Facial Muscles Manipulation Ep.1: Increase/Decrease philtrum



May 13, 2023
Here is a dirty but effective way to manipulate your philtrum height (you can increase it or decrease it).

These 2 examples got Botox in their chin muscle (mentalis muscle) to correct chin dimpling.

Look at how their philtrum height has changed.

Capture decran 2023 06 22 a 215832
Capture decran 2023 06 22 a 212609


- Some people have an overactive chin (mentalis) muscle which can cause dimpling of the chin. This dimpling pushes the lips upward creating the illusion of a shorter philtrum.

- More active mentalis muscle = lower philtrum height
- Less active mentalis muscle = higher philtrum height

1. If you want to DECREASE your philtrum..:

- You need to make your mentalis muscle STRONGER.
- By increasing the mentalis muscle, some people may get a downturned mouth. In that case, one may need botox in the "depressor anguli oris" muscle
- By increasing the mentalis muscle, some may get chin dimpling and some fillers/implant may be needed.
- Will it work for you? Just contract your chin muscle and if you notice that it pushes up your lips upward and reduces your philtrum's height then yes it will work

2. If you want to INCREASE your philtrum..:

- You need to make your mentalis muscle WEAKER. Simply get botox injection in your mentalis.
- Will it work for you? Just stretch your chin muscle and if you notice that it pushes down your lips and increases your philtrum's height then yes it will work
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this is cool and all but how can I cure my subhumanity
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  • JFL
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Here is a dirty but effective way to manipulate your philtrum height (you can increase it or decrease it).

These 2 examples got Botox in their chin muscle (mentalis muscle) to correct chin dimpling.

Look at how their philtrum height has changed.

View attachment 2275126
View attachment 2275087


- Some people have an overactive chin (mentalis) muscle which can cause dimpling of the chin. This dimpling pushes the lips upward creating the illusion of a shorter philtrum.

- More active mentalis muscle = lower philtrum height
- Less active mentalis muscle = higher philtrum height

1. If you want to DECREASE your philtrum..:

- You need to make your mentalis muscle STRONGER.
- By increasing the mentalis muscle, some people may get a downturned mouth. In that case, one may need botox in the "depressor anguli oris" muscle
- By increasing the mentalis muscle, some may get chin dimpling and some fillers/implant may be needed.
- Will it work for you? Just contract your chin muscle and if you notice that it pushes up your lips upward and reduces your philtrum's height then yes it will work

2. If you want to INCREASE your philtrum..:

- You need to make your mentalis muscle WEAKER. Simply get botox injection in your mentalis.
- Will it work for you? Just stretch your chin muscle and if you notice that it pushes down your lips and increases your philtrum's height then yes it will work
Book marked. Thanks for being a looksmax scholar. Didnt know this was a thing but very happy I found it
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how do i make the mentalis muscle stronger then? must flex it till failure for a set amount of sets?
how do i make the mentalis muscle stronger then? must flex it till failure for a set amount of sets?
- fast & easy way :

Filler : when you place fillers below the muscle (between the muscle tissue & bone), it gives support to the muscle and makes it stronger.
On the opposite, if you place the filler on top of the muscle it adds a "weight" to the muscle and becomes weaker.

Or chin implant/genio. Will give support to the chin and therefore, to the mentalis muscle.

- natural way:

Train it like a normal muscle. Place a finger on your chin and add some pressure on it (= weight). Then contract it. Do various reps x sets
natural way:

Train it like a normal muscle. Place a finger on your chin and add some pressure on it (= weight). Then contract it. Do various reps x sets
my mentalis is already probably strong because i have a deep chin dimple? would it still be worth it?
my mentalis is already probably strong because i have a deep chin dimple? would it still be worth it?
If you already have a dimpled chin, it is probably not worth it.
The other way to lift the philtrum (and overall lip area) would be to train:
1/the malaris muscle
2/+ all smile muscles: zygomatic major/minor, levator labii superioris
3/ And ideally get some botox in the depressor anguli oris
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Make a thread on how to cure subhuman noses.
If you already have a dimpled chin, it is probably not worth it.
The other way to lift the philtrum (and overall lip area) would be to train:
1/the malaris muscle
2/+ all smile muscles: zygomatic major/minor, levator labii superioris
3/ And ideally get some botox in the depressor anguli oris
yea i cant be bothered with that im just gonna grow stubble lmao
who the hell would want to increase their philthrun
Book marked. Thanks for being a looksmax scholar. Didnt know this was a thing but very happy I found it
You absolute nigger I found the thread you were gatekeeping Uh huh
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btw I assume you saying to train malaris should I guess constitute to EMS working on face or is it a actual cope?
@Graham potential cure for your subhuman philtrum
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@Graham potential cure for your subhuman philtrum
Either have a shorter philtrum and have a subhuman chin and lower lip making you look like you smelled a bad fart, or keep the philtrum and look like you're about to go monke mode and start flinging shit at people.

A trimax will be the closest thing to a fix.
Strengthening your mentalis will not passively reduce your philtrum length, it will only have an effect while engaging it. Engaging your mentalis muscles 24/7 means you're making it impossible to have a natural lip seal and this will cause crowding of your incisors and front canines relatively rapidly if you're still developing.
interesting softmax man

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