Eye contact of a real alpha male



Mar 16, 2019
I'm reading and studying the art of game and pickup..

Join me in this journey boyos

Eye contact of a real alpha male
Eye contact should be one of the first things you should concentrate on when you begin acquiring game skills. I really believe that my piercing glance is often what clinches the deal when I’m picking up. The rules of good eye contact are quite simple, being good at implementing them however is the harder part.

Eye contact is one of the key components of your non verbal game; keep in mind that it is your non verbal expressions such as your body language, tonality and eyes that are mostly likely to create or kill the attraction. All things being equal; men who hold good eye contact are perceived by women as being MORE:

Breaking eye contact
Very occasionally it’s okay to break it by looking around the room like you’re distracted by something (doing this is a bit of a push). You should only unlink your eyes when she is talking never when you are. Dominant men demand attention and eyes on them when they speak and you should too. When breaking eye contact, avoid looking down, it is submissive, instead break it by looking to the side. Having said that, you should not be breaking it often because you risk disengaging her and fast. Looking overly distracted and unable to focus will make you look childish, disinterested or weak.

Most men have a difficult time maintaining good eye contact especially with women that they find very attractive. They are too quick to look away, averting their attention to avoid the perceived potential conflict of what might happen. Nothing will happen, at least nothing bad will. 99.9% of the time there will only be two possible outcomes: she breaks it first or she holds your gaze and begins to smile, in which case you should approach her as she’s given you a clear green flag to do so.

You might feel an overpowering urge to look away, in case she spots you communicating that you like her. This is exactly what you should be communicating to her with your eyes, and unapologetically so. Women want an alpha male who is bold with his intent and intrudes upon them with his eyes. Never fear confrontation or communicating your sexual intent, it’s what attractive entitled men do.

Initially women will often do the ‘prolonged stare’ shit test on you. It’s your mission to comfortably hold that stare longer than her, getting her to break it first. As soon as she breaks it she will begin accepting your dominant masculine frame and she will fall into her submissive female frame. Once you’ve dominated her by making her look away a few times, it’s okay for you to start looking away too, occasionally. Your pickup doesn’t need to be a crazy eye contact marathon.

The right way
Don’t stare at her like a desperate over smiley beta who drools for a girl. Instead give her a cool intelligent 007 stare, like you are thinking deeply about things while she speaks. Use eye contact to create a bubble between you and her, shutting out everything and everyone around you. Look into her eyes with a steady relaxed gaze. Hold it. From time to time look away to the side (never down) in a natural unforced way. Let her look away if she can’t handle the tension, but never feel like you should be the one that needs to release it. As the pickup turns more sexual she’ll start to give you prolonged stares once again but only a lot sexier in nature.

The lack of blinking will make you come across as scary or weird because not blinking is unnatural. Being unnatural means that you are trying too hard. Trying too hard signals that you see yourself as being of lower value than her. Remember, women only have sex with men that they perceive as being of equal or of higher status or value than they are. Blinking normally or slowly is always better than not blinking at all or blinking too fast.

3 Ways to improve your eye contact
  1. Next time you’re out and about and see a woman walking by, try and make eye contact with her and maintain it until she breaks it. 95% of the time she’ll break it first and quite quickly; this is because most women are just as anxious about making eye contact as most guys are. If she holds it (or breaks it and then holds it again) see it as a green flag to approach. Even in the case when you’re unable to get any eye contact at all, just keep gazing at her eyes until she passes you.
  2. Practice holding your gaze with every person you come in contact with (especially with women) for longer and longer until it is comfortable and continuous. Start noticing other people’s eye contact.
  3. Refrain from wearing sunglasses when you’re interacting with people. And finally avoid continuously being distracted by the things around you such as your phone and focus on the person’s eyes in front of you.
Just have blue eyes bro
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no pick up game for your nct
Those shits just make you more self-conscious which makes you come out worse in the end. You just want to be yourself without an autistic base, if you are Asperger than it is over whether or not you attempt to use those 'tricks'.
I could be wrong, but I think subtleties like eye contact, posture, tonality, etc. are not things people can train to fix. All of this comes together when you fix internal issues you have.
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2 years ago I wasn't able to hold eye contact for 1 second because of anxiety.
Nowadays it's fun to have eye contact.
Not because I think it improves my chances like you imply, but because I know the girl thinks that this subhuman should stop looking at her
  • JFL
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No eye contact for your bald head

  • So Sad
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Actual cringe
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this only works if you are attractive

otherwise she calls the cops

unfortunately OP, you're the latter
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You're,my goddamned friend tbh bro and you and me together will never never stray from the path bro we'll get it done everyday every single way we don't really have a choice and IK on some level it's endearing and you agree with me and you understand the bigger picture at least on some level bro and if you don't we can TAKE a bigger picture and have you understand because some people subject themselves to bullshittery but not you and me bro that's why we might just coolmog the whole population bro we literally have it on lockdown and if you ever doubt yourself my blackpilled self will be right there to assure you that the self doubt is extremely bogus and that's why we're friends bro it's because this is the opposite of the bottom I see it now we are the selective 1% in our own little bouncy castle boyo no homo.

[IMG alt="Sniffles"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/l/16/16771.jpg?1550650361[/IMG]
Low inhibmaxxing...

Jan 26, 2019
We're respectable bro. Very DADDIESTCELS on earth tbh. The more selective the daddies the gooder tbh. We frens tbh. No homo.

[IMG alt="Sniffles"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/l/16/16771.jpg?1550650361[/IMG]
Low inhibmaxxing...

Jan 26, 2019
C'mon bro we're in business rn tbh bro we DADDY nog the population bro I IMAGINATION MOG most everyone I've ever met bro c'mon bro team up


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Breaking eye contact
Very occasionally it’s okay to break it by looking around the room like you’re distracted by something (doing this is a bit of a push). You should only unlink your eyes when she is talking never when you are. Dominant men demand attention and eyes on them when they speak and you should too. When breaking eye contact, avoid looking down, it is submissive, instead break it by looking to the side.
this part is very legit. I even notice it when two guys are arguing. The one who looks away when he's speaking comes across as weak. If it's in a group setting, other people will naturally side with whoever appears more dominant, regardless of what they're saying. This comes natural to men in positions of authority (e.g. police officers) and it throws them off when you respond the same way.
muh alpha male

JFL at your pathetic PUA cope

No eye contact for your face
  • +1
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I will try it next time i approach.. I will stare her in the eyes and not blink

I will report back
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