Ethics of Frauding + Banger List.



Oct 7, 2023
I was planning on making a full list of frauds but @WanderingBurro already did a really good job at this: banger thread pls read.

I still wanted to give some input on the ethics of frauding though because I think it's still fairly controversial.

Here's why to fraud:


All girls do is fraud. Therefore I believe that to even the playing field men need to fraud. You could do every single technique at once and still not fraud as hard as this girl. Power of fakeup.

Why do you think all girls are slightly lesbian but not all men are slightly gay? It's because what they're looking at isn't even a human face, it's a painting.
Why do you think girls focus on each others halos but only see the failos on men? Again It's because they're just admiring a painting on some ltb.

Girls also wear other frauds all the time like padded bra, padded pants, hairstyles that cover their whole side profile, 6 inch heals. (jfl at mofos who make fun of lifts while girls are wearing 5 inches) nail polish, fake nails, lip gloss, etc etc.

I would guess that almost all girls are adding a free 1-2 points with the frauding they do.
I'm always hearing these theories about how the feminizing chemicals in the water are making girls look better and men look worse and we need to live in the woods to look our best. No dude they're just fucking frauding and guys are sedentary.

You also have to consider that looksmaxxing is now mainstream and young men are doing softmaxes they see on tiktok.

1. Girls are all frauding and we need to fraud to make it fair. 2. Way more guys are softmaxxing and we need to get ahead of them.
Therefore: In the time period we live in you would be stupid not to fraud.

Some food for thought: We're always talking about what we're born too early or too late for, but think about this: in a few decades straight men will be wearing makeup and all the shit that's currently considered faggy. We live in the best time period for frauding because people don't know about it yet.

The first girls to fraud were adding 2 points more than their peers, everyone else caught up, so the average adjusted, but for a time the girls frauding 2 points were 6-7/10 on average. Do you realize how far ahead you could be right now by just frauding?

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Alright. Fair enough. Frauding it is.
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you need sexy pfp and cacthy title to get botb
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You sound like you know a lot about the subject. You should make a thread differentiating natural and artificial beauty.

You cannot beat natural beauty, it is subtle and the entire persons face is just pleasant to look at. Every feature is good on its own and molds into another level once everything is put together.

Once I gained experience on differentiating natural and artificial beauty I could not overlook women who were naturally beautiful, even with all the highlights, make up, contours and perfume. Once you notice it, you cannot unnotice it.
You sound like you know a lot about the subject. You should make a thread differentiating natural and artificial beauty.

You cannot beat natural beauty, it is subtle and the entire persons face is just pleasant to look at. Every feature is good on its own and molds into another level once everything is put together.

Once I gained experience on differentiating natural and artificial beauty I could not overlook women who were naturally beautiful, even with all the highlights, make up, contours and perfume. Once you notice it, you cannot unnotice it.
That's pretty basic and I don't think anybody would read it sorry. There's no such thing as artificial beauty its just mimicking natural beauty, its all the same. Congrats on learning about forward growth and ratios.

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