Fat Women Are More Rude than Pretty Women



Jun 27, 2023
Throughout my life l've always found the stereotype of bitchy pretty girls and nice ugly girls to be wrong, attractive women were generally more kind and are also usually less misandrist and are often more based, likely due to them having more positive interactions with men and catty/jealous interactions from other women. This stereotype is also perpetuated by ugly/fat women as a character assassination of attractive women (female competition strategy of choice) they claim pretty women are stupid, rude, bitchy, etc so that they can use their "personality" to leverage their smv.

Mostly every rude woman I know has been fat or ugly. Done some social experiments with users on some looksmax Discords, where we impersonated a woman seeking relationship advice and eventually admit to cheating; practically every fat woman we talked to encouraged her to cheat, many admitted to cheating on their partners themself; and many even encouraged them to get her side man to beat the shit out of her husband. Mostly every attractive or slim woman called the woman a whore and ended their conversation. Anecdotally I know of many fat women IRL who have cheated on their boyfriend/husbands, I do not know many attractive or thin women who have. There are a few studies that suggest fat and less attractive women are more likely to cheat on their partners. Some evolutionary psychology/blackpill reasons for this are probably:

  • Hypergamy, women seek the top man across all the categories: Looks, Wealth, Status, Personality. Attractive women can land a man who ticks all the boxes and they feel fulfilled in these relationships. Fat & ugly women will maybe land a good looking guy but he'll be broke. Or a rich guy who's ugly. Etc, and then they cheat with the other guys who tick the remaining boxes.
  • Being fat (and to a lesser extent, being unattractive in general due being too lazy to keep up skincare routine, dress stylish, etc) is a sign of poor impulse control, seeking instant gratification, fried dopamine receptors, everything that would be a sign of someone who would cheat in a relationship.

When you watch those videos on the street where they ask people to rank themselves you often see attractive women give themself a 5 or 6, and obese or ugly women giving themself a 10. They're also just rude in general, here is an interesting video below.


If you number them 1 through 5 left to right, I think most guys would agree attractiveness is 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
Watch the video and of course the fattest/least attractive woman expresses by far the most hypergamy of any of the women there. She repeatedly talks about how high her standards are, how tall a guy has to be to date her, etc. The two most attractive girls express more traditional values, talk about how they want a guy who cares about family, how both of them don't care about height (and the most attractive girl ends up choosing the shortest guy there).

And then we have this hypergamous ogre talking about how you need to be 6'5 chad to have a chance with her:

The reason for this imo is because she is insecure and knows deep down that she's going to be rejected by the guys. So she pre-emptively rejects them so she can convince herself she wasn't the one who was rejected, sort of like quitting right before you're getting fired from a job. She may also want to come across bitchy or convincing herself that she's out of those guys league, so that the apparent reason they reject her is because they are too short to date her or are below her standards; even though the real reason is because she is the fattest/ugliest woman there.
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they jus big n greedy

also nice video
Is embed not working? lol there is a video embed and several pics through Imgur idk why its not working :(
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good thread tbh
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Is embed not working? lol there is a video embed and several pics through Imgur idk why its not working :(
nah theres no images for me
  • Hmm...
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fat bitches needa stfu on god
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water, pretty means healthy and being unhealthy causes bad personality traits
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water, pretty means healthy and being unhealthy causes bad personality traits
When you think about it it seems pretty water but like 99% of normies repeat the same BS that ugly people have better personalities, and even many looksmaxxers spout this too. They'll often talk about how they're basically Prince Charming and chad is a total asshole. Many are coping. Obviously some physical traits depend far more on genetics (though our personality traits are partially genetic as well so I'm sure there are links to attractive features and good personality traits too) but weight & physical fitness is the biggest one to easily judge someone's character by. So is skincare, grooming, style, hygiene, etc. If I were a businessman I would not trust doing business with a fatso
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ugly foids have nothing to lose, behave as crass as they want, they neither gain nor lose status as they're already on the bottom.

stacey has to pretend she's a broad minded person and nice to everyone to maintain her high status and enjoy the servitude of simps, cheerleaders, and cucks. deep down, she wishes ugly people would just all die already
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  • Hmm...
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very true statement
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fat women always say dumb retarded crap on social media jfl
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It's just the food way of "overcompensating"
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Then why is it very hard for an average guy to get a stacy/stacylite gf compared to an average or ugly girl? It would make sense that the more attractive a woman is the higher the price she can command in the dating market is.
True, I experienced it myself

Ugly girls are self conscious about their image and since their status is already less than hot women they want to associate with Chads to increase their status. They also have an inferiority complex in the sense they're envious of the attention beautiful women receive so they see Chad as a way to make other women jealous. They love making other women envious, they're always in competition with each other.

For this reason ugly women tend to treat ugly men extremely bad because they're offended by their presence and for them if one of them approach, it means he considers her on the same level (ie ugly) and deep down they believe they're better looking than they truly are. It's an insult to them.

Beautiful women for the most part are neutral, of course they don't give a shit about incels but they're aware of their high social status and don't care that much about treating them like shit because they shine on their own light.
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Throughout my life l've always found the stereotype of bitchy pretty girls and nice ugly girls to be wrong, attractive women were generally more kind and are also usually less misandrist and are often more based, likely due to them having more positive interactions with men and catty/jealous interactions from other women. This stereotype is also perpetuated by ugly/fat women as a character assassination of attractive women (female competition strategy of choice) they claim pretty women are stupid, rude, bitchy, etc so that they can use their "personality" to leverage their smv.

Mostly every rude woman I know has been fat or ugly. Done some social experiments with users on some looksmax Discords, where we impersonated a woman seeking relationship advice and eventually admit to cheating; practically every fat woman we talked to encouraged her to cheat, many admitted to cheating on their partners themself; and many even encouraged them to get her side man to beat the shit out of her husband. Mostly every attractive or slim woman called the woman a whore and ended their conversation. Anecdotally I know of many fat women IRL who have cheated on their boyfriend/husbands, I do not know many attractive or thin women who have. There are a few studies that suggest fat and less attractive women are more likely to cheat on their partners. Some evolutionary psychology/blackpill reasons for this are probably:

  • Hypergamy, women seek the top man across all the categories: Looks, Wealth, Status, Personality. Attractive women can land a man who ticks all the boxes and they feel fulfilled in these relationships. Fat & ugly women will maybe land a good looking guy but he'll be broke. Or a rich guy who's ugly. Etc, and then they cheat with the other guys who tick the remaining boxes.
  • Being fat (and to a lesser extent, being unattractive in general due being too lazy to keep up skincare routine, dress stylish, etc) is a sign of poor impulse control, seeking instant gratification, fried dopamine receptors, everything that would be a sign of someone who would cheat in a relationship.

When you watch those videos on the street where they ask people to rank themselves you often see attractive women give themself a 5 or 6, and obese or ugly women giving themself a 10. They're also just rude in general, here is an interesting video below.


If you number them 1 through 5 left to right, I think most guys would agree attractiveness is 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
Watch the video and of course the fattest/least attractive woman expresses by far the most hypergamy of any of the women there. She repeatedly talks about how high her standards are, how tall a guy has to be to date her, etc. The two most attractive girls express more traditional values, talk about how they want a guy who cares about family, how both of them don't care about height (and the most attractive girl ends up choosing the shortest guy there).

And then we have this hypergamous ogre talking about how you need to be 6'5 chad to have a chance with her:

The reason for this imo is because she is insecure and knows deep down that she's going to be rejected by the guys. So she pre-emptively rejects them so she can convince herself she wasn't the one who was rejected, sort of like quitting right before you're getting fired from a job. She may also want to come across bitchy or convincing herself that she's out of those guys league, so that the apparent reason they reject her is because they are too short to date her or are below her standards; even though the real reason is because she is the fattest/ugliest woman there.

if you consider that girl to be an “ogre” then you have issues. if anything all the ogre looking women are skinny as lean is masculine and fat is feminine. and not everyone prefers skinny girls
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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@Corleone @6ft4 @Canwefixit
This is true in my experience fellow fatty fuckers aint it? Pretty bitches are always nice but fatties are always rude, entitled, and annoyed when approaching and they reject in the most brutal way, they demand nothing less than a chadlites. I’ve never met a nice fatty that doesn’t think she’s hot shit
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@Corleone @6ft4 @Canwefixit
This is true in my experience fellow fatty fuckers aint it? Pretty bitches are always nice but fatties are always rude, entitled, and annoyed when approaching and they reject in the most brutal way, they demand nothing less than a chadlites. I’ve never met a nice fatty that doesn’t think she’s hot shit
Straight up, this post is facts
  • +1
Reactions: proxyy, rubberduck and Corleone
Solid analysis, OP.
@Corleone @6ft4 @Canwefixit
This is true in my experience fellow fatty fuckers aint it? Pretty bitches are always nice but fatties are always rude, entitled, and annoyed when approaching and they reject in the most brutal way, they demand nothing less than a chadlites. I’ve never met a nice fatty that doesn’t think she’s hot shit
I've never approached fatties IRL, but often found them to be the rude-entitled cock-blocker ones when I was hitting on their slimmer, better looking female friends.

Contrary to those experiences in real life though, the few ones that I met through OLD were always kind, affectionate and very appreciative of the attention I gave them. They always wanted to push me for a LTR, were willing to spend money on the date, and expected less than a woman of normal stature.

Having said that, some of them also had very strong mental outbursts at times when they got desperate and realized I wasn't ever going to fully commit. so it seems to be a mixed-bag.

But this could also just be my anecdotal evidence from a small sample size. I know other med-mogger like @Chinacurry were pushed into needing a psychiatrist from their bad experiences with mean fat bitches.
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if you consider that girl to be an “ogre” then you have issues. if anything all the ogre looking women are skinny as lean is masculine and fat is feminine. and not everyone prefers skinny girls
Bro she is definitely an ogre lol, she is obese, masculine looking shoulders and shit fat distribution, masculine face, and carries herself in a really dominant/rude way to top that all off. I said I find the girl on the far right most attractive, and she is literally the 2nd fattest one lmao. So idk where you're getting the idea that I only like very skinny women from. But no being obese is not feminine
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Then why is it very hard for an average guy to get a stacy/stacylite gf compared to an average or ugly girl? It would make sense that the more attractive a woman is the higher the price she can command in the dating market is.
My thread is not suggesting that Stacies are easier to get than ugly or fat girls, it's that ugly/fat girls are ruder and usually worse people than Stacies. But yes I would argue Stacies are LESS hypergamous than ugly/fat women as well. That doesn't mean they're easier though, hypergamy means dating up. Stacy can't really date up any higher than her Chad looksmatch. A 9/10 girl dating a 9/10 guy. But ugly/fat women can get hookups from pretty good looking guys but not commitment, and then they go around thinking they are deserving of commitment from a 7/10 when they are a 3/10, so they're trying to date up far more than Stacies are. The social experiments are insane, literal obese women with lazy eyes in wheelchairs get more matches and thirsty DM's than Chad (literally over 100 per day im not joking, and I've matched before with a fat bitch and talked to her and she showed me how many matches and DM's she got, jfljfljfl). Sergei was getting rejected by morbidly obese woman with twig legs and no ass, bottom percentile fat distribution. These fat women are EVIL bro
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Reactions: Xangsane, Deleted member 41284 and Corleone
Bro she is definitely an ogre lol, she is obese, masculine looking shoulders and shit fat distribution, masculine face, and carries herself in a really dominant/rude way to top that all off. I said I find the girl on the far right most attractive, and she is literally the 2nd fattest one lmao. So idk where you're getting the idea that I only like very skinny women from. But no being obese is not feminine
obese is the literal opposite of ogre/masculine. and her face isn’t even masculine at all wtf are you talking about? she has visible fat around her jaw and under her chin. i have a feeling you are trolling

the “ogre” woman you posted is what i would say is by far the hottest girl in the video. if you want an example of ogre women, look up the tranny looking models worshipped on this site, one example is gisele bundchen. they all look like men facially and are very skinny. complete opposite of the girl you are talking about
  • JFL
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@Corleone @6ft4 @Canwefixit
This is true in my experience fellow fatty fuckers aint it? Pretty bitches are always nice but fatties are always rude, entitled, and annoyed when approaching and they reject in the most brutal way, they demand nothing less than a chadlites. I’ve never met a nice fatty that doesn’t think she’s hot shit
Nah fat women have always been nicer to me
Slim women have always treated my like I'm a subhuman except in intances where they think I have status or a common connection with them.

One example was when I was lining up to enter a club and a guy whos phone died was trying to meet 3 girls who were waiting just inside the door of the club.
He logged into snapchat on my phone and messaged one of the girls then I entered the club and continued messaging her as if I was him. I then found the girls and told them the situation and one of the slim girls (who would consider me a piece if filth in normal circumstances) was asking who I was and how I knew the guy and asked me for my snapchat and showed lust towards me.
I knew it would lead to nothing once the guy tells her Im some randomer he doesnt know so I didnt bother adding her back on snap.
The guy was a low MTN and had 3 attractive girls desperate to get in contact with him and literally waiting by the door of the club for him then left the club to meet him

When I approached chubby girls in clubs they typically didnt care about whether I had a group of friends of not they were just happy I approached them because they appreciated my looks level.
No slim foid can ever take my lookslevel in isolation like that, they always plummet their rating of me to a zero when they see Im a loner giga sigma

Im just noticing now the title of the thread says fat girls are more rude than pretty girls
I took this as a slim v fat debate.
I've had like one pretty girl willing to interact with me in my entire life and she was pleasant but only because I worked with her so I cant make any comments on it.
Slim women with slightly above average faces (aka the most in demand foid on tinder and in nightlife because all of the pretty girls are in relationships from 16 with guys they know irl) absolutely despise me
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I don't like unattractive women. They are rude and manly
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But this could also just be my anecdotal evidence from a small sample size. I know other med-mogger like @Chinacurry were pushed into needing a psychiatrist from their bad experiences with mean fat bitches.
Forget needing a psychiatrist, I got sectioned for 3 months because of it and they tried to fry my brain, telling me why don't u date the skinny girls and gym girls who r actually nice to u, is it cos deep down u like the fact the fat bitches are mean???

Then my first night out after they let me out of lock down was hk incelcon with @AlexBrown84 where we saw no fat bitches and I am ironically writing this post from the same bar in HK, also with a lightskin and a mexican cybersecurity nigga, the more shit changes the more it stays the same I guess.. also I saw loads of black dudes, mainly light skin, with ABG tonight. .

Screenshot 20240120 031937 WhatsApp
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone and rubberduck
Solid analysis, OP.

I've never approached fatties IRL, but often found them to be the rude-entitled cock-blocker ones when I was hitting on their slimmer, better looking female friends.

Contrary to those experiences in real life though, the few ones that I met through OLD were always kind, affectionate and very appreciative of the attention I gave them. They always wanted to push me for a LTR, were willing to spend money on the date, and expected less than a woman of normal stature.

Having said that, some of them also had very strong mental outbursts at times when they got desperate and realized I wasn't ever going to fully commit. so it seems to be a mixed-bag.

But this could also just be my anecdotal evidence from a small sample size. I know other med-mogger like @Chinacurry were pushed into needing a psychiatrist from their bad experiences with mean fat bitches.
He’s not a mogger and extremely mentally fragile if he’s seeing therapists because fat women treating him like shit. I’ve even seen my chad mate (he’s the best looking guy I’ve ever seen irl) get rejected and treated like shit for no reason at all by women who are ltb at the very best.

He even once got cursed at by a black 1/10 girl and called ugly by just for asking her something.
Nah fat women have always been nicer to me
Slim women have always treated my like I'm a subhuman except in intances where they think I have status or a common connection with them.

One example was when I was lining up to enter a club and a guy whos phone died was trying to meet 3 girls who were waiting just inside the door of the club.
He logged into snapchat on my phone and messaged one of the girls then I entered the club and continued messaging her as if I was him. I then found the girls and told them the situation and one of the slim girls (who would consider me a piece if filth in normal circumstances) was asking who I was and how I knew the guy and asked me for my snapchat and showed lust towards me.
I knew it would lead to nothing once the guy tells her Im some randomer he doesnt know so I didnt bother adding her back on snap.
The guy was a low MTN and had 3 attractive girls desperate to get in contact with him and literally waiting by the door of the club for him then left the club to meet him

When I approached chubby girls in clubs they typically didnt care about whether I had a group of friends of not they were just happy I approached them because they appreciated my looks level.
No slim foid can ever take my lookslevel in isolation like that, they always plummet their rating of me to a zero when they see Im a loner giga sigma

Im just noticing now the title of the thread says fat girls are more rude than pretty girls
I took this as a slim v fat debate.
I've had like one pretty girl willing to interact with me in my entire life and she was pleasant but only because I worked with her so I cant make any comments on it.
Slim women with slightly above average faces (aka the most in demand foid on tinder and in nightlife because all of the pretty girls are in relationships from 16 with guys they know irl) absolutely despise me
You’re lucky that you’re a high tier normie, because i get treated like utter trash by the bottom of the barrel fat woman that look like this:
  • Ugh..
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He’s not a mogger and extremely mentally fragile if he’s seeing therapists because fat women treating him like shit. I’ve even seen my chad mate (he’s the best looking guy I’ve ever seen irl) get rejected and treated like shit for no reason at all by women who are ltb at the very best.

He even once got cursed at by a black 1/10 girl and called ugly by just for asking her something.

You’re lucky that you’re a high tier normie, because i get treated like utter trash by the bottom of the barrel fat woman that look like this:
Ugly people are ruder most of the time because of the way society treats them
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You’re lucky that you’re a high tier normie, because i get treated like utter trash by the bottom of the barrel fat woman that look like this:
  • JFL
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Would happily plow the shit out of her, zero shame or regret. But she would be disgusted by me even breathing the same air in as her. women like that are htn+ ONLY
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  • JFL
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Would happily plow the shit out of her, zero shame or regret. But she would be disgusted by me even breathing the same air in as her. women like that are htn+ ONLY
Agreed, most users here are bluepilled and think a foid like this could only fuck a LTN if lucky, I hate to break it to them but foids like this by age 22 usually have 1 Chad under their belt, 10 HTN and 20 MTN, the 3 LTN they fucked before they realised their SMV and became picky (Just Be Woman)
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Found the pic, this is the woman who left Sergei on read

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2 more who left Sergei on read

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Agreed, most users here are bluepilled and think a foid like this could only fuck a LTN if lucky, I hate to break it to them but foids like this by age 22 usually have 1 Chad under their belt, 10 HTN and 20 MTN, the 3 LTN they fucked before they realised their SMV and became picky (Just Be Woman)
Yeah man for real, most man don’t know how over it is for them. In the rating section i see nothing but subhumans and for 95% of them it’s over irl, they just don’t know it yet. They don’t even stand a chance with the average 250lbs girl that goes clubbing in the weekend’s

I have friends irl that are even uglier than me that think that they could be getting a mtb but they can’t, they can’t even get a fatty, but they keep coping about there own smv.

I know a 26 year old virgin that considers himself successful with women and thinks he does good on tinder with a like every other week, not even a fatty would look at him out of pitty. 90% of man are delusional and doomed
  • JFL
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Completely false

What is this, a copy-paste from some pua seminar from 2006?

Lol at incels theorizing
  • JFL
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Yeah man for real, most man don’t know how over it is for them. In the rating section i see nothing but subhumans and for 95% of them it’s over irl, they just don’t know it yet. They don’t even stand a chance with the average 250lbs girl that goes clubbing in the weekend’s

I have friends irl that are even uglier than me that think that they could be getting a mtb but they can’t, they can’t even get a fatty, but they keep coping about there own smv.

I know a 26 year old virgin that considers himself successful with women and thinks he does good on tinder with a like every other week, not even a fatty would look at him out of pitty. 90% of man are delusional and doomed
How tf can your 26yo virgin friend think he is doing well with women JFL. My body count is 4 at age 21 and I think I am doing poorly with women because I am a realist. My slays are all 200-450lb sheboons
How tf can your 26yo virgin friend think he is doing well with women JFL. My body count is 4 at age 21 and I think I am doing poorly with women because I am a realist. My slays are all 200-450lb sheboons
Because most man are delusional. I know guys that think they get IOI everywhere they go, but they don’t. They consider crossing eyes with a girl as a IOI and think they’re gl slayers, meanwhile they’re subhuman incels in denial that get 0 play. We are lucky that we like fat girls otherwise we would be getting 0 play, most men are disgusted by them and refuse to fuck them even though they don’t even stand a chance in the first place, and remain delusional incels in denial
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Because most man are delusional. I know guys that think they get IOI everywhere they go, but they don’t. They consider crossing eyes with a girl as a IOI and think they’re gl slayers, meanwhile they’re subhuman incels in denial that get 0 play. We are lucky that we like fat girls otherwise we would be getting 0 play, most men are disgusted by them and refuse to fuck them even though they don’t even stand a chance in the first place, and remain delusional incels in denial
Are you sure most men are disgusted by fatties? Fat women (even 400lb sheboons) can find sex easier than water.

I dont class an IOI unless they look and smile at me and thats happened like 3 times in my life. Yet I agree men think staring at a woman until she looks at you quickly with the deadest facial expression is an IOI
Are you sure most men are disgusted by fatties? Fat women (even 400lb sheboons) can find sex easier than water.

I dont class an IOI unless they look and smile at me and thats happened like 3 times in my life. Yet I agree men think staring at a woman until she looks at you quickly with the deadest facial expression is an IOI
Yeah they are, nobody i know irl likes fatties except for me. They can find sex so easy because of the skewed dating market not because they’re wanted or in hot demand
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Yeah they are, nobody i know irl likes fatties except for me. They can find sex so easy because of the skewed dating market not because they’re wanted or in hot demand
Guys might be embarrassed to admit to you that they like them. They probably secretly fuck them. The fact they can find sex so easily shows men do want to fuck them
Completely false

What is this, a copy-paste from some pua seminar from 2006?

Lol at incels theorizing
There is evidence all around you, or watch any videos of women freaking out in public or being rude they are almost always fat
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