Faith is flawed CHRISTIANS GTFIH



. . . ╰──╮D1 Hater╭──╯ . . .
Feb 10, 2024
If faith is how we get to heaven and that requires full trust in God isn't it rigged from the start? God created us after all, he knew some would end up in terrible situations, and be put through worse situations. This is all supposedly a part of his plan.

Why would a 5'2 Indian born in the slums of Mumbai eating dirt and having a terrible quality of life have the same amount of faith or any belief God loves him as much as a first-world citizen would? Why would kids who have never known war have the same faith as kids who get bombs rained on them daily? Why would a non NT incel have the same amount of faith as a chad?

If faith is the only way to make it to heaven, it's based directly on how good of a life you had, as why would a Chad have any reason to NOT have faith in God? His life is awesome. Whereas some ugly autist guy has been through shit and obviously wouldn't be so chummy about God as a Chad. Its like God is punishing us with the situation HE GAVE US.
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Kys nigger
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Why wrote a long essay, just don't believe in god and let us believe if we are so flawed, lmao what harm do we do to you
ahhh man that used to be my old avi. fuuk. :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:
Look up the Calvinist Doctrine. It will answer all your questions.

Yes, a lot of people seem to be set up to fail from the start. Most Christians don't accept Calvinism but it's quite popular in Protestantism
Why wrote a long essay, just don't believe in god and let us believe if we are so flawed, lmao what harm do we do to you
not looking to harm im looking for an answer

Im Christian and I'm extremely confused about how God can claim faith is the only way to heaven while its based on the circumstances HE gave us
Look up the Calvinist Doctrine. It will answer all your questions.

Yes, a lot of people seem to be set up to fail from the start. Most Christians don't accept Calvinism but it's quite popular in Protestantism
this would make sense but it is just fucking ridiculous jfl we are set up for certain failure by a "loving" God
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you just want to be special, god don’t gaf bout you, drink enough and realize even you don’t gaf bout you
  • Hmm...
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Look up the Calvinist Doctrine. It will answer all your questions.

Yes, a lot of people seem to be set up to fail from the start. Most Christians don't accept Calvinism but it's quite popular in Protestantism
Calvinism is retardism. Only orthodoxy is real Christianity
Calvinism is retardism. Only orthodoxy is real Christianity

Calvinism does in fact reconcile much of the “god is so unfair” criticisms with Christianity. Gods sovereignty is real and must be respected. I’m still on the fence with Calvinism.

Orthodoxy = Christian Kabbalah and an outlet for ethnonationalists
If faith is how we get to heaven and that requires full trust in God isn't it rigged from the start? God created us after all, he knew some would end up in terrible situations, and be put through worse situations. This is all supposedly a part of his plan.

Why would a 5'2 Indian born in the slums of Mumbai eating dirt and having a terrible quality of life have the same amount of faith or any belief God loves him as much as a first-world citizen would? Why would kids who have never known war have the same faith as kids who get bombs rained on them daily? Why would a non NT incel have the same amount of faith as a chad?

If faith is the only way to make it to heaven, it's based directly on how good of a life you had, as why would a Chad have any reason to NOT have faith in God? His life is awesome. Whereas some ugly autist guy has been through shit and obviously wouldn't be so chummy about God as a Chad. Its like God is punishing us with the situation HE GAVE US.
You have it backwards. Why would someone who lives an amazing life need any faith in anything? It's the people born in the shittiest conditions facing the hardest problems that need that faith to just get through the day. You want these people born in miserable conditions to believe that you're born, you suffer, and then die forever?

Religion is a cope for the most part. That's literally the best thing it's for. Rich people/people born 6'5 don't fucking need any copes.
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You have it backwards. Why would someone who lives an amazing life need any faith in anything?
Because we are all aware of our imminent death.
Because we are all aware of our imminent death.
We might all be aware of it, but some rich kid born in America is not facing anything that reminds him of that everyday. He needs religion way less than someone who is watching his family starve in Africa, or wasting away from one of the hundreds of thousands of preventable disease that's still a problem in poverty stricken countries. No way around this.
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We might all be aware of it, but some rich kid born in America is not facing anything that reminds him of that everyday. He needs religion way less than someone who is watching his family starve in Africa, or wasting away from one of the hundreds of thousands of preventable disease that's still a problem in poverty stricken countries. No way around this.
Nigga it doesn't have to be everyday. The fact is that we are all cursed with sentience and the knowledge of our finiteness. We all need a savior. We all need Jesus Christ, God incarnate. No amount of money, status, foids, etc will fill the void that is caused by our death anxiety
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Nigga it doesn't have to be everyday. The fact is that we are all cursed with sentience and the knowledge of our finiteness. We all need a savior. We all need Jesus Christ, God incarnate. No amount of money, status, foids, etc will fill the void that is caused by our death anxiety
Read OPs point about why some should have less faith than others bhai.

If faith is how we get to heaven and that requires full trust in God isn't it rigged from the start? God created us after all, he knew some would end up in terrible situations, and be put through worse situations. This is all supposedly a part of his plan.

Why would a 5'2 Indian born in the slums of Mumbai eating dirt and having a terrible quality of life have the same amount of faith or any belief God loves him as much as a first-world citizen would? Why would kids who have never known war have the same faith as kids who get bombs rained on them daily? Why would a non NT incel have the same amount of faith as a chad?

If faith is the only way to make it to heaven, it's based directly on how good of a life you had, as why would a Chad have any reason to NOT have faith in God? His life is awesome. Whereas some ugly autist guy has been through shit and obviously wouldn't be so chummy about God as a Chad. Its like God is punishing us with the situation HE GAVE US.
The bold parts. Has nothing to do with everyone "needing faith" - it has more to do with the fact OP thinks some shouldn't be as faithful because they aren't born in seemingly perfect conditions.
Calvinism does in fact reconcile much of the “god is so unfair” criticisms with Christianity. Gods sovereignty is real and must be respected. I’m still on the fence with Calvinism.

Orthodoxy = Christian Kabbalah and an outlet for ethnonationalists
Cope, orthodoxy is the best
A Chad has no reason to live righteously or do the will of God. He is
accepted by the world and thus parties, drink, bangs foids, does evil, bullies incels
and is rewarded for being a bad boy. Society and people accept him.

In the bible, Jesus said the world will reject him and his people
and that the world will accept people of satan who runs the world.

So a rejected incel can find solace in the bible and God/Jesus and seek
after God and love him and do his will since God is one of the few people
who will accept him as he is.

Chad already has a great life and doesnt need God to help or save him and thus
cares not about doing God's will.

Also the bible says God looks at the heart not the outward appearance like foids and normies.
And faith can't be forced either. Even if you were good looking, have a good life and whatever the fuck, or even live in a religious environment where you grew up having doctrine forced down your fucking throat everyday, you can still end up not having faith and that wouldn't even be your fault. There's simply not enough evidence for god's existence, and the evidence the believers claim they have are all obscure and unreliable. Not to mention the terrible logic behind salvation (in christianity at least), which is through faith, which, by the reasons you and I mentioned, billions would end up in hell. Crazy thing is, he knew all this (omniscient), yet he didn't do anything to change it despite being able to do anything (omnipotent).

If you take a second to do one thing most forbidden in every religion which is to question, it all crumbles.
Have you read the Bible in it's entirety?
A Chad has no reason to live righteously or do the will of God. He is
accepted by the world and thus parties, drink, bangs foids, does evil, bullies incels
and is rewarded for being a bad boy. Society and people accept him.

In the bible, Jesus said the world will reject him and his people
and that the world will accept people of satan who runs the world.

So a rejected incel can find solace in the bible and God/Jesus and seek
after God and love him and do his will since God is one of the few people
who will accept him as he is.

Chad already has a great life and doesnt need God to help or save him and thus
cares not about doing God's will.

Also the bible says God looks at the heart not the outward appearance like foids and normies.
Ok but God made us, and made our environment HE is the reason why someone was born in some slum Africa and yet they have to have faith despite the situation and will go to hell if they don't

Yet some chad or normie has no trials, no tests, and will obv have faith because of this and he will go to heaven

How is this fair or Godly
Mirin iq my last comment obv shows I do JFL
Then you know the Pius principle right? And the Pius principle basically solves your question.
Then you know the Pius principle right? And the Pius principle basically solves your question.
Cant say I remember this principle unless it was somehow mentioned in Job which I doubt. Explain it please
Cant say I remember this principle unless it was somehow mentioned in Job which I doubt. Explain it please
You seriously don't know? It's basic.

It's something like this

God is love. OK, so God=Love
Every human can love. No matter how poor, how ugly, how sick you are, you can love.
So every human can share God. Therefore everyone can take part in him.
If you Love you are experiencing God, thus being aware of his presence.
If there was not love, there would be no God. But there is Love. True love, only experienced by those who actively seek it and know how to love; extremely scarce but it exists. And ANYONE can take part on it.

There is the Pius principle
Which isn't real and I just made up.
We get to heaven by following the ten commandments. Simple as.
Which isn't real and I just made up.
We get to heaven by following the ten commandments. Simple as.
Then it isnt exactly hard to go to heaven and I'm very sure you need to have faith in God to go to heaven simply being "good" isn't enough which is what the 10 commandments implies

Then it isnt exactly hard to go to heaven and I'm very sure you need to have faith in God to go to heaven simply being "good" isn't enough which is what the 10 commandments implies
You have to love God, yourself, and everyone; which is a lot harder than it seems.
Poverty, chastity and obedience are important aspects of every christian life.
Also avoiding the 10 deadly sins.
You have to love God, yourself, and everyone; which is a lot harder than it seems.
It is hard but the only reason it is hard is because of the situations HE gives us

Like how can a man with a terminal disease after a life lived with nothing but pain love God as much as some Chad who lives every day like its his birthday?

The situations he gives almost have a 1:1 correlation with how much we would love him jfl
Ok but God made us, and made our environment HE is the reason why someone was born in some slum Africa and yet they have to have faith despite the situation and will go to hell if they don't

Yet some chad or normie has no trials, no tests, and will obv have faith because of this and he will go to heaven

How is this fair or Godly
the bible says adulterers, fornicators, revellers and people who live after the world and the lust of the flesh and dont do the will of God will go to hell.

Chad and women live after the world and dont do God's will and live in sin = all of them are destined for hell.

Someone in africa who has a good heart and seeks after God will find him and go to heaven.
the bible says adulterers, fornicators, revellers and people who live after the world and the lust of the flesh and dont do the will of God will go to hell.

Chad and women live after the world and dont do God's will and live in sin = all of them are destined for hell.

Someone in africa who has a good heart and seeks after God will find him and go to heaven.
It is hard but the only reason it is hard is because of the situations HE gives us

Like how can a man with a terminal disease after a life lived with nothing but pain love God as much as some Chad who lives every day like its his birthday?

The situations he gives almost have a 1:1 correlation with how much we would love him jfl
How can a man live with nothing but pain. And that doens't mean he can't love.
Unless you get a literal lobotomy, you are capable of LOVE.

And it's not like life is really that fucking bad.
It's not the 1500s when you die because a mosquito snatched you, or the 1940s and you're jewish. Like, life is pretty optimistic for most people nowadays

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