Ethnic Tax Follows a Curvilinear Relationship to PSL

Deleted member 14160

Deleted member 14160

12 PSL
Jun 2, 2021

Theory: One's ethnicity will be most detrimental to SMV around the Normie level and tapers off. AKA for truecels, adding more shit to shit won't make anyone bat an eye, while the higher one's PSL/Looks get, the more they transcend their respective pheno's shortcomings.
**Disclaimer**: This theory doesn't really apply to most of my Dravidian and Mongoloid skulled brothers tbh, their tax would remain relatively constant and high from LTN to Chads.

Exhibit A: Truecel to LTN tier- who cares? Looks shite either way. Manipulation of coloring/ethnic features will provide limited incremental benefit in context of modern society's standards

Exhibit B: Normie to HTN Level- A lot of these guys in ethnic categories would ascend hard with lighter skin, redder lips, straight noses, perhaps some with colored eyes depending on preferences. This is where ethnicity is most important to one's relative smv

Exhibit C: Chadlites (somewhat) and Chads suffer far less from their perceived ethnic "failos" or taxes. Manipulation of coloring and ethnic features will have a rather negligible effect at this tier. (Hid most of the asians and all the dravidians because the examples are pathetic in comparison to the others on their respective tier, once again proving my point that this doesn't apply to mongoloid/dravidian skulls

If anyone has any doubts about Exhibit C's claim, just look at the current forum undefeated unmoggable Salludon- a Paki generally winning against other GL members on the forum regardless of his perceived "failo" ethnicity.

Thoughts? :feelshah:
@StrangerDanger @VicMackey @volcelfatcel @MakinItHappenReturn @Preston @thecel @EverythingMattersCel @gamma @Biggdink @looksmaxpro @LooksOverAll @Biiyo03 @LondonVillie @germanlooks @forevergymcelling @Birdcell @Jawnomics @heightface @Anstrum95 @Alexanderr @Gargantuan @lutte
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  • +1
Reactions: Boxingfan, Mewton, Deleted member 5180 and 16 others
Obviously the variances in effect will be slightly different for racist users, but this definitely seems as it should be the general rule.
Sound high IQ but dnr
  • JFL
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Reactions: Toth's thot, .👽. and Deleted member 14160
Ethnic tax is real but pretty exaggerated.
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  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, Preoximerianas, Chadeep and 4 others
Absolutely agree. 'Chad is it's own race'. This isn't just a pheno thing either, it applies to traits like low-trust too. It's all about balance.

On a slightly related note tho, one thing I dislike about the truerateme guide is how they dont account for pheno. Imo the indian and black columns should be split into 2 separate columns for darkskins and lightskins. It makes the scale far more objective and far less confusing cuz some features that look good on dark indians don't look good on light indians.
  • +1
  • Woah
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I feel only dravidians and rice should only be considered true ethnics
  • JFL
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Pakistani mogging cumskin, niggers, gooks, shitskins, sands and spics

What a surprise :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15004, Preoximerianas, Chadeep and 3 others
Ethnic tax is real but a bit exaggerated.
Users here are fucking delusional when they talk about shit like salludon getting taxed for being ethnic or morrone having htn smv cuz he looks curry or @USER0213 being human
  • JFL
Reactions: Mewton, Deleted member 15004, Deleted member 5180 and 8 others
This guy is not a 7 imo
Screenshot 20211212 035151 Gallery

And these boys are not above average Screenshot 20211212 035242 Gallery
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane, Mewton, Preoximerianas and 1 other person
I think phenotype is a lot more important than race. Indo Nordic is A tier and I'd say it's a halo phenotype.

1933610 0FD9EDCC E3E4 4CDB 93D9 7945975D92FC
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Chadlite+ is own race. Also rate the paki girl I posted
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Reactions: Mewton and Deleted member 14160
Sound high IQ but dnr
Ethnic tax is real but pretty exaggerated.
Pakistani mogging cumskin, niggers, gooks, shitskins, sands and spics

What a surprise :soy:
I feel only dravidians and rice should only be considered true ethnics
Users here are fucking delusional when they talk about shit like salludon getting taxed for being ethnic or morrone having htn smv cuz he looks curry or @USER0213 being human
And it's not like I'm acting like white people are immune to any shortcomings common in their own ethnicity, including:
-light/ginger/Blonde hair (not including dirty blonde)
-Thin lips
-Bad/sparse eyebrows
-More prone to norwood
Are all failos that white people have to transcend before they enter into the Chadlite+ territories.
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  • +1
Reactions:🤫, Preoximerianas, Deleted member 16384 and 4 others
now do the nerdic tax
I think phenotype is a lot more important than race. Indo Nordic is A tier and I'd say it's a halo phenotype.
Oh I was treating pheno and ethnicity interchangeably.
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
The main purpose of all living beings is to reproduce , and secure an offspring that contains part of it's genes. Humans are no different , and there are certain evolutionary mechanics that dictate the behaviour of certain species . The long and harsh evolutionary path of humans , resulted in different mating strategy between men and women. Women should/will always preserve the most genetically superior male. The ethnicity here , never actually has been of high importance , since diverse mankind is a result of intermixing with each other since day one. Women will choose the genetically superior men over less superior . The only way a women could distinguish between superior male and less superior one , is by observing the phenotypical display of the genes . And it is direct result of natural selection or even main idea of it , that "better genes"=rare ones. It is what it is , now we at least can cope with "society".
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  • So Sad
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Don’t see any 9 in that pic tbh

ethnic tax won’t apply to high smv ethnics like aban
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14160
You’re either attractive or you’re not
This applies to every halo

if ur chad then height doesn’t matter as much
If ur subhuman height doesn’t really affect u
For normies they can get chad smv with 6’4+ height and frame
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Reactions: Mewton, Preoximerianas and Deleted member 14160
While I do know that dulatov sulumbek and sahib faber are only part white, they can pretty much pass as full whites so I dunno if id put them next to their respective group.

overall agree with the thread, i do think some phenos have more appeal than others regardless of psl.
  • +1
Reactions: StrangerDanger
Users here are fucking delusional when they talk about shit like salludon getting taxed for being ethnic or morrone having htn smv cuz he looks curry or @USER0213 being human
Get lost greycel. Legit cage at you for being the face of that scumbag - volcelfatcel for so long just to take all the trolling.
Get lost greycel. Legit cage at you for being the face of that scumbag - volcelfatcel for so long just to take all the trolling.
Sketch 1639011015997
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, volcelfatcel, Preoximerianas and 1 other person
Features make up for skin colouring failo. Most Indians are ugly asf with dog shit bloated features.
  • So Sad
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Reactions: Deleted member 14160, Preoximerianas, Gaia262 and 1 other person
@WhatIsMyPlan? This is basically the same thing I was saying as your post just now
lol did mewbrah make this picture @Preston @Biiyo03

  • JFL
Reactions: Preoximerianas, Biiyo03 and Jason Voorhees
View attachment 1438021

Theory: One's ethnicity will be most detrimental to SMV around the Normie level and tapers off. AKA for truecels, adding more shit to shit won't make anyone bat an eye, while the higher one's PSL/Looks get, the more they transcend their respective pheno's shortcomings.
**Disclaimer**: This theory doesn't really apply to most of my Dravidian and Mongoloid skulled brothers tbh, their tax would remain relatively constant and high from LTN to Chads.

Exhibit A: Truecel to LTN tier- who cares? Looks shite either way. Manipulation of coloring/ethnic features will provide limited incremental benefit in context of modern society's standards
View attachment 1438027

Exhibit B: Normie to HTN Level- A lot of these guys in ethnic categories would ascend hard with lighter skin, redder lips, straight noses, perhaps some with colored eyes depending on preferences. This is where ethnicity is most important to one's relative smv
View attachment 1438031

Exhibit C: Chadlites (somewhat) and Chads suffer far less from their perceived ethnic "failos" or taxes. Manipulation of coloring and ethnic features will have a rather negligible effect at this tier. (Hid most of the asians and all the dravidians because the examples are pathetic in comparison to the others on their respective tier, once again proving my point that this doesn't apply to mongoloid/dravidian skulls
View attachment 1438040
If anyone has any doubts about Exhibit C's claim, just look at the current forum undefeated unmoggable Salludon- a Paki generally winning against other GL members on the forum regardless of his perceived "failo" ethnicity.

Thoughts? :feelshah:
@StrangerDanger @VicMackey @volcelfatcel @MakinItHappenReturn @Preston @thecel @EverythingMattersCel @gamma @Biggdink @looksmaxpro @LooksOverAll @Biiyo03 @LondonVillie @germanlooks @forevergymcelling @Birdcell @Jawnomics @heightface @Anstrum95 @Alexanderr @Gargantuan @lutte
Cope theory. the ethnic tax is simple: if you're below a 7/10 facially as an ethnic you're invisible to the average white girl - you might as well be a mannequin at that point. At 7 - 8/10, you will be treated as human and 8+ is where Chad treatment begins for ethnics.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Mewton, Deleted member 5180, thereallegend and 1 other person
Cope theory. the ethnic tax is simple: if you're below a 7/10 facially as an ethnic you're invisible to the average white girl - you might as well be a mannequin at that point. At 7 - 8/10, you will be treated as human and 8+ is where Chad treatment begins for ethnics.
I agree with this too tbh, what do you consider 7-8 and 8+ for ethnics?
I agree with this too tbh, what do you consider 7-8 and 8+ for ethnics?
I’m black so I can give you examples of black guys.

this dude is 7-8
97652766 5FBA 4322 94FB 674774AC16D3

this dude is 8+
74020F4A 1837 40E0 B4B6 D1FAD4599E4D
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, thereallegend and Deleted member 14160
Cope theory. the ethnic tax is simple: if you're below a 7/10 facially as an ethnic you're invisible to the average white girl - you might as well be a mannequin at that point. At 7 - 8/10, you will be treated as human and 8+ is where Chad treatment begins for ethnics.
This and being NT unironically is part of the ethnic tax. NTness is a requirement for ethnics incl. blacks, to be seen as human by women.
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Nigga Majored in PSL
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View attachment 1438021

Theory: One's ethnicity will be most detrimental to SMV around the Normie level and tapers off. AKA for truecels, adding more shit to shit won't make anyone bat an eye, while the higher one's PSL/Looks get, the more they transcend their respective pheno's shortcomings.
**Disclaimer**: This theory doesn't really apply to most of my Dravidian and Mongoloid skulled brothers tbh, their tax would remain relatively constant and high from LTN to Chads.

Exhibit A: Truecel to LTN tier- who cares? Looks shite either way. Manipulation of coloring/ethnic features will provide limited incremental benefit in context of modern society's standards
View attachment 1438027

Exhibit B: Normie to HTN Level- A lot of these guys in ethnic categories would ascend hard with lighter skin, redder lips, straight noses, perhaps some with colored eyes depending on preferences. This is where ethnicity is most important to one's relative smv
View attachment 1438031

Exhibit C: Chadlites (somewhat) and Chads suffer far less from their perceived ethnic "failos" or taxes. Manipulation of coloring and ethnic features will have a rather negligible effect at this tier. (Hid most of the asians and all the dravidians because the examples are pathetic in comparison to the others on their respective tier, once again proving my point that this doesn't apply to mongoloid/dravidian skulls
View attachment 1438040
If anyone has any doubts about Exhibit C's claim, just look at the current forum undefeated unmoggable Salludon- a Paki generally winning against other GL members on the forum regardless of his perceived "failo" ethnicity.

Thoughts? :feelshah:
@StrangerDanger @VicMackey @volcelfatcel @MakinItHappenReturn @Preston @thecel @EverythingMattersCel @gamma @Biggdink @looksmaxpro @LooksOverAll @Biiyo03 @LondonVillie @germanlooks @forevergymcelling @Birdcell @Jawnomics @heightface @Anstrum95 @Alexanderr @Gargantuan @lutte
Why is column 4 so inconsistent on ethnicity?

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