Even though they are hard to look at, I feel bad for ethnics.

This whole post definitely larp because this reads like someone whose view of the American elite is stuck in 1950. The truth is that WASPS have already been replaced by Jews and to a lesser extent Catholics, Indians, and Asians as the elites, which is why we have sexual deviency and multiculturalism shoved down our throats 24x7. In fact, gentile whites are actually vastly underrepresented with respect to their merit at elite colleges (see pic below). WASPS can keep clutching on to their ever shrinking nest eggs while wealth increasingly moves out of their hands and into Jews, Indians, and the Chinese in Silicon Valley (even more so than it already has), but in the end they are coping because this country is no longer theirs.

WASPS are despised and shit on by every single mainstream and prestigious institution due to their perceived privilege. The operative word is perceived, because when whites actually had power and status no one was talking about white privilege. Whites didn’t need to perform self flagellation rituals for acceptance into polite society. Even conservatives are no longer WASP orientated. The Pat Buchanan paleo con wing is filled with Catholics and the neo con wing is filled with Jews. WASPS have been completely shut out. People are seriously celebrating white genocide with little consequence and this dumbass is larping with “muh country clubs” JFL how can you be this delusional.
View attachment 2839970
Yup, extremely high chance that America fractures into multiple polities with competing interests. So far no experiment like the post 1960s America has been attempted on this scale. Even Ottoman empire and the Austro-Hungarian empire failed despite their likely being more cohesion within those states. Turns out meshing incompatible elements doesn't guarantee some multicultural utopia. Even if you want to make the case of most non-white Americans being American first before anything, will this matter when the core tenant population which expounds these ideas are declining rapidly? The general sentiment amoung alot of non-whites in America and other Western nations is to embrace their ancestral homelands first before the one they have lived, eat and made memories in their entire lives.

I mean just go on any social media and you see these people with the flags of their parents homelands and not a trace of the one they were born in. Things such as "culture day" where they literally only celebrate some far away nation they likely never stepped foot in.

You might say that I'm rambling nonsense but how is it nonsense when America itself had to make strip nearly all European migrants of their former cultures(most especially Germans) to erase any form of nationalistic sentiment for their homeland. This in itself is not happening anymore. America only works because it has a primary population that is very similar to one another(Europeans) with an Anglo-American culture and some minorities that don't have enough sway to negotiate for their own interests. America is inherently dead without Anglo-American identity.
Bro...why is there so much envy in your heart. Not every white person sharing his opinions on the internet is a "coping sfcel from a trailer home in Alabama " lmao.
The biggest giveaway was the title. If you've almost never been around ethnics, you wouldn't think about them instead of coming to an anon forum to rant about them. From that, I clocked that there was virtually a 100% chance that you were an sfcel. Being an sfcel is low status signal even when though lots of sfcel beliefs are objectively true. This is true regardless of the effect of social desiribility bias, with anonymous surveys like the GSS showing a negative correlation between a person's IQ and their belief in genes being a cause of the black white IQ gap (even though we know that is true).
Despite your supposed stats, I don't see any cultural or preference change among rich whites in the general atmosphere around me. However if you believe or see things different, then more power to you I guess. I'm just speaking from my experience.
This is a another big giveaway. The Lack of ability to critically engage with data, and instead responding with annecdotes in a context that doesn't even make sense. If you are ~20, the racial cucking of whites happened long before you were politically concious JFL. This is a nigger tier argument.
Finally, Alabama and the US South in general is full of good-looking white people at universities from well-raised Christian families with healthy upbringings. One of my friends got into Brown but decided to go to Bama instead for the experience, and is having a great time. Honestly, I think a lot of users here aren't from America.
Third biggest giveway that this is a larp. The university of alabama is ranked 170 in national colleges. You could be a drooling retard and they'd take you in. If someone is high human capital and they want to go to a party school, they go to USC, not fucking bama JFL. Forget upper class, you probably aren't even PMC.

However, if you are ethnic then honestly just keep looksmaxxing, studying, and working hard, if you do this over a long period of time then there is no way things won't get eventually somewhat better for your life. Good luck brother, and don't give up.
Maybe your stupid WASP upper class larp would have worked on your average mumbai sewer dweller whose never interacted with WASPs irl, but its not gonna work on anyone who's actually interacted with these people. I am a white guy of very normie ulster scott and german stock, but genetic recombination has blessed me with an IQ that was good enough to get into a t15 university even though these places hate geniunely gifted whites with republican-coded profiles even more than these self hating episcopalian libshit cucks.

I've noticed that not only are WASPS roughly as cucked as jews on race, its even harder to convince the average WASP of group differences because they're upper midwits with a level of haughtiness that vastly exceeds their knowledge. Jews and Asians literally have an evolutionary group strategy based bias to reject this stuff but at least they have the intelligence to understand subtest heritability data, admixture studies, and polygenic scores. Even if they resist at first eventually they come around. WASPs on the other hand are insolent upper midwits that think they know better than you and go back to posting black squares on instagram or whatever the fuck they do.

They're also all cheap as fuck because they know that their wealth is getting drained out of them every single generation. Generations of nepotism have absolutely destroyed their human capital. That shrinking nest egg they have? They clutch it tight, with both hands, because they know that they are fucked without it. They're already getting fucked hard anyways. The SES data I posted before shows this. Every generation more and more WASP families fall back into the middle class and lower. Class stability in a homogenized and globalized world is a marxist lie; the elites and PMC (professional manegerial class) are constantly being recirculated, and WASPS are getting the bottom end of the stick.
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The biggest giveaway was the title. If you've almost never been around ethnics, you wouldn't think about them instead of coming to an anon forum to rant about them. From that, I clocked that there was virtually a 100% chance that you were an sfcel. Being an sfcel is low status signal even when though lots of sfcel beliefs are objectively true. This is true regardless of the effect of social desiribility bias, with anonymous surveys like the GSS showing a negative correlation between a person's IQ and their belief in genes being a cause of the black white IQ gap (even though we know that is true).

This is a another big giveaway. The Lack of ability to critically engage with data, and instead responding with annecdotes in a context that doesn't even make sense. If you are ~20, the racial cucking of whites happened long before you were politically concious JFL. This is a nigger tier argument.

Third biggest giveway that this is a larp. The university of alabama is ranked 170 in national colleges. You could be a drooling retard and they'd take you in. If someone is high human capital and they want to go to a party school, they go to USC, not fucking bama JFL. Forget upper class, you probably aren't even PMC.

Maybe your stupid WASP upper class larp would have worked on your average mumbai sewer dweller whose never interacted with WASPs irl, but its not gonna work on anyone who's actually interacted with these people. I am a white guy of very normie ulster scott and german stock, but genetic recombination has blessed me with an IQ that was good enough to get into a t15 university even though these places hate geniunely gifted whites with republican-coded profiles even more than these self hating episcopalian libshit cucks.

I've noticed that not only are WASPS roughly as cucked as jews on race, its even harder to convince the average WASP of group differences because they're upper midwits with a level of haughtiness that vastly exceeds their knowledge. Jews and Asians literally have an evolutionary group strategy based bias to reject this stuff but at least they have the intelligence to understand subtest heritability data, admixture studies, and polygenic scores. Even if they resist at first eventually they come around. WASPs on the other hand are insolent upper midwits that think they know better than you and go back to posting black squares on instagram or whatever the fuck they do.

They're also all cheap as fuck because they know that their wealth is getting drained out of them every single generation. Generations of nepotism have absolutely destroyed their human capital. That shrinking nest egg they have? They clutch it tight, with both hands, because they know that they are fucked without it. They're already getting fucked hard anyways. The SES data I posted before shows this. Every generation more and more WASP families fall back into the middle class and lower. Class stability in a homogenized and globalized world is a marxist lie; the elites and PMC (professional manegerial class) are constantly being recirculated, and WASPS are getting the bottom end of the stick.
Giveaway, giveaway, lmao. Why are you so desperate to prove I'm not a wealthy white person? It's fucking freaky dude. Chill out and stop autistically overanalyzing things.

I literally haven't used this forum at all after making an account last year for skincare advice. I checked it out recently this week because one of my friends was talking about looksmaxxing. After scrolling through the toxic but hilarious environment here, I decided to make a post on it, as well as troll around a little bit. But honestly this forum gives me weird vibes and I'm leaving after today.

Bama is closer to us than USC. Another popular party school option for people on the Northeast Coast is UMiami. USC is cool too but not the end-be-all. What are you even saying dude?

I guess by your definition WASPs are "cucked", but the reason we don't care is because none of that shit affects us in our daily lives at all. In the long run this will probably backfire and Jews and Asians/Indians will take over, but I'll be dead by then, and so will everyone that matters to me. And another reason I don't care is because a world like that isn't worth living in, it's a world that has lost all its beauty. I only feel pity for future generations, but honestly our inner communities will still be fine, it's the mainstream public that actually has to worry about these things.
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The biggest giveaway was the title. If you've almost never been around ethnics, you wouldn't think about them instead of coming to an anon forum to rant about them. From that, I clocked that there was virtually a 100% chance that you were an sfcel. Being an sfcel is low status signal even when though lots of sfcel beliefs are objectively true. This is true regardless of the effect of social desiribility bias, with anonymous surveys like the GSS showing a negative correlation between a person's IQ and their belief in genes being a cause of the black white IQ gap (even though we know that is true).

This is a another big giveaway. The Lack of ability to critically engage with data, and instead responding with annecdotes in a context that doesn't even make sense. If you are ~20, the racial cucking of whites happened long before you were politically concious JFL. This is a nigger tier argument.

Third biggest giveway that this is a larp. The university of alabama is ranked 170 in national colleges. You could be a drooling retard and they'd take you in. If someone is high human capital and they want to go to a party school, they go to USC, not fucking bama JFL. Forget upper class, you probably aren't even PMC.

Maybe your stupid WASP upper class larp would have worked on your average mumbai sewer dweller whose never interacted with WASPs irl, but its not gonna work on anyone who's actually interacted with these people. I am a white guy of very normie ulster scott and german stock, but genetic recombination has blessed me with an IQ that was good enough to get into a t15 university even though these places hate geniunely gifted whites with republican-coded profiles even more than these self hating episcopalian libshit cucks.

I've noticed that not only are WASPS roughly as cucked as jews on race, its even harder to convince the average WASP of group differences because they're upper midwits with a level of haughtiness that vastly exceeds their knowledge. Jews and Asians literally have an evolutionary group strategy based bias to reject this stuff but at least they have the intelligence to understand subtest heritability data, admixture studies, and polygenic scores. Even if they resist at first eventually they come around. WASPs on the other hand are insolent upper midwits that think they know better than you and go back to posting black squares on instagram or whatever the fuck they do.

They're also all cheap as fuck because they know that their wealth is getting drained out of them every single generation. Generations of nepotism have absolutely destroyed their human capital. That shrinking nest egg they have? They clutch it tight, with both hands, because they know that they are fucked without it. They're already getting fucked hard anyways. The SES data I posted before shows this. Every generation more and more WASP families fall back into the middle class and lower. Class stability in a homogenized and globalized world is a marxist lie; the elites and PMC (professional manegerial class) are constantly being recirculated, and WASPS are getting the bottom end of the stick.
His post sounds way too good to be true, especially in 2024 that definitely gave it away, this life was only possible pre social media
Why are you so desperate to prove I'm not a wealthy white person?
I don’t like larpers

It's fucking freaky dude.

But honestly this forum gives me weird vibes and I'm leaving after today.

What are you even saying dude?
Women talk like this. Have you gotten your t levels checked faggot?

Bama is closer to us than USC. Another popular party school option for people on the Northeast Coast is UMiami. USC is cool too but not the end-be-all.
Actually smart people move oceans and pay huge premiums to not have to interact with 90 IQ niggers in all but name. This is why prep schools and gated communities exist. No one sends their kid to prep school and then lets them go to bama JFL, especially in a context where social status is very important. At least make your larps somewhat believable
I guess by your definition WASPs are "cucked", but the reason we don't care is because none of that shit affects us in our daily lives at all. In the long run this will probably backfire and Jews and Asians/Indians will take over, but I'll be dead by then, and so will everyone that matters to me.
It’s already happened dumbass. This is why those “upper class” wasps are more stingy than me lmao. And most of these wasp niggas aren’t even upper class anymore. This is not have new money (aka actually rich and not rich on paper) people act. Again you are some sfcel 90 IQ low t larper so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.
His post sounds way too good to be true, especially in 2024 that definitely gave it away, this life was only possible pre social media.
Yeah even if he isn’t larping, the fact that he thinks he can keep a relationship with his looksmatch where he acts like an equal because he works a 200k job is laughable. There are so many decent looking white normies in tech and they all have to run JBW lest they just become a betabux wallet in a dead bedroom as their wife racks up credit card debt. It’s fucking over in the west if you are in a relationship with your looksmatch. You have to date down.
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Believe what you want, do what makes you happy, it doesn't matter to me. But I would never post my entire face on a public internet forum, and neither would any sensible person.
whatever you say mr. monte carlo
Actually smart people move oceans and pay huge premiums to not have to interact with 90 IQ niggers in all but name. This is why prep schools and gated communities exist. No one sends their kid to prep school and then lets them go to bama JFL, especially in a context where social status is very important. At least make your larps somewhat believable
When did I say my friend goes to prep school like me? Never. But he lives in Boston, and got into Brown but decided to go to Bama. And from what I've heard he's having a great time. Top-tier frats and hot chicks. What's not to like?

It’s already happened dumbass. This is why those “upper class” wasps are more stingy than me lmao. And most of these wasp niggas aren’t even upper class anymore. This is not have new money (aka actually rich and not rich on paper) people act. Again you are some sfcel 90 IQ low t larper so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.
Only weirdos in the internet are obsessed about ethnics "taking over". I don't see it around me and it isn't affecting me in any way.
Just live your life dude, you said you're white and go to a T15 university right? Then you have all the tools you need, make the most of what you got. You're blessed in many ways and you can build an amazing and enriching life for yourself.

Yeah even if he isn’t larping, the fact that he thinks he can keep a relationship with his looksmatch where he acts like an equal because he works a 200k job is laughable.
I don't even work a job, never said I did either, why are you lying and inventing stuff? I clearly stated in my OP that I'm still at college with my girlfriend. Yes she is my looksmatch (we are both high 7/10), and we've both had absolutely no issues with that.

You need to stop projecting your experiences on everyone else, almost everyone is in a happy loving relationship with their looksmatch. Being evenly matched in looks actually removes any appearance-related tensions, and I can move on to focus on the more unique and beautiful parts of our relationship. The sound of her voice, our inside jokes, our dreams for the future.

Call me "low T" or whatever you want, but I just want you to be happy man. There's so much beauty in life, so much more to experience. You sound angry and lost, when you have so much ahead of you with the tools you've got. Hate me all you want, but I'm rooting for you brother.
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Is this another low effort ragebait?
Feels like this is just a way to flex your family wealth and then you added unnecessary racism into it for some reason.
Do you really think that brown = poor and white = rich or something? :lul:
You need to stop projecting your experiences on everyone else, almost everyone is in a happy loving relationship with their looksmatch. Being evenly matched in looks actually removes any appearance-related tensions, and I can move on to focus on the more unique and beautiful parts of our relationship. The sound of her voice, our inside jokes, our dreams for the future.
I can't wait for the BP to collect on this naive wigger's ass
not a molecule
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OP is gay asf
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