Enough of the 5’9 Cope, 5’9 is subhuman levels of short

*upvote, im 17 most of the juniors are around 5'2 - 6'3. There's maybe one kid in the school that's 6'3 out of the thousandish. hes probably just noticing 100+ six footers a day because hes being exposed to like a thousand kids every day which lines up with the 14%. the average height for zoomers should actually be lower considering most middle schoolers are inactive gamers
You probably go to a big city school with not many rich ppl. Me going to a prep athletic school might skew my perception and expose me to taller ppl, but most juniors and seniors at my school are taller than avg
im 5'5 and have 5'8.5 gf all about face and frame
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Itt: height frauders claiming zoomers are taller despite there being 0 evidence of that, it being observably false for anyone who isn’t a hyperventilating little bitchboi, and it not making any sense for countries without malnutrition

that’s what I assume is in this thread anyway
Zoomers are taller. In Poland every 19yo man was in military comission and average height was 181cm like a year or a few ago. It probably translates to whole white race in the west, because Poland is like 99% white. I meet 190cm on regular basis, it's just a common height right now.

But overall, 190+ is rarer, but there's still chance to meet someone like that when you hang out at parties etc.
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Zoomers are taller. In Poland every 19yo man was in military comission and average height was 181cm like a year or a few ago. It probably translates to whole white race in the west, because Poland is like 99% white. I meet 190cm on regular basis, it's just a common height right now.

But overall, 190+ is rarer, but there's still chance to meet someone like that when you hang out at parties etc.
"muh muh muh zoomers are taller because I just feel like they're taller, even though all the studies and everything I see tell me that's wrong I just feel like the studies and stuff are all wrong you know? the studies are obviously lying to me and even though I'm obviously just hyperfocusing on taller guys and ignoring all the average height ones because I'm a massive hyperventilator who's ridiculously insecure about his own height, I'm going to choose to believe that my perception IS reality, again despite the mountains of evidence telling me that I'm an idiot." - You
"muh muh muh zoomers are taller because I just feel like they're taller, even though all the studies and everything I see tell me that's wrong I just feel like the studies and stuff are all wrong you know? the studies are obviously lying to me and even though I'm obviously just hyperfocusing on taller guys and ignoring all the average height ones because I'm a massive hyperventilator who's ridiculously insecure about his own height, I'm going to choose to believe that my perception IS reality, again despite the mountains of evidence telling me that I'm an idiot." - You
Maybe you just live in a manlet country. The evidence says white zoomers are tall.


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Maybe you just live in a manlet country. The evidence says white zoomers are tall.
I’m from America, in one of the whitest states. You’re a hyperventilator. There are 0 studies that actually suggest, on any meaningful level, that zoomers are getting taller, one random image will not change that. Anecdotally, if you go outside without being a high e hyperventilator you’ll notice that the average height claim for whichever your country is, is roughly accurate, yes even among zoomers.

it wouldn’t even make sense for zoomers to be significantly taller than millennials in countries without malnutrition. Your insecure delusions are retarded and make 0 sense, accept it.

Inb4 “muh muh muh it makes sense because taller people are the ones having kids!!” or some nonsense like that, despite the fact that the parents of the supposedly taller kids are the same ones you clowns claim are bringing down the average by being shorter, not to mention the fact that the people claiming zoomers are taller are the same people claiming “muh hypergamy” (narcy myth) is rampant and that in earlier times it was supposedly easier for shorter/uglier guys to have kids (nonsense, it’s always been the same, nothing has changed)

you guys are hyperventilating slaves to your own cognitive biases, the extreme lack of self awareness you guys show is actually RIDICULOUS. Grow up
I’m from America, in one of the whitest states. You’re a hyperventilator. There are 0 studies that actually suggest, on any meaningful level, that zoomers are getting taller, one random image will not change that. Anecdotally, if you go outside without being a high e hyperventilator you’ll notice that the average height claim for whichever your country is, is roughly accurate, yes even among zoomers.

it wouldn’t even make sense for zoomers to be significantly taller than millennials in countries without malnutrition. Your insecure delusions are retarded and make 0 sense, accept it.

Inb4 “muh muh muh it makes sense because taller people are the ones having kids!!” or some nonsense like that, despite the fact that the parents of the supposedly taller kids are the same ones you clowns claim are bringing down the average by being shorter, not to mention the fact that the people claiming zoomers are taller are the same people claiming “muh hypergamy” (narcy myth) is rampant and that in earlier times it was supposedly easier for shorter/uglier guys to have kids (nonsense, it’s always been the same, nothing has changed)

you guys are hyperventilating slaves to your own cognitive biases, the extreme lack of self awareness you guys show is actually RIDICULOUS. Grow up
The average for Poland is literally measured at the mandatory military comission at 19yo so how is this fake? I am 5'9.5 and in school i was always in the top 3 shortest dudes in the class, you can say that it's just a coincidence but it's hard to believe that every place i go where zoomers are majority it happens. When I am around the older generations I feel average. The height increase is probably because the nutrition is better (especially in ex-communist states like Poland) and there are more pesticides/hormones in food, also natural selection might play a part but i doubt it as long as i don't see scientific studies.
The average for Poland is literally measured at the mandatory military comission at 19yo so how is this fake? I am 5'9.5 and in school i was always in the top 3 shortest dudes in the class, you can say that it's just a coincidence but it's hard to believe that every place i go where zoomers are majority it happens. When I am around the older generations I feel average. The height increase is probably because the nutrition is better (especially in ex-communist states like Poland) and there are more pesticides/hormones in food, also natural selection might play a part but i doubt it as long as i don't see scientific studies.
it wouldn’t even make sense for zoomers to be significantly taller than millennials in countries without malnutrition.

next time you should lead with the fact that you’re from a place where earlier generations were literally starving. X doubt on poland being taller than america though tbh
next time you should lead with the fact that you’re from a place where earlier generations were literally starving. X doubt on poland being taller than america though tbh
Starving, but still the average was probably ~177cm, now it's 181cm for zoomers and the average for 19yo in Poland is probably the same in all west white zoomers.
Actual barefoot 5’9 at night is not a bad height
Starving, but still the average was probably ~177cm, now it's 181cm for zoomers and the average for 19yo in Poland is probably the same in all west white zoomers.
Yeah you’re delusional
Western white people are 5’9.5”, maybe 5’10”, zoomers included (5’9” flat is the number brought down by latinos btw, before you cope with that)

it’s really not my problem that you compare eye height to top of head height, anybody who goes outside knows you’re demonstrably wrong. Are polish people getting taller? Could be, strictly because of the malnutrition. Are the numbers you’re claiming accurate? No, not at all, laughable in fact

if polish people are taller it’s due to something like the netherlands, not indicative of the average western height.
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Yeah you’re delusional
Western white people are 5’9.5”, maybe 5’10”, zoomers included (5’9” flat is the number brought down by latinos btw, before you cope with that)

it’s really not my problem that you compare eye height to top of head height, anybody who goes outside knows you’re demonstrably wrong. Are polish people getting taller? Could be, strictly because of the malnutrition. Are the numbers you’re claiming accurate? No, not at all, laughable in fact

if polish people are taller it’s due to something like the netherlands, not indicative of the average western height.
Not delusional, if you're 176.5cm (5'9.5) you can clearly see that someone 181cm (5'11.25) is taller. Even with good posture i barely get to hunched over average zoomer height. The numbers are true, maybe polish ethnicity is just genetically tall, but I doubt it. Also I don't care about the US because of trash american lifestyle and diet which lowers potential height. There's a lot of race mixing in US, UK and other interracial countries so not sure if they count. Only eastern europe is pure blooded, Czech republic and Poland are pretty developed and pure white so they can show the real height (and maybe nordic+german).
Wtf youre guys talking about 5'9 is an okay height yeah ofc you aint going to be the supreme chad but fuck it , you re fucking life isnt over because of that , stop being controlled by women standards you bitches
Nah. Sure, it isnt optimal but you can still Be a chadlet at 5'9
I get called tall almost every single day at work being a little above 5’11 with 0.7” lifts

My city is upper class and above 80% white

The average height of a 18y/o upper class white guy is bit above 5’10 imo

If you account for people you see the most often (high status) yea the average is taller.
Hahah absolutely retarded larp. No one Gets called regularly tall by The same people. At best If you Are 6'5 people Ask you once how tall you Are and maybe joke that leave some pussy For The rest of us too.
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This is an actual thing though. No matter if its a tall country or short country, zoomers can easily mog the rest and even each other brutally.

Zoomers are definitely a different breed not kidding
Klinefelters making them really tall and steroids helping to avoid the bad symptoms of kline
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