Even here some niggas don't wanna see you succeed

They'd rather tell you that surgery is cope

"You can't change your bone structure bro"

That's exactly what surgeries are for, to fraud our bone structure

Even celebrities get surgeries, why shouldn't we get them ?

It’s because these poor fucking loser tell u shit like muhh this take a @steroids for example this cuck loser think impossible to get bimax and obo because he’s trucel rotter loser with maxilla from hell Jfl ☠️
They'd rather tell you that surgery is cope

"You can't change your bone structure bro"

That's exactly what surgeries are for, to fraud our bone structure

Even celebrities get surgeries, why shouldn't we get them ?

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It’s because these poor fucking loser tell u shit like muhh this take a @steroids for example this cuck loser think impossible to get bimax and obo because he’s trucel rotter loser with maxilla from hell Jfl ☠️
nigga i never said bimax is impossible? im saying u dont have the FUNDS for it pooron retard
nigga i never said bimax is impossible? im saying u dont have the FUNDS for it pooron retard
I do lmfao u are retard and are trucel who gonna lose his teeth are early because u clench them
nigga i never said bimax is impossible? im saying u dont have the FUNDS for it pooron retard
64 k isn’t enough are u fucking stupid Rotter?
I do lmfao u are retard and are trucel who gonna lose his teeth are early because u clench them
i have a girlfriend retard. why are u so pressed u have 0 funds.
whole userbase here operates on envy
the only people that actually wished for me to get a girlfriend where some officers in the military that everyone hated
Idc what anyone says I'll get a gf for sure and I'll spend some of my happiest moments with her. She'll heal me and take away all the pain and loneliness
Wanna bet your account?

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