Environment > Genetic ( LOWIQCEL BASEMENT THEORY )



A la orden del señor
Jul 28, 2020
Look at all the fucking animals ( created by us, not stray ones ), dogs, cats or whatever the fuck; they all look good/decent and every singular one looks basically the same ( if on the same race, i mean ), only some minors changes, you will rarely see a cat/dog with subhuman ( actually, subanimal ? jfl ) development such as overbite/underbite/deformities.
Eating plant/soft food has fucked humans almost beyond recovery jfl
And maybe psychological reasons as well such as stress could change our growing patterns, idk
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Not this shit again. Humans don't look alike because they evolved to live in very different climates and then proceeded to intermix with each other to oblivion. Now everyone is a mutt and a few lucky ones get the harmony to look good.
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Not this shit again. Humans don't look alike because they evolved to live in very different climates and then proceeded to intermix with each other to oblivion. Now everyone is a mutt and a few lucky ones get the harmony to look good.
yeah your talking about races, such as i described on the post, not about genetic quality. lol
yeah your talking about races, such as i described on the post, not about genetic quality. lol

There are no ugly/low quality animals because they die soon after birth or get killed by their peers/other animals on the hunt.
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  • JFL
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Pets like cats and dogs actually have almost as many problems as humans due to improper development, but of course people dont analyze their pets like their kids so not all their problems get noticed and fixed. They also develop for a very short time, unlike the nearly 2 decades that humans develop, so this makes problems less common. Things like overweight, diabetes, malnutrition, bad dental health, digestive problems, are all incredibly common among pets because they live unnaturally, eating pet food thats not good for them, not getting exercise, etc., many owners even spay/neuter their pets which causes so many problems.

also like fras said, pets with severe problems die because unlike humans people will not pay lots of money to keep an unhealthy pet around
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domestication is detrimental to every species most of the time and that includes us
Genetics is still the main driving force but anybody who denies environment is just deluding themselves. If they subscribe to evolutionary genetics and how they are propagated, it's literally impossible to neglect environmental pressure on genes. Domesticated animals are no different. The oft brought up Pitbull, who is maligned for being too aggressive is just nature's way of saying "you're domesticating a species that descends from a hunter-gatherer tribe based structure". Same thing with humans. Too much comfort, a lack of will to survive because it's all but guaranteed now has led to the development of weak/underdeveloped humans both facially and overall physically.
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Not really, see this baby eye area with poor support
20210203 220515

And now see mine
20210203 220701

Prenatal T and genetics are the reason why boneless people exist
You're right, but the kid in the first pic clearly has Crouzon syndrome JFL.
Yeah but still true
Images   2021 02 03T221822136

Short PFL has a baby
Dude that’s because they are literally bred that way. All of the major dog breeds are the result of desirable mutations that were the selectively breeder by humans. You’ll notice stray mutt dogs have plenty of bizzare unperfect features. We just don’t perceive them as such because we are predisposed to think of all dogs as cute. As for wild animals, well I’m sure they do exist but are shortly killed thereafter. Humans used to do the same thing btw. In Roman times meek/disabled children were often sent to fend for themselves in the wild if not outright killed.
Despite being disappointed with how I turned out physically I concede that it was probably just ingrained in my DNA.
JFL at the copers here. Research Weston Price. He literally gives us proof that it is indeed mainly the trash "diet" our parents feed us.
If you have the right nutrition growing up, it is almost impossible to be recessed, have any deformities, have cavities, have any skin problem, have allergies. It is like this for every other animal in the world that follows its natural diet. Why would it be different for humans. And again, this is not my opinion. It is a fact. Research Weston Price.

I know it is a hard pill to swallow. But it is what it is.
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  • JFL
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JFL at the copers here. Research Weston Price. He literally gives us proof that it is indeed mainly the trash "diet" our parents feed us.
If you have the right nutrition growing up, it is almost impossible to be recessed, have any deformities, have cavities, have any skin problem, have allergies. It is like this for every other animal in the world that follows its natural diet. Why would it be different for humans. And again, this is not my opinion. It is a fact. Research Weston Price.

I know it is a hard pill to swallow. But it is what it is.
Explain the fact that I have crazy forward facial growth but I’m a framecel.
Not all animals of the same species are born equal for example runts are genetically inferior to their brothers and sisters and wont usually survive for very long in the wild.

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