Facial hair is disgusting



Jan 2, 2019
Throughout history high status men always always got rid of their facial hair because it was seen as barbaric and low status.

And it's true. Women don't even like facial hair because they associate it with old age (I'm only 30 but already I have to shave considerbly more often than even just a few years ago).

There is a small number of men who can look good with a bit if hair but for 90% it just looks like utter shit.
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  • Ugh..
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Minox maxxing and cutting my.curls off = worse decision I ever made, my pheno legit changed, I look Arab now, these 6 months are gonna be rough
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@MarkCorrigan what do I do, my nigga? I'm legit depressed now
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patchy soy beard is bad but some ppl it's good on especially as you get older
Throughout history high status men always always got rid of their facial hair because it was seen as barbaric and low status.

And it's true. Women don't even like facial hair because they associate it with old age (I'm only 30 but already I have to shave considerbly more often than even just a few years ago).

There is a small number of men who can look good with a bit if hair but for 90% it just looks like utter shit.
some parts of times and places it was considered high status some others it was low status, you are generalising
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are you sure you look worse and it's not just BDD
I miss my hair mang, and the same hoe I was texting even said I look extremely middle eastern now.
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I miss my hair mang, and the same hoe I was texting even said I look extremely middle eastern now.
is there shit you can take to make it grow faster
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I havent rocked facial hair for the last 6 months or so. I personally hate having facial hair but most women I meet love the pics I show them with me having it, although they do admit it makes me look older
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I think if you drink castor oil and take biotin that helps
That's gonna speed up growth by a day, so I'm only gonna have to wait 5 more months and 29 days

Fuck bro, fuck bro, my hair is so short now
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and Deleted member 9670
I havent rocked facial hair for the last 6 months or so. I personally hate having facial hair but most women I meet love the pics I show them with me having it, although they do admit it makes me look older
Facial hair is kinda good tho cause it makes you feel mature in this good way and masculine, i have noticed i get more respect from people when i have facial hair, when i shave i look way younger and people confuse me too much as an immature teen
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the 2 types that attract the most. stubble> no beard

that's not my opinion, it's from research and articles

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According to OP Nick Bateman is a barbaric female repellant
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Over for beardcels
Women definitely don't like beards, they are catching on that it's a jaw cope too.
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