Fellow nazis; do we support the Holocaust being real or do we deny it?



Beauty is a virtue
May 3, 2024
On one hand, the Holocaust happening in full effect would make Hitler 10x more based.

But also, it's heavily pushed by jews and definitely could be a psyop to make Jews seem more weak and vulnerable to gain sympathy. Thoughts?
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IMG 1118
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Is that the thing where Jews put a bunch of old shoes in a glass box and tell white people they can't have a country?
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Hitler was a self hating jew
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271k according to the American Red Cross. Not 6 million. The Jews that died were prisoners of war who perished from typhus and starvation after the allied forces cut off the supply lines to Germany. There is no mention of a planned genocide or mass killing in any war related German documents and the Germans were very meticulous record keepers.
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  • JFL
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271k according to the American Red Cross. Not 6 million. The Jews that died were prisoners of war who perished from typhus and starvation after the allied forces cut off the supply lines to Germany. There is no mention of a planned genocide or mass killing in any war related German documents and the Germans were very meticulous record keepers.
Sad. I wish it were more.
  • JFL
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Just imagine being genocided by ugly nordcucks:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Pathetic asf. When we Russians defeated the German rats quite easily
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  • JFL
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Just imagine being genocided by ugly nordcucks:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Pathetic asf. When we Russians defeated the German rats quite easily
You guys lost a shitload of men while beating the Germans. 80% of Russian men born in 1923 died during WW2. The Russian military strategy is to throw all of their men into a meat grinder until it gets stuck.
  • JFL
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Just imagine being genocided by ugly nordcucks:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Pathetic asf. When we Russians defeated the German rats quite easily
Germanics are nordcucks? Russians really are white niggers with subsaharan IQ
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  • JFL
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You guys lost a shitload of men while beating the Germans. 80% of Russian men born in 1923 died during WW2. The Russian military strategy is to throw all of their men into a meat grinder until it gets stuck.
You've lost even more men and you've been defeated. Hitler is the worst strategist and lost in disgrace. It was your strategy to just send all the men to their deaths.
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Insert nick fuentes Cookie Monster .Mp4
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Germanics are nordcucks? Russians really are white niggers with subsaharan IQ
I mean, both nords and Germans aren't whites. They are mixed with blacks and Asians
  • JFL
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You've lost even more men and you've been defeated. Hitler is the worst strategist and lost in disgrace. It was your strategy to just send all the men to their deaths.
Hitler was not a good military strategist, they should’ve just made him the German Kaiser and had him be the charismatic face of the war, but had his military advisors do all of the real work.
  • Woah
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Hitler was not a good military strategist, they should’ve just made him the German Kaiser and had him be the charismatic face of the war, but had his military advisors do all of the real work.
Nah. Hitler was a self hating Jew and Germany's policy at that time was based on anti-Semitism. He shouldn't have been made a ruler at all. All Nazis are Jews and Hitler was an actual Jew genetically
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it's a hoax due to its logistical improbability and the fact that the jews have been caught lying about it numerous times.

it's essentially a paranoid schizophrenic projection of marxist jews, something they commonly do to their political enemies.

hitler wanted to postpone addressing the jewish question to after the war, which i believe would have involved sterilization, euthanasia, and/or mass deportation.
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Two things people need to keep in mind every step of the way are that absence of evidence =/= evidence of absence. And innocent until proven guilty, with the burden of proof falling on the accuser. Even the Nazis are innocent until proven guilty, and only guilty of what can be proven. There's no sufficient proof for so many of the claims about what they did to the Jews, such as there are no pictures of Jews being shoved into gas chambers, no mentions from Hitler about some Final Solution, and the math of them dying in the camps doesn't add up at all, it's absurd. So I can't just roll with the Jews' claims, my critical thinking and asking for proof kicks in. Did something happen, I can believe it did, but are they exaggerating, yes. And this is the exact same thing that they do with the Palestinians, accuse them of atrocities, refuse to provide proof, and then cry muh anti-Semitism to try to distort and censor the conversation.

I'm not a Nazi or white nationalist at all by the way. I came at WWII revisionism from being anti-war and pacifist and questioning the narratives around every other war first, WWII was just the last domino to fall because we're all so brainwashed about it.
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  • Woah
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it's a hoax due to its logistical improbability and the fact that the jews have been caught lying about it numerous times.

it's essentially a paranoid schizophrenic projection of marxist jews, something they commonly do to their political enemies.

hitler wanted to postpone addressing the jewish question to after the war, which i believe would have involved sterilization, euthanasia, and/or mass deportation.
Hitler just wanted to deport them to Israel. Look up the Haavara Agreement.
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  • JFL
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it wouldn’t make hitler more based in fact it would make him more righteous if its fake as it means he identitied the problem and was still righteous enough not to kill innocents but round them up to where they couldn’t cause any more degeneracy
it wouldn’t make hitler more based in fact it would make him more righteous if its fake as it means he identitied the problem and was still righteous enough not to kill innocents but round them up to where they couldn’t cause any more degeneracy
more based to just kill them bc i hate kikes
Nah. Hitler was a self hating Jew and Germany's policy at that time was based on anti-Semitism. He shouldn't have been made a ruler at all. All Nazis are Jews and Hitler was an actual Jew genetically
This is Soviet propaganda. Russians are still jerking off to the battle of Stalingrad over 80 years later. Hitler just wanted to protect Germany from globalist Jewish destruction just like Putin is protecting from Russia from globalist Jewish destruction today.
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This is Soviet propaganda. Russians are still jerking off to the battle of Stalingrad over 80 years later. Hitler just wanted to protect Germany from globalist Jewish destruction just like Putin is protecting from Russia from globalist Jewish destruction today.
No, he used anti-Semitism to gain power because German rats are easy to brainwash. He just said that Germany lost to Russia in World War 1 because of the Jews lol, and since the Germans have a low IQ, they all believed and elected him as their leader. The Jews were an easy target because there were a lot of them (a lot for everyone to see, but not enough for them to fight back against the German rats).
This is Soviet propaganda. Russians are still jerking off to the battle of Stalingrad over 80 years later. Hitler just wanted to protect Germany from globalist Jewish destruction just like Putin is protecting from Russia from globalist Jewish destruction today.
so Hitler just wanted to take over the world because he is a Jew.
  • JFL
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What if i just don't care?

Maybe auschwitz had swimming pool and movie theater. Thats nice.

Maybe it were gas chambers. Also nice.

It's all good. Communism, Nazism, liberalism. I love everyone.

Im tired of pretending bad things exist
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271k according to the American Red Cross. Not 6 million. The Jews that died were prisoners of war who perished from typhus and starvation after the allied forces cut off the supply lines to Germany. There is no mention of a planned genocide or mass killing in any war related German documents and the Germans were very meticulous record keepers.
There are hundreds of documents proving it including self admissions from top nazis. :ROFLMAO:

All of you truecel subhumans have is "Muh these documents be fake". :LOL:🤡
Hitler was a Rothchild Edomite Jew by blood and controlled opposition. NATZI qas started by the Jew Albert Pike 40_+ years before the 1rst war.

The concentration camps existed but what actually occurred inside the work camps and the death tolls and cause of death qas vastly different from the Edomite lies.

Red Cross reported 271k total deaths as a third party verification/investigation. This included the Edomites, Gypsies and faggots. The main causes of death were disease and starvation (Mainly due to the Russians scorched earth tactics and other European countries not permitting food donations for the people in the camps.

The Steven Spielberg interviews of the Edomites in the work camps only allowed the people who pushed lies into the film. It was revealed later that there was dozens of Edomites talking about how the work camps were not half as bad as portrayed by the media, history books, etc.

The Six million number had been used for decades before the second war.

Many books and investigators have proven many of the claims of the Edomites to be impossible or pure lies. The Jewish Almanac actually reported an increase in the total Edomite population before the second war to after the conclusion of the war.
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Well what they'll usually do is they'll gaslight (no pun intended) and say there was just like working camps and make themsslves seem like the victims after 'babies melting alive' in Dresden and things like that.
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271k according to the American Red Cross. Not 6 million. The Jews that died were prisoners of war who perished from typhus and starvation after the allied forces cut off the supply lines to Germany. There is no mention of a planned genocide or mass killing in any war related German documents and the Germans were very meticulous record keepers.
Tf mane :hnghn:
"Fellow Nazis"
This forum is 80% Brown
Tumblr oyz42blb1l1wn2b96o1 500
  • JFL
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Hitler was a Rothchild Edomite Jew by blood and controlled opposition. NATZI qas started by the Jew Albert Pike 40_+ years before the 1rst war.

The concentration camps existed but what actually occurred inside the work camps and the death tolls and cause of death qas vastly different from the Edomite lies.

Red Cross reported 271k total deaths as a third party verification/investigation. This included the Edomites, Gypsies and faggots. The main causes of death were disease and starvation (Mainly due to the Russians scorched earth tactics and other European countries not permitting food donations for the people in the camps.

The Steven Spielberg interviews of the Edomites in the work camps only allowed the people who pushed lies into the film. It was revealed later that there was dozens of Edomites talking about how the work camps were not half as bad as portrayed by the media, history books, etc.

The Six million number had been used for decades before the second war.

Many books and investigators have proven many of the claims of the Edomites to be impossible or pure lies. The Jewish Almanac actually reported an increase in the total Edomite population before the second war to after the conclusion of the war.
Whatever King Solomon says is what I agree with
It used to be a blackpill website

But you niggas have went and driven me mad :hnghn:
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Just imagine being genocided by ugly nordcucks:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Pathetic asf. When we Russians defeated the German rats quite easily
The Americans did not commit genocide against the Jews, although they helped the Germans during World War II, they sent them weapons and economically supported the Nazis. Although the Americans joined the anti-Hitler coalition in the last 10 minutes of the war.
  • JFL
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The Americans did not commit genocide against the Jews, although they helped the Germans during World War II, they sent them weapons and economically supported the Nazis. Although the Americans joined the anti-Hitler coalition in the last 10 minutes of the war.
2360208 5y15b2K
  • JFL
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this is the American essence. They joined the anti-Hitler coalition because it became clear to them that Germany had no chance against the Russians. (they initially had no chance, because at that time Russia was far ahead of the whole of Europe and the Third Reich in terms of technology and army strength.) although it would have been clear to me from the beginning that attacking the USSR was suicide
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this is the American essence. They joined the anti-Hitler coalition because it became clear to them that Germany had no chance against the Russians. (they initially had no chance, because at that time Russia was far ahead of the whole of Europe and the Third Reich in terms of technology and army strength.) although it would have been clear to me from the beginning that attacking the USSR was suicide

rotfl dnrd heres real American essence
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On one hand, the Holocaust happening in full effect would make Hitler 10x more based.

But also, it's heavily pushed by jews and definitely could be a psyop to make Jews seem more weak and vulnerable to gain sympathy. Thoughts?
Bro Hitler DID NOT LIKE THE JEWS ONE BIT listen to his speeches translated in English I would not be surprised if the holocaust is real
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