Final post on this site

The only effective method of ascension is being gatekept is the occult. Believing that anything besides occultism will lead to ascension is a highly delusional form of coping
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Bro all you got is telegram 😭
I don’t use any other form of social media just waste of time from being productive never used snap
  • WTF
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The advice provided here is misleading, and the so-called "looksmaxing" tips are a waste of time. How long have you all been on this site engaging in mental masturbation?

@Master: I exposed him last year as a known Master Mason. There is a secret side to this website where the genuine looksmaxing advice is shared, which we do not have access to.

@enchanted_elixir: This user is spreading misinformation. He is a Jewish individual, he has been disseminating false information that fuels various coping mechanisms and false hopes.

Consider this: What if everything we believe in, including the surgeries recommended here, is just a form of coping? Could it be that these ideas were planted to mislead us why would anyone increase competition?

Additionally, this site is run by Jews, just like every major platform and media outlet. Do you think they wouldn’t control this platform as well? LMAO.

Good bye I know real method that are gatekept by Jews :feelshmm::feelsez:

@5.5psl @gigell @Sushifart @Alt Number 3 @IndraBC @MoggerGaston @_MVP_ @Vermilioncore

yes, how else could looksmaxxing start out as some niche topic before blowing up?

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@ReadBooksEveryday jfl
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@ReadBooksEveryday jfl
If you are unfamiliar with occultism, then you might find this idea foolish. However, I assure you that your perception is simply due to ignorance
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Occultism, by definition, involves esoteric knowledge—information and practices that are hidden or obscure. To an outsider, these practices might appear nonsensical or bizarre. However, this perception usually stems from a lack of understanding Moreover, many occult practices have historical and cultural contexts that inform their development and use. Without knowledge of these contexts, it's easy to dismiss these practices as irrational. However, when one delves deeper, it becomes clear that these practices often encode profound insights about human nature, psychology, and the universe
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@Acion is someone I greatly admire in the world of occultism. Despite his expertise, many people dismiss his insights as “schizo” due to a lack of understanding. This often happens when someone’s deep knowledge challenges conventional views, making their ideas seem strange to those not familiar with the subject. Such reactions highlight how unfamiliarity can lead to misinterpretation, underscoring the importance of approaching esoteric knowledge with an open mind
  • +1
Trust me my friend taught me a lot icnkduing how when I say that many successful individuals you see in television, music, entertainment, politics, and other fields often engage in magick and occult practices. This involvement is sometimes subtle or behind the scenes, but it is a common thread among those who achieve significant success.
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If you are unfamiliar with occultism, then you might find this idea foolish. However, I assure you that your perception is simply due to ignorance
@Acion is someone I greatly admire in the world of occultism. Despite his expertise, many people dismiss his insights as “schizo” due to a lack of understanding. This often happens when someone’s deep knowledge challenges conventional views, making their ideas seem strange to those not familiar with the subject. Such reactions highlight how unfamiliarity can lead to misinterpretation, underscoring the importance of approaching esoteric knowledge with an open mind

you’re just expecting NPCs to investigate and understand concepts that deal with the very framework of the simulation,

it’s like expecting a character in a video game to think about what lies outside of the matrix and the program, when in fact, they ARE the program/matrix. these people can not and will never wake up because they are programmed to dismiss such ideas as “schizophrenia” no matter what, literally A.I.
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Study your laws your mind is the most powerful we salon in existence in can manipulated and used against u (magick) or be a investment that’ll change your life
you’re just expecting NPCs to investigate and understand concepts that deal with the very framework of the simulation,

it’s like expecting a character in a video game to think about what lies outside of the matrix and the program, when in fact, they ARE the program/matrix. these people can not and will never wake up because they are programmed to dismiss such ideas as “schizophrenia” no matter what, literally A.I.
Black Magic derive it’s power not from humans (obviously) as we are unable to perform supernatural acts.

Black magic, witchcraft, occultism, etc all derive their powers from Demons, Evil Spirits, Fallen Angels.

If Politicians and other public figures are themselves servitors of those Demons then they cannot be harmed.

It doesn’t matter if another human ask an Evil Spirit to attack them, the Spirit don’t care about this human will if it disturb their agendas.

Look at Trump who has been cursed by Thousands of witches at one stage (I don’t know if you remember that story), yet he is still perfectly fine.

Most of the people at the top of Society are into the Satanic Cult and servitors of Devils and Satan, so no they cannot be harmed by Witchcraft.

However they do get harmed by the simple interaction and indwelling of the Unclean Spirits.

Trauma, Mental Health, Psychosis, Sexual filth and deviancy, drug use and all other form of uncleanliness are part of the consequences.
  • +1
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I don’t got shit to hide For my incels brother I will expose the hidden methods of Ascension which is subliminals and morphic fields that are being gatekept revealing how they can transform your physical appearance and mindset. Just use for 6 months your life will change no need to do magick
Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial, as negativity can be exploited by malevolent forces or entities. such forces,jews demons or reptilians, thrive on negative energy, it’s called vamping which a large there is a cult in the occult world catered to vampyrism which is why media often emphasizes negative news. By staying positive, you can counteract these influences and protect your well-being.
Learn occult as it’s your right as human that is being gate kept the Rosicrucian the Jews the masons the Roman CatholicWhy do u think they burn the library of Alexandria the egyptians made the Knowledge public they took the knowledge and sent it whilst burning it
Why do u think every famous celeb regardless of What industry cover the one eye some call it “Dajjal ” Antichrist others call it Horus and some call it third eye but the truth is they are mocking you are blind seeing the world in one eye whilst they have the knowledge
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  • +1
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the world is a flat as a pancake research Antarctica ice wall everything u been taught in six hours of Your worst life Is a big lie
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Study your laws your mind is the most powerful we salon in existence in can manipulated and used against u (magick) or be a investment that’ll change your life

Black Magic derive it’s power not from humans (obviously) as we are unable to perform supernatural acts.

Black magic, witchcraft, occultism, etc all derive their powers from Demons, Evil Spirits, Fallen Angels.

If Politicians and other public figures are themselves servitors of those Demons then they cannot be harmed.

It doesn’t matter if another human ask an Evil Spirit to attack them, the Spirit don’t care about this human will if it disturb their agendas.

Look at Trump who has been cursed by Thousands of witches at one stage (I don’t know if you remember that story), yet he is still perfectly fine.

Most of the people at the top of Society are into the Satanic Cult and servitors of Devils and Satan, so no they cannot be harmed by Witchcraft.

However they do get harmed by the simple interaction and indwelling of the Unclean Spirits.

Trauma, Mental Health, Psychosis, Sexual filth and deviancy, drug use and all other form of uncleanliness are part of the consequences.

Why do u think every famous celeb regardless of What industry cover the one eye some call it “Dajjal ” Antichrist others call it Horus and some call it third eye but the truth is they are mocking you are blind seeing the world in one eye whilst they have the knowledge

this is because most people are Thomas Anderson instead of Neo.
  • JFL
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@itzyaboyJJ do interval sprinting and use Morphic field and subs it increase HGH 2k% also use raw milk
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I’ll take a rest and drop more info when ever I’m free
  • Woah
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@itzyaboyJJ do interval sprinting and use Morphic field and subs it increase HGH 2k% also use raw milk
Thanks man
I hope you stay safe and well once u leave
Repped and followed
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The advice provided here is misleading, and the so-called "looksmaxing" tips are a waste of time. How long have you all been on this site engaging in mental masturbation?

@Master: I exposed him last year as a known Master Mason. There is a secret side to this website where the genuine looksmaxing advice is shared, which we do not have access to.

@enchanted_elixir: This user is spreading misinformation. He is a Jewish individual, he has been disseminating false information that fuels various coping mechanisms and false hopes.

Consider this: What if everything we believe in, including the surgeries recommended here, is just a form of coping? Could it be that these ideas were planted to mislead us why would anyone increase competition?

Additionally, this site is run by Jews, just like every major platform and media outlet. Do you think they wouldn’t control this platform as well? LMAO.

Good bye I know real method that are gatekept by Jews :feelshmm::feelsez:

@5.5psl @gigell @Sushifart @Alt Number 3 @IndraBC @MoggerGaston @_MVP_ @Vermilioncore
agreed most of your parts

and it wouldn't increase competition btw cause many don't do anything anyway and if they did it won't matter cause they don't live near u anyway

and leanmax and gymmax only legit
  • +1
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To make 2024 your best year yet, focus on these key practices:

  1. Mental and Energy Practices:
    • Listen to subliminals, morphic fields, and energy frequencies.
  2. Nutrition:
    • Drink raw milk.
    • Eat organic meat and chicken.
    • Consume six free-range eggs daily.
  3. Physical Fitness:
    • Incorporate interval sprinting.
  4. Reading and Knowledge:
    • Read Dan Koe, Manly P. Hall, and Neville Goddard.
  5. Mindset and Consistency:
    • Stay consistent and positive.
    • Use your imagination to visualize success.
  6. Embrace Your Power:
    • Recognize your immense potential.
7.• Brahmacharya

Stay consistent, maintain a positive outlook, and 2024 will be transformative
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It’s just that many in the occult focus on magic i focused on the power of the mind the most powerful weapon in the world instead of demons,demons are inferior to humans why would u seek help from those ugly subhumans?
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this life is temporary anyway work for your after life
that doesn’t mean to neglect our worldly life is to achieve our dreams that’s what Allah said
It’s just that many in the occult focus on magic u focused on the power of the mind the most powerful weapon in the world demons are inferior to humans why would u seek help from those ugly subhumans?
i wouldn't and it is a big sin anyway
Use opiate it increase knowledge and creativity im high rn
just explain bud
I said many in the occult focus on magicK when it indeed it’s absolute shit compared to the real power God gave mankind which is the subconscious mind
90% reading this will think im schizophrenia dude to my extensive research I have gathered of the years which is why they will mental masturbate in this cycle till death
I said many in the occult focus on magicK when it indeed it’s absolute shit compared to the real power God gave mankind which is the subconscious mind
the subconscious mind is interesting yes but how to make use of it
  • +1
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could u elaborate a bit
The subconscious mind is connected with the field of infinite potential. Hair grows, food digests, babies form, wounds heal, hearts beat without as much as a nanosecond of conscious thought from us. The conscious mind can plan, strategize and organize (much needed faculties), but the subconscious mind is where the miracles occur
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The advice provided here is misleading, and the so-called "looksmaxing" tips are a waste of time. How long have you all been on this site engaging in mental masturbation?

@Master: I exposed him last year as a known Master Mason. There is a secret side to this website where the genuine looksmaxing advice is shared, which we do not have access to.

@enchanted_elixir: This user is spreading misinformation. He is a Jewish individual, he has been disseminating false information that fuels various coping mechanisms and false hopes.

Consider this: What if everything we believe in, including the surgeries recommended here, is just a form of coping? Could it be that these ideas were planted to mislead us why would anyone increase competition?

Additionally, this site is run by Jews, just like every major platform and media outlet. Do you think they wouldn’t control this platform as well? LMAO.

Good bye I know real method that are gatekept by Jews :feelshmm::feelsez:

@5.5psl @gigell @Sushifart @Alt Number 3 @IndraBC @MoggerGaston @_MVP_ @Vermilioncore
Master is fat and black if he was collaborating with the jews and had real looksmaxing secrets, when he was caught on the news be would've been Tyrone, not T-Bone 💀
Good bye hope everyone took to my knowledge and implement it in their lives now I gota get to work
Keep jfl reaxting losers your Brain is beyond fried good luck working at McDonald’s 7$/hr

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