
great thread id be down to try after we get a decent sample size from other users, i have t40s rn but may have a blue eyes allele due to my paternal grandfather having grey eyes and my mother having sectoral hetrocromia (part brown part blue green) my best hope is a hazel or green but even a light brown is a halo on ethnics
Man I also have t40s but have zero clue if I have blue eyes allele. I just want a nice amber or a light brown. Anything that will add contrast besides poop tier brown man.
  • +1
Reactions: Roquefort
Man I also have t40s but have zero clue if I have blue eyes allele. I just want a nice amber or a light brown. Anything that will add contrast besides poop tier brown man.
just gotta look at ur family tree if u dont have a dna test, all relatives are t10-30 my mum has hetrocromia grandpa had greyish blue eyes and 3 of my cousins have green eyes so im just assuming theres a good chance i do have the gene despite having the darkest eyes in my family. If ur grandparents or parents or siblings have coloured eyes u could hope u might have the allele too
  • +1
Reactions: Roquefort and smvmaxxertilllate
lmao you could say the exact same thing about any kind of looksmaxxing, you tint ur eyebrows? fuck you must hate ur naturally light and sparse eyebrows which are a common trait for your race, Your height maxxing? fuck you must hate your genes are race because ur race is on average short, your lifting? you must hate ur genes because your ethnic group has lower testosterone and leans mass/your family has a history of low muscle mass!

Lighter eyes are a masculine feature as shown by men on average having lighter eyes than women, even hazel or very light brown can boost a non whites smv alot and going from dark blue to light blue can also dramatically increase a europeans smv. Stop coping cuz ur too high inhib too try it
Someone with common sense
  • +1
Reactions: ProfessorHinkTonny
@TRUE_CEL why isn't this in botb?
Because I am a proud owner of T50 of death. 😇

Jokes aside, I dunno. Ask @garoupilled_.
  • JFL
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This guide will explain how the processes (both natural and artificial) that causes eye color to change. I will also be giving instructions on how to mix your own eye drop solution which will lighten/change the eye color and has the side benefit of whitening the sclera of the eye. The formula and mixing instructions are reverse engineered from the commercially available eye lightening drops based upon what are known of the ingredients. (The makers aren’t really stating all their ingredients, so it is educated deduction). The ingredients used here are the same ingredients used in the skin lightening stack on the BotB section.

My work is based upon modifying enchanted_elixer's skin lightening stack for topical use on the eyes (though my formula is not directly based on any eye lightening stack of his). Due to people putting out other people’s work on Tik Tok without giving credit to the original creator (e.g. Syrianpsycho’s Tik Toks), I would like to acknowledge and thank @enchanted_elixir for putting out his guides which gave me a basis of knowledge to come up with this eye lightening guide. I will also explain about the biology of eye color because to use my stack, you need to understand the theory behind it and how everything works. My thoughts are if you understand the theory and mechanics, then you won’t need to be bugging me with a lot of questions. Really, I have MANY MANY MANY people send me DM's before this even came out and I have a life and don’t need people sending me DM’s all the time.

If you do not understand what is explained, then DON’T DO THIS STACK. This guide is meant for ADULTS who behave like adults (and can handle their own shit), and NOT children who need their hand held. If you fall into the latter category, DO NOT DO. Everything you need to know is given to you here, and if you are not an adult enough to be able to work things out on your own based on what I’ve provided---then move on and ignore this guide. This guide is extremely thorough and if you still don’t get it after reading it—really nothing I say will help.

First off, I came up with this FOR MY OWN PERSONAL USE, but enough people have been asking for instructions that I am writing the guide. In particular, a lot of Indians/Pakistanis have been asking about eye lightening on Org, and as someone of SEA decent who also wanted visible pupils and limbal rings, I will help my Bhais out. However, if you are the least bit unsure about what is being explained, then do not do. If you do, then you do at your own risk. Also keep in mind you are not paying me for this. That means no demands for me to show you this or answer you this. I am doing this for myself, and will continue doing this for myself. I am not trying to get you to try and do it too, because frankly I don’t care if you do it or not. People asked me for my stack and I will give it. So don’t treat me like a salesman trying to get you to buy a product, because I am not. I am also not your employee or servant. You can see what I’m doing and decide for yourself if you want to do it—and I receive $0 either way.

To begin with, a person’s eye color is not set in stone and will change on its own due to the aging process (and subsequent loss of melanin). See:


Similar to how your hair turns gray or white with age due to melanin loss, your eyes will also lighten due to melanin loss. Instead of waiting for old age, we can artificially accelerate and approximate the melanin loss using dietary supplements which will change the color of the melanin. Specifically, Glutathione and its precursors/derivatives cause the body to shift production from brown/black colored eumelanin to yellow/red colored pheomelanin.

This is a diagram of the bio-chemical melanin production process that occurs within the body (tyrosinase is a precursor that is turned into melanin by the body, either pheomelanin or eumelanin):

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I do not want to get into the specifics of how the biochemical process works because it is long and technical and well beyond the scope of this guide. If you want to learn more google (remember it is your friend, you lazy cucks) glutathione and eumelanin or pheomelanin for a better understanding. Long story short: with Glutathione, the melanocytes in the iris which produce melanin (and are responsible for the color) will produce yellow/red colored pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin which will in turn lighten or change the color of the iris. The melanin is stored in compartments known as melanosomes, and the refraction of the light with Rayleigh scattering—the effect that gives water its blue color--gives a person their eye color.

The conversion of eumelanin to pheomelanin is the same principal by which the skin lightening stack works. You orally ingest glutathione (along with vitamin c, and NAC/NAG) which then goes through your digestive tract, into your circulatory system, then into your skin which cause production of pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. NAC, NAG, and Glycine (which is also a precursor, and in my formula I am using all of the known precursors) are what are known as glutathione “precursors”. They are compounds which combine with other (already present) compounds in your body to form glutathione within the cells. They are taken as a part of the skin lightening stack because they allow the cells to absorb the precursors more easily than glutathione and the cells themselves form glutathione inside on their own. We are using the same principal, but modifying the stack so it can be applied topically directly to the eyes instead of orally. We are taking this topically to ensure sufficient saturation within the eye to force the production of melanin to convert to pheomelanin.


So essentially we are changing the melanin to the lighter pheomelanin so the light reflected (Rayleigh scattering) can be easier to be seen (e.g. reflecting a lighter color rather than being absorbed by the brown/black eumalanin). As I said, the eye lightening stack is essentially modified from the skin lightening stack because we are attacking a specific area—the eyes. Think of the skin lightening stack as a B-52 carpet bombing a large area. Glutathione is ingested, travels through the circulatory system to reach the skin. The problem with taking it orally is that we can’t control where it goes and can’t specifically target an area to completely saturate since it will be spread throughout the body. Glutathione is used by EVERY CELL of the body because it what the cells use to repair DNA damage.


(Note the DNA repair/anti-aging effects is also a reason I am taking it orally). Because every cell uses it, it is divided among different parts of the body when ingested orally. For eye lightening we need it to be concentrated at a high saturation level in the eye (and specifically the iris) to ensure the melanocytes are forced to produce pheomelanin. Melanin is formed from tyrosinase into either eumelanin or pheomelanin, and we are hijacking the process by using glutathione and its precursors to force production to shift to pheomelanin (yellow/red).

I am likening eye lightening to a laser guided precision missile going through an open window. We are targeting a specific area—the iris—with a high concentration of explosives rather than carpet bombing a large area. I am packing that warhead with every known explosive (e.g. glutathione and each of its precursors) to ensure that the warhead does what it’s supposed to do (convert melanin production to pheomelanin). Basically glutathione and each of its precursors, the entire kitchen sink, is being thrown at the iris to ensure one of its forms triggers the conversion process from eumelanin to pheomelanin.

The only way to target the iris specifically is to mix the lightening agents (glutathione and its precursors) with a solvent, e.g. DMSO and MSM, and use eye drops to ensure that the glutathione goes into the eye at sufficient levels that the eye is saturated and the iris is forced to produce yellow/red pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. Over time the brown/black eumelanin will dissipate and be replaced with the yellow red/pheomelanin.


DMSO essentially allows compounds dissolved within it to be absorbed into the tissue. MSM is chemically related to DMSO and is also a solvent that allows material to be absorbed into the tissue. This is why it is being used in this stack. This is the same stuff that the commercial manufacturers use (and really MUST be used in order for the compounds to be absorbed into the tissue.

This is a video of Dr. Brian Boxer-Wachler (who I am actually a patient of) talking about eye lightening drops. Dr. Boxer-Wachler was asked to endorse an eye lightening product (and was given the ingredient list). Beginning at 0:40 the video explains that the product he was asked to endorse uses NAG (one of the ingredients I am using) and his concern was that the loss of melanin at the back of the eye which is necessary to see. (I don’t think he was aware that the mechanism of action was to convert melanin to pheomelanin, not to destroy it). ICololurbalm, the one that Scott Dissick endourses lists NAG as an ingredient, as well as other ones I have found. Dr. Boxer-Wachler's comments in the video about NAG and how the makers are using skin lightening ingredients is enough for me to figure out how to reverse engineer the stuff.

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The above is a diagram of the eye, which shows the melanin in the back of the eye. Dr. Boxer-Wachler is correct; that layer of melanin IS necessary to see. Albinos lack that melanin which causes vision impairment. If we use tyrosinase inhibitors this will inhibit the production of melanin at the back of the eye. WE CANNOT USE ANY TYROSINASE INHIBITORS, so do not try and add them to the recipe here; it might harm your vision. This is a non exclusive list of compounds you CANNOT USE: hydroquinone, kojic acid, monobenzene, etc. If you add these, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK (because I don’t add these to my mix).

The ingredients you need are:

1. Glutathione
2. NAC (N Acetyl L Cysteine also known as Cysteine)
3. NAG (N Acetyl D Glutamine)
4. Glycine
5. MSM
6. Vitamin C (I use pure vitamin C and do not crush up vitamin C pills because they will have flavoring and sugar)
8. Contact Lens Saline Solution

Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter what form or what brand you get. If you get capsules, you can break open the capsules and pour out the powder. If it’s pill form, you can crush the pills into powder (but I don’t recommend this for Vitamin C because it contains flavoring and sugar). My recommendation is just to get the best price on it you can. A good chunk of these materials are actually available at Walmart.

If you really must know what brands I use, I primarily get mine from bulksupplements.com just because I use a large amount, they sell in bulk, and it’s cheaper to combine shipping. I am not saying you should get it from them because they have large sizes and you really don’t need that much to make eye drops. Breaking open a small bottle of capsules that you can buy at Walmart will probably be enough to make solution for over a year and is less expensive.

For the DMSO I used this:


I like this particular brand because it is mixed with hyaluranic acid (already in the eye) instead of water, but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT. Any DMSO will work.

Just as a comparison, this is the price list for a bottle of lighteyez. The “Ultra X” is $500 a bottle, the DMSO & MSM is $100, and the cheapest they sell (the “Just Raw Honey”) is $45.

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Here’s the prices of the other guys’ drops:

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At the very least, mixing it yourself is going to save thousands of dollars over buying it. “Muh, but eye color drops don’t work”. Well at least you didn’t spend thousands of dollars to find that out.

If you are worried about whether these supplements are safe, or effective for eye lightening, I would point out that (1) all of the ingredients are scientifically established to lighten by changing brown/black eumelanin to yellow/red pheomelanin (2) all of the ingredients, which are sold as dietary supplements, are EDIBLE (including the DMSO, though you really don’t want to eat it and the smell alone will put you off of that idea) and a good chunk of the people reading this will ALREADY have some or most of the ingredients (3) all of the ingredients (except for DMSO) are ALREADY contained in your body, and (4) each and every ingredient (except DMSO) is already contained in your eye; what we are trying to do is simply increase the concentration to supersaturate the eye so that it is forced to produce pheomelanin instead of eumelanin.

As a correction to the video instructions I am posting with this guide: in my video I said put a drop in each eye. What I meant was put as many drops as you can tolerate (probably 2-3 or more) in each eye as many times a day as you can tolerate it. The idea is to saturate the eye so that there is a high concentration of the compounds so that it forces the eye to produce pheomelanin.

You also do not need to place the drops onto the cornea (the clear part of the eye), which will probably sting more than in other parts of the eye. Anywhere in the eye will work. Sometimes your eyes will be red, and you will see the blood vessels in the whites (sclera). The DMSO and MSM will cause the dissolved materials to go into those blood vessels which will put it into the circulatory system of the eye, and it will eventually reach the iris, which will in turn affect melanin production. Hence you do not need to place in the cornea. Remember we just need to get it into the circulatory system of the eye; the iris is covered by the cornea and there is no direct access available to us.

I have also incorporated safety measures in my mixing instructions in order to IDIOT PROOF it as much as possible. First, I want you to mix the supplements in dry form, and KEEP THEM IN DRY FORM until you are ready to mix a bottle of solution. That way you will only make a solution when you need it, and the batch you use will be FRESHLY MADE. This is to minimize the risk of bacterial infection. This is a news article on how some eye drop manufacturers had to do a recall because of bacteria.


Keep in mind that those drops were made in a LAB, under STERILE conditions. And even then, they had a problem with bacteria. You making it at home is nowhere near as sterile as the labs they had. I want to minimize the risk of your mix being contaminated by bacteria. Don’t let it sit around too long. Only add liquid to your premix when you need a bottle so that it is fresh and bacteria doesn’t have time to grow.

I am also giving instructions in terms of RATIOS. I don’t know what type of measuring equipment people have at home, so to simplify to the lowest common denominator I will just use ratios. So whether you use a teaspoon or a cup, keep the same proportion of ingredients.

Most commercial drops don’t list the precise percentage of the ingredients in their mixes. But we can deduce the range from what we do know. Isis.Gold (one of the few that has an ingredients list) states their percent of DMSO at 25%

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The news article on the contaminated drops also states that Dr. Berne’s DMSO drops are at 5%. So with this we can figure out that the commercial range runs 5-25% active ingredients in the drops. Most of the stuff they sell will be diluted down because if it is too concentrated it will be too painful to put in your eyes. This should also be used as a sign of whether you mixed correctly.

My mix recipe dilutes the concentrated DMSO and supplements by adding 4 times that volume (so the concentrate is 1/5, and the saline is 4/5), so the active ingredients are 20% max. I am trying to err on the side of safety by having you dilute 4 times rather than having a higher concentration. If your mix is too painful to use, that should be a sign that you should check your mix.

Making a bad mix and dropping it your eye should not cause any real harm, especially considering the ingredients used here which are pretty safe. Only if you are constantly using a bad mix over a long period of time would you potentially start becoming in danger. REMEMBER WE ARE DOING A SLOW GRADUAL SATURATION OF THE EYES OVER TIME TO FORCE THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN TO CONVERT FROM EUMELANIN TO PHEOMELANIN. Changes to the body are slow, and this is not a race. If you really want to speed things up then use the solution more often during the day rather than trying to increase the concentration of active ingredients.


This is a good question, and the answer is still unknown. This stack is just coming out now. To my knowledge no one else (other than the commercial manufacturers) have experience with this, and we will need to see what the results of other members are. In other words, we are venturing into new uncharted territory here. I have been the human guinea pig for this formula for 3 going on 4 months now. I have been testing it out on myself before putting it out to make sure it works, and doesn’t cause any injury. Based upon my experience, other published information, and the results from the skin lightening stack I can offer some insight.

The BotB skin lightening stack says you won’t see results for at least 3 months which will also be the case here. Keep in mind that when you start you are starting with brown eumelanin already in your eyes. It will take time for the melanin already present to dissipate. It will also take time for the glutathione to accumulate and saturate, and time for the eye melanocytes to convert to production of pheomelanin. So hence it may be months of nothing before you start seeing any results. If you are starting from a T50, at around the 3 month mark you should begin to notice that your pupils and limbal rings will start to become visible. The results probably will be quicker if you are also ingesting it orally as part of the skin lightening stack.

The before and after photos from the commercial manufacturers also have time frames of months to over a year. I am pointing this out to remind you that even for them, this takes some time to work.

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What Results Will You See?

What your results will be, and how much your eye color will change or lighten color will depend on your underlying genetics. If you have the genes for brown eyes (in other words you lack the OCA2/HERC2 alleles that produce blue eyes—and as I shall explain later if you are NOT WHITE you may actually have these blue eye genes), your eyes will remain brown, but will be a lighter shade of brown, or perhaps may even lighten to amber. Lighteyez gives some before and after photos of people as an example.

If you are South Asian (and don’t have the OCA2 mutation), your results might be similar to Mandip’s:

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If you are black, you might end up with eyes like Ryan here:

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If you have blue, green, grey eyes, etc., you probably see a color change, for example going from hazel to green, or green to blue, or blue to lighter blue as described by the doctor from Quora. To what extent the change will occur, I do not know at this point because it is only me who has tried this.

Now for a select few of you reading this who have brown eyes, you may have the ability to actually change eye color from brown to green, blue, grey, etc. All of these color variations are based off of one mutation that I will refer to as the blue eye gene for simplicity. Scientifically this is a mutation of the OCA2 and HERC2 genes (and actually a form of albinism). This is the same mutation in all non-brown eyed people. For more info see:


For people with the blue eye gene/OCA2/HERC2 mutations, there is actually a PHYSICAL difference in the structure of the iris. For these people with the OCA2 mutation, there are less melanosome compartments, which results in less melanin and a different eye color. (Which is what I wanted you to note earlier.)


For more information on the difference in the eyes of blue and people, and genetics Google OCA2 and HERC2. It’s really beyond the scope of me to write about it here, you worthless lazy cretins.

If 62% of people with two copies of the blue eyed OCA2 allele have blue eyes, then it follows that 38% of the people with two copies of the blue eyed gene have brown eyes. This is actually supported by my earlier quote from the doctor on quora who reported patients with brown eyes changing to green. Green is the next lightest shade from brown, and those with green eyes necessarily need to have the OCA2 alleles or else their eyes would remain brown. They must have the allele because the iris has a different structure that is the same as blue eyed people, and is different from those with brown eyes. (This is the second time I am mentioning this to get it into your heads.)


Long story short: brown eyed people with the blue eye OCA2 allele have fewer melanosomes in the structure of their eye, but have other genes increasing the p-proteins associated with melanin. As they age, the melanin decreases resulting in a change in eye color.


So a good portion of the brown eyed Caucasian population actually have the blue eye OCA2 alleles, which changes due to melanin dissipating with age. For my nonwhite Bhais out there, what you need to understand is that a portion of the NON Caucasian population also carries these same blue eye OCA2 allele genes.

10% of the Chinese population also carries the OCA2 alleles for blue eyes, but may present as having brown eyes.


The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are also in the Southeast Asian population. Google the terms Blonde Hmong or Miao, you lazy scum.


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This means that the OCA2 blue eye genes are floating around in the population of SEA...in people who have brown eyes.

A lot of the nonwhite population groups would also have the OCA2 gene. The South Asian population has OCA2 alleles from the Indo Aryans. Virtually all blacks in North America have white ancestry, and would also have the OCA2 alleles floating around in the population even if a person’s eyes are brown. Mestizo Mexicans have European ancestry and would also be capable of possessing the OCA2 alleles. So just because you are not white and have brown eyes, does not mean you do not carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles. There’s a scientific basis for this. I mention this because I know I will catch hell from haters who will say that changing eye colors is an impossible or stupid, especially for people who aren’t white.

Think about this. All people with OCA2 share a common ancestor who lived in central Asia thousands of years ago. The decedents moved North and West into Europe. The proto Europeans evolved to have less melanin in order to produce Vitamin D in the new climate with less sunlight. The default eye color is/was brown originally. While some Europeans developed blue eyes, others (38%) had genes that negated the OCA2 mutation causing them to retain the original brown eye color.

The same OCA2 genes also moved East into China, South into India, and into Southeast Asia. These climates had more sunlight, and loss of melanin in the eyes would be detrimental as it protects the eyes against strong sunlight. All these people have genes which counter acted the mutation, so they eyes remained brown as they were originally (before the mutation developed).

I do not know what percent of people in SEA or South Asia have the alleles for blue eyes, but 10% of China and the 38% in the Caucasian population seems to suggest that this is a fairly significant number of people with brown eyes who actually have the genes for blue eyes. I know because I am one of them.

I started looking into lightening and eye genetics because I also have two copies of the OCA2 alleles (and I am not white). I took the 23&Me DNA test, and they had the ability to check the alleles.

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Surprise surprise I carried a full set of OCA2, blue eye genes. My ancestry is mixed, and my OCA2 genes could have come from the European/Portuguese population (ElBastardo is from the Portuguese, not Spanish), the Chinese component of my DNA (of which 10% have the allele), the Hmong of Southeast Asia, or the Indo-Aryans. Any of these populations can and do have the genes floating around, with people being unaware that they carry them. So you do not need to be white to have these genes, because I’m not.

As a recap, and this will be the third time I mention it to get it through your heads), white people with brown eyes, as well as mixed race people, and non white people with brown eyes, also carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles and for those people there is a different physical structure to the iris with less melanosome compartments. However, these people’s eyes are brown because of COUNTER MUTATION GENES (TYRP1, ASIP and ALC42A5) which BOOST melanin production (most likely as an evolutionary trait to compensate for the mutation) so that it remains at the original brown color that existed in humans prior to the development of the blue eye mutation.

Ultimately what we are aiming to do is counter the counter-mutation genes by changing the boosted melanin’s color from brown/black to yellow/red. Coupled with the fact that there are (physically) less melanosome compartments, this will prevent the brown/black eumelanin from absorbing light and allow the Rayleigh scattering effect to take place, changing the reflected color of the iris so that it’s no longer brown.

Got it? I have tried to explain fairly complex genetic concepts in as simple terms as I can, three times now. I have also cited to the scientific sources so you can double check what it is I am saying. If you don't get it by now, DON'T DO THIS STACK.

This is the video instructions on how to mix the batch. I am giving the instruction as a video out of safety concerns. I think if I simply wrote out instructions, 95% of the people here would understand and be able to mix without a problem. However I think 5% would screw it up. Since we are putting things in our eyes, screw ups are dangerous, so out of safety I am going to give instructions through a video so you can watch me do it step by step so no one injures themselves. Someone injuring themselves because of my stack is a nightmare scenario for me. If you watch me do it and explain it as I do it, you’ll “get it” and won’t hurt yourselves. If you are the least bit unsure THEN DO NOT DO. I do not want your injury on my conscience.

Give the video a like, you shitheads!!!!!!

This is a picture of me taken in January 2023, before I began. I am outside (note the stucco in the back) with my eyes wide open in order to get the sun light into it. They started out at a T50, and you cannot see the limbal rings or the pupil.

View attachment 2427300

End of January, beginning of February I began taking glutathione orally. In May I began to faintly see the limbal ring and pupils.

View attachment 2427312

I am actually partially color blind along the green spectrum and had thought it had actually changed to green, because it had never been able to see the limbal ring and the color seemed different to me. I then began formulating the eye drop solution. This picture was taken in August, 3 months later, and the limbal rings and pupil are clearly visible. Keep in mind that I am also taking it orally, so it may be quicker for me.

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Since that picture was taken, the eyes have lightened even more. I have little doubt that it is possible to change eye color using this stack.

Also note that on oral glutathione my hair changed to light brown/blonde., which you can see on some hairs of my eyebrows. (I am not autistic enough to dye a few individual eyebrow hairs blonde). What I didn’t know is that the same OCA2 gene responsible for blue eyes, is also associated with blonde hair.


Glutathione (and NAC) is known to cause the hair to lighten:

https://www.icliniq.com/articles/skin-and-beauty/role-of-glutathione-a-skin-lightening-agent-in-dermatology#:~:text=The other adverse effects due,increased incidence of peptic ulceration


I would post pictures of the progress of the eye color change as it goes. But these are the last photos you will be getting from me . Every time that I do I get an unsolicited rating about how terrible my eye area is, or my pictures end up in other threads like the Brutal Evisceration thread of ElBastardo (thank you, Starboy). Since every time I post a picture something bad happens, no more pictures. Everybody happy now?

As a reminder, this is the LOOKSMAXING section. This is not offtopic, this is not ratings. This is for people who have questions or advice about how to improve their appearance. I posted pics of the eye to show the eye color change, not for you to give a damn unsolicited rating of my eye area. Keep your worthless ratings for the ratings section, not here. -My eyes normally do not look like that, and are much narrower normally. I am holding them wide open in a real wonky position so as to get as much light I can get into them so you can see the color. The thanks I get for coming up with this and stinging my eyes out trying to find the right concentration is a bunch of shit comments from even shittier people. But yet of course you must make shit comments in order for you to feel better about your shit existence. Your need to be an asshole outweighs the needs of everybody else to get things accomplished, so now no one gets to see the progress on the eye lightening.

“Muh, but without pictures you can’t prove it works.” Well then you don’t have to do it then. Problem solved. “But we need to see pictures”. No you don’t. You can thank the assholes commenting on my eye area and making evisceration threads about me for that. Remember: I DON’T CARE IF YOU DO THIS OR NOT. You are paying me $0 for this, and believe me this has taken a lot of my time to do.

If you have a legitimate question, and aren’t a brat asking stupid things that will waste my time trying to indulge you, I will be happy to answer them. For those who made evisceration threads and left shitty comments about me, remember there is such a thing as Karma and the laws of cause and effect. In other words, you better not be asking questions to someone you were antagonizing by throwing rocks at me while I was working to put this together.

Finally: Diego (Scherry6), you deserved better than the way you were treated. Rest in peace. I dedicate my work to you so that anyone reading this will remember your name.

Extremely high effort, why didn't you contact moderation to promote to BOTB?
  • +1
Reactions: mathis, Patriot, Deleted member 32410 and 1 other person
Fabulous thread! I love seeing high effort threads like this!

Some suggestions for your next banger thread:
  • Better formatting, see my guides for example.
  • Make it easier to understand. Nobody here really understands biology like that so we have to connect unfamiliar concepts to concepts users already understand.
  • +1
Reactions: John Cracovizk, Deleted member 32094, Zonar and 1 other person
looks like we got some retards bleaching their eyes JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8758
This is a picture of me taken in January 2023, before I began. I am outside (note the stucco in the back) with my eyes wide open in order to get the sun light into it. They started out at a T50, and you cannot see the limbal rings or the pupil.

Pre Eyes

End of January, beginning of February I began taking glutathione orally. In May I began to faintly see the limbal ring and pupils.


I am actually partially color blind along the green spectrum and had thought it had actually changed to green, because it had never been able to see the limbal ring and the color seemed different to me. I then began formulating the eye drop solution. This picture was taken in August, 3 months later, and the limbal rings and pupil are clearly visible. Keep in mind that I am also taking it orally, so it may be quicker for me.

IMG 0694 2

Since that picture was taken, the eyes have lightened even more. I have little doubt that it is possible to change eye color using this stack.
Could've been me if I applied my own eye lightening advice. I need to develop the habit of consistency.
I admire that you were able to stay consistent with this!
lmao you could say the exact same thing about any kind of looksmaxxing, you tint ur eyebrows? fuck you must hate ur naturally light and sparse eyebrows which are a common trait for your race, Your height maxxing? fuck you must hate your genes are race because ur race is on average short, your lifting? you must hate ur genes because your ethnic group has lower testosterone and leans mass/your family has a history of low muscle mass!

Lighter eyes are a masculine feature as shown by men on average having lighter eyes than women, even hazel or very light brown can boost a non whites smv alot and going from dark blue to light blue can also dramatically increase a europeans smv. Stop coping cuz ur too high inhib too try it
yeah nice projection

nigga you've just compared EYE and HAIR color which are completely racial traits with eyebrows height and muh muscles which are no racial indicators at all lmfao
Sounds like bullshit, not willing to risk fucking my eye sight up for pussy.

Please show results in same everything, conditions, environment, your position
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Dontknowan, fifetru2, Deleted member 32410 and 1 other person
just put on contacts and tell ppl they are retarded if they say somethings off
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: doll, fifetru2, Maalik and 3 others
If you have a legitimate question, and aren’t a brat asking stupid things that will waste my time trying to indulge you, I will be happy to answer them.
Could you provide a closeup high resolution photo of your iris using the back camera?

@looksmidder @SidharthTheSlayer

It's real tbh

I was scared of the greycels cracking the code but I still have a headstart
Isn’t your stack completely different?
This guide will explain how the processes (both natural and artificial) that causes eye color to change. I will also be giving instructions on how to mix your own eye drop solution which will lighten/change the eye color and has the side benefit of whitening the sclera of the eye. The formula and mixing instructions are reverse engineered from the commercially available eye lightening drops based upon what are known of the ingredients. (The makers aren’t really stating all their ingredients, so it is educated deduction). The ingredients used here are the same ingredients used in the skin lightening stack on the BotB section.

My work is based upon modifying enchanted_elixer's skin lightening stack for topical use on the eyes (though my formula is not directly based on any eye lightening stack of his). Due to people putting out other people’s work on Tik Tok without giving credit to the original creator (e.g. Syrianpsycho’s Tik Toks), I would like to acknowledge and thank @enchanted_elixir for putting out his guides which gave me a basis of knowledge to come up with this eye lightening guide. I will also explain about the biology of eye color because to use my stack, you need to understand the theory behind it and how everything works. My thoughts are if you understand the theory and mechanics, then you won’t need to be bugging me with a lot of questions. Really, I have MANY MANY MANY people send me DM's before this even came out and I have a life and don’t need people sending me DM’s all the time.

If you do not understand what is explained, then DON’T DO THIS STACK. This guide is meant for ADULTS who behave like adults (and can handle their own shit), and NOT children who need their hand held. If you fall into the latter category, DO NOT DO. Everything you need to know is given to you here, and if you are not an adult enough to be able to work things out on your own based on what I’ve provided---then move on and ignore this guide. This guide is extremely thorough and if you still don’t get it after reading it—really nothing I say will help.

First off, I came up with this FOR MY OWN PERSONAL USE, but enough people have been asking for instructions that I am writing the guide. In particular, a lot of Indians/Pakistanis have been asking about eye lightening on Org, and as someone of SEA decent who also wanted visible pupils and limbal rings, I will help my Bhais out. However, if you are the least bit unsure about what is being explained, then do not do. If you do, then you do at your own risk. Also keep in mind you are not paying me for this. That means no demands for me to show you this or answer you this. I am doing this for myself, and will continue doing this for myself. I am not trying to get you to try and do it too, because frankly I don’t care if you do it or not. People asked me for my stack and I will give it. So don’t treat me like a salesman trying to get you to buy a product, because I am not. I am also not your employee or servant. You can see what I’m doing and decide for yourself if you want to do it—and I receive $0 either way.

To begin with, a person’s eye color is not set in stone and will change on its own due to the aging process (and subsequent loss of melanin). See:


Similar to how your hair turns gray or white with age due to melanin loss, your eyes will also lighten due to melanin loss. Instead of waiting for old age, we can artificially accelerate and approximate the melanin loss using dietary supplements which will change the color of the melanin. Specifically, Glutathione and its precursors/derivatives cause the body to shift production from brown/black colored eumelanin to yellow/red colored pheomelanin.

This is a diagram of the bio-chemical melanin production process that occurs within the body (tyrosinase is a precursor that is turned into melanin by the body, either pheomelanin or eumelanin):

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I do not want to get into the specifics of how the biochemical process works because it is long and technical and well beyond the scope of this guide. If you want to learn more google (remember it is your friend, you lazy cucks) glutathione and eumelanin or pheomelanin for a better understanding. Long story short: with Glutathione, the melanocytes in the iris which produce melanin (and are responsible for the color) will produce yellow/red colored pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin which will in turn lighten or change the color of the iris. The melanin is stored in compartments known as melanosomes, and the refraction of the light with Rayleigh scattering—the effect that gives water its blue color--gives a person their eye color.

The conversion of eumelanin to pheomelanin is the same principal by which the skin lightening stack works. You orally ingest glutathione (along with vitamin c, and NAC/NAG) which then goes through your digestive tract, into your circulatory system, then into your skin which cause production of pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. NAC, NAG, and Glycine (which is also a precursor, and in my formula I am using all of the known precursors) are what are known as glutathione “precursors”. They are compounds which combine with other (already present) compounds in your body to form glutathione within the cells. They are taken as a part of the skin lightening stack because they allow the cells to absorb the precursors more easily than glutathione and the cells themselves form glutathione inside on their own. We are using the same principal, but modifying the stack so it can be applied topically directly to the eyes instead of orally. We are taking this topically to ensure sufficient saturation within the eye to force the production of melanin to convert to pheomelanin.


So essentially we are changing the melanin to the lighter pheomelanin so the light reflected (Rayleigh scattering) can be easier to be seen (e.g. reflecting a lighter color rather than being absorbed by the brown/black eumalanin). As I said, the eye lightening stack is essentially modified from the skin lightening stack because we are attacking a specific area—the eyes. Think of the skin lightening stack as a B-52 carpet bombing a large area. Glutathione is ingested, travels through the circulatory system to reach the skin. The problem with taking it orally is that we can’t control where it goes and can’t specifically target an area to completely saturate since it will be spread throughout the body. Glutathione is used by EVERY CELL of the body because it what the cells use to repair DNA damage.


(Note the DNA repair/anti-aging effects is also a reason I am taking it orally). Because every cell uses it, it is divided among different parts of the body when ingested orally. For eye lightening we need it to be concentrated at a high saturation level in the eye (and specifically the iris) to ensure the melanocytes are forced to produce pheomelanin. Melanin is formed from tyrosinase into either eumelanin or pheomelanin, and we are hijacking the process by using glutathione and its precursors to force production to shift to pheomelanin (yellow/red).

I am likening eye lightening to a laser guided precision missile going through an open window. We are targeting a specific area—the iris—with a high concentration of explosives rather than carpet bombing a large area. I am packing that warhead with every known explosive (e.g. glutathione and each of its precursors) to ensure that the warhead does what it’s supposed to do (convert melanin production to pheomelanin). Basically glutathione and each of its precursors, the entire kitchen sink, is being thrown at the iris to ensure one of its forms triggers the conversion process from eumelanin to pheomelanin.

The only way to target the iris specifically is to mix the lightening agents (glutathione and its precursors) with a solvent, e.g. DMSO and MSM, and use eye drops to ensure that the glutathione goes into the eye at sufficient levels that the eye is saturated and the iris is forced to produce yellow/red pheomelanin instead of brown/black eumelanin. Over time the brown/black eumelanin will dissipate and be replaced with the yellow red/pheomelanin.


DMSO essentially allows compounds dissolved within it to be absorbed into the tissue. MSM is chemically related to DMSO and is also a solvent that allows material to be absorbed into the tissue. This is why it is being used in this stack. This is the same stuff that the commercial manufacturers use (and really MUST be used in order for the compounds to be absorbed into the tissue.

This is a video of Dr. Brian Boxer-Wachler (who I am actually a patient of) talking about eye lightening drops. Dr. Boxer-Wachler was asked to endorse an eye lightening product (and was given the ingredient list). Beginning at 0:40 the video explains that the product he was asked to endorse uses NAG (one of the ingredients I am using) and his concern was that the loss of melanin at the back of the eye which is necessary to see. (I don’t think he was aware that the mechanism of action was to convert melanin to pheomelanin, not to destroy it). ICololurbalm, the one that Scott Dissick endourses lists NAG as an ingredient, as well as other ones I have found. Dr. Boxer-Wachler's comments in the video about NAG and how the makers are using skin lightening ingredients is enough for me to figure out how to reverse engineer the stuff.

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The above is a diagram of the eye, which shows the melanin in the back of the eye. Dr. Boxer-Wachler is correct; that layer of melanin IS necessary to see. Albinos lack that melanin which causes vision impairment. If we use tyrosinase inhibitors this will inhibit the production of melanin at the back of the eye. WE CANNOT USE ANY TYROSINASE INHIBITORS, so do not try and add them to the recipe here; it might harm your vision. This is a non exclusive list of compounds you CANNOT USE: hydroquinone, kojic acid, monobenzene, etc. If you add these, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK (because I don’t add these to my mix).

The ingredients you need are:

1. Glutathione
2. NAC (N Acetyl L Cysteine also known as Cysteine)
3. NAG (N Acetyl D Glutamine)
4. Glycine
5. MSM
6. Vitamin C (I use pure vitamin C and do not crush up vitamin C pills because they will have flavoring and sugar)
8. Contact Lens Saline Solution

Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter what form or what brand you get. If you get capsules, you can break open the capsules and pour out the powder. If it’s pill form, you can crush the pills into powder (but I don’t recommend this for Vitamin C because it contains flavoring and sugar). My recommendation is just to get the best price on it you can. A good chunk of these materials are actually available at Walmart.

If you really must know what brands I use, I primarily get mine from bulksupplements.com just because I use a large amount, they sell in bulk, and it’s cheaper to combine shipping. I am not saying you should get it from them because they have large sizes and you really don’t need that much to make eye drops. Breaking open a small bottle of capsules that you can buy at Walmart will probably be enough to make solution for over a year and is less expensive.

For the DMSO I used this:


I like this particular brand because it is mixed with hyaluranic acid (already in the eye) instead of water, but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT. Any DMSO will work.

Just as a comparison, this is the price list for a bottle of lighteyez. The “Ultra X” is $500 a bottle, the DMSO & MSM is $100, and the cheapest they sell (the “Just Raw Honey”) is $45.

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Here’s the prices of the other guys’ drops:

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At the very least, mixing it yourself is going to save thousands of dollars over buying it. “Muh, but eye color drops don’t work”. Well at least you didn’t spend thousands of dollars to find that out.

If you are worried about whether these supplements are safe, or effective for eye lightening, I would point out that (1) all of the ingredients are scientifically established to lighten by changing brown/black eumelanin to yellow/red pheomelanin (2) all of the ingredients, which are sold as dietary supplements, are EDIBLE (including the DMSO, though you really don’t want to eat it and the smell alone will put you off of that idea) and a good chunk of the people reading this will ALREADY have some or most of the ingredients (3) all of the ingredients (except for DMSO) are ALREADY contained in your body, and (4) each and every ingredient (except DMSO) is already contained in your eye; what we are trying to do is simply increase the concentration to supersaturate the eye so that it is forced to produce pheomelanin instead of eumelanin.

As a correction to the video instructions I am posting with this guide: in my video I said put a drop in each eye. What I meant was put as many drops as you can tolerate (probably 2-3 or more) in each eye as many times a day as you can tolerate it. The idea is to saturate the eye so that there is a high concentration of the compounds so that it forces the eye to produce pheomelanin.

You also do not need to place the drops onto the cornea (the clear part of the eye), which will probably sting more than in other parts of the eye. Anywhere in the eye will work. Sometimes your eyes will be red, and you will see the blood vessels in the whites (sclera). The DMSO and MSM will cause the dissolved materials to go into those blood vessels which will put it into the circulatory system of the eye, and it will eventually reach the iris, which will in turn affect melanin production. Hence you do not need to place in the cornea. Remember we just need to get it into the circulatory system of the eye; the iris is covered by the cornea and there is no direct access available to us.

I have also incorporated safety measures in my mixing instructions in order to IDIOT PROOF it as much as possible. First, I want you to mix the supplements in dry form, and KEEP THEM IN DRY FORM until you are ready to mix a bottle of solution. That way you will only make a solution when you need it, and the batch you use will be FRESHLY MADE. This is to minimize the risk of bacterial infection. This is a news article on how some eye drop manufacturers had to do a recall because of bacteria.


Keep in mind that those drops were made in a LAB, under STERILE conditions. And even then, they had a problem with bacteria. You making it at home is nowhere near as sterile as the labs they had. I want to minimize the risk of your mix being contaminated by bacteria. Don’t let it sit around too long. Only add liquid to your premix when you need a bottle so that it is fresh and bacteria doesn’t have time to grow.

I am also giving instructions in terms of RATIOS. I don’t know what type of measuring equipment people have at home, so to simplify to the lowest common denominator I will just use ratios. So whether you use a teaspoon or a cup, keep the same proportion of ingredients.

Most commercial drops don’t list the precise percentage of the ingredients in their mixes. But we can deduce the range from what we do know. Isis.Gold (one of the few that has an ingredients list) states their percent of DMSO at 25%

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The news article on the contaminated drops also states that Dr. Berne’s DMSO drops are at 5%. So with this we can figure out that the commercial range runs 5-25% active ingredients in the drops. Most of the stuff they sell will be diluted down because if it is too concentrated it will be too painful to put in your eyes. This should also be used as a sign of whether you mixed correctly.

My mix recipe dilutes the concentrated DMSO and supplements by adding 4 times that volume (so the concentrate is 1/5, and the saline is 4/5), so the active ingredients are 20% max. I am trying to err on the side of safety by having you dilute 4 times rather than having a higher concentration. If your mix is too painful to use, that should be a sign that you should check your mix.

Making a bad mix and dropping it your eye should not cause any real harm, especially considering the ingredients used here which are pretty safe. Only if you are constantly using a bad mix over a long period of time would you potentially start becoming in danger. REMEMBER WE ARE DOING A SLOW GRADUAL SATURATION OF THE EYES OVER TIME TO FORCE THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN TO CONVERT FROM EUMELANIN TO PHEOMELANIN. Changes to the body are slow, and this is not a race. If you really want to speed things up then use the solution more often during the day rather than trying to increase the concentration of active ingredients.


This is a good question, and the answer is still unknown. This stack is just coming out now. To my knowledge no one else (other than the commercial manufacturers) have experience with this, and we will need to see what the results of other members are. In other words, we are venturing into new uncharted territory here. I have been the human guinea pig for this formula for 3 going on 4 months now. I have been testing it out on myself before putting it out to make sure it works, and doesn’t cause any injury. Based upon my experience, other published information, and the results from the skin lightening stack I can offer some insight.

The BotB skin lightening stack says you won’t see results for at least 3 months which will also be the case here. Keep in mind that when you start you are starting with brown eumelanin already in your eyes. It will take time for the melanin already present to dissipate. It will also take time for the glutathione to accumulate and saturate, and time for the eye melanocytes to convert to production of pheomelanin. So hence it may be months of nothing before you start seeing any results. If you are starting from a T50, at around the 3 month mark you should begin to notice that your pupils and limbal rings will start to become visible. The results probably will be quicker if you are also ingesting it orally as part of the skin lightening stack.

The before and after photos from the commercial manufacturers also have time frames of months to over a year. I am pointing this out to remind you that even for them, this takes some time to work.

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What Results Will You See?

What your results will be, and how much your eye color will change or lighten color will depend on your underlying genetics. If you have the genes for brown eyes (in other words you lack the OCA2/HERC2 alleles that produce blue eyes—and as I shall explain later if you are NOT WHITE you may actually have these blue eye genes), your eyes will remain brown, but will be a lighter shade of brown, or perhaps may even lighten to amber. Lighteyez gives some before and after photos of people as an example.

If you are South Asian (and don’t have the OCA2 mutation), your results might be similar to Mandip’s:

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If you are black, you might end up with eyes like Ryan here:

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If you have blue, green, grey eyes, etc., you probably see a color change, for example going from hazel to green, or green to blue, or blue to lighter blue as described by the doctor from Quora. To what extent the change will occur, I do not know at this point because it is only me who has tried this.

Now for a select few of you reading this who have brown eyes, you may have the ability to actually change eye color from brown to green, blue, grey, etc. All of these color variations are based off of one mutation that I will refer to as the blue eye gene for simplicity. Scientifically this is a mutation of the OCA2 and HERC2 genes (and actually a form of albinism). This is the same mutation in all non-brown eyed people. For more info see:


For people with the blue eye gene/OCA2/HERC2 mutations, there is actually a PHYSICAL difference in the structure of the iris. For these people with the OCA2 mutation, there are less melanosome compartments, which results in less melanin and a different eye color. (Which is what I wanted you to note earlier.)


For more information on the difference in the eyes of blue and people, and genetics Google OCA2 and HERC2. It’s really beyond the scope of me to write about it here, you worthless lazy cretins.

If 62% of people with two copies of the blue eyed OCA2 allele have blue eyes, then it follows that 38% of the people with two copies of the blue eyed gene have brown eyes. This is actually supported by my earlier quote from the doctor on quora who reported patients with brown eyes changing to green. Green is the next lightest shade from brown, and those with green eyes necessarily need to have the OCA2 alleles or else their eyes would remain brown. They must have the allele because the iris has a different structure that is the same as blue eyed people, and is different from those with brown eyes. (This is the second time I am mentioning this to get it into your heads.)


Long story short: brown eyed people with the blue eye OCA2 allele have fewer melanosomes in the structure of their eye, but have other genes increasing the p-proteins associated with melanin. As they age, the melanin decreases resulting in a change in eye color.


So a good portion of the brown eyed Caucasian population actually have the blue eye OCA2 alleles, which changes due to melanin dissipating with age. For my nonwhite Bhais out there, what you need to understand is that a portion of the NON Caucasian population also carries these same blue eye OCA2 allele genes.

10% of the Chinese population also carries the OCA2 alleles for blue eyes, but may present as having brown eyes.


The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are also in the Southeast Asian population. Google the terms Blonde Hmong or Miao, you lazy scum.


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This means that the OCA2 blue eye genes are floating around in the population of SEA...in people who have brown eyes.

A lot of the nonwhite population groups would also have the OCA2 gene. The South Asian population has OCA2 alleles from the Indo Aryans. Virtually all blacks in North America have white ancestry, and would also have the OCA2 alleles floating around in the population even if a person’s eyes are brown. Mestizo Mexicans have European ancestry and would also be capable of possessing the OCA2 alleles. So just because you are not white and have brown eyes, does not mean you do not carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles. There’s a scientific basis for this. I mention this because I know I will catch hell from haters who will say that changing eye colors is an impossible or stupid, especially for people who aren’t white.

Think about this. All people with OCA2 share a common ancestor who lived in central Asia thousands of years ago. The decedents moved North and West into Europe. The proto Europeans evolved to have less melanin in order to produce Vitamin D in the new climate with less sunlight. The default eye color is/was brown originally. While some Europeans developed blue eyes, others (38%) had genes that negated the OCA2 mutation causing them to retain the original brown eye color.

The same OCA2 genes also moved East into China, South into India, and into Southeast Asia. These climates had more sunlight, and loss of melanin in the eyes would be detrimental as it protects the eyes against strong sunlight. All these people have genes which counter acted the mutation, so they eyes remained brown as they were originally (before the mutation developed).

I do not know what percent of people in SEA or South Asia have the alleles for blue eyes, but 10% of China and the 38% in the Caucasian population seems to suggest that this is a fairly significant number of people with brown eyes who actually have the genes for blue eyes. I know because I am one of them.

I started looking into lightening and eye genetics because I also have two copies of the OCA2 alleles (and I am not white). I took the 23&Me DNA test, and they had the ability to check the alleles.

View attachment 2427291

Surprise surprise I carried a full set of OCA2, blue eye genes. My ancestry is mixed, and my OCA2 genes could have come from the European/Portuguese population (ElBastardo is from the Portuguese, not Spanish), the Chinese component of my DNA (of which 10% have the allele), the Hmong of Southeast Asia, or the Indo-Aryans. Any of these populations can and do have the genes floating around, with people being unaware that they carry them. So you do not need to be white to have these genes, because I’m not.

As a recap, and this will be the third time I mention it to get it through your heads), white people with brown eyes, as well as mixed race people, and non white people with brown eyes, also carry the OCA2 blue eye alleles and for those people there is a different physical structure to the iris with less melanosome compartments. However, these people’s eyes are brown because of COUNTER MUTATION GENES (TYRP1, ASIP and ALC42A5) which BOOST melanin production (most likely as an evolutionary trait to compensate for the mutation) so that it remains at the original brown color that existed in humans prior to the development of the blue eye mutation.

Ultimately what we are aiming to do is counter the counter-mutation genes by changing the boosted melanin’s color from brown/black to yellow/red. Coupled with the fact that there are (physically) less melanosome compartments, this will prevent the brown/black eumelanin from absorbing light and allow the Rayleigh scattering effect to take place, changing the reflected color of the iris so that it’s no longer brown.

Got it? I have tried to explain fairly complex genetic concepts in as simple terms as I can, three times now. I have also cited to the scientific sources so you can double check what it is I am saying. If you don't get it by now, DON'T DO THIS STACK.

This is the video instructions on how to mix the batch. I am giving the instruction as a video out of safety concerns. I think if I simply wrote out instructions, 95% of the people here would understand and be able to mix without a problem. However I think 5% would screw it up. Since we are putting things in our eyes, screw ups are dangerous, so out of safety I am going to give instructions through a video so you can watch me do it step by step so no one injures themselves. Someone injuring themselves because of my stack is a nightmare scenario for me. If you watch me do it and explain it as I do it, you’ll “get it” and won’t hurt yourselves. If you are the least bit unsure THEN DO NOT DO. I do not want your injury on my conscience.

Give the video a like, you shitheads!!!!!!

This is a picture of me taken in January 2023, before I began. I am outside (note the stucco in the back) with my eyes wide open in order to get the sun light into it. They started out at a T50, and you cannot see the limbal rings or the pupil.

View attachment 2427300

End of January, beginning of February I began taking glutathione orally. In May I began to faintly see the limbal ring and pupils.

View attachment 2427312

I am actually partially color blind along the green spectrum and had thought it had actually changed to green, because it had never been able to see the limbal ring and the color seemed different to me. I then began formulating the eye drop solution. This picture was taken in August, 3 months later, and the limbal rings and pupil are clearly visible. Keep in mind that I am also taking it orally, so it may be quicker for me.

View attachment 2427318
Since that picture was taken, the eyes have lightened even more. I have little doubt that it is possible to change eye color using this stack.

Also note that on oral glutathione my hair changed to light brown/blonde., which you can see on some hairs of my eyebrows. (I am not autistic enough to dye a few individual eyebrow hairs blonde). What I didn’t know is that the same OCA2 gene responsible for blue eyes, is also associated with blonde hair.


Glutathione (and NAC) is known to cause the hair to lighten:

https://www.icliniq.com/articles/skin-and-beauty/role-of-glutathione-a-skin-lightening-agent-in-dermatology#:~:text=The other adverse effects due,increased incidence of peptic ulceration


I would post pictures of the progress of the eye color change as it goes. But these are the last photos you will be getting from me . Every time that I do I get an unsolicited rating about how terrible my eye area is, or my pictures end up in other threads like the Brutal Evisceration thread of ElBastardo (thank you, Starboy). Since every time I post a picture something bad happens, no more pictures. Everybody happy now?

As a reminder, this is the LOOKSMAXING section. This is not offtopic, this is not ratings. This is for people who have questions or advice about how to improve their appearance. I posted pics of the eye to show the eye color change, not for you to give a damn unsolicited rating of my eye area. Keep your worthless ratings for the ratings section, not here. -My eyes normally do not look like that, and are much narrower normally. I am holding them wide open in a real wonky position so as to get as much light I can get into them so you can see the color. The thanks I get for coming up with this and stinging my eyes out trying to find the right concentration is a bunch of shit comments from even shittier people. But yet of course you must make shit comments in order for you to feel better about your shit existence. Your need to be an asshole outweighs the needs of everybody else to get things accomplished, so now no one gets to see the progress on the eye lightening.

“Muh, but without pictures you can’t prove it works.” Well then you don’t have to do it then. Problem solved. “But we need to see pictures”. No you don’t. You can thank the assholes commenting on my eye area and making evisceration threads about me for that. Remember: I DON’T CARE IF YOU DO THIS OR NOT. You are paying me $0 for this, and believe me this has taken a lot of my time to do.

If you have a legitimate question, and aren’t a brat asking stupid things that will waste my time trying to indulge you, I will be happy to answer them. For those who made evisceration threads and left shitty comments about me, remember there is such a thing as Karma and the laws of cause and effect. In other words, you better not be asking questions to someone you were antagonizing by throwing rocks at me while I was working to put this together.

Finally: Diego (Scherry6), you deserved better than the way you were treated. Rest in peace. I dedicate my work to you so that anyone reading this will remember your name.

no way im reading all this
  • +1
Reactions: schizo echochamber
Looks like it's on BotB now. This was a great thread, I might try it on my right eye.
  • +1
Reactions: Patriot
whyd you sell syrian your threads? Scumbag move tbh but theyre yours so I get it
Because I was broke and the offer was enticing.
Because I was broke and the offer was enticing.
All your work was for nothing and got exposed to the exact people you compete against. you shot yourself in the foot and took a whole community who respected you with you.

why go through all the effort of making threads just to get no credit and have it used by mass normies? Your fueling your enemies with bullets and throwing everyone who actually cared under the bus

  • +1
Reactions: mizzy, SteveRogers and Av0nr
yeah nice projection

nigga you've just compared EYE and HAIR color which are completely racial traits with eyebrows height and muh muscles which are no racial indicators at all lmfao
height is a racial indicator since some races as straight up on average shorter and taller, eyebrows are because some races have on average thicker eyebrows, muscle is a racial trait because different races have different average testosterone levels and average lean mass.

Also hair and eye colour being specifically listed as racial traits is stupid because its not hard to find variance of this in a race, some caucasians have black hair and brown eyes, some south asians (to use my literal own grandpa as an example) have grey eyes and dark brown hair, some black people have green eyes and dark brown hair.

Stop coping
height is a racial indicator since some races as straight up on average shorter and taller, eyebrows are because some races have on average thicker eyebrows, muscle is a racial trait because different races have different average testosterone levels and average lean mass.

Also hair and eye colour being specifically listed as racial traits is stupid because its not hard to find variance of this in a race, some caucasians have black hair and brown eyes, some south asians (to use my literal own grandpa as an example) have grey eyes and dark brown hair

some black people have green eyes and dark brown hair.
Insanely rare, albinism tier rare, shitty example

Idk about hair but eye color is extremely dependent on race

Black people do not have blue eyes, some very very very rarely have green eyes. An actual full African individual that's like 1/1000000

Even when they get stroma it looks ridiculous because it doesn't make sense

Eye color is influenced by melanin, and melanin is almost completely dependent on race

This is why you won't ever see vibrant bright blues on anything but a white person.

You can tell an ethnic is partially white from their eyes alone
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel
no, i think it'll make a pretty significant difference. but the IV glutathione will be doing like 90% of the work, get that done every 3-4 days
no lol half of all celebrities in asia do regual IV glutathione but never seen one with light eyes now
height is a racial indicator since some races as straight up on average shorter and taller, eyebrows are because some races have on average thicker eyebrows, muscle is a racial trait because different races have different average testosterone levels and average lean mass.

Also hair and eye colour being specifically listed as racial traits is stupid because its not hard to find variance of this in a race, some caucasians have black hair and brown eyes, some south asians (to use my literal own grandpa as an example) have grey eyes and dark brown hair, some black people have green eyes and dark brown hair.

Stop coping
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
I understand you don't recommend nor include tyronaise inhibitors in your own stack, but any ideas on how one could go about including them in their own drops? (Also just remembered that I use Latisse, which can cause eyes to darken, so maybe this will help balance it out?)

I, personally, would not risk tyrosinase inhibitors, and I cannot in good conscience put out any stack that uses them out of safety concerns of others. It's kind of questionable whether it would do harm or would actually help.

Remember, there are different inhibitors. Monobenzene, the stuff that Michael Jackson used, destroys ALL MELANIN. That is a definite no no. Others like Kojic Acid, while still a tyrosinase inhibitor, is relatively mild. You might be ok, you (if you use Monobenzene) will definitely have a problem. I don't know so I don't risk it nor advise anyone else to.

This makes sense, and COULD work, however, once you’re reached saturation and begin to see results, you will have to continue to use the drops in order to maintain your new eye colour.
Once you stop, your eyes will revert to their natural colour.
You can’t really cheat genetics like that unfortunately.
I wish my D10s could become A10-20s, but it’s just not gonna happen.
Not necessarily. At this point it is too uncertain to determine whether you would revert back if you stopped. I am basing my guess on what happens with the skin lightening. If you stop you may not necessarily revert back to the original color. Many people will stay the same color off it so long as they wear sun block and avoid activities which would make them darker. I surmise the same thing with eye lightening. Remember the sun can also cause your eyes to darken.

Could you provide a closeup high resolution photo of your iris using the back camera?


this seems very dangerous

just wear slightly lighter contacts
Umm aren't you the one who said you can't have light brown eyes?:unsure:

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  • JFL
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