Fapping does not have negative side effects, it’s just placebo


The Grinch

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Aug 10, 2022
Just remember when you were a little shit and discovered fapping for the first time, you fapped multiple times a day without even thinking it could be harmful to you and it wasn’t, you didn’t feel anxious, insecure or low T, you felt good and relaxed, zero side effects, but then you stumbled upon those red pill gurus who told you terrible horror stories about fapping and you believed them, then all of a sudden you saw fapping in a different light, you promised yourself not to do it anymore, but you did it anyway and you felt bad and you thought you lost your testosterone (LMAO) because you just did what humans do since the beginning of time, but for you it was never the same anymore, your sex drive became like a curse and you lost all your confidence. Yes, the side effects exist, but only because you believe in them, it’s a vicious circle
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer, thugmaxxedwigga, asdvek and 5 others
Muh placebo
  • +1
Reactions: zurzolo
Fapping is fine but porn is bad
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Reactions: Sprinkles, zurzolo, datboijj and 1 other person
Found the russian. Guys, this is @eternal_ btw :feelskek:
Russian? Not even close
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Reactions: zurzolo
Also for lazy-cels with low attention span:

Yes, the side effects exist, but only because you believe in them, it’s a vicious circle
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Reactions: zurzolo
Just remember when you were a little shit and discovered fapping for the first time, you fapped multiple times a day without even thinking it could be harmful to you and it wasn’t, you didn’t feel anxious, insecure or low T, you felt good and relaxed, zero side effects, but then you stumbled upon those red pill gurus who told you terrible horror stories about fapping and you believed them, then all of a sudden you saw fapping in a different light, you promised yourself not to do it anymore, but you did it anyway and you felt bad and you thought you lost your testosterone (LMAO) because you just did what humans do since the beginning of time, but for you it was never the same anymore, your sex drive became like a curse and you lost all your confidence. Yes, the side effects exist, but only because you believe in them, it’s a vicious circle
I always was feeling tired and sleepy when excess fap in hs .

Less fap felt less fatigue
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Reactions: zurzolo, datboijj and Hulk Hogan
It's bad if you overdo it just like anything else. The body mostly adapts by producing more semen, although several releases a day probably isn't optimal from a hormonal point of view.

The biggest problem for most is probably the shame or guilt that some experience. I don't have that, but I still don't fap very often and rarely watch porn. I think if I was religious or had some other psychological barrier then I'd be more inclined to do it for the thrill seeking of it. It's like the forbidden fruit is just that more alluring.

If you don't think of it as a novelty or extreme thing but just another body function then you'll only do it when you feel like it makes sense.
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coomer ramblings dnr niggercuck
jerk off eachother with @asdvek
  • JFL
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Just remember when you were a little shit and discovered fapping for the first time, you fapped multiple times a day without even thinking it could be harmful to you and it wasn’t, you didn’t feel anxious, insecure or low T, you felt good and relaxed, zero side effects, but then you stumbled upon those red pill gurus who told you terrible horror stories about fapping and you believed them, then all of a sudden you saw fapping in a different light, you promised yourself not to do it anymore, but you did it anyway and you felt bad and you thought you lost your testosterone (LMAO) because you just did what humans do since the beginning of time, but for you it was never the same anymore, your sex drive became like a curse and you lost all your confidence. Yes, the side effects exist, but only because you believe in them, it’s a vicious circle
Yea talked about this in my thread
As a kid u dont feel bad
When I first discovered I can beat my meat for the first time I did it 7 times in a day my mom was worried asking me why I went to the bathroom so much she thought I had diabetes :lul:
  • JFL
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