Enclo+MK677, cope?

this PsychoDsk guy is a high inhib loser who has no clue about the compounds he’s talking about. he calls mk a hgh derivative when that’s not even close to what it is. wouldn’t listen to him a single bit.

enclo does not “ruin your endocrine system”. it’s most commonly used as a PCT to restore endocrine function, and is also used off label to treat hypogonadism. mk would counter the IGF-1 reduction caused by enclo (i’ve seen this in my own labs with both compounds). enclo increased test, which results in increased anabolism.

sure, it wouldn’t compare to a SARM or real test cycle for muscle growth, for example. but it will definitely result in at least some progress and results.

he’s also claiming that RAD140 is dogshit and anavar is better? jfl remember that anavar is most commonly used by females due to its low androgenicity. you, a male looking to improve your looks, would not want a shitty androgen replacing testosterone in your body with little to no androgenicity. without a test base you would have the same net androgen function as a woman.

also his claims that your test levels will recover after anavar w/o pct is ridiculous. you’d be better off doing RAD140 with enclo at the same time, which is comparable to Anavar and would not make you stop growing body hair. always be sure to pct, and enclomiphene is often considered the best for this. nolvadex is comparable.
Wow dude, thank you.

My plan was to do 10mg MK 2 days on 1 off and 25mg Enclo ED, would that be good?

Also not sure of Enclo, is it worth adding? I know the risks are quite minimal with it, just not sure of how much it will really help
Just ordered MK, but had to cancel order and now ordering again, will adding enclo be cope? Is MK cope too? For muscle
just take real gear you might as well be burning 150 bucks doing an mk and enclo cycle
1 it legit gives you fucking cancer, 2 it's an exogenous substance (not even a hormone) you put in your body, don't have to point out how terrible that is
3 enclo will fuck your hormones
4 mk has not been studied enough to even consider taking it

you legit put chemicals in your body that increases 'hormones' w/o it being hormones, if you put genuine hormones in your body like actual test your body will recognize it but mk and enclo is just straight up a dumb idea
only grows cancer if you already have one
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Bro I would not pair the two, if you have any history with cancer in your family you are asking for a tumor due to the nature of both PEDS being cancerous. Aslo be careful with enclo, enclo can give you testicular cancer whereas enclo citrate does not have this side effect. Make sure you buy the right one.
Mk-677 not being a 'sarm' so to speak also means pct is not necessary so I do not see any point in the enclo which is usually used as PCT .Mk-677 is a Ghrelin mimetic ( A hormone your stomach produces to signal the brain you are hungry ). This means appetite will be increased if taken in the morning and sleep will improve at night.
Potential side effects for Mk-677 include PTSD like symptoms , Diabetes , increased insulin sensitivity , gyno , appetite changes , lethargy and joint pain. Any benefit from mk-677 is not worth the trade off for these symptoms/sides.
Enclo will not put on any drastic muscle , side effects related to test increase will also come with this so take it as you will.

If you want to put on some muscle but want to remain relatively side effect free I would recommend AC-262 (https://sarms.io/ac-262536/). It won't give the results of something incredibly strong like s-23 or rad-140 but I would recommend it. From users experience it has been compared to a weaker rad-140 with the worst side effect being a decrease in LH levels which can be managed with the supplementation of omega-3 and D-aspartic acid . Once again it is a research chemical so long term sides are not well know but from what has been published it doesn't seem to be too bad.

I would keep enclo on hand if you have bought it ( To use as pct). But refund the mk-677 and contemplate buying something like AC-262 or Ostarine.
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Just ordered MK, but had to cancel order and now ordering again, will adding enclo be cope? Is MK cope too? For muscle
Mk won't just grow you man because it's hgh boost is that of a minimal dose the thing that makes people think it works is that they eat alot from mk and they sleep more that's what's growing you. If you don't care about eating 6k cal it will grow you
Bro I would not pair the two, if you have any history with cancer in your family you are asking for a tumor due to the nature of both PEDS being cancerous. Aslo be careful with enclo, enclo can give you testicular cancer whereas enclo citrate does not have this side effect. Make sure you buy the right one.
Mk-677 not being a 'sarm' so to speak also means pct is not necessary so I do not see any point in the enclo which is usually used as PCT .Mk-677 is a Ghrelin mimetic ( A hormone your stomach produces to signal the brain you are hungry ). This means appetite will be increased if taken in the morning and sleep will improve at night.
Potential side effects for Mk-677 include PTSD like symptoms , Diabetes , increased insulin sensitivity , gyno , appetite changes , lethargy and joint pain. Any benefit from mk-677 is not worth the trade off for these symptoms/sides.
Enclo will not put on any drastic muscle , side effects related to test increase will also come with this so take it as you will.

If you want to put on some muscle but want to remain relatively side effect free I would recommend AC-262 (https://sarms.io/ac-262536/). It won't give the results of something incredibly strong like s-23 or rad-140 but I would recommend it. From users experience it has been compared to a weaker rad-140 with the worst side effect being a decrease in LH levels which can be managed with the supplementation of omega-3 and D-aspartic acid . Once again it is a research chemical so long term sides are not well know but from what has been published it doesn't seem to be too bad.

I would keep enclo on hand if you have bought it ( To use as pct). But refund the mk-677 and contemplate buying something like AC-262 or Ostarine.
Damn alright, from this though it sounds like MK677 would have less side effects tho as I have a blood plessure monitor on hand and was planning on taking it 2 days on 1 off for insulin sensitivity.

Either way the enclo might not be worth it then tbh, could I do ostarine or AC262 on their own or would I have to buy enclo citrate for them? Also been thinking about just saying fuck it and doing rad 140, enclo citrate for that too?
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Damn alright, from this though it sounds like MK677 would have less side effects tho as I have a blood plessure monitor on hand and was planning on taking it 2 days on 1 off for insulin sensitivity.

Either way the enclo might not be worth it then tbh, could I do ostarine or AC262 on their own or would I have to buy enclo citrate for them? Also been thinking about just saying fuck it and doing rad 140, enclo citrate for that too?
I would stay away from Rad-140 for now as it rapes your hair, liver and kidneys. And 100% requires for you to do blood work.

Ac 262 doesn't require pct but does require on cycle support, I would play it safe and take Ac 262 and pair it with some liver support like TUDCA or NAC. But do not expect to take this and go from framecell to David Laid.

Ostarine is stronger than Ac 262 and gives different results. It is more researched but has harsher sides and will probably require Pct like enclo.
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I would stay away from Rad-140 for now as it rapes your hair, liver and kidneys. And 100% requires for you to do blood work.

Ac 262 doesn't require pct but does require on cycle support, I would play it safe and take Ac 262 and pair it with some liver support like TUDCA or NAC. But do not expect to take this and go from framecell to David Laid.

Ostarine is stronger than Ac 262 and gives different results. It is more researched but has harsher sides and will probably require Pct like enclo.
What kind of gains can I expect on AC 262?

I already have NAC+TUDCA+Milk Thistle on the way btw
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Mk isn’t bad. It heals shit super quickly. It’s literally elevated HGH at no cost (insulin, prolactin muhmuh. - just counter w low carb/slin, p5p) it gave me 10lbs of water weight but got me past a plateau on bench and squat 205->225 in a week or two, 275->295 for reps. When I got off I just got leaner and basically was cutting.
Damn I just searched it and it seems quite shit tbh. I'll try MK and ordering test if it doesn't work I guess
thought you couldnt order test cuz "needles" boss

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