Emo couple commits suicide together



Übermensch oder der tod
Dec 5, 2023

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha
  • JFL
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Reactions: Donquixote, PrinceLuenLeoncur, marigold and 25 others
They love each other and kill themselves together meanwhile no one loves incel and incel ropes alone in his room:feelswhy:
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Reactions: niggacum492139, PrinceLuenLeoncur, kentick and 34 others
Dumbasses lol
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  • JFL
Reactions: lestoa, PARISIEN and Deleted member 77954
Andy and Leyley ahh couple
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Reactions: Tyler x Durden, Kazey, Schizotypalcel and 2 others

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

why is it always eastern europeans who do this shit
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, kentick, BrainrottenZoomer and 8 others

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

They love each other and kill themselves together meanwhile no one loves incel and incel ropes alone in his room:feelswhy:
Should of been me and vianna
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Reactions: blackrockjewmanlet and Acion
They think they in a movie :feelsrope:
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Reactions: BrainrottenZoomer, Ascending2Tyrone, foidaddict and 2 others
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  • So Sad
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Kao, hopecel and 8 others
Lmao now only psychologically stable and persistent people survive
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Reactions: halloweed and Latinolooksmaxxer
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  • JFL
Reactions: kentick, Kao, Xangsane and 1 other person

ouchhh wtf

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

Not surprised this was in the slavlands
  • +1
Reactions: lestoa
fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha
Why are you laughing at them, it could have been you instead...
they were russian or ukrainian
  • +1
Reactions: lestoa

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

iirc the girl didn't even like the guy & had multiple other boyfriends (her sister said something like "muh vika loved 3 people and vova was not one")

she just wanted to kill herself but didn't want to do it alone, so she baited him into a relationship & probably convinced himself a double suicide would be romantic or something.

and they didn't do it because their family disapproved, thejr family apparently had no knowledge until they killed themselves
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Reactions: truthhurts and lestoa
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Reactions: ksander and Acion

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

I wish I had been there to save the girl so I could escort her to a calm and discreet safe space and give her non-stop intensive therapy sessions.
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  • JFL
Reactions: rape
Truly a heartbreaking story, modern Romeo and Juliet

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

It's over
hey does anyone know the name of the guy in OP's pfp hes a mogger forreal but i tried to find him by reverse searching the pic but couldnt find anything
Some people are so fucking stupid.
Parents don't accept your love?
Just pretend you broke up and keep fucking until you're older.
Low IQ is probably more harmful than low PSL.
  • JFL
Reactions: lestoa

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

Both burning in hell right now :lul:

Fucking faggots. Your not romeo and juillet your some fucking utermenschen emos.
  • JFL
  • WTF
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, kentick, hopecel and 1 other person
she just wanted to kill herself but didn't want to do it alone, so she baited him into a relationship & probably convinced himself a double suicide would be romantic or something.
i heard of that too, i also heard that she was pregnant from him or smth. 2 subhumans unironically.

is this confirmed ? you have links to those telegram channels ?
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  • +1
Reactions: rape
Some people are so fucking stupid.
Parents don't accept your love?
Just pretend you broke up and keep fucking until you're older.
Low IQ is probably more harmful than low PSL.
absolutely true

how can people be this dumb
nigger its not that deep

acting like its a huge problem
but there is also a theory that she already wanted to kill herself and she just used him because she didnt wanted to do it alone
  • Hmm...
Reactions: mrdouchebag
hey does anyone know the name of the guy in OP's pfp hes a mogger forreal but i tried to find him by reverse searching the pic but couldnt find anything
this was arvid's avi

its not a real human
  • Woah
Reactions: CMD
absolutely true

how can people be this dumb
nigger its not that deep

acting like its a huge problem
but there is also a theory that she already wanted to kill herself and she just used him because she didnt wanted to do it alone
in a perfectly just world autistic subhumans like you would be experimented on instead of rats
  • JFL
Reactions: lestoa
If she dont want to kill herself with me i dont want her
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  • JFL
Reactions: mightbecooked123, kentick and hopecel
in a perfectly just world autistic subhumans like you would be experimented on instead of rats
try not to worry sweetheart
No help for drips like this. Increasing average iq
Natural selection
If Im gonna kill myself jumping will be my last option, that shit is reckless im too pussy for that
  • +1
Reactions: lestoa
If Im gonna kill myself jumping will be my last option, that shit is reckless im too pussy for that
sounds scary asf tbh
  • +1
Reactions: R@m@
sounds scary asf tbh
Imagine your bones all broken and you probably dont die 100% instantly so youre suffering a lot before you completely pass out
  • So Sad
Reactions: lestoa
Imagine your bones all broken and you probably dont die 100% instantly so youre suffering a lot before you completely pass out
hugh fuark
really a shit death
  • +1
Reactions: R@m@

2 subhuman faggot drug addict subhumans jump into death hahahahahhahahahah

The story behind this is so funny:

They were both step-siblings and grew up in a foster family. They fell in love but their family didn't accept it.
And then these retards jumped out of their apartment ahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah

fucking retards ahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahha omg how retarded you have to be ahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahah
the nigger told her ''i love you'' and then jumped pahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha

wait, were they step brothers (faggots) or step siblings (brother and sister)? it's just unclear
iirc the girl didn't even like the guy & had multiple other boyfriends (her sister said something like "muh vika loved 3 people and vova was not one")

she just wanted to kill herself but didn't want to do it alone, so she baited him into a relationship & probably convinced himself a double suicide would be romantic or something.

and they didn't do it because their family disapproved, thejr family apparently had no knowledge until they killed themselves
Damn evil shit from the foid:feelswah:
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