Everything you need to know about STDs and Pregnancies

Deleted member 10413

Deleted member 10413

Oct 23, 2020
↳Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The contact is usually vaginal, oral, and anal sex.

Lets begin:

*The RAW Score is a rough estimation of the average number of single Americans you would have to have unprotected penetrative sex with to contract that particular STD.


Living With It: Uncomfortable… then you take some pills and it’s gone.
Curable: Yes (2-4 Weeks)
US Incidence (new cases annually): 4 million
RAW Score: 33 Partners
Condom Protects: Yes

Chlamydia is a relatively minor bacterial infection, mostly transferred through intercourse. In men, it’s uncomfortable and generally harmless. Symptoms include burning pee and, dudes, your balls might ache. While 25% of men don’t experience symptoms.


Living With It: Painful. Hope for no pus. Then you take some pills and it’s gone.
Curable: Yes (within a month)
US Incidence (new cases annually): 1.6 million
RAW Score: 81 Partners
Condom Protects: Yes

Gonorrhea is chlamydia’s big brother. In fact, the two often occur together. The difference is that gonorrhea can be transferred via any orifice: penis, vagina, anus, mouth. It often takes a few weeks for symptoms to show up, and it’s even more unpleasant to deal with.

The symptoms for gonorrhea include painful urination, aching balls for guys, swollen urethra, sore throat, and pus coming out of your genitals. Yes, that was pus coming out of your genitals.

As for treatment, there’s good and bad news. The good news is that since gonorrhea is a bacterial infection, it can be treated with antibiotics.

The bad news is that there’s been a rise in antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea in the past few years. There is only one class of antibiotics left that can treat it. And health officials are closely monitoring for signs of resistance to our last line of defense while new antibiotics are being researched.

So be careful.


Living With It: Itchy. Then 15 years later you go insane and kill yourself… (no, seriously.)
Curable: Yes
US Incidence (new cases annually): 146,000
RAW Score: 890 Partners (no, that’s not a typo)
Condom Protects: No

The famous philosopher Nietzsche was a bit of a lush and had a fondness for prostitutes. Somewhere along the way, he contracted syphilis and his body began to wither from the inside out. Throughout this torturous process, he famously proclaimed “God is dead” and slowly slipped into dementia and died.

Nietzsche syphilis, and the chances of getting an std

When not busy philosophizing, declaring God dead or playing with swords, Nietzsche enjoyed having syphilis.

Syphilis plays itself out in stages. The first stage is you develop a sore or sores (usually just one, but not always). This happens a few weeks after contracting the infection and the sore is generally painless. From there, after a few months, you break out into rashes. These rashes go on for weeks or months and eventually subside. From there, you have no symptoms. Then 15-20 years later your internal organs start bleeding, you lose control of your motor functions, and you start losing your mind.

So the moral of the story? Get tested sometime in the next 15 years… ya know, whenever you get a chance.


Living With It: Anything from a temporary nuisance and some awkward conversations to hopefully just one (painful) operation for women.
Curable: No, but it typically leaves on its own after a few years. There is also a vaccine for women and men now (get it!).
US Prevalence (all existing cases): 42.5 million
US Incidence (new cases annually): 13 million
RAW Score: 8 Partners
Condom Protects: Not entirely. HPV spreads by skin-to-skin contact and can also be on skin not covered by the condom.

HPV is where things begin to get interesting. HPV was the STD freak out in the media a few years back. If all you’ve heard is the few tidbits that get passed around, it sounds horrifying: You can get HPV from vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex and most sexually active men and women will get it at some point in their lives. It causes cancer, condoms don’t completely protect against it, and warts are going to cover your face and you’re going to suffocate to death.

This is all true. OK, the warts on the face and suffocation part isn’t, but the rest is. But what’s more important is the information you DON’T hear.

And here it is: there are over 200 strains of HPV and over 40 of them can be transmitted sexually. The virus is so common that nearly all sexually active people get infected at some point in their lives. Only some of those strains can cause symptoms: high-risk strains can cause cancer and low-risk strains can cause warts. However, most people never develop any symptoms, even if they do come in contact with the virus. If you do develop symptoms, there is a 91% chance that your body’s immune system will clear the symptoms within 2 years.

The low-risk strains of the HPV-virus cause genital warts. These strains are called low-risk because they only cause warts and do not cause cancer. Warts sound terrible, but they’re relatively harmless and usually small and painless. There are several treatments available to get rid of them, from laser surgery to applying a cream for a few months.

The high-risk strains can lead to cervical cancer in women, as well as some other types of cancer like throat and anal cancer. Actually, HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. But here, again, it’s important to know that even most high-risk HPV infections occur without any symptoms, go away within 1 to 2 years, and do not cause cancer. It’s only when high-risk HPV infections persist for many years that they can lead to cell changes that, if untreated, can progress to cancer.
The good news is that women are getting checked more and more for lesions and/or abnormal cells on their cervix these days. A Pap test or Pap smear is recommended for all women between the ages of 21 and 65.

For women who do get lesions, they can have a procedure that prevents them from getting cervical cancer, but it’s pretty painful and follow-ups with your doctor are necessary. That said, you shouldn’t freak out too much about it as it can at least be managed if not completely “cured.”

Your immune system is important in dealing with the virus and preventing recurrences, so it pays to take care of your health if you find out you have HPV. Drink less alcohol, stop smoking, eat healthily, and take some supplements.

Also, the HPV vaccine is being given to just about every girl under 26, and again, men can get it now too. The vaccine called Gardasil protects against two high-risk strains of HPV that together cause 70% of cases of cervical cancer. It also protects against two low-risk strains of the virus that together cause 90% of genital warts. The newer Gardasil-9 vaccine protects against even more strains of the virus.

So if you’re sexually active, chances are you’ve already got at least one strain of HPV. But again, most of the time this won’t cause any symptoms, and even if you do get symptoms, your immune system usually deals with it within 1-2 years.

Women should get regular screening for HPV once they reach a certain age. Unfortunately, there is no HPV screening for men. Men can only be diagnosed with HPV when they have visible warts. And that sucks, ruins your week, causes a lot of awkward conversations… but you move on and everything ends up being fine.

Genital Herpes

Living With It: There’s a good chance you already have it.
Curable: No, but who cares?
US Prevalence (all existing cases): 18.6 million
US Incidence (new cases annually): 572,000
RAW Score: 18 Partners
Condom Protects: No

So I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that a shit ton of people have herpes (including probably myself). The good news is that the vast majority of people never show symptoms and don’t have the viral load required for it to show up in their blood levels.

I have to admit, herpes was the big one I was terrified of getting. Then I started researching it for this article and realized I probably already have it. And chances are you have it too!

See, there are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 usually causes breakouts around the mouth—we just call them cold sores or fever blisters. Almost 70% of the world population has HSV-1,29 although at any given time almost none of us have a breakout.

HSV-2 causes breakouts around the genitals. The majority of people never get breakouts or get such minor breakouts that they don’t even realize that it’s herpes. My friend who has had a breakout said that he originally thought his was just a bug bite. It wasn’t until a second one showed up that he decided to get it checked out. It’s been over three years and he hasn’t had another breakout since. He’s also in a monogamous relationship and his girlfriend has never had a breakout.

Herpes never goes away, but it’s relatively harmless. In fact, even if you do get breakouts, most people stop getting them after a couple of years. And if you’re one of the unlucky few who actually does get bad breakouts, you can take medication to suppress them. So there. Not worried about herpes anymore… After all, I probably already have it, and so do many of you.


Living With It: Expensive and stressful, but assuming you’re not African, you’ll live.
Curable: No
US Prevalence (all existing cases): 984,000
US Incidence (new cases annually): 32,600
RAW Score: 332 Partners (significantly fewer if engaging in anal sex)
Condom Protects: Yes

HIV is no longer the death warrant it once was. Don’t get me wrong, contracting it would be awful and surely life-altering. But you would live. I just hope you have good health insurance. Life expectancy for young people living in Europe and North America is only slightly lower than the general population provided you start treatment immediately after a positive HIV diagnosis.

That said, some demographics are far more likely to contract HIV than others: UNAIDS reports gay men and drug addicts who use dirty needles are both 24 times more likely to contract it than the general population globally. When it comes to vaginal sex, both men and women can contract HIV from an infected partner. Anal sex—whether it’s hetero- or homosexual—seems to be the big culprit here.

Also, I hate to say it, but HIV positive cases are predominantly lower-income classes. African-Americans account disproportionately for 42% of all HIV cases in the US.
But HIV infections have been declining to some degree in Europe and North America (more so in Europe). And in 2013, there were some very early accounts of people possibly being cured of the disease, and in 2020, stem cell therapy looks very promising.

The symptoms of HIV are flu-like symptoms a couple of weeks after contracting it. From there, your immune system slowly shuts down over a period of years. There are a lot of therapies and treatments available and most people who contract it can live functional, mostly normal lives, assuming they get the proper medical care. So the news on the HIV front over the past few decades has actually been mostly good.

But still, use a damn condom.


Living With It: Completely and irreversibly life-changing
Curable: Uhh… err…
US Prevalence: Your mom had it at least once
RAW Score: 75 Sexual Encounters
Condom Protects: 85% effective

Over the years I’ve had dozens of people ask me about STDs, many of them looking for information, but many of them simply looking for reassurance that they were not going to shrivel up and die. I always tell them that 1) they’re going to be fine, and 2) they should be far more worried about babies. Notice the 1 in 75 sexual encounters. That’s not 75 partners, that’s 75 occurrences of unprotected intercourse. That’s MUCH more likely than many of the STDs listed here.

Do not fuck around with this.

The chances of getting an std - woman with pregnancy test

If you don’t want to be a mommy or daddy, get contraception. If you don’t know or trust someone, use protection. If you’re sexually active, get tested regularly. Have open conversations with your sexual partners about this stuff: “Have you been tested? Are you on birth control?” Yes, it’s awkward. But yes, it’s always worth it.

Stay smart and stay safe.

Ending Note:

You should worry too much about STDs as long as you get tested regularly and use condoms. The real thing you should worry about is pregnancy (which you can prevent with a vasectomy.)

Source: (https://markmanson.net/std-guide#hpv)

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So ... nietzsche was an incel with a superiority complex, jfl
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  • Woah
Reactions: oldcelloser, AscendingHero, prettyboyswag and 7 others
Useless information. No one here is having sex
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  • WTF
Reactions: BugeyeBigNoseCurry, Worthlesshapa777, oldcelloser and 5 others
@Grimba you should make a megathread about sleep ,i feel like you would make a good one on it
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Reactions: thecel, Deleted member 10177, Deleted member 11167 and 2 others
Pregnancy is curable with abortion
  • WTF
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how often did you have sex
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Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 10413
how often did you have sex
I'm a 17 year old virgin. I read this guide mostly because I was scared that in the future I would get an STD and never be able to have sex again (and I thought the guide was good enough to put here).
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: oldcelloser, MiroslavBulldosex and thecel
Did read good thread.
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Reactions: thecel and Deleted member 10413
Deserves to be in best of the best
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Reactions: thecel
Don't get a vasectomy though, that's cucked
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  • WTF
Reactions: Patient A and thecel
The pregnancy rate really surprised me. I expected a single-digit raw score. Like 2 lmao. 75 sexual encounters is a lot fucking higher than I thought tbh.
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Reactions: Deleted member 10413
You stole this lol
cant get stds from a dakimura
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DNR cause Chad doesnt pull out but ok.....
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Reactions: AscensionMan98
DNR cause Chad doesnt pull out but ok.....
Yea the truth is that among the men who get laid their numbers are really high. 2 guys I know that didn't even consider themselves as fuck boys but your typical good looking guy who gets laid a lot, they told me like 40 girls, so even if they lied and it was like 20 , that's a lot at age 22. They used condoms sparingly. One of them said half raw dog, never got a std, the other like 2/3. Neither got a std which makes me wonder the chad std Redpill, that the chad immune system is robustly designed to protect against std as it knows it will get tons of pussy, in combination with std being more so a result of poor hygiene which could explain why its so much more prevalent in the gay community. Both said they washed their dick after sex, but were not regular of it. One is in a LTR, the other is still fucking around.
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
Thanks bhai.

If I was higher value I might have had an STD at some point in my shit life
High quality post.

You shouldnt worry about stds. Women never ask

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