'Escaping the Matrix' - Satan's Great Deception (MEGATHREAD)

Watch this video if you have time. This is the great deception.

The TL;DR is that the old lie that 'man is god' is coming back in the form of the 'great awakening' which will destroy the new world order as we know it today. If you take anything away from this thread, it's that you should pay attention to peoples spiritual beliefs within the next 2 - 3 years. You will start to hear, more and more of people coming in contact with the religion of 'Gnosticism' though it is a specific BRANCH of Gnosticism that Lucifer, the snake gave humanity forbidden knowledge that WE are Gods.

That is a fundamental aspect of the New Age movement which will be growing into the 2020's. Remember this within the next couple of years and do not fall for it. Man is not God.

I know this is very interesting and all. But why can't we just... I don't know talk science or some stuff?

Heaven this, Hell that. My family also have wackos like these to a degree and it all kinda looks like massive lores of cope to me. It all comes from powerlessness I think, so due to lack of relevancy you wanna be part of something great. I get it. But if you wanna cope, I suggest you to play vidya. At least it is fun, and it is still MORE meaningful than this. At least you can get good at it and play competitively or stream at the very least.

Truth is, if there was a GOD and a Satan, they would be more like chads/jocks in highschool. Not giving that much of a shit about you, having fun with some wager about who can convert the most nerds to their side or something.

If this world is created by them, then what we see in life would closely resemble what kind of character traits they would have.
I know this is very interesting and all. But why can't we just... I don't know talk science or some stuff?

Heaven this, Hell that. My family also have wackos like these to a degree and it all kinda looks like massive lores of cope to me. It all comes from powerlessness I think, so due to lack of relevancy you wanna be part of something great. I get it. But if you wanna cope, I suggest you to play vidya. At least it is fun, and it is still MORE meaningful than this. At least you can get good at it and play competitively or stream at the very least.

Truth is, if there was a GOD and a Satan, they would be more like chads/jocks in highschool. Not giving that much of a shit about you, having fun with some wager about who can convert the most nerds to their side or something.

If this world is created by them, then what we see in life would closely resemble what kind of character traits they would have.
Science is a religion. Science proves god, but many try to use it as a way to disprove god, because they hate god.
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Read the Old Testament brother , are you a Christian moron. Yahweh is not a friendly guy

Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

To say hes not a friendly entity contradicts the verse you put, so this is man opinion.

It clearly says it forms the light, and creates darkness. Peace and evil. U can say maybe this was the devil (due to the forming light, instead of i am the light claim), but even the evil comes from something, evil was created. You cant say its not friendly when its literally implying that its both friendly and not friendly. Your opinionated but the fathers way is way beyond opinion. We cant understand its ways unless let known. And its ways are righteous, as righteousness comes from him.

I look at evil sometimes like i look at fire. What would happen to your body if you never felt strong heat when you touched a hot stove? Or doesn't a workman use fire and the hammer beat a piece of metal, until that metal becomes a sword? Is the worksman evil, or is the worksman exclusively fire and hammer because he beats the iron and purges the impurities is in the fire?

Its the concept of concept itself being created by the father. Where did the advisory come from? Why are they here? Did they form themselves? There can only be on almighty, one source, one "god" (when i say god i mean heavenly father). And if you believe your god is satan or evil, then you testify for yourself. but this belief would be nothing more than an opinion, as that what is true, that what is truly god will remain true and always have. That thing is undoubtedly righteous.
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Science is a religion. Science proves god, but many try to use it as a way to disprove god, because they hate god.
Oh that's cute. You think I care about that stuff. The truth is science can neither prove or disprove God. Besides, I was thinking more along the lines of "applicable" science. If you wanna understand the universe, you need to get it down to some useful and applicable phenomenon. You need to use both your imagination/intuition and logic to come up with a story. Not just hurr durr Satan changed muh bible, awakening is a scam, tunnel at the end of light is a scam because I've read it on interwebz.

You know what is the biggest scam? All of this is. Your original point of "must submit to God' is a scam. So when you make a 180° turn into 'You know what? Maybe I am God, I just don't know it yet.' it is still nonsense and scam. Old testament is not written by God, but it's not written by Satan either. It is written by man, to scam losers like you.

There is no GRAND conspiracy. But there is a very simple conspiracy.
Kill yourself, you utter lunatic
I actually had respect for this user on lookism where he'd make some solid posts, but now that he's shown he believes in this collection of childish man-made tales I may as well block him. I want nothing to do with anyone who believes an invisible evil character with horns literally exists.
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Read it all and watched the vids
I have actually recently been delving into the stuff that says that we are God and that the only limit to our potential is the belief that we are beneath a superior power rather than understanding that we are "one" with limitless power.

At 28:40 he starts discussing how everything that exists is based on reason and mathematics and at 34:07 he gets to the point of saying how we are God. I have been watching this guy for a while and have been very convinced by him

Aspie essay incoming:
The part of the video you linked where it said that the release of earth's prisoners will be overseen by the leader of the ascended masters Sanat Kumara was a mindfuck for me because it is Satan masquarading as a Golden Aryan savior
During an LSD trip I experienced a dark evil force trying to steal my energy/soul from me and I fought it as much as I could believing I had to save myself then a "Golden God" appeared and saved my from the evil force.
I then began thinking that this Golden God was a superior being that was levels above me and that it is basically to goal to ascend to that level. Once I was saved I felt like I was back in my room and I had an insane feeling of liberation and happiness.
Like all of the stress I've experienced in my life was simply to harden me to prepare me to see if I could pass the test to see if I would try fight against the evil force or surrender and I chose not to surrender.
I then started experiencing the Truman show effect common on LSD where it feels like everyone had been watching me to see what happened and were celebrating what I had just done. It felt like I had achieved the acceptance and appreciation I had been searching for all my life and it was my belief that all girls finally wanted me because they seen what I was capable of.
I felt like this was the new world where anything is possible and I would be at the top of the hierarchy and that all shame that we held did not matter because everyone was interconnected and could read each other's minds because all of our deepest secrets were out in the open. It was a real hippy flower power moment and all of my feelings of dislike for ethnics or homosexuals had disappeared.

When I had this trip the lockdown was in full flow and having this experience made me believe that the NWO cannot defeat you until you give up, it will try to break you but if you don't surrender you will defeat it because we have the ultimate power within ourselves to defeat it. This is quite similar to the V for vendetta scene of her transformation where Satan pushes her close to death so she no longer fears it and once she reaches that point she can be initiated into Satan's plan

Seeing just how many people out there are insentient enough to believe the scamdemic propaganda made me think that some people on this planet are less evolved but some are also more ascended beings (I included myself in this coz I'm narcy) so I would be very susceptable to believing that we need ascended saviors to save the planet.
I strongly believe in evolution but believe that evolution is not just physical but also spiritual throughout countless lifetimes and we eventually ascend into a realm above this one so I thought at some point I will be the ascended being saving another person from a dark, evil energy.

I had recently been thinking that Christianity was just created by the jews in order to have power over the goyim and now that they no longer need it, it's being dismantled so we have no unity to stand up against the ethnic invasion of europe and also no opposition to feminism or LGBT.
But what if this really is all one big trick where we think the enemy is the NWO trying to replace our people with ethnics and enslave us, mocking us all the way while we become so consumed with looking perfect thanks to increased narcisim and exposure to instagram chads until before us we see a perfect looking Aryan human who masquarades as our savior from the prison plant but he is really Satan

My question is: If we accept Satan's plan once the false flag NWO is defeated, what happens?

Finnish Marilyn Manson :lul:
I had a really good post that I can't find that was from 4chan of a guy making a very good argument that the Gnostic view of Yahweh being the devil was legit. I can't seem to find it though which is really annoying. I posted it here at one point but I can't remember the thread name.
Is it a giga long pic? I think I saved it but never got around to reading it

To say hes not a friendly entity contradicts the verse you put, so this is man opinion.

It clearly says it forms the light, and creates darkness. Peace and evil. U can say maybe this was the devil (due to the forming light, instead of i am the light claim), but even the evil comes from something, evil was created. You cant say its not friendly when its literally implying that its both friendly and not friendly. Your opinionated but the fathers way is way beyond opinion. We cant understand its ways unless let known. And its ways are righteous, as righteousness comes from him.

I look at evil sometimes like i look at fire. What would happen to your body if you never felt strong heat when you touched a hot stove? Or doesn't a workman use fire and the hammer beat a piece of metal, until that metal becomes a sword? Is the worksman evil, or is the worksman exclusively fire and hammer because he beats the iron and purges the impurities is in the fire?

Its the concept of concept itself being created by the father. Where did the advisory come from? Why are they here? Did they form themselves? There can only be on almighty, one source, one "god" (when i say god i mean heavenly father). And if you believe your god is satan or evil, then you testify for yourself. but this belief would be nothing more than an opinion, as that what is true, that what is truly god will remain true and always have. That thing is undoubtedly righteous.
What I mean is the creator god is neither only good or evil, he is both , a dualistic entity
Nonsense SKZOID post
If certain men are so powerful why don't they have teen sex slaves
Humanity's descent down the Rabbit Hole, into Lucifer's Light at the end of the Tunnel. Satan's True End Game and the Fallen Angel's False Flag Operation. Courtesy of DonnieDarkened on Twitter.

In the movie The Matrix, Neo is awoken to a message on his computer telling him to wake up and follow the white rabbit. Neo eventually takes the rabbit hole into realizing that his reality is a lie and that he must wake up and realize his true power to end the machine's tyranny.


The phrase "Follow the white rabbit" stems from Alice in Wonderland. Alice follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole, where she realizes her true destiny, to end the Red Queen's reign of tyranny. Keep these themes in mind as we move along.


Another film by the Wachowski brothers besides the Matrix is 'V for Vendetta.' In the film, London is the capital of a tyrannical police state and their only hope of resisting is united behind their leader, 'V'. He eventually saves a woman named 'Evey,' which will be important later.


With all of these themes in mind, there are two videos that i believe will tie this all in very eloquently to the powerful deception taking place. This video explains how "Escaping the matrix" is directly tied with what's really coming.

This video goes over a very esoteric scene from 'V for Vendetta.' In which 'V' (Satan) frees Evey (Eve) from her prison, and awakening her to her "true destiny and power"

The Occult stems from the inversion of the story of the Garden of Eden. The Luciferian version is, that Adam and Eve were oppressed by a “cruel tyrannical” God and that the serpent was the “Great Liberator” who gave us a “Great Awakening” of having knowledge or “enlightenment.”

In the same way that the Luciferian lie teaches that Satan "freed us" from the Garden, He will also "free" mankind from the tyranny of this age, leading the world into the false light of a new age. The God of the Bible will be framed as a tyrant. Much like the gnostics believe.

An edit by NuclearBrain: 'Much like how some of the Gnostics believe' it should read. Gnosticism is a very broad topic so I disagree with the original thread makers statement though many do believe this.

What's happening now is what's called the "Matrix disclosure." The "conspiracy theorists" will be proven right about the many lies of this world. Christianity will be lumped into these lies. Interestingly enough, Elon Musk posted this on New Years Eve.

Donnie Darkened: This was a hard pill to swallow for me. But what I've realized after many years is that the "truther" movement has always been about laying the foundation for the true Beast system. This video explains this very well.

The truth is, the dark, scary, tyrannical New World Order that has been shoved in our faces as a means to lead us into fear. This fear will lead the masses into demanding something be done about it, in which Satan will offer the solution. It is a brilliant deception.

2023 is the year of the Rabbit. I believe this is the year that humanity will go "down the rabbit hole" into realizing their "true destiny" to unite the "global consciousness" into usurping this current age, into the new one. 2024 is the year of the Dragon, interestingly enough.

As you can probably tell, there is a lot that encompasses this and one simple thread will not be enough to lay out all of the information about this. I highly recommend "What's Really Coming" by E511 Ministries as well as his other videos about this.

Many will hear this and think, “so what are we supposed to do, sit back and do nothing?” No, our battle is spiritual, not physical. We must spread the Word of God, seek personal sanctification and that of loved ones and others. We have no control over the events of the world. Many of the new age persuasion will not like this thread very much, as the entire basis of their spirituality is "spiritual awakening" and the world uniting their "global consciousness." My friends, Satan will always point us to our "divinity" and away from the God of the Bible.

Another video i highly recommend if you are interested is 'Road to Antichrist.' There are five separate parts available on E511's Rumble, his YouTube channel was terminated, so please support his work.

God bless you all, and stay strong in spiritual discernment. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ's Return, and not in man.

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I actually had respect for this user on lookism where he'd make some solid posts, but now that he's shown he believes in this collection of childish man-made tales I may as well block him. I want nothing to do with anyone who believes an invisible evil character with horns literally exists.

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