Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020
We would all be a lot more facially attractive with the ideal environment, yes.

But imo it's really easy to fall into this trap after discovering mike mew and watching a bunch of his videos, U start to think that everyone was meant to be a model with the perfect environment. Nope


The Hapsburgs disagree

Everyone is inbred to some degree.
If all ur ancestors were the same exact phenotype, u start to get phenotypically inbred traits - currys, slavic people, east asians (too much similar ancestry - Genghis Khan jfl) , jews (Ashkenazi Jews are a great example cuz they're culturally encouraged to breed with their kind).

Now look at mixed race ppl. They are the least inbred and scientifically the most fertile, and thus scientifically more attractive. Mixed people look good not cuz they're "exotic" but because shit genes from one parent get overriden by superior genes from the other.

Both of Zendaya's parents look like shit. But due to the parents only passing on the superior parts of their own genes, she lucks out - she is close to 0% inbred.



Genetic recombination cannot be overlooked. Chad not only has the right parents, but also a shit ton of good luck. water.


some parts of the thread may be low IQ due to generalizations, but starting this discussion is the important part.

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Reactions: thecel, Deleted member 12218, AlwaysHaveQuestions and 6 others
Which is precisely why I want to breed with a white nordic girl with my ind- I mean mediterranean genetics
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So the less inbred you are the more attractive? Clarify OP
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Which is precisely why I want to breed with a white nordic girl with my ind- I mean mediterranean genetics

Nordic people aren't rly nordic tho.
They are mostly germanic ppl who migrated north
Real nordics r super mongoloid
  • Hmm...
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Nordic people aren't rly nordic tho.
They are mostly germanic ppl who migrated north
Real nordics r super mongoloid
I don't know anything about phenotypes so I will take your word for it
yes goy racemix
966D60E9 814D 49F6 8673 19BF5B4C807F

they’re more fertile
2B23A1DB E08B 418D 97FE 8C7845170DBB
92C765CD 1E06 45E5 AE47 F4159F5FD2E3
  • JFL
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Reactions: Yuya Moggershima, Lolcel, Deleted member 12218 and 9 others
We would all be a lot more facially attractive with the ideal environment, yes.

But imo it's really easy to fall into this trap after discovering mike mew and watching a bunch of his videos, U start to think that everyone was meant to be a model with the perfect environment. Nope

View attachment 996358
The Hapsburgs disagree

Everyone is inbred to some degree.
If all ur ancestors were the same exact phenotype, u start to get phenotypically inbred traits - currys, slavic people, east asians (too much similar ancestry - Genghis Khan jfl) , jews (Ashkenazi Jews are a great example cuz they're culturally encouraged to breed with their kind).

Now look at mixed race ppl. They are the least inbred and scientifically the most fertile, and thus scientifically more attractive. Mixed people look good not cuz they're "exotic" but because shit genes from one parent get overriden by superior genes from the other.

Both of Zendaya's parents look like shit. But due to the parents only passing on the superior parts of their own genes, she lucks out - she is close to 0% inbred.

View attachment 996384

View attachment 996381

Genetic recombination cannot be overlooked. Chad not only has the right parents, but also a shit ton of good luck. water.

View attachment 996378

some parts of the thread may be low IQ due to generalizations, but starting this discussion is the important part.

Except mixed people are mostly considered ugly jfc
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I don't know if OP is just trolling or if he's genuinely retarded.
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ull regret this shit boy, u better apologize to dr mike
has nothing to do with mewing
56679a3cdf5d8d381120e4b83c17c73b17cdb6492a3af0948fc831be3baf4d2a 1

Look at these gigachads
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is the cope in this thread is real
You're way off base my friend. Mewing/proper posture and developmental habits just allow you to unlock your genetic potential BUT it literally helps with proper bone placement (look at the average mouthbreather). It compounds more than just forward growth, it adds on to everywhere in the face. Also, complete meme about mixed people since most of them are ugly mutts. You only see the odd very attractive one and use it as a stereotype despite their being many ugly ones.
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We would all be a lot more facially attractive with the ideal environment, yes.

But imo it's really easy to fall into this trap after discovering mike mew and watching a bunch of his videos, U start to think that everyone was meant to be a model with the perfect environment. Nope

View attachment 996358
The Hapsburgs disagree

Everyone is inbred to some degree.
If all ur ancestors were the same exact phenotype, u start to get phenotypically inbred traits - currys, slavic people, east asians (too much similar ancestry - Genghis Khan jfl) , jews (Ashkenazi Jews are a great example cuz they're culturally encouraged to breed with their kind).

Now look at mixed race ppl. They are the least inbred and scientifically the most fertile, and thus scientifically more attractive. Mixed people look good not cuz they're "exotic" but because shit genes from one parent get overriden by superior genes from the other.

Both of Zendaya's parents look like shit. But due to the parents only passing on the superior parts of their own genes, she lucks out - she is close to 0% inbred.

View attachment 996384

View attachment 996381

Genetic recombination cannot be overlooked. Chad not only has the right parents, but also a shit ton of good luck. water.

View attachment 996378

some parts of the thread may be low IQ due to generalizations, but starting this discussion is the important part.

Yes YEs YES. I’m so fucking sick of this shit. Obviously if you mouth breath it will have adverse effects but to say everyone was meant to have forward grown faces with perfect gonial angles is so fucking stupid. Genetics absolutely determine maxilla projection and width/height. If the jaw always followed the maxilla we wouldn’t have ppl with overbites either, where they are forward grown in their upper jaw and recessed below. Unfortunately most ppl here are retarded tho so prepare for shitpost responses


  • BAAEDA74-9F2D-43A0-9E49-81248366BB89.jpeg
    685.1 KB · Views: 263

I'd still dick her down

brutal genderpill
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Which is precisely why I want to breed with a white nordic girl with my ind- I mean mediterranean genetics
nord girls are for bbc only medboy
Nordic people aren't rly nordic tho.
They are mostly germanic ppl who migrated north
Real nordics r super mongoloid
This is incorrect.

Firstly, the Lapps are recent migrants to Northern Europe from around the Urals. Archeological/genetic evidence shows that the Saami are very recent arrivals compared to Indo-Europeans no matter how rough the guesses of arrival times we're willing to make are. The Corded Ware culture predates the arrival of the Lapps in Fennoscandia by way more than a millennium. This applies to the Finns as well, they crawled out of the Volga and began infesting their current shithole very recently compared to the IE invasions which created "real nordics" as we know them today.

Secondly, the Germanic languages originated in Scandinavia and Germanic tribes were recorded by the Romans consistently expanding southwards into Germania (places which are or have been Germanophone in modern times like Czechia, Austria and Bavaria were inhabited in antiquity by the Rhaetians as well as Celts like the Boii, Vindelici and Norici). Nerdics are the original Germanics, and Alpinid potato-headed monkeys from the black forest are Celto-Germanic mutts.
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Both of Zendaya's parents look like shit. But due to the parents only passing on the superior parts of their own genes, she lucks out - she is close to 0% inbred.

View attachment 996384
She looks horrific as well. Her eyes, nose and mouth look ridiculous, and her face is so round and wide I feel like I could get a try using her skull. The only reason she doesn't look as horrific as her parents in this photo is the amount of makeup she's using combined with having a lower bf% than either of her parents.

Horrible example, you are posting people who spent centuries fucking their nieces to the point that their family trees got smaller as you went up them. To prove how insanely retardedly inbred these people were, look no further than the Habsburg jaw - they picked up that defect from a single Pole introducing it into their bloodline, and yet they inbred so hard it became the norm. The amount of homozygosity in the genomes of these niggers would be comparable to that of dogs who can't breathe properly and whose eyeballs fall out because their snouts are so compressed. You might as well talk about Tutankhamun's club foot and klinefelter-tier frame since the Egyptian pharoahs also went out of their way to fuck their relatives.

Why do I feel like this thread is just you retardedly digesting and then shitting out Jewish propaganda about how if (always white people for some reason) breed with other races, the children will be healthier and more beautiful? The evidence for either of these things being the case is very patchy in the research, but retards like you read a bunch of popsci articles by niggerlovers talking about some weak correlation that isn't even present in half of the other studies (all of which have a tiny sample size) and then conclude that we should all fuck niggers. I hope your asshole gets gang raped by niggers with AIDS so you can come back and tell us how great race-mixing is afterwards. You seem to think that everyone who isn't a brillo-headed mulatto nigger ape monstrosity from the depths of the Anglo-American Zionist whore of Babylon McDonald's Walmart kike-nigger empire enslaved to Jews is somehow disgustingly-inbred trailer trash with a host of recessive genetic disorders, if so you are brainwashed to perfection.
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  • +1
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Mewing is cope, just dont mouth breathe during childhood.

Most mixed race kids looks like shit.

Both parent of Zendaya is fat, they actually have good features(deep set eyes and good chin), with guy being uglier because of pheno and nose.
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