Everything so far that has worked for my acne and my theories for good skin


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Blue/Redlight therapy
I use a high power lamp cost me about 120$ for both the red and blue. Some background on what they do. Blue light therapy is used to kill bacteria on your face. I still need to use it for longer but so far its given me no real issues although there are some concerns about it having the same effect as UV light. But so far its giving me no issues and I use a retionol with it. I try and use is sparringly no more then 20 minutes daily. You can feel the light on your face the beam is so intense I get the same feeling I do being outside on a sunny day. Also don't use this before bed ideally in the morning since blue light wakes you up. And wear eye protection googles over your eyes as this spectrum is bad at a high intensity.

Red light is FDA approved with way more trials. It seems to have little if any downsides. Redlight does not prevent acne but it will aid with the healing process (its more of a long term thing) it also has improved my mood you can use it before you sleep ideally I want a set up where the light turns on while I am asleep redlight can actually make you more tired. At night unlike blue light. For both of these I use the one by Hooga health got it off amazon just make sure whichever brand you use has good reviews and a 30 day return policy. For the red light therapy use it as long as you want I try to do bare minimum 30 minutes a day.

Skin care products
I am currently trying to simplify it more but mainly it consists of tretinoin this promotes skin cell turn over allowing acne to be healed also lowers oil production. Always wear sun screen and make sure its designed by Koreans. American products are never designed with good skin care in mind make sure they mention its good for sensitive skin. I only wear it on my face since retionols weaken melanin production making you more vulnerable to skin damage if you use the light therapy products above and take vitamin D you should have zero negative effects from lack of sun. This is more for hair then skin but I put an egg yolk on my hair and face at least a few times per week in the shower. It really improves hair quality have noticed slight skin effects but not too sure. And then make sure you cleanse at least once a day maybe 2 times if you wore sunblock but don't over do it.

Diet and life style
The best foods for acne and skin so far for me have been foods rich in cholesterol (don't believe meme doctors its always healthy unless your fat higher cholesterol is much better then low levels) eat foods high in Vitamin A/C. Carrots are the main one but also things like blueberries are good. Bannnas and potatoes have good potassium levels. And just avoid unnatural sugars. Biggest thing is increasing vitamin A almost every acne cream or skin care product on market uses forms of vitamin A and its key for skin health and regeneration

The last step/conclusion
These products are all very great for mediating the things that cause acne. They kill bacteria clean off oil and dirt and promote skin regeneration. But at the end of the day these products should be additions. You must find out what at the core causes your acne. For me it was always related to bacteria I took anti biotics for 1 year and it made my skin perfect but it fucked up my gut in the long run and after it wore off I had bad acne even at 20. In the long run these products can only help treat these issues slightly if you have a major health issue with your gut or hormone problems you will always be fighting so I recommend you solve the root issue acne is a sign of inflammation and infection on the face and indicates something is wrong with you. As soon as the things causing your inflammation go away or reduce then you will notice these products work even better and you can focus fully on having regenerated young looking skin parts of my skin look 17 years old before my skin was aged to hell by acne scars
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Fixing the main inflammatory problems is the main thing to do then you can make regeneration your main priority. For me my gut biome was messed up.

I've started eating better food this has improved it. I might try a 2 week fast totally reset it. But the blue light and constant cleansing keeps bacteria infections from forming. And I have reduced my oil so to doesn't grow or feed off my face. Acne is an infection accelerated by puberty (greasy face) and an invasive bacteria that feeds off dead skincells oil and grime. Puberty makes it worse for sure but to consider acne a natural thing is a mistake. Its mostly a problem health wise especially when it lasts more then a year or 2. Puberty causes excess oil and this allows invasive bacteria to spread out of control. Treating it is the first step but long term you need to stop the source of it. If your acne is severe something is wrong with you
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i still dont understand how a different color of light can do anything to an organism
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i still dont understand how a different color of light can do anything to an organism
Color = the wave length or frequency of light.

UV-A/B is the damaging frequency of the sun that damages skin cells and tanning. But there are many frequencies of the sun that do different things. Every plant on earth can harness the sun why would any animals be different. The sun clearly something we evolved to use you feel happy when you have it in your face/eyes.
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thanks for sharing
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i still dont understand how a different color of light can do anything to an organism
its the frequency of the light that does it
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in the end most fixes for acne should be used temporarily while fixing your diet which is generally the root cause. unless you have hormonal which is just unfortunate
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Reactions: UndiagnosedSchizo and Deleted member 11126
in the end most fixes for acne should be used temporarily while fixing your diet which is generally the root cause. unless you have hormonal which is just unfortunate
How can hormonal acne be fixed?
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tag in next posts.

Very good material.
Blue/Redlight therapy
I use a high power lamp cost me about 120$ for both the red and blue.
Could you link where you purchased yours? Looking to buy one
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Diet is extremely underrated for fixing acne and general inflammation.

Also fixing gut microbiome is very important since “good bacteria” will compete with the microorganisms that cause acne limiting their able to grow
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diet is overrated af
  • WTF
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Diet is extremely underrated for fixing acne and general inflammation.

Also fixing gut microbiome is very important since “good bacteria” will compete with the microorganisms that cause acne limiting their able to grow
My whole issue started after taking anti biotics I had relatively bad acne at 15 but it wasn't that bad anti biotics made it perfect but in the long run made the problem worse
Amazon product ASIN B07TK2LZH3
red one the link won't send

okay here take away the space I added
Tret didn't work for me and neither did Doxycycline. Gonna start using Accutane soon and if that doesn't work i will consider laser treatment
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Tret didn't work for me and neither did Doxycycline. Gonna start using Accutane soon and if that doesn't work i will consider laser treatment
Hmmm if anti biotics don't work its a sign its non bacterial must be hormones
Tret didn't work for me and neither did Doxycycline. Gonna start using Accutane soon and if that doesn't work i will consider laser treatment
Also the doxy you took likely made things worse once you went off it. I urge you to put off accutane until you've tried for 1 solid year.

Not like me where I pussied around I also did tret before and concluded it wouldn't work but once I combined multiple methods together it really started working if your case is severe its unlikely one single thing will work alone. Accutane is an extreme solution with many side effects and the changes are permanent there's also no proof it will work long run on anything but puberty related acne I have a friend on his 3rd round it looksminned him in the long run

Accutane for him worked for a year then comes back he is 21 now on his 3rd go I was ready to give up too. But I realized just doing tiktok or (((dermatologist))) tier advice is basic until you've gone schizo like me and tried every crazy idea then don't do it. Try 1 year and give it your 100% after that do as you like look into your hormones bacteria levels etc
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Hmmm if anti biotics don't work its a sign its non bacterial must be hormones
My main issues are my subhuman large pores on my T Zone. Many people have reported that Accutane was the only thing that helped them with fighting acne
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Also the doxy you took likely made things worse once you went off it. I urge you to put off accutane until you've tried for 1 solid year.

Not like me where I pussied around I also did tret before and concluded it wouldn't work but once I combined multiple methods together it really started working if your case is severe its unlikely one single thing will work alone. Accutane is an extreme solution with many side effects and the changes are permanent there's also no proof it will work long run on anything but puberty related acne I have a friend on his 3rd round it looksminned him in the long run

Accutane for him worked for a year then comes back he is 21 now on his 3rd go I was ready to give up too. But I realized just doing tiktok or (((dermatologist))) tier advice is basic until you've gone schizo like me and tried every crazy idea then don't do it. Try 1 year and give it your 100% after that do as you like look into your hormones bacteria levels etc
What do you mean try 1 year ? Try Doxy for 1 year ?
  • Hmm...
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What do you mean try 1 year ? Try Doxy for 1 year ?

I meant going on anti biotics made my acne worse in the long run. Read my thread. It screwed up my gut biome. I meant try everything in your power diet creams in combination before going on accutane. It has very bad effects and its not even a 100% for sure thing like they sell people on especially if your already past peak puberty. And if you are on puberty or younger then 24 I'd advise against it because it fucks with hormones and has been known to ruin development

Its a very shady drug that should be used as last case scenarios for people who have tried everything and have acne to the point of facial deformity. The side effects speak for themselves the odds are pretty realistic you will end up worse I'd say.
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I meant going on anti biotics made my acne worse in the long run. Read my thread. It screwed up my gut biome. I meant try everything in your power diet creams in combination before going on accutane. It has very bad effects and its not even a 100% for sure thing like they sell people on especially if your already past peak puberty. And if you are on puberty or younger then 24 I'd advise against it because it fucks with hormones and has been known to ruin development

Its a very shady drug that should be used as last case scenarios for people who have tried everything and have acne to the point of facial deformity. The side effects speak for themselves the odds are pretty realistic you will end up worse I'd say.
Not sure what else i am supposed to try. Laser surgery is too expensive for me as of now and most other stuff didn't work
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Not sure what else i am supposed to try. Laser surgery is too expensive for me as of now and most other stuff didn't work
You haven't tried everything otherwise you would easily have known what I was talking about earlier. Look do what you want if you are going to rope tomorrow go one accutane but just know you stand to make your situation worse in 2 years its possible it could have long term effects.

Don't say I didn't warn you sincerely a friend who has been where you are now wish you the best :)
You haven't tried everything otherwise you would easily have known what I was talking about earlier. Look do what you want if you are going to rope tomorrow go one accutane but just know you stand to make your situation worse in 2 years its possible it could have long term effects.

Don't say I didn't warn you sincerely a friend who has been where you are now wish you the best :)
I already tried changing diets and it didnt help. How would you rate the blue light ?
Redlight is very legit
good thread, 10 for the effort.
you should adjust your sig based on the fact that everyone and their mother wears lifts and air maxes outside lol
seriously, 2 inches is the norm, im now almost 6'3" comfortably, from 6'1 , wherever i go lol
do you wear lifts or just shoes alone add 2 inches?
Mind linking the best blue light therapy for acne you've found, need a high quality one.
Which sunscreen do you recommend?
Also can you give examples of foods rich in good fats and cholesterol

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