Ethnic (immigrants) are just better than white people tbh. White people are good for nothing.

Mansa Musa wealth is estimated to be 400 billion $ in today's money

Alexander the great wealth is estimated to be 1.6 trillion $ in today's money

Still, richest guy in your country still falls in comparrison

Also you must understand that it is useless to have a billion, if you cannot protect it

There is 1 proverb in chinese i think, i will paraphrase it:

The biggest sin of begger could do is to find a diamond

The lesson is that it is worthless if you have a ton of gold, if you cannot protect it... And as the history shown us, africa failed to protect it

So stop coping, i accepted that africa is far richer in resources than europe, but you must come to understand that just because a child sits on the chest of gold, it doesn't mean the gold will stay with him
alexander the great's wealth was not truly his own compared to mansa musa.

he only got lucky in his conquest, that's all there is to it.
Its cope. Can cope with all muh sundar pichai is ceo, etc. But reality is owner of these ppl is white or jew. What matters far more than being good at sport is financial dominance and military might. This is where whites have power. Power is what matters most ultimately
  • JFL
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alexander the great's wealth was not truly his own compared to mansa musa.

he only got lucky in his conquest, that's all there is to it.
Mansa musa was just born on the pile of gold he did nothing to aquire

Let's be honest and do not cope, if both of them lived in the same era and alexander wanted his wealth, ethnic musa would be unable to protect it

Cope if you think that conquering all those countries alexander did is less than some ethnic being born with it
  • +1
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Mansa musa was just born on the pile of gold he did nothing to aquire
the same could be said for alexander, he inherited his father's army, with competent generals who were preparing for persia for years.

He got lucky and quite frankly i'm sure most rulers/generals who are sane would do well in his position at the time.

let's also not talk about how he got pushed back by the "ethnics" in India :lul::lul:
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Its because ethnics are genetically blessed with better physique exp africans.
The Irish and Scottish whites bring down the average a ton. Scandinavian whites are still mogging
And enslaved you guys without any resistance for 200 years.

That's a western country shocker!!! and the United States was built by immigrants from NorthWest Europe...
British empire rose as quickly as it fell.
There was a lot of wars in Europe….. What is your point here?
It's not a unified block. The whole idea of 'europe' is a very new concept which took place in the latter half of millenia.
You can't even come up with a proper argument...

Let me tell you something;
White people are not your enemy. Whites let you live in their country and enjoy their freedom and civilization. Your enemies are the Jewish. Stop making cope threads degrading people who have drastically improved your life.
I don't distinguish between whites and their masters the Jews.

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