Every guy I see with a gf is at least 6/10 facially and usually over 6'

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
And to get these gfs they needed to have huge social circles and jeopardize their studies/careers going out every day and meeting new girls.

On the other hand, every sub 6 guy I know is an incel. They are always hanging out male friends, never to be seen with a gf, always posting stupid cope pics on fb. The other day, a guy even posted an article about a 30 yo virgin and how sex at that age is do or die.

This is the situation here in Greece. 6/10 face is the minimum to get laid here and it's also very important to be tall too. But here, a lot of guys meet both criteria so incels are less than normies (Minimum normie psl is 6/10). Subhumans like me can ldar or just move to another country cause there really isn't any point staying here.
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You are in Netherlands now so it's 10x times more difficult
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Its over for sub6cels
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You are in Netherlands now so it's 10x times more difficult
I am 5"9 in the Netherlands. I get heightmogged daily by girls ngl
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There should really be a surgery for short people to gain 4" at least. All we have now is that retarded one which makes you need to go through multiple months of physiotherapy.

If I ever became Prime Minister, I would imediately kill anyone under 6' and over 6'4. That was all the future babies will have good genes and nobody will be mogged to death by height. And then if anyone is coming up short (LOLOLOLOLOLOL) we will give them HGH and if they coming to tall we will close their growth plates. And if that doesnt work then we can just execute them.
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I believe in the blackpill, but I feel like posts like this arent good for this community

You can always go to incels.me
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ive seen ugly ass dudes with cute gfs, even dudes that i mog tbh. but maybe its all in my head and im schizophrenicon top of autistic
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you're probably just seeing what you wanna see. Most couples look average, it can't be that different in Greece.

how ugly is your face? Can't you improve it at all? (not likely)

how short are you? have you tried lifts?

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ive seen ugly ass dudes with cute gfs, even dudes that i mog tbh. but maybe its all in my head and im schizophrenicon top of autistic
You probably underrate them in order to cope
you're probably just seeing what you wanna see. Most couples look average, it can't be that different in Greece.

how ugly is your face? Can't you improve it at all? (not likely)

how short are you? have you tried lifts?


Average in greece is 6/10 PSL
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Tfw when afformentioned by op
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Why is this cope?

I haven't seen a single woman in Netherlands that looks like this:

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ive seen ugly ass dudes with cute gfs, even dudes that i mog tbh. but maybe its all in my head and im schizophrenicon top of autistic
it's in your head , if i got obsessed with every guy uglier than me with a gf i'd have went ER by now

There should really be a surgery for short people to gain 4" at least. All we have now is that retarded one which makes you need to go through multiple months of physiotherapy.

If I ever became Prime Minister, I would imediately kill anyone under 6' and over 6'4. That was all the future babies will have good genes and nobody will be mogged to death by height. And then if anyone is coming up short (LOLOLOLOLOLOL) we will give them HGH and if they coming to tall we will close their growth plates. And if that doesnt work then we can just execute them.
Anarchy is the only way , let natural selection take its course

They are aseuxal to me. Low E, small boobs, small asses,boring, no personality
>small boobs
I would date a girl that looked like a guy , what's up with these high standards pal? Volcel?
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Gambler single handedly brings the average PSL in Greece from 4.5/10 to 6/10 tbh tbh tbqh
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Greece protest blo 3377956b

These are the average 20 year old Greeks students from Thessaloniki (where you claim to be from). On average barely 5/10 with high bf and birdbones. Not even close to 6PSL(7.5/10 IRL)

Most Greeks are short ethnic arabs. There are some pure whites but they are not the majority.

Greek whites with ethnic coloring are very handsome though ngl(no homo)

I have seen your picks from posts on lookism and you are not far from the average Greek male looks. If you had surgery for your jaw and chin(just do a genioplasty imo), you could be average or slightly above average with looksmaxxing, which includes gymcelling(you have a very good frame), lowering bodyfat %, getting a better haircut( you have good hair quality), growing a well shaped beard to fraud your jawline and skinmaxxing.
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View attachment 616

These are the average 20 year old Greeks students from Thessaloniki (where you claim to be from). On average barely 5/10 with high bf and birdbones. Not even close to 6PSL(7.5/10 IRL)

Most Greeks are short ethnic arabs. There are some pure whites but they are not the majority.

Greek whites with ethnic coloring are very handsome though ngl(no homo)

I have seen your picks from posts on lookism and you are not far from the average Greek male looks. If you had surgery for your jaw and chin(just do a genioplasty imo), you could be average or slightly above average with looksmaxxing, which includes gymcelling(you have a very good frame), lowering bodyfat %, getting a better haircut( you have good hair quality), growing a well shaped beard to fraud your jawline and skinmaxxing.
I never posted a pic of my face on lookism pal. Hell I'm not even registered there.
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I never posted a pic of my face on lookism pal. Hell I'm not even registered there.
Sorry bro I thought I replied to Gambler lol

Are you Greek though?
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View attachment 616

These are the average 20 year old Greeks students from Thessaloniki (where you claim to be from). On average barely 5/10 with high bf and birdbones. Not even close to 6PSL(7.5/10 IRL)

Most Greeks are short ethnic arabs. There are some pure whites but they are not the majority.

Greek whites with ethnic coloring are very handsome though ngl(no homo)

I have seen your picks from posts on lookism and you are not far from the average Greek male looks. If you had surgery for your jaw and chin(just do a genioplasty imo), you could be average or slightly above average with looksmaxxing, which includes gymcelling(you have a very good frame), lowering bodyfat %, getting a better haircut( you have good hair quality), growing a well shaped beard to fraud your jawline and skinmaxxing.
these are incel losers who go to communist protests thinking it will get them laid
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The rest seem to be students. See 2nd and 3rd pic. Stop coping.

See, yoiu have to understand that greek guys who participate in these activities are incels. I have many friends like that.

True slayers dont waste time with this shit. They go to parties and places and actually met girls not this passive beta BS
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See, yoiu have to understand that greek guys who participate in these activities are incels. I have many friends like that.

True slayers dont waste time with this shit. They go to parties and places and actually met girls not this passive beta BS
The slayers are not the average dude. Greece is full of semites. There is no way the average Greek is 7.5/10. That's just absurd.

Show me pics of the slayers you personally know
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The slayers are not the average dude. Greece is full of semites. There is no way the average Greek is 7.5/10. That's just absurd.

Show me pics of the slayers you personally know
I didnt say they are the averga dude. I said that the dudes with gfs are slayers. The average dudes are incels.

This is a very basic bf here:


Mogs the shit out of American soyboys
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Show his face from up close
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I have to send him a friend request for that but I dont know the dude. Also he has pics with my oneitis's sister which is sui fuel
Whatever dude, I just don't see propf that the average Greek male is 6Psl. And the guy you posted has a very soft jaw compared to American jocks. That's also why he grew a beard like most Greeks.
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Whatever dude, I just don't see propf that the average Greek male is 6Psl. And the guy you posted has a very soft jaw compared to American jocks. That's also why he grew a beard like most Greeks.

Cope. He has a strong jaw and the beard is there for fashion
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ahmed is roping
Doubt it , timid ethniks eat shit yeah , but agressive ones just rape

Reminder you're 178 cm :incel:

i'm actually taller than most guys in my country , but hey at least i'm not the faggot that LARPS as a male model because he knows he's too ugly to show his face
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