Even Jesus Christ was an incel and died a virgin as did the smartest man ever

I'm admiring your faith even if I don't agree with the schizo Caucasoid kangz theories
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I'm admiring your faith even if I don't agree with the schizo Caucasoid kangz theories

No faith at all, just accepting the truth instead of being blinded by ignorance.

we wuz Kangz is the blacks recent movement, so to put this label on Caucasians is absolutely historical. Not only that, they have more Kings and Queens in their history than any other race and still do to this day.

There is no theory as it's all factual as the history, lineage, DNA, artificts, and many other evidences have been perfectly preserved as proof of these facts. Theories mainly come from the blacks starting in the late 1800s then it really gained traction in the 1960s and made mainstream over the last decade. The blacks push that they're the original Israelites, Ancient Egyptians, Moors, Free Masons, Zodiac signs, Irish, etc. They push these fairy tales as it's everything they're not as they have no history so they steal ours. If you go into their groups online you'll see these people calling themselves Kings and Queens. They have delusions of grandeur and nothing to support their theories at all. They didn't even invent the wheel before the white man civilized them.
No need to call yourself a nigger.

1.) John 3:3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again[a] he cannot see the kingdom of God.
2.) 1 Peter 1:23: "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which Loveth and Aideth for ever
3.) Jesus has a baptism by water to set an example for all of us.

Overall baptism by water isn't required for salvation but is a necessary step in pledging one's obedience to God what is already in your heart and making it public. But to be born again one can confess your faith in Christ and his fulfillment of the scriptures and shedding his blood for our sins in private in your heart/mind. Baptism by water is an extra step one can take but not absolutely necessary for salvation.

I believe in rewards in heaven and perhaps these are one of those things that earn us rewards along with good works. I do believe that one makes it into heaven with faith but also through repentance of sins aka not walking in your sin and attempting to strive to become sinless and walking in the spirit and not the flesh. Having faith in Christ yet living in a gay marriage is a complete contradiction. Sure most people even born again christians qho have received the holy spirit and are serving GOD and have developed a relationship qith him, probably still sin. But the one's not qalking in their sin are going to be saved.

If you just steal every single day and do nothing to improve this bad habit then you're living in your sin. There are degrees or levels of sins because not all sins are equal.

Salvation based on scripture:
1.) Accept Jesus as your savoir and believe in him and the fulfillment of the scriptures aka born again in qhich you receive the holy spirit.
2.) Daily repentance of sins (not qalking in your sins).
3.) forgive others and yourself so that Jesus can forgive you.
4.) Have no fear or doubt that Jesus can and qill save you.
5.) Be an adamite (seed of Noah is all that's required so all humans on earth meet this requirement due to the flood)
6.) Don't take the mark of the beast
7.) Don't commit the unforgiveable sin in blaspheme against the holy spirit

Earning rewards in Heaven:
1.) Keeping the law (the more obedience the better.
2.) Good works (I'm assuming the more good deeds or the more souls you help save or physical lives you save or improve in this life or the next the better. This can be almost anything but the main ones to focus on are healing the sick, deliverance aka cast out demons, salvation aka assisting others on their path to receive salvations, giving baptisms,
3.) Baptism by water.
4.) Martyr aka dying due to refusing to deny GOD or dying by preaching the gospel.
5.) Self-sacrifice your life to save others. Jesus is the ultimate example of this.
6.) Sacrifice your family, friends, house, goods, resources to devout your life to Jesus and receive 30x more in the afterlife per the book of Mattheq.

There's potential for me to receive reward just for giving you this information (unless you knew all of it then it's not going to do much but if you receive and act on this message then perhaps my rewards are increased.

However, those who preach or teach the gospel and lead people in the wrong path are to be punished and even worse if they intentionally preach false doctrine and it damns souls to hell then that's a dangerous road. It's hard to believe people intentionally deceiving others to damn their souls are really true believers or they let their egos get in qay of their faith.

Even though it's a faith based system for salvation it's meritocracy system for rewards in the Kingdom of heaven. I do think about these things but I do feel genuinely happy for others if I can do some good that helps them in return.

I do not know the exact rewards in heaven one will receive but perhaps that's a topic for another day.
fuck it bruh i want to be a chritstian
Wow, who would have guessed, an incel who claimed to have connection with a make believe God to obtain power and social standing.
Wow, who would have guessed, an incel who claimed to have connection with a make believe God to obtain power and social standing.
1.) Not an incel but I've been a Volcel(like Jesus and Tesla) for 6 years since going off grid in the sticks.
2.) God is proven unless you have blind faith that everything is created from nothing. Energy isn't created or destroyed but transferred hence your soul. Everything in this material world is perfectly designed for life. Jesus Christ's birth, death, torture, crucifixion and resurrection is proven via the Shroud of Turin, all space time and matter are contingent therefore there must be some necessary, spaceless, timeless, immaterial entity in which all contingent reality depends which sounds suspiciously like God, and finally Intelligent design is behind information and a code requires a creator or intelligent design and our reality as it exists including our DNA is code and programed which is information that is programmed by a creator aka GOD. On top of this even the apostles/disciples didn't believe Christ nor did his oqn brothers and they denied him and ran away from him during his crucifixtion to save their lives. However, after they seen him in his resurrected form they then went on to preach the gospel daily for the rest of their lives giving up their wealth, resources, family to risk their lives and eventually get murdered and gained nothing in return in this physical reality. It sounds unlikely for these men to risk their lives over a lie in which they gain nothing in this physical reality and lose everything including their lives. No other so called religion has this element. Most are mythological in nature or they're copies of pagan myths mixed with parts of the Torah like Judaism, and Islam and all are contingent on your works for salvation and so called Christianity is contingent on your faith for salvation. Bonus: There are millions of accounts including 10's of thousands of videos, books, interviews of people that have near death experiences/ out of body experiences after death and go into their soul body and the majority of experiences are heaven, hell and some qitness Jesus. None qitness any of the false mythalogical God's, no reincarnation, no merging into the soil as nothingness, hence every single account proves Jesus is King. This are public and free of charge. You can go on youtube and find 100's of these accounts from athiests, drug dealers, Muslims, Buddhists, Non messianic Jevvs, etc and all have the same account of hell, heaven and or Jesus. Nobody has ever come back from an OBE/NDE and become an athiest, agnostic, Muslim, etc. LMAO
3.) Qho's gaining power and social standing and how?
4.) This post is satirical and I stated that multiple times.
Nobody is stopping you.
it's hard man

the steps

or will god even answer my question

and that cia gateway

astral projection stuff

like what is truth
  • Hmm...
Reactions: King Solomon
it's hard man

the steps

or will god even answer my question

and that cia gateway

astral projection stuff

like what is truth
Jesus is the truth the way the light.

It's only hard if you believe it to be so.

What about gateway/astral projection? I stopped doing this, since it's a form of witchcraft. I believe one should only have this experience if God naturally allows you to have it and or death or a near death experience. It doesn't hurt to research this topic. I had issues after watching 100's of videos on people's experience of hell. It's extremely disturbing.

I've found the more you walk in the spirit and not in the flesh, the more likely GOD is willing to answer your questions. If you're walking in sin then prayers are going to be un answered. At least that's my experience.
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Jesus is the truth the way the light.

It's only hard if you believe it to be so.

What about gateway/astral projection? I stopped doing this, since it's a form of witchcraft. I believe one should only have this experience if God naturally allows you to have it and or death or a near death experience. It doesn't hurt to research this topic. I had issues after watching 100's of videos on people's experience of hell. It's extremely disturbing.

I've found the more you walk in the spirit and not in the flesh, the more likely GOD is willing to answer your questions. If you're walking in sin then prayers are going to be un answered. At least that's my experience.
thanks for your input brother you seem like an wise guy

regarding these topics
  • Woah
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thanks for your input brother you seem like an wise guy

regarding these topics
I'm going to create 2 moderately sized posts on arguments for GOD and the Shroud of Turin in the near future. Feel free to check out these future posts as it may be of assistance for you on your journey.

As for a Church I go to Dustin Nemos' church online as a non denominational church that leaves no stone unturned. You can ask him or anyone any question you'd like including the most difficult questions or sensitive questions. Normal chapter 304 government controlled churches do not offer this. He's on Bitchute and from there you can find the church and other sites he has.

As for the most reputable bibles/references, I use the following:

1.) Matthews 1rst edition 1537 bible: first bible translated to English and the man who did this was murdered by the Papacy for heresy (telling the truth). King James KJV is an abomination.
2.) Strong's concordance: Translations
3.) Septuagint: 3rd century AD
4.) Codex 4th Century
Being a virgin incel back then had to be brutal without no porn and internet.
  • JFL
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Being a virgin incel back then had to be brutal without no porn and internet.
You have your oqn imagination. That's all I did since I had no porn or internet in my early teens.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You have your oqn imagination. That's all I did since I had no porn or internet in my early teens.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Did you live in a jungle ? I can’t imagine not having internet
  • Hmm...
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Did you live in a jungle ? I can’t imagine not having internet
Before the internet was very popular and my father is cheap. Qe didn't get it until 99. I learned about coding in 96 then I learned about the internet in 96 and begged my dad for 3 years. I had to go to the library for my projects. :lul:
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For the dudes that believe they're doomed to die a virgin, don't feel bad guys as even our GOD in the flesh was an INCEL and died a virgin at around 33 years old. Not only that, he never had a relationship or kissed a girl on the lips. He was a short King at 5'11", was a really nice guy, lean with little muscle tone, long golden hair and blue eyes, and a pureblood Israelite aka Caucasian. So even a legitimate GOD couldn't get any in his time.
View attachment 3299963
This is the image or selfie GOD took of himself at the time of his resurrection. They cleaned up the blood and scars in the final image and added skin tone, eye color and facial hair color. The original image is a 3D model of the Shroud of Tourin which Jesus was covered in his burial.

Since he was sub 6 ft, average frame, about average looks, looks nice and a very nice guy he just didn't meet the standards of females in his time.

So if God himself couldn't get any then how can you expect to get any if you don't meet the bare minimum requirements?

Another dude that died a virgin qas the smartest man (100% man) in human history in Nikola Tesla.

He was 6'1" tall dark and handsome as he had dark hair . This guy has more important inventions that society uses today than any other human in history. Unfortunately, he was an IQ/cell as he had a 250+IQ. Some of his inventions never seen the light of day due to funding or they took his patents or burned doqn his house and all of his work multiple times. Some things he invented including the one's he didn't get credit for (remote control cars/boats, free wireless energy, death ray (wipe out entire armies in a second), time machine (virtual not physical similar to a quantum computer) earthquake generator, radio, x-ray, AC current, etc.

He had the height, looks but he was just too smart for his own good. He's essentially the inspiration for Iron man but never got the girls like Iron man did.

View attachment 3299977

Here he is inside his faraday cage looking like the OG mad scientist just chilling around enough electricity to kill him in a split second.

View attachment 3299989

In spite of his incredible charm, dashing good looks, being relatively tall, and creating many inventions to improve humanity drastically, he died a virgin with no money and no real friends outside a pigeon he called his real true love.

You see even if one has the six 6's, if you're an IQ/cell it's over for you. Also, he was an extremely nice gentleman and that's the same issue Jesus had.

So basically dumb yourself down if you have a 120+ IQ (Maybe less), do whatever it takes to get the 7 seven's (6's are insufficient as you need at least the 7 7's which includes a 7 overall SMV bare minimum score), be a complete douchebag and the opposite of what women say they qant in a man in terms of personality (toxic, mean, degrade her, toy with her emotions, verbally abuse her constantly, cheat, lie, steal, ignore her, etc). The more toxicity the more she comes back. Also, just run through as many chicks as possible and have at least 100 on your roster at all times but upgrade the list constantly. Never have a GF or get married because no matter how rich, famous, attractive, muscular, big your D is, toxic, etc they'll always just cheat and leave you inevitably due to the technocratic patriarchal funded matriarchy, morally regressive state we currently reside in. Being a GOD or extremely high IQ and giving back to society just means you'll end up dying a virgin with no money just like Jesus and Tesla.

He was more like a vocel (voluntary celibate) because in the bible it clearly says that Jesus was a handsome man
  • +1
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preach brother :fire:
  • +1
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Mirin' the post as Agnosticel, women are the jaws of the beast. here to make us waste our life grinding on them for them. :lul:
  • So Sad
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over when even the creator of the universe couldn’t get any pussy

Hypergamy is so insane that foids didn’t even want to fuck literal god

  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
How can you be Christian and not Catholic? For thousands of years people understood the Bible through the Catholic Church, where the fuck was god then? He just abandoned the people to be mentally colonized by the church?

You can try finding ways to rationalize all the contradictions but the truth is that Abrahamic religions are made up to control the masses and guide the world towards whatever they planned thousands of years ago which awe are close to btw
  • Hmm...
Reactions: King Solomon
For the dudes that believe they're doomed to die a virgin, don't feel bad guys as even our GOD in the flesh was an INCEL and died a virgin at around 33 years old. Not only that, he never had a relationship or kissed a girl on the lips. He was a short King at 5'11", was a really nice guy, lean with little muscle tone, long golden hair and blue eyes, and a pureblood Israelite aka Caucasian. So even a legitimate GOD couldn't get any in his time.
View attachment 3299963
This is the image or selfie GOD took of himself at the time of his resurrection. They cleaned up the blood and scars in the final image and added skin tone, eye color and facial hair color. The original image is a 3D model of the Shroud of Tourin which Jesus was covered in his burial.

Since he was sub 6 ft, average frame, about average looks, looks nice and a very nice guy he just didn't meet the standards of females in his time.

So if God himself couldn't get any then how can you expect to get any if you don't meet the bare minimum requirements?

Another dude that died a virgin qas the smartest man (100% man) in human history in Nikola Tesla.

He was 6'1" tall dark and handsome as he had dark hair . This guy has more important inventions that society uses today than any other human in history. Unfortunately, he was an IQ/cell as he had a 250+IQ. Some of his inventions never seen the light of day due to funding or they took his patents or burned doqn his house and all of his work multiple times. Some things he invented including the one's he didn't get credit for (remote control cars/boats, free wireless energy, death ray (wipe out entire armies in a second), time machine (virtual not physical similar to a quantum computer) earthquake generator, radio, x-ray, AC current, etc.

He had the height, looks but he was just too smart for his own good. He's essentially the inspiration for Iron man but never got the girls like Iron man did.

View attachment 3299977

Here he is inside his faraday cage looking like the OG mad scientist just chilling around enough electricity to kill him in a split second.

View attachment 3299989

In spite of his incredible charm, dashing good looks, being relatively tall, and creating many inventions to improve humanity drastically, he died a virgin with no money and no real friends outside a pigeon he called his real true love.

You see even if one has the six 6's, if you're an IQ/cell it's over for you. Also, he was an extremely nice gentleman and that's the same issue Jesus had.

So basically dumb yourself down if you have a 120+ IQ (Maybe less), do whatever it takes to get the 7 seven's (6's are insufficient as you need at least the 7 7's which includes a 7 overall SMV bare minimum score), be a complete douchebag and the opposite of what women say they qant in a man in terms of personality (toxic, mean, degrade her, toy with her emotions, verbally abuse her constantly, cheat, lie, steal, ignore her, etc). The more toxicity the more she comes back. Also, just run through as many chicks as possible and jesus

For the dudes that believe they're doomed to die a virgin, don't feel bad guys as even our GOD in the flesh was an INCEL and died a virgin at around 33 years old. Not only that, he never had a relationship or kissed a girl on the lips. He was a short King at 5'11", was a really nice guy, lean with little muscle tone, long golden hair and blue eyes, and a pureblood Israelite aka Caucasian. So even a legitimate GOD couldn't get any in his time.
View attachment 3299963
This is the image or selfie GOD took of himself at the time of his resurrection. They cleaned up the blood and scars in the final image and added skin tone, eye color and facial hair color. The original image is a 3D model of the Shroud of Tourin which Jesus was covered in his burial.

Since he was sub 6 ft, average frame, about average looks, looks nice and a very nice guy he just didn't meet the standards of females in his time.

So if God himself couldn't get any then how can you expect to get any if you don't meet the bare minimum requirements?

Another dude that died a virgin qas the smartest man (100% man) in human history in Nikola Tesla.

He was 6'1" tall dark and handsome as he had dark hair . This guy has more important inventions that society uses today than any other human in history. Unfortunately, he was an IQ/cell as he had a 250+IQ. Some of his inventions never seen the light of day due to funding or they took his patents or burned doqn his house and all of his work multiple times. Some things he invented including the one's he didn't get credit for (remote control cars/boats, free wireless energy, death ray (wipe out entire armies in a second), time machine (virtual not physical similar to a quantum computer) earthquake generator, radio, x-ray, AC current, etc.

He had the height, looks but he was just too smart for his own good. He's essentially the inspiration for Iron man but never got the girls like Iron man did.

View attachment 3299977

Here he is inside his faraday cage looking like the OG mad scientist just chilling around enough electricity to kill him in a split second.

View attachment 3299989

In spite of his incredible charm, dashing good looks, being relatively tall, and creating many inventions to improve humanity drastically, he died a virgin with no money and no real friends outside a pigeon he called his real true love.

You see even if one has the six 6's, if you're an IQ/cell it's over for you. Also, he was an extremely nice gentleman and that's the same issue Jesus had.

So basically dumb yourself down if you have a 120+ IQ (Maybe less), do whatever it takes to get the 7 seven's (6's are insufficient as you need at least the 7 7's which includes a 7 overall SMV bare minimum score), be a complete douchebag and the opposite of what women say they qant in a man in terms of personality (toxic, mean, degrade her, toy with her emotions, verbally abuse her constantly, cheat, lie, steal, ignore her, etc). The more toxicity the more she comes back. Also, just run through as many chicks as possible and have at least 100 on your roster at all times but upgrade the list constantly. Never have a GF or get married because no matter how rich, famous, attractive, muscular, big your D is, toxic, etc they'll always just cheat and leave you inevitably due to the technocratic patriarchal funded matriarchy, morally regressive state we currently reside in. Being a GOD or extremely high IQ and giving back to society just means you'll end up dying a virgin with no money just like Jesus and Tesla.

Jesus purpose on earth wasnt to get married
How can you be Christian and not Catholic? For thousands of years people understood the Bible through the Catholic Church, where the fuck was god then? He just abandoned the people to be mentally colonized by the church?

You can try finding ways to rationalize all the contradictions but the truth is that Abrahamic religions are made up to control the masses and guide the world towards whatever they planned thousands of years ago which awe are close to btw

It's called free will, God gives us free will and discernment in order to understand truth vs lies. If you were fooled by a cult like Catholicism, Muslims, Judaism, Mormons, Janova's witness, etc then that's your own fault. With that being said, GOD has intervened with millions of people in every generation to keep them on the right path. One of the main qay God does this is through out of body experiences and or providing prophetic vision. However, the PAPACY's existence is a prophecy fulfilled that literally proves GOD's existence. If you were to read the Book of Revelations and understand the history of the Papacy then you'd know this to be true.

There is no such thing as Christianity as Jesus never talked about such a term. The only mentioning of Christian is in Acts and Peter. Peter is pseudepigraphical and nobody knows the true writer of the book of ACTS. Not to mention Paul is a false apostle so all of his teachings are of the synagogue of Satan.

Catholicism aka the Papacy was invented as a means to control the believers in the truth or what people of today call Christians. They were killing millions of Christians in Rome but that method failed. So, they mixed their pagan God worship with so called Christianity and this Papacy is one of the Beasts mentioned in the Book of Revelation and this prophecy has been fulfilled. Paul is the false apostle mentioned in the book of Revelations by Jesus.

The truth has existed before man and was here with man and shall be here after man leaves. The religions are obfuscating truth as Chapter 304 controlled churches do not give us the truth.

There is no such thing as an Abrahamic religion outside of the truth because an Abrahamic religion would include a belief in the holy trinity which is the GOD of Abraham. In short the Edomites aka descendants of Esau the older twin brother of Jacob, eventually converted to Judaism in 150 BC and over time stole the identity, culture and history of the Israelites and said they're the tribe of Judah but they're not they're liars and are the synagogue of Satan the Children of the Devil. These are the so called Ashkenazi Jevvs of today.

The Muslim archaic death cult was created around 600 AD by the Papacy to control the Arabs and to take control of Jerusalem.

There are no contradictions at all. You're confusing contradictions with ignorance, lies, mis interpretations, and or mistranslations.

In the end yes, the enemy uses the truth by creating and having these Chapter 304 government controlled Churches to spread lies. No, the actual truth isn't made up to control the masses as it's simply truth and the truth shall set you free.

I'd highly suggest looking into the millions of recent testimonies about Near Death Experiences/Out of Body Experiences by people within our generation. This includes, atheists, Buddhists, agnostics, Muslims, Christians, etc. All the people that go to hell or experience "hell" or a portion of it, either reject Christ as the Massiah, and or reject adhering to the teachings in the Gospel to gain salvation. Also, 100% of them that eventually were pulled back into their bodies and given a second chance all cried out for the name of Jesus Christ to save them. All the people that did make it to heaven or the gates of heaven are the people that accepted Jesus as their Massiah and adhered to his teachings. No Muslim, Buddhis, atheist, Agnostic, Satanist ever made it to heaven and it's never going to happen.

There are 100's of books, thousands of videos on youtube on this topic. The enjoy watching the devout life long atheists or Muslims that were indoctrinated from birth and literally needed to experience hell and Jesus saving them or else they would've never believed in the truth. These people share their embarrassing lives of 40+ years normally where they denied GOD or mocked GOD and lead a degenerate life yet GOD still had mercy on their souls and gave them a second chance.

These are just a few of the experiences from life long hardcore atheists who share their embarrassing story on how they didn't believe in the truth and did the opposite of the creator's teachings for their entire life. There are thousands of videos similar to this on youtube and no matter what their faith they go straight to hell if they reject Jesus and his teachings.

No, this isn't DMT. Many of these people are certified as dead their soul has left their body and there is no brain activity so no dreaming or hallucinations. Soul travel has been proven by the gateway experience aka CIA ops. They mastered techniques used by other cultures for thousands of year to astral project.

THEY didn't plan anything. Everything was prophesied in the old testament and 2,100 of the biblical prophecies out of 2,500 have already come true and are still coming true to this very day. It's summed up well in the book of Revelations. Human intervention qill not speed up or prevent these things from happening as it's inevitable. You or anyone else not believing in this doesn't prevent it from happening, that's just being delusional. It has been written, so it shall be done.

I hope you find GOD and do not have to go through a traumatic Out of body experience like the youtube clips. However, if you're brainwashed and do not have an open mind, then it may be the only way to believe the truth.
over when even the creator of the universe couldn’t get any pussy

Hypergamy is so insane that foids didn’t even want to fuck literal god

Maybe if he was 1 inch taller he'd have a chance ;)
It's called free will, God gives us free will and discernment in order to understand truth vs lies. If you were fooled by a cult like Catholicism, Muslims, Judaism, Mormons, Janova's witness, etc then that's your own fault. With that being said, GOD has intervened with millions of people in every generation to keep them on the right path. One of the main qay God does this is through out of body experiences and or providing prophetic vision. However, the PAPACY's existence is a prophecy fulfilled that literally proves GOD's existence. If you were to read the Book of Revelations and understand the history of the Papacy then you'd know this to be true.

There is no such thing as Christianity as Jesus never talked about such a term. The only mentioning of Christian is in Acts and Peter. Peter is pseudepigraphical and nobody knows the true writer of the book of ACTS. Not to mention Paul is a false apostle so all of his teachings are of the synagogue of Satan.

Catholicism aka the Papacy was invented as a means to control the believers in the truth or what people of today call Christians. They were killing millions of Christians in Rome but that method failed. So, they mixed their pagan God worship with so called Christianity and this Papacy is one of the Beasts mentioned in the Book of Revelation and this prophecy has been fulfilled. Paul is the false apostle mentioned in the book of Revelations by Jesus.

The truth has existed before man and was here with man and shall be here after man leaves. The religions are obfuscating truth as Chapter 304 controlled churches do not give us the truth.

There is no such thing as an Abrahamic religion outside of the truth because an Abrahamic religion would include a belief in the holy trinity which is the GOD of Abraham. In short the Edomites aka descendants of Esau the older twin brother of Jacob, eventually converted to Judaism in 150 BC and over time stole the identity, culture and history of the Israelites and said they're the tribe of Judah but they're not they're liars and are the synagogue of Satan the Children of the Devil. These are the so called Ashkenazi Jevvs of today.

The Muslim archaic death cult was created around 600 AD by the Papacy to control the Arabs and to take control of Jerusalem.

There are no contradictions at all. You're confusing contradictions with ignorance, lies, mis interpretations, and or mistranslations.

In the end yes, the enemy uses the truth by creating and having these Chapter 304 government controlled Churches to spread lies. No, the actual truth isn't made up to control the masses as it's simply truth and the truth shall set you free.

I'd highly suggest looking into the millions of recent testimonies about Near Death Experiences/Out of Body Experiences by people within our generation. This includes, atheists, Buddhists, agnostics, Muslims, Christians, etc. All the people that go to hell or experience "hell" or a portion of it, either reject Christ as the Massiah, and or reject adhering to the teachings in the Gospel to gain salvation. Also, 100% of them that eventually were pulled back into their bodies and given a second chance all cried out for the name of Jesus Christ to save them. All the people that did make it to heaven or the gates of heaven are the people that accepted Jesus as their Massiah and adhered to his teachings. No Muslim, Buddhis, atheist, Agnostic, Satanist ever made it to heaven and it's never going to happen.

There are 100's of books, thousands of videos on youtube on this topic. The enjoy watching the devout life long atheists or Muslims that were indoctrinated from birth and literally needed to experience hell and Jesus saving them or else they would've never believed in the truth. These people share their embarrassing lives of 40+ years normally where they denied GOD or mocked GOD and lead a degenerate life yet GOD still had mercy on their souls and gave them a second chance.

These are just a few of the experiences from life long hardcore atheists who share their embarrassing story on how they didn't believe in the truth and did the opposite of the creator's teachings for their entire life. There are thousands of videos similar to this on youtube and no matter what their faith they go straight to hell if they reject Jesus and his teachings.

No, this isn't DMT. Many of these people are certified as dead their soul has left their body and there is no brain activity so no dreaming or hallucinations. Soul travel has been proven by the gateway experience aka CIA ops. They mastered techniques used by other cultures for thousands of year to astral project.

THEY didn't plan anything. Everything was prophesied in the old testament and 2,100 of the biblical prophecies out of 2,500 have already come true and are still coming true to this very day. It's summed up well in the book of Revelations. Human intervention qill not speed up or prevent these things from happening as it's inevitable. You or anyone else not believing in this doesn't prevent it from happening, that's just being delusional. It has been written, so it shall be done.

I hope you find GOD and do not have to go through a traumatic Out of body experience like the youtube clips. However, if you're brainwashed and do not have an open mind, then it may be the only way to believe the truth.

Ok so you’re essentially not a Christian, you’re more closely aligned with the new age movement who believe in the occult, so you might as well call yourself a pagan.

To summarize, you have a different belief system that thinks the Old Testament is the truth but somehow the real Jews are your people so the diabolical plans of the Old Testament are just fine because it will be against other people. Ok fine but again don’t call yourself a Christian.

And the Bible sounds just about useless if you’re saying god has been revealing himself to humanity before the average man could read. I see no reason why it has to exist now according to your beliefs. Moreover, only the Catholic Church had access to it for most of history so it almost seems like it was made for them.
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Ok so you’re essentially not a Christian, you’re more closely aligned with the new age movement who believe in the occult, so you might as well call yourself a pagan.

To summarize, you have a different belief system that thinks the Old Testament is the truth but somehow the real Jews are your people so the diabolical plans of the Old Testament are just fine because it will be against other people. Ok fine but again don’t call yourself a Christian.

And the Bible sounds just about useless if you’re saying god has been revealing himself to humanity before the average man could read. I see no reason why it has to exist now according to your beliefs. Moreover, only the Catholic Church had access to it for most of history so it almost seems like it was made for them.
I believe in Jesus Christ as the massiah. I simply don't align with any so called religion. I believe in the GOD of Abraham of the old testament.

No I am not new age or part of the occult or a pagan.

No my people are Israelites not Jews. Jews is a 17th century made up term. The end game plans are for all those who believe olin their creator. If one chooses to not have a relationship with God in the physical reality then GOD won't force you to be with him in the spiritual reality.

The Bible exists as testimony to the life of Jesus and the old testament. It's a preservation of the truth instead of using the oral tradition to pass on these historical events.

The papacy mixed their pagan God worship with Christianity.
I believe in Jesus Christ as the massiah. I simply don't align with any so called religion. I believe in the GOD of Abraham of the old testament.

No I am not new age or part of the occult or a pagan.

No my people are Israelites not Jews. Jews is a 17th century made up term. The end game plans are for all those who believe olin their creator. If one chooses to not have a relationship with God in the physical reality then GOD won't force you to be with him in the spiritual reality.

The Bible exists as testimony to the life of Jesus and the old testament. It's a preservation of the truth instead of using the oral tradition to pass on these historical events.

The papacy mixed their pagan God worship with Christianity.

So you’re making up your own belief based on the Bible but only based only on what you cherry pick. Just sounds like another Protestant sect. Anyways I posted only to show how stupid you are, think what you want, I’m not gonna argue with something so stupid as “muh, the real Jews are blah blah blah”

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