Everyone on here who is over 5.5 PSL should leave immediately.

That’s not BDD, that’s maxing. People here don’t seem to realize that looksmaxing contains the word max for maximization. Maximizing one’s SMV means ascending his/her SMV to as high of an SMV as (s)he can possibly get up to. Maxing means you don’t leave any potential gains on the table. LLing from 5'10" to 6'4" is a major improvement.
based gook
Seriously. Being here only really makes sense if you are ugly-average with some possibility of ascending. So many above average to gl dudes fish for validation by spamming their pics and calling themselves ugly. In their defense, I call myself subhuman too but I have good reason to think this being 25 KHHV. But these get tons of tinder matches, high ratings on eyeme.io and are considered good looking by the harsh standards on here. Just saw this chadlite on here calling himself subhuman and planning LL at 5'10" JFL. And people say BDD is cope. If that isn't BDD then what is?

Im 5'10 and NW2 @Titbot saw my balding scalp
OP explain why you care so much that their are above-average to Chadlite dudes on here?

I'm really interested

It makes you sound really stupid
OP explain why you care so much that their are above-average to Chadlite dudes on here?

I'm really interested

It makes you sound really stupid
Just don't get their mentality. Why do they want to mog other people? If I was gl I wouldn't care so much about any of that and just LTR my oneitis. And then enjoy the rest of my youth with hobbies, travelling and friends.
Just don't get their mentality. Why do they want to mog other people? If I was gl I wouldn't care so much about any of that and just LTR my oneitis. And then enjoy the rest of my youth with hobbies, travelling and friends.
Becuase they are DEEPLy insecure
Becuase they are DEEPLy insecure
Yup. Exactly. Kinda sad tbh. I just want to fix my flaws and move on. Don't need to worshipped like the people want over here.
Just don't get their mentality. Why do they want to mog other people? If I was gl I wouldn't care so much about any of that and just LTR my oneitis. And then enjoy the rest of my youth with hobbies, travelling and friends.

You don't have to get their mentality. You have to only get yours. Focus on yourself, not others.

I don't get YOUR mentality for needing to get their mentality. So what's the deal?

For those who are above-average and not Chadlite they wanna improve their looks because it isn't enough for them, given they are ethnic. Or they could be 5'7-5'9 and needing a better face for SMV.

Why do you want an infestation of ugly people so that you can all bask in your misery? Makes no sense to me. This is why Lookism was much better than this shit hole, because this place is an extension of that incel.net site. It's the sister site and ran by the same people. You can't just act like a general person of society that needs to improve his looks? Why do you need people segregated into groups? 'I don't like you because you're better looking than me?' 'How dare you want to improve your looks, you're a 6/10'.

It really is fucking annoying dude and I've seen you do this n countless threads and honestly you are coming more and more across like a pipsqueak that got bullied in school by the good looking cool dude.

Where is this loser mentality gonna get you? Real talk? Man to boy now. Where? NOWHERE. You wanna have your world of self indulgence don't you?

Just because someone is a 6 doesn't mean they don't have the same rights and privileges you do to use this fucking site for aesthetic improvement purposes. Looks Maxing is a sport and done by a wide range of guys. Staceys and high tier Beckys do it all the time. Why shouldn't High Tier normies and Chads? Dude shut the fuck up and get a grip of yourself. The fact you made this thread shows me you want to change the dynamic of the website into being a doomer love-in.

Stop being disillusioned as your life will only get worse. I get that you hate the thought of decent looking men wanting to improve, because you don't have the character to see it from a 3rd person POV but rather one that suggests they are being ungrateful, but fuck off. Really. Fuck off.
  • JFL
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You don't have to get their mentality. You have to only get yours. Focus on yourself, not others.

I don't get YOUR mentality for needing to get their mentality. So what's the deal?

For those who are above-average and not Chadlite they wanna improve their looks because it isn't enough for them, given they are ethnic. Or they could be 5'7-5'9 and needing a better face for SMV.

Why do you want an infestation of ugly people so that you can all bask in your misery? Makes no sense to me. This is why Lookism was much better than this shit hole, because this place is an extension of that incel.net site. It's the sister site and ran by the same people. You can't just act like a general person of society that needs to improve his looks? Why do you need people segregated into groups? 'I don't like you because you're better looking than me?' 'How dare you want to improve your looks, you're a 6/10'.

It really is fucking annoying dude and I've seen you do this n countless threads and honestly you are coming more and more across like a pipsqueak that got bullied in school by the good looking cool dude.

Where is this loser mentality gonna get you? Real talk? Man to boy now. Where? NOWHERE. You wanna have your world of self indulgence don't you?

Just because someone is a 6 doesn't mean they don't have the same rights and privileges you do to use this fucking site for aesthetic improvement purposes. Looks Maxing is a sport and done by a wide range of guys. Staceys and high tier Beckys do it all the time. Why shouldn't High Tier normies and Chads? Dude shut the fuck up and get a grip of yourself. The fact you made this thread shows me you want to change the dynamic of the website into being a doomer love-in.

Stop being disillusioned as your life will only get worse. I get that you hate the thought of decent looking men wanting to improve, because you don't have the character to see it from a 3rd person POV but rather one that suggests they are being ungrateful, but fuck off. Really. Fuck off.
Yeah. I should focus on studymaxxing and wagecucking for my surgeries. I hope I ascend but I am afraid I might not make it. I made this post because I was triggered by @DivineBeing.
Yeah. I should focus on studymaxxing and wagecucking for my surgeries. I hope I ascend but I am afraid I might not make it. I made this post because I was triggered by @DivineBeing.
i looked even better btw

that pic you saw looks like shit thats why i was so insecure about it

i legit looked like a 6.5 psl supermodel in one pic and to this date cant cope how i was incel - the bunny ear pic i couldnt find
  • +1
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i looked even better btw

that pic you saw looks like shit thats why i was so insecure about it

i legit looked like a 6.5 psl supermodel in one pic and to this date cant cope how i was incel - the bunny ear pic i couldnt find
JFL at my IQ. You were def trolling. You do think you are gl.
  • +1
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Yeah. I should focus on studymaxxing and wagecucking for my surgeries. I hope I ascend but I am afraid I might not make it. I made this post because I was triggered by @DivineBeing.

Some people have mental health issues bro

Devine is an outlier in that he is Chad pretty boy but has the personality of a doomer
  • +1
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Some people have mental health issues bro

Devine is an outlier in that he is Chad pretty boy but has the personality of a doomer
I wasn't talking about dudes like @EasternRightWinger15 necessarily. @DivineBeing is the sort of dude that needs to listen to me. Or IDK. Is he LARPing?
JFL at my IQ. You were def trolling. You do think you are gl.
no i only think i was gl in the old pictures that you havent seen

the one you saw looks legitimately deformed and subhuman to me uncanny valley

but i legit looked like a model/ supermodel in the bunny ear pic i probably mogged almost everyone on this forum except 5 people max?
I wasn't talking about dudes like @EasternRightWinger15 necessarily. @DivineBeing is the sort of dude that needs to listen to me. Or IDK. Is he LARPing?

Eastern I can tell is an introvert, which is why he is here.

He isn't larping. Stop watching him. His situation is different to yours.

Just looksmax bro
  • +1
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Eastern I can tell is an introvert, which is why he is here.

He isn't larping. Stop watching him. His situation is different to yours.

Just looksmax bro
eastern mogs me? can you send his rating if you published it
Eastern I can tell is an introvert, which is why he is here.

He isn't larping. Stop watching him. His situation is different to yours.

Just looksmax bro
OMG. I NTmog him. And I have no friends. I wonder what he is like IRL.
Eastern I can tell is an introvert, which is why he is here.

He isn't larping. Stop watching him. His situation is different to yours.

Just looksmax bro
ravi if i find the bunny ears picture can you rate it?
ravi if i find the bunny ears picture can you rate it?

We established you are 7/10 minimum

May be 6 once that norwood hurts you

You are a pretty boy Chadlite that's comfortably average height at 5'10

Your issue is your brain chemistry

I'll rate that for you if you want? 1/10
htn, considering LL at 5’ 11”, can’t cope with the ethnic tax in the west
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OMG. I NTmog him. And I have no friends. I wonder what he is like IRL.
NT doesnt matter

i have no friends either because of my height and hairline which turned NW2 after my trip to asia because i forgot to bring my finasteride and minoxidil

thats when my life went downhill
same im getting LL soon

but i think i should maybe ork on my face instead

i want to look like on the bunny ears picture

i would be a supermodel then

i wish i wasnt treated so badly by everyone around me in university

this wouldnt have happened then
htn, considering LL at 5’ 11”, can’t cope with the ethnic tax in the west
NT doesnt matter

i have no friends either because of my height and hairline which turned NW2 after my trip to asia because i forgot to bring my finasteride and minoxidil

thats when my life went downhill
I wouldn't ever befriend you btw if you are like this IRL. Personalitymax or you'll suffer.
I wouldn't ever befriend you btw if you are like this IRL. Personalitymax or you'll suffer.
i used to send pictures of my face to all my friends all the time

i thought it was NT
  • JFL
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I wouldn't ever befriend you btw if you are like this IRL. Personalitymax or you'll suffer.
i went through my facebook friends and there are minimum 10 pictures of my face for each friend i talked to
I wouldn't ever befriend you btw if you are like this IRL. Personalitymax or you'll suffer.
one friend had around 150 pictures of my face

but there is no bunny ear picture
@DivineBeing you are officially the most socially retarded dude on this forum. What a waste of looks to be given garbage tier brain chemistry.
same im getting LL soon

but i think i should maybe ork on my face instead

i want to look like on the bunny ears picture

i would be a supermodel then

i wish i wasnt treated so badly by everyone around me in university

this wouldnt have happened then
what picture are you talking about can you pm me? also kinda relatable
@DivineBeing you are officially the most socially retarded dude on this forum. What a waste of looks to be given garbage tier brain chemistry.
i also studied at an ivy league university and got high every day

now im a failure because i had to found my own company because i was norwood 2
i also studied at an ivy league university and got high every day

now im a failure because i had to found my own company because i was norwood 2
At least you are smart and careermaxxed. Pray to gandy that they find a cure for autism one day for your sake.
At least you are smart and careermaxxed. Pray to gandy that they find a cure for autism one day for your sake.
i had everything in my life but i was 5'10

if i was 6'3 i might have interned for congress
At least you are smart and careermaxxed. Pray to gandy that they find a cure for autism one day for your sake.
dont worry you shouldnt feel bad about yourself

imagine coming from a poor family looking like a supermodel on a bunny ears picture going to an ivy league to then lose it all because of hairloss and height

i got addicted to stims and got high every day because i couldnt cope with my NW2 hairloss

now i recovered and have my own startup

but my brain is lost

and i dont care anymore i always feel worse than others

im the biggest tragedy alive

all of this because i lost hair
  • JFL
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Im so confused about this dude wtf
Screaming Teen Titans GIF by Cartoon Network
why exactly? I'm not writing essays about how it's over for me
because its not just my looks its much more thats not working as intended

in every part of my life i started 99th+ percentile (except height and hairline) and i have trouble even waking up in time

i think im gonna lose it all soon

but i just want to be pretty one more time thats all

im ok with losing all
because its not just my looks its much more thats not working as intended

in every part of my life i started 99th+ percentile (except height and hairline) and i have trouble even waking up in time

i think im gonna lose it all soon

but i just want to be pretty one more time thats all

im ok with losing all
unironically go to woods for one week or more without any electronics (but don't forget to take fin and minox with u)

tbh you need some form of mental reset, you remind me of Pushkin's character Onegin
unironically go to woods for one week or more without any electronics (but don't forget to take fin and minox with u)

tbh you need some form of mental reset, you remind me of Pushkin's character Onegin
You are wasting your time.
  • +1
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I think the reason you see so many good looking guys that rot in here is because it is underestimated how important it is to be NT/social when it come to women. Looks only go so far

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