Filter & Lighting maxx??

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[-={Imperitor of Intel《♡》Slayer Crew/Roidcel}=-]
Aug 14, 2018
Like, I'm a really skinny kinda guy tbh. 73Kgs at 6'1. With "God-like frame appearently"

Anyways, so I know I do not have a sexy-chad level physique, but all my mates at school were like "Woah bro you're really big" when they saw that picture....

And like, remember, I look like have an average physique, so it must have been the angle and camera maxxing that did me solid no?

Like I look like a 6-6.5/10 body-wise in this I think.

Screenshot 20181002 171429 Gallery

Been gymcelling for 6 months so am happy with that progress. Here what I look like with clothes, so you can tell how much angle/filtermaxxing helped.

IMG 20181002 122139 203

Screenshot 20181002 171957 Gallery

(Dont post face & body in same pic usually)

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Like, I'm a really skinny kinda guy tbh. 73Kgs at 6'1. With "God-like frame appearently"

Anyways, so I know I do not have a sexy-chad level physique, but all my mates at school were like "Woah bro you're really big" when they saw that picture....

And like, remember, I look like have an average physique, so it must have been the angle and camera maxxing that did me solid no?

Like I look like a 6-6.5/10 body-wise in this I think.

View attachment 1121

Been gymcelling for 6 months so am happy with that progress. Here what I look like with clothes, so you can tell how much angle/filtermaxxing helped.

View attachment 1122
View attachment 1123

(Dont post face & body in same pic usually)

Looking very chadeep like in the second pic, ngl, tbh.
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1 more good cycle and you would be jacked.
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What's your stack gonna be?

Weeks 1-7: Superdrol (20/day)
Weeks 1-13: Tren E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-13: Test E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-15: Cabergoline (0.5mg/E5D)
Weeks 1-20: Aromasin (12.5mg/EOD)
Weeks 16-20: Nolvadex (40mg/day)

This stack should be mad... Tbh it is a but much, but yolo right?

If I start it and it seems easy to handle, I might throw in Clen/DNP at the end.
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Looking handsome AF slayer bhai. Tall, dark and handsome
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Weeks 1-7: Superdrol (20/day)
Weeks 1-13: Tren E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-13: Test E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-15: Cabergoline (0.5mg/E5D)
Weeks 1-20: Aromasin (12.5mg/EOD)
Weeks 16-20: Nolvadex (40mg/day)

This stack should be mad... Tbh it is a but much, but yolo right?

If I start it and it seems easy to handle, I might throw in Clen/DNP at the end.

After the 20 weeks, don't you lose all your gains unless you start it again?
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Weeks 1-7: Superdrol (20/day)
Weeks 1-13: Tren E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-13: Test E (500mg/week)
Weeks 1-15: Cabergoline (0.5mg/E5D)
Weeks 1-20: Aromasin (12.5mg/EOD)
Weeks 16-20: Nolvadex (40mg/day)

This stack should be mad... Tbh it is a but much, but yolo right?

If I start it and it seems easy to handle, I might throw in Clen/DNP at the end.
Fuuark if you somehow survive that you're gonna be shredded af. Seriously though most people I've talked to on forums say they can't last more than 4 weeks on 20mg of superdrol because of the sides.

Edit: And won't you want a more robust pct after sdrol + tren?
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After the 20 weeks, don't you lose all your gains unless you start it again?

Well, I went up to 80Kgs. Now I am 74Kgs started at 68Kgs.

Mind, 80kgs max INCLUDES WATER WEIGHT from the aromatising steroids.

Dropped down to I lost 6Kgs, but 3-4 of those Kgs were water and fat. (I lost fat).

Strength is lower then when on cycle, but not by thaat much. I was looking kinda bloated on cycle so I prefer it now. I think I gained maybe 15lbs of "muscle" from before cycle to after. The other 7-8lbs was fat and water.

Tbh, my PCT was really bad... I stopped going gym seriously for a weeks, which is thr worst time to slack off. Overall, happy with results, I'm not shredded, but Im good enough were people at school will say "Oh, you must go to the gym" ect ect.

Next cycle I will do much better with my new knowledge. Im gonna eat, sleep and train better.
Fuuark if you somehow survive that you're gonna be shredded af. Seriously though most people I've talked to on forums say they can't last more than 4 weeks on 20mg of superdrol because of the sides.

Edit: And won't you want a more robust pct after sdrol + tren?

Idk, what kinda of PCT would you take?
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maybe its the low-inhib throwing up the middle finger?

No it's your frame combined with your masculine face which really looks like 22-23.
I know a ethnic who has similar features like you and he slays a lot
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No it's your frame combined with your masculine face which really looks like 22-23.
I know a ethnic who has similar features like you and he slays a lot

Yeah, everyone says I look 22-23. Idk if its a good thing. What if I look 35 by the time I'm 25?
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Idk, what kinda of PCT would you take?
Probably have 50mg clomid ed or at least eod while taking the nolvadex. Also maybe keep doing the nolva for up to 6 weeks but drop the clomid after 4.
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Probably have 50mg clomid ed or at least eod while taking the nolvadex. Also maybe keep doing the nolva for up to 6 weeks but drop the clomid after 4.

I heard that taking clomid would just be the same as taking more nolvadex. They dont really cover "different angles". But yh, I think I might go 60mg first week and then 40mg for 2 more weeks.
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I heard that taking clomid would just be the same as taking more nolvadex. They dont really cover "different angles". But yh, I think I might go 60mg first week and then 40mg for 2 more weeks.
This is from the r/steroids wiki which is a very good source of information imo.

What's the point of using two different SERMs during PCT?
There are 2 major components involved in recovery. Testosterone production and Spermatogenesis.

LH and FSH are both required for the equation. LH is produced by the pituitary and stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Once testosterone is in production it works alongside FSH and stimulates sertoli cells to produce sperm. Sperm production is hindered if either of these are unhealthy. They both work in synergy. You need BOTH to be at healthy levels. Nolvadex is dominant in LH promotion and Clomid is dominant in promoting FSH.

clomid has multiple effects. It's an anti-estrogen, so it obviously decreases the estrogenic effects in your body by stimulating the Hypothalamus back to life and sending gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to your pituitary, so that LH/FSH can be secreted.

Nolva boosts the effects of clomid because it put clomid into "competition" mode where they both fight for a receptors to bind to. This competitiveness will only occur with the presence of BOTH nolva/clomid, and will inevitably resolve the issue of excess estrogen in the Hypothalamus. This will trigger both LH and FSH to crank UP, as the high estrogen in this cluster is suppressive. This entire scenario is not as effective with only one drug.

Furthermore varying the compounds; Since we know both stimulate LH, what most don't know is that the act is different. clomid boosts the amplitude of LH serum, but has no effect on the frequency. Nolvadex is the complete opposite in that area, where it boosts the actual frequency of LH and has no effect on its amplitude.

You're probably assuming they're identical and overpowering... clomid is a mixed agonist/antagonist for the estradiol receptor. Nolva is also mixed, however.... it is a pure antagonist in the E receptor in breast tissue. There is a reason that clomid is not recommended for gynecomastia reversal, but Nolva is.

Can you recover with just Nolvadex, or just clomid? Well, anything is possible. But why would you take that risk if the combination gives you a much better chance? To save a few bucks and risk your health? clomid when coupled with Nolvadex is clearly the safer choice over using either compound individually.
@Intel.Imperitive Oh and do you not get crashed estrogen from starting Aromasin at week one?
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im 187 cm (6'1) I have the same shoulders but smaller waist than u (im 68 kg)
its cuz u have small waist to make the illusion for the pic ngl
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im 187 cm (6'1) I have the same shoulders but smaller waist than u (im 68 kg)
its cuz u have small waist to make the illusion for the pic ngl

Whats ur waist and shoulder measurement?

BTW ur closer to 6'2 at 187 tbh.
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idk how to measure but I look similar in pics

Go measure, you'll never know for sure otherwise.

I'm 21.5" & 12"
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This is from the r/steroids wiki which is a very good source of information imo.

What's the point of using two different SERMs during PCT?
There are 2 major components involved in recovery. Testosterone production and Spermatogenesis.

LH and FSH are both required for the equation. LH is produced by the pituitary and stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Once testosterone is in production it works alongside FSH and stimulates sertoli cells to produce sperm. Sperm production is hindered if either of these are unhealthy. They both work in synergy. You need BOTH to be at healthy levels. Nolvadex is dominant in LH promotion and Clomid is dominant in promoting FSH.

clomid has multiple effects. It's an anti-estrogen, so it obviously decreases the estrogenic effects in your body by stimulating the Hypothalamus back to life and sending gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to your pituitary, so that LH/FSH can be secreted.

Nolva boosts the effects of clomid because it put clomid into "competition" mode where they both fight for a receptors to bind to. This competitiveness will only occur with the presence of BOTH nolva/clomid, and will inevitably resolve the issue of excess estrogen in the Hypothalamus. This will trigger both LH and FSH to crank UP, as the high estrogen in this cluster is suppressive. This entire scenario is not as effective with only one drug.

Furthermore varying the compounds; Since we know both stimulate LH, what most don't know is that the act is different. clomid boosts the amplitude of LH serum, but has no effect on the frequency. Nolvadex is the complete opposite in that area, where it boosts the actual frequency of LH and has no effect on its amplitude.

You're probably assuming they're identical and overpowering... clomid is a mixed agonist/antagonist for the estradiol receptor. Nolva is also mixed, however.... it is a pure antagonist in the E receptor in breast tissue. There is a reason that clomid is not recommended for gynecomastia reversal, but Nolva is.

Can you recover with just Nolvadex, or just clomid? Well, anything is possible. But why would you take that risk if the combination gives you a much better chance? To save a few bucks and risk your health? clomid when coupled with Nolvadex is clearly the safer choice over using either compound individually.
@Intel.Imperitive Oh and do you not get crashed estrogen from starting Aromasin at week one?

Tbh, didnt notice. But having crashed estrogen is not that bad if ur growth plates are still open like mine. I might start taking an AI even wheb I'm off cycle tbh. Maybe 0.5mg Arimidex E3D.
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Tbh, didnt notice. But having crashed estrogen is not that bad if ur growth plates are still open like mine. I might start taking an AI even wheb I'm off cycle tbh. Maybe 0.5mg Arimidex E3D.

Weird, I think crashed my estrogen this cycle when I started taking 0.5 arimidex eod about 1.5 weeks in and got brain fog and fatigued. Now that I dropped the dbol I'm only taking 0.25 Arimidex e3.5d and that seems to be cutting it.

Higher than normal estrogen is actually good for gains while on cycle if you don't get gyno although you'll be a bit more bloated and crashed estrogen can be a waste of gains. However I agree you need to be more careful with estrogen if your growth plates are still open.
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Roids can't help with those shitty chest insertions, do you not work your chest or something?
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Roids can't help with those shitty chest insertions, do you not work your chest or something?

Not really shitty chest insertions, more just like not worked on as much.
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You look pretty ectomorph to me ngl
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