Facial bloat throughout the day fluctuates greatly.



May 2, 2019
It's not just me, right? I wake up in the morning- middling bloat, relative to my lean face after a cardio workout, and then bloat peaks at around 2:00, which has an INSANE visual difference, and by 4-5 it's completely gone. Anyone else have this issue? Possible fixes?
My facial bloat fluctuates a fair bit.

The strangest thing for me personally is that is almost seems like the cleaner I eat (think only lean proteins and vegetables) the worse I feel I look in the face. When I eat junk, even if I put a few lbs on, my face often seems a little sharper. I'm assuming i'm an anomaly in that respect though, tbh.
My facial bloat fluctuates a fair bit.

The strangest thing for me personally is that is almost seems like the cleaner I eat (think only lean proteins and vegetables) the worse I feel I look in the face. When I eat junk, even if I put a few lbs on, my face often seems a little sharper. I'm assuming i'm an anomaly in that respect though, tbh.
Definite anomaly... But very interesting. Have you tried taking photos eating clean/eating dirty? I plan on taking photos of facial bloat throughout the day with a controlled lighting and diet just to be sure what's going on is really going on.
of course it does when u eat salt u bloat

Get implants. They will spread out your skin and bloating won't be as visible.
Get implants. They will spread out your skin and bloating won't be as visible.
I'm open to the idea of cosmetic surgery, but not any plastic or fillers. I plan on ordering ipamorelin and cjc1295 so as to boost my HGH levels and in turn stimulate natural bone growth. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I'm looking for more immediate solutions.

Although it's the opposite for me - I usually look best in the morning. Not immediately after waking up but after 15-20 minutes. Post-lunch I'm a Bloaty McBloatface :feelsrope:
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Do you have a pic of your face?
Screenshot 2020 02 14 01 05 29 932 commiuivideoplayer

Is this bloat? U mad?
Lighting? I doubht your face is filling with water throughout the day
I’m a fat twink 24/7 tbh.
Dieting has a we
My facial bloat fluctuates a fair bit.

The strangest thing for me personally is that is almost seems like the cleaner I eat (think only lean proteins and vegetables) the worse I feel I look in the face. When I eat junk, even if I put a few lbs on, my face often seems a little sharper. I'm assuming i'm an anomaly in that respect though, tbh.

When you diet(esp hard dieting) you will initially drop a lot of water weight and look sharper, but after a while you will start retaining water as a survival mechanism, this will make you look more bloated. Having a refeed(cheat meal basically) will cause you to drop the water and you can sometimes find yourself 1-4 lbs lighter the day after even tho you ate more.
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You don't see effects of food immediately, but the day after or later. For example, if I am eating clean but cheat for a meal, I feel more energy and still feel great, but if the cheat meal turns into cheat day or two, the sugar will spill over into bloat and fat deposition. Another example is if I drink alcohol on a diet, I lose some water weight look more cut temporarily but after a day or so it will catch up to me and I look like shit.
Also, you might be doing too much cardio and releasing too much stress hormones hence retaining water and eating pleasurable food makes you happy and you look Fuller because of muscle glycogen repletion. Can't really tell until we see what u eat, how you workout, etc
My bloat fluctuates aswell just eat at least 2 bananas a day and take a caffeine pill every morning for diuretic effects and drink alot of water eat as little salt as you can. This has helped me reduce my bloat alot also try to do cardio every morning hiit. I just run on the treadmill. Bonesmash zygos aswell to stretch your skin a little bit more to make you look more angular and lessen bloating effects. Wash your face with cold water also in the morning.
Profile picture, although if you want more dm me
I think there's some bloat around your jaw, but it might just be the angle or poor genetics. Otherwise, no bloat.

I'm not mad, why would I be?
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I'm most no bloated when I wake then it goes away
no no
It's not just me, right? I wake up in the morning- middling bloat, relative to my lean face after a cardio workout, and then bloat peaks at around 2:00, which has an INSANE visual difference, and by 4-5 it's completely gone. Anyone else have this issue? Possible fixes?
check discord please or whats your new discord?
I agree. Bloat depends on

GHH x IHO amount flux

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