Yeah I feel sorry for the kids who still believe in heightmaxxing, shits cope all it does is fuck with your health, mental health and money
Spoken like an oldcel who wishes he could go back in time and heightmaxx....

If heightmaxxing is cope, why do people with acromegaly grow past their "genetic limit"?
Spoken like an oldcel who wishes he could go back in time and heightmaxx....

If heightmaxxing is cope, why do people with acromegaly grow past their "genetic limit"?
how tf are u supposed to know your ”genetic limit”? no one can tell it accurately, the thing that your doctors tell u is just your parents heights average
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora and truecel12
how tf are u supposed to know your ”genetic limit”? no one can tell it accurately, the thing that your doctors tell u is just your parents heights average
My point is that you can exceed your genetic limit by inducing high levels of gh and igf1 while keeping your growth plates open. The claim that height is completely genetic and can't be changed with heightmaxxing is false, which we can see in acromegaly patients who grow to insane heights despite having normal height parents. Why did they grow so tall? High gh and igf1 levels.
what about microdosimg it
My point is that you can exceed your genetic limit by inducing high levels of gh and igf1 while keeping your growth plates open. The claim that height is completely genetic and can't be changed with heightmaxxing is false, which we can see in acromegaly patients who grow to insane heights despite having normal height parents. Why did they grow so tall? High gh and igf1 levels.
Ehh can't really change it in the majority of people with just HGH HGH plus AI maybe some acromegaly patients that primarily just have elevated hgh/IGF end up normal height with big bones the ones the grew tall have a multitude of stuff that is beyond just elevated HGH/IGF they also usually have crashed e levels on top of that which keeps there growth plates open tldr HGH/IGF by itself won't move you beyond your genetic limit if your are not growth hormone diffecient
Also you can probably grow beyond your genetic limit their are chemicals that induce growth beyond growth plate fusion problem is their are expensive AF and chemicals that mog AI in terms of preventing growth plate closure that aren't that expensive
Spoken like an oldcel who wishes he could go back in time and heightmaxx....

If heightmaxxing is cope, why do people with acromegaly grow past their "genetic limit"?
Nigga when I joined in 2020 I was 16 and started popping letro/arimidex, was injecting hgh, taking mk667 and at most grew 1-2cm and it was probably not even bcs of heightmaxxing but just naturally lol (and yes I still had my growth plates open), shit ain't worth it just wasted hella money. Yeah lol just give yourself acromegaly u dumb fuck, u'll realize after few years that this shit is cope and u were just a retard
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora
Nigga when I joined in 2020 I was 16 and started popping letro/arimidex, was injecting hgh, taking mk667 and at most grew 1-2cm and it was probably not even bcs of heightmaxxing but just naturally lol (and yes I still had my growth plates open), shit ain't worth it just wasted hella money. Yeah lol just give yourself acromegaly u dumb fuck, u'll realize after few years that this shit is cope and u were just a retard
I did something similar but I experienced extreme paranoia, although I was always prone to it before, with zero e2 it gotten much worse. Most likely it was due to estrogens role in serotonergic signaling. Neurogenesis is heavily mediated via serotonin and obviously it is very much present in a developing brain. Inhibiting e2 thus lowering seratonin and neurogenesis is almost certainly going to effect your brain development. Probably both emotional and cognitive abilities. That is why I stopped imediatly. SSRIs could help but then you are really playing with fire
  • +1
Reactions: VLX and Pandora
My point is that you can exceed your genetic limit by inducing high levels of gh and igf1 while keeping your growth plates open. The claim that height is completely genetic and can't be changed with heightmaxxing is false, which we can see in acromegaly patients who grow to insane heights despite having normal height parents. Why did they grow so tall? High gh and igf1 levels.
high igf-1 levels for too long=insulin sensitivity decreases=risk for developing type 2 diabetes
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora
Nigga when I joined in 2020 I was 16 and started popping letro/arimidex, was injecting hgh, taking mk667 and at most grew 1-2cm and it was probably not even bcs of heightmaxxing but just naturally lol (and yes I still had my growth plates open), shit ain't worth it just wasted hella money. Yeah lol just give yourself acromegaly u dumb fuck, u'll realize after few years that this shit is cope and u were just a retard
Your gh was bunk then, or ur a non responder
There’s ways to prevent that
yeah not eating carbs or slinpills, or just dont dose mk above 15mgs to minimize igf-1 increase, hgh doesnt anyways increase substantially after 10-15mgs
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora and Jeww
Reminder for any newgen reading. OP is saying this because AI stock is becoming rarer to find. Do not believe his lies
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: maxxmclooks and Jeww
Nah you're just coping it was legit gh, with lab tests to prove it
Then you were a non responder. There's simply no way you only grew 1 cm on gh and ai. That's physically impossible unless your a non responder
Then you were a non responder. There's simply no way you only grew 1 cm on gh and ai. That's physically impossible unless your a non responder
there is no such things as non responder wtf JFL
Yes there is. Some people grow inches on gh, some don't grow at all.
bro hgh works the same way to everyone, if it wouldnt you wouldnt grow at all in the first place (plus other things that hgh does), if u dont grow when taking hgh, your hgh is either bs or your growthplates are closed
bro hgh works the same way to everyone, if it wouldnt you wouldnt grow at all in the first place (plus other things that hgh does), if u dont grow when taking hgh, your hgh is either bs or your growthplates are closed
That's my point nigga, what I'm trying to say is that there's no way he didn't grow on hgh and ai
Jfl at your retardation. You can’t crash your estrogen if you don’t take steroids. I’ve been taking asin for 6 months or so and my recent bloodtest showed my estrogen was lower end of the average while my total and free t are above the referance range.

And my dick most likely works much better than yours %100 lmao.
  • JFL
Reactions: maxxmclooks
Jfl at your retardation. You can’t crash your estrogen if you don’t take steroids. I’ve been taking asin for 6 months or so and my recent bloodtest showed my estrogen was lower end of the average while my total and free t are above the referance range.

And my dick most likely works much better than yours %100 lmao.
how much asin?
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:

ais are used in clibical trials in pediatrics with a good afety profile. every study using gh and ai reports this. its harmful for children in early puberty however.

mk677 is much more dangerous than muh ai

and remember, you arent eliminating all estrogen, you are dropping it to around 10-20pg/ml which is still within normal ranges.

i hate retards like you. "igf1 doesnt make you grow hgh does" you should never go into any job that would require you to use your head. everything you say is either untrue or water
  • +1
Reactions: callisto and Lethbridge
i hate retards like you. "igf1 doesnt make you grow hgh does" you should never go into any job that would require you to use your head. everything you say is either untrue or water
u are either totally wrong or right, im not interested enough to study mk677 again to confirm my point
  • +1
Reactions: truecel12
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention
Wrong, you listed sude effects of both high and low estrogen. if kept <20pg/ml youll be good.
Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?
Wrong, Testosterone is not associated with growth plate closure besides it aromatizing into estrogen, which closes the growth plates. Test itself doesnt cause that.
Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.
Again, wrong af. Like you couldnt be more wrong. GH converts in the liver to IGF1, ehich is exactly what you want, because IGF1 is responsible for long bone growth, not HGH.
Also, HGH releases ffa and glucose in the bloodstream and can make you a type II diabetic. IGF1 acts similar to insulin (not like insulin, as this guy wrote) besides its growth effects, so it lowers bloos glucose and insulin resistance.
IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.
Wrong. Again, IGF1 is what you want, not HGH.
And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
also, this mf puts veterinary medicine articles to prove effects of hormone manipulation on humans. shows his intellect.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: maxxmclooks
Wrong, you listed sude effects of both high and low estrogen. if kept <20pg/ml youll be good.

Wrong, Testosterone is not associated with growth plate closure besides it aromatizing into estrogen, which closes the growth plates. Test itself doesnt cause that.

Again, wrong af. Like you couldnt be more wrong. GH converts in the liver to IGF1, ehich is exactly what you want, because IGF1 is responsible for long bone growth, not HGH.
Also, HGH releases ffa and glucose in the bloodstream and can make you a type II diabetic. IGF1 acts similar to insulin (not like insulin, as this guy wrote) besides its growth effects, so it lowers bloos glucose and insulin resistance.

Wrong. Again, IGF1 is what you want, not HGH.

also, this mf puts veterinary medicine articles to prove effects of hormone manipulation on humans. shows his intellect.
ok but u disagree that using AI in puberty can have unforeseen effects on ones development?
Wrong, you listed sude effects of both high and low estrogen. if kept <20pg/ml youll be good.
how u think u could practically monitor your E to try to keep it <20pgmls? not like this kids can pull bloods every second week
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
Man, itll be alright
Jesus christ

shut the fuck up please

none of you fags will talk me out of heightmaxxing
im convinced they all are jelly they found out at too late of an age or are just annoyed since most heightmaxxers here are like 15 and graycels
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:

bro literally said igf-1 doesnt matter for height 💀

please go read about it and text back because its a case of you either are gatekeeping or you are jewish, or you have a damaged brain

actually the main hormone that stimulates bone elongation is igf-1 we humans take hgh injections because it simply increases igf-1

and for the AI part it is the only way you can pass your genetic limit if you are not deficient in gh or igf-1 because whatever you do in this case you cant grow past your limit but with aromatase inhibitors you can increase the time which you can have potential growth
which makes it possible for you to pass you limit. PLEASE STUDY BETTER< OR STOP BEING A JEW
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
ai like chat gpt?
  • +1
Reactions: ggg.tv🤫, zombie, halfbloodaryanmaxxe and 1 other person
Most retarded thread I have read in a while, must be bait/reduce competition
What age did you start taking mk677 and how much did you grow?
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
Manlet propaganda
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
  • +1
Reactions: LabMale__ and maxxmclooks
I've seen too many people asking all kinds of things about AI's (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Letrozol, Aromasin, etc. to suppress natural estrogen to keep growth plates open to allow more height growth.

Short answer, Do not fucking not take it.

Long answer,

First off, AI's are used to treat women with breast cancer, do you have breast cancer? Didnt think so. Secondly, it's used in bodybuilding by men, yes, but only when one is using compounds that aromatize to estrogen = testosterone or its derivates.

Because even the meatheads there know that there is literally no point crashing your estrogen for any major reason (marginal, probably not even measurable) growth not being one.

Moreover, in puberty fucking with your vital hormones should already be something considered self-evident not to do?!

Well, what if I decide to crash my estrogen with AI?

- low sex drive (probably one of your least concerns anyway)

- excess fat around the belly

- bone loss

- osteoporosis

- mood swings (depression)

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Irritability

- Depression

- Forgetfulness

- Oversleeping or sleeping too often

- Sexual dysfunction

- Water retention

Should those be enough to make you think twice? I sincerely hope so.

Estrogen also has a lot of properties supporting mental health in men, it's not regarded as "the most important" hormone for males, that being testosterone, but the important effects of estrogen for males are usually overlooked.

Also, the closing of epiphyseal plates is a combination of both estrogen and testosterone, so should you crash your T too to be optimal?

Okay, I won't use AI to help with heightmaxx, what can I do?

Apart from the obvious, proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, etc, if you really want to go down the external compound-biohacking route, basically the only thing you can do is HGH/MK677.

Supposing you use MK677 (which you really should, don't start pinning), dose it at 5-10mg per day (No more because you will be running it for longer), because, after that, HGH secretion doesn't really increase, but IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1, basically just insulin) secretion does, which you don't want since it doesn't help with height growth.

IGF-1 also makes your life considerably harder, since if you don't want type 2 diabetes, you have to either get slinpills or other things to cut your blood sugar, or significantly cut carbs from your diet. (which sucks, I've done MK677 and not eating carbs/eating little carbs is fucking ass) So for your own good, dose it at 5 or 10mg for multiple months, because it takes time to see the effects of HGH and it doesn't start to work instantly, I would recommend at least 6 months.

And as always with MK677, you would want to be measuring your blood sugar levels, and not eat a shit ton of carbs even at 5-10mg, because at that dose, it still increases your IGF-1 levels, and as mentioned before, you don't want type 2 diabetes or high insulin resistance.

My own opinion is, that if you choose to use AI to keep the epiphyseal plates open, don't be surprised when you end up depressed. I also can't recommend MK677, but if you really have to get those few millimeters more, then that's your best bet. MK677 has also a lot of other usages for looksmaxxing, but this thread was about using it for heightmaxxing (might do another one later about its other appliances to looksmaxxing)

sources for your sceptical ass:
keep heightmaxxing lads
Take it with a sarm to have estrogen in optimal ranges??
This thread is gay fearmongering where OP lists all the possible side effects instead of saying what will actually happen when u take an ai

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