First cycle at 17 (open growth plates)



Jan 4, 2024
The stack: (still looking to grow 1-2 more inches)

Test E 150mg might bump to 200 depending on my first bloodwork
Anavar 25mg 4x per week (sublingual preworkout)
Hgh 6iu ed
Aromasin 12.5mg ed

might add 25iu of long insulin to break plateau


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  • +1
Reactions: Onewithmoss
Thats alot of aromasin for every day dosing, you should drop the dose to either every other day or to half the current amount, you'd likely crash e2 at that amount.
  • +1
Reactions: aestheticsrespecter, 3links2 and org3cel.RR
Thats alot of aromasin for every day dosing, you should drop the dose to either every other day or to half the current amount, you'd likely crash e2 at that amount.
thats the goal
  • +1
Reactions: aestheticsrespecter
hes talking about long term.
im sure ill be fine I will only flatline estrogen for 1 more year to get to 6'1 or 2. The gh and test and var will help keep my joints and bones healthy
im sure ill be fine I will only flatline estrogen for 1 more year to get to 6'1 or 2
1 more year :lmfao:, how do you plan to recover when you want to get off?
  • +1
Reactions: aestheticsrespecter
thats the goal
You want e2 to be low not crashed, you'll feel like shit all the time if your e2 is crashed thats a retarded idea.
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1 more year :lmfao:, how do you plan to recover when you want to get off?
to be honest I will probably never come off. I want to blast and cruise all of my 20s and probably just trt from then on.
  • +1
Reactions: elemanzelvadre
You want e2 to be low not crashed, you'll feel like shit all the time if your e2 is crashed thats a retarded idea.
Ive been on 7.5mg ed with my natural test and I feel totally fine just a little aggravated at times
Ive been on 7.5mg ed with my natural test and I feel totally fine just a little aggravated at times
If you feel fine on 7.5mg ed then ig you must just have really high estrogen or something. Crashing e2 wont make you feel aggravated it'll make you feel tired and give you brain fog and in some cases it can impair organ function. You also wont be able to get erect. Its not like lower e2 = better always. Anything from 11-13 pg/ml is just fine and your growth plates wont fuse, anything below 10 and your e2 will be crashed and you'll get hit with the side effects.
You want e2 to be low not crashed, you'll feel like shit all the time if your e2 is crashed thats a retarded idea.
Im trying to be better safe than sorry with the dose, if I am below 8 e2 ill drop it to 10 or so
  • +1
Reactions: Onewithmoss
If you feel fine on 7.5mg ed then ig you must just have really high estrogen or something. Crashing e2 wont make you feel aggravated it'll make you feel tired and give you brain fog and in some cases it can impair organ function. You also wont be able to get erect. Its not like lower e2 = better always. Anything from 11-13 pg/ml is just fine and your growth plates wont fuse, anything below 10 and your e2 will be crashed and you'll get hit with the side effects.
I used to feel horrible from just 2.5 ed but I acclimated to higher doses and lower e2
Im trying to be better safe than sorry with the dose, if I am below 8 e2 ill drop it to 10 or so
Yeah just dont be retarded basically lol. I'm on 6.5 mg eod and feeling good.
Yeah just dont be retarded basically lol. I'm on 6.5 mg eod and feeling good.
I just have no idea how much the test is gonna turn into id rather have it low than high
The stack: (still looking to grow 1-2 more inches)

Test E 150mg might bump to 200 depending on my first bloodwork
Anavar 25mg 4x per week (sublingual preworkout)
Hgh 6iu ed
Aromasin 12.5mg ed

might add 25iu of long insulin to break plateau
Why is the test so low? If you're gonna inject test might as well do supraphysiological levels. Im 17 and roidmaxxing too, but I'm doing 300mg/week (and people still call that dose low lmao). But 150mg is barely even trt for most people. You probably won't ever notice a difference at that level. Good luck tho man
  • +1
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Why is the test so low? If you're gonna inject test might as well do supraphysiological levels. Im 17 and roidmaxxing too, but I'm doing 300mg/week (and people still call that dose low lmao). But 150mg is barely even trt for most people. You probably won't ever notice a difference at that level. Good luck tho man
im gonna be on gear for the rest of my life anyway im just using it as a base so I can use anavar and gh to drive my gains. No need to push gear too hard right now I still want to grow taller and don't want to push myself through puberty too quick with how androgenic test is.
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Reactions: elemanzelvadre and Outerz14
You want e2 to be low not crashed, you'll feel like shit all the time if your e2 is crashed thats a retarded idea.
you've never tried it don't speak on it

im telling you now ive done so much aromasin you CANNOT get sides. they are genuinely all placebo. so many kids and mothers do higher than 12.5 mg doses and tolerate it well in studies.
Yeah just dont be retarded basically lol. I'm on 6.5 mg eod and feeling good.
6.5 eod of aromasin is doing nothing
research for yourself dont look at other peoples things on here graycel .
just a little aggravated at times
I used to feel horrible from just 2.5 ed but I acclimated to higher doses and lower e2
i thought the exact same but i realised it was just placebo, fearmongering and attributing everything to aromasin,
once i forgot that side effects were supposed to happen they didn't

look at aromasin in studies no one would ever consider below 12.5 mg a day(even that is a low dose) because aromasin is not that strong
you've never tried it don't speak on it

im telling you now ive done so much aromasin you CANNOT get sides. they are genuinely all placebo. so many kids and mothers do higher than 12.5 mg doses and tolerate it well in studies.
I 100% get sides like my joints crack everytime I move them I get annoyed easier and I sometimes forget random shit
Thats alot of aromasin for every day dosing, you should drop the dose to either every other day or to half the current amount, you'd likely crash e2 at that amount.
He should reduce his dosage to 6,25 mg ed
  • +1
Reactions: Onewithmoss
You want e2 to be low not crashed, you'll feel like shit all the time if your e2 is crashed thats a retarded idea.
What do you know dude, esterogen is bad you should zero it out
  • JFL
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@dsheppa @Flowix are u guys fine to be on trt for life ?
  • +1
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What do you know dude, esterogen is bad you should zero it out
"uhhhhhhhhh estrogen bad so you should have none" TOO MUCH estrogen is bad, a little bit is optimal. Actual mental midget who's on this site 24/7.
"uhhhhhhhhh estrogen bad so you should have none" TOO MUCH estrogen is bad, a little bit is optimal. Actual mental midget who's on this site 24/7.
Only feminine men have esterogen, true alpha chads bodies reject esterogen
Only feminine men have esterogen, true alpha chads bodies reject esterogen
Since the day you've joined you've posted on average 57 times per day. Shut the fuck up with your "alpha chad sigma body reject estrogen" you're a poor excuse of a man and your father is ashamed of you.
Since the day you've joined you've posted on average 57 times per day. Shut the fuck up with your "alpha chad sigma body reject estrogen" you're a poor excuse of a man and your father is ashamed of you.
Cope harder jeffry
W user

Knows test increase height

Not believed jewish lie
Thats alot of aromasin for every day dosing, you should drop the dose to either every other day or to half the current amount, you'd likely crash e2 at that amount.
What dose of letro to not crash e2
The stack: (still looking to grow 1-2 more inches)

Test E 150mg might bump to 200 depending on my first bloodwork
Anavar 25mg 4x per week (sublingual preworkout)
Hgh 6iu ed
Aromasin 12.5mg ed

might add 25iu of long insulin to break plateau
Im trying to cycle pretty much the same as u but with higher test, im 16.

1. what is the aromasin for?
2. doesnt pct close growth plates so what should I take instead?
Im trying to cycle pretty much the same as u but with higher test, im 16.

1. what is the aromasin for?
2. doesnt pct close growth plates so what should I take instead?
The aromasin is to keep your growth plates open. Just don't pct just blast and cruise until your growth plates close
The aromasin is to keep your growth plates open. Just don't pct just blast and cruise until your growth plates close
So if im 16, meaning it could be anywhere from a few days to 6 years for my growth plates to close, then I need to be able to afford enough hgh and aromasin to get there????
So if im 16, meaning it could be anywhere from a few days to 6 years for my growth plates to close, then I need to be able to afford enough hgh and aromasin to get there????
how much test are you taking and for how long have you been taking
how much test are you taking and for how long have you been taking
none right now, im trying to fiqure out dosages and make sure my source is good before i start pinning.
none right now, im trying to fiqure out dosages and make sure my source is good before i start pinning.
if money is an issue you could use arimidex instead of aromasin but you have to be consistent with your dosing you could do like 250 test 0.5 - 1mg ed of arimidex. What is your budget per month my stuff is kinda expensive but my parents support it.
Its very well documented that androgens will increase height velocity
Are there any difference between 150 mg and 350?
Are there any difference between 150 mg and 350?
350 will push you through puberty quick thats why im gonna stay on trt and have the barley androgenic anavar drive my gains. The closer you get to the end of puberty the more sensitive your bones get to estrogen.
  • +1
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if money is an issue you could use arimidex instead of aromasin but you have to be consistent with your dosing you could do like 250 test 0.5 - 1mg ed of arimidex. What is your budget per month my stuff is kinda expensive but my parents support it.
Why be consistent
if money is an issue you could use arimidex instead of aromasin but you have to be consistent with your dosing you could do like 250 test 0.5 - 1mg ed of arimidex. What is your budget per month my stuff is kinda expensive but my parents support it.
Your parents support it?? i wish, honestly im kinda broke like the 7 week cycle I was looking at would empty my account. Might need to money max asap
Your parents support it?? i wish, honestly im kinda broke like the 7 week cycle I was looking at would empty my account. Might need to money max asap
I got a job to height/roidmax. My dad did oral only cycles at my age and my mom is super into hormone optimization it did not take much convincing.
I got a job to height/roidmax. My dad did oral only cycles at my age and my mom is super into hormone optimization it did not take much convincing.
Parents are doctors and said they will kill me if they see me doing that shit so a job it is

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