Fixes for low iq?



Copemaxxing ideation
Jul 7, 2021
my low iq prevents me from comprehending and seeing things through

-poor pattern recognition due to bias of existing sub-par knowledge
-cant think on my feet
-lack imagination
-very slow processing
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Delete your account and read Complete Shakespeare. You’ll still be a retard but you can at least pretend you’re smart
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Monobloc can increase iq if your brain hasnt finished developing yet
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Delete your account and read Complete Shakespeare. You’ll still be a retard but you can at least pretend you’re smart
crystallized intelligence is like gymcelling to hide your shitty clavicles
fluid intelligence is what I need somehow
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the good old shotgun
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Purely theoretical tbh.
There are many sources proving that the brain doesnt finish developing until 25 and the frontal lobe cortex is the part responsible for all the cogntive and logical abilities of a person,
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Purely theoretical tbh.
There are many sources proving that the brain doesnt finish developing until 25 and the frontal lobe cortex is the part responsible for all the cogntive and logical abilities of a person,

proper tongue posture
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Life reroll is the only way
you don't seem low iq tbh.
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You don't have a low iq, at least you have a average iq
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[IMG alt="kegelmaxer"][/IMG]


simply dont give a fuk
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IQ is a fucking joke as a concept but regardless the way to get smarter is to do new activities your brain has to rewire to perform. Such as new languages, studying advanced math, learning music, etc
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A person with low iq can't even create a coherent argument, and has problems with basic math, is your case Op?
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create new character
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A person with low iq can't even create a coherent argument, and has problems with basic math, is your case Op?
Coherent argument...

I became aware of potential logical fallacies in argument one by one and the same pattern is recycled often so being good at detecting it after being in situations where you find them often doesn't necessarily equate to a higher IQ

I'm decent enough at mathematics but very very out of practice

I had a conclusive idea on this whole thing and my issue (which I believe is very common) and fucked up in nuanced ways and misconstrued ideas on the g factor which I and many others keep repeating even after knowing. I'll make a thread about it soon
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Coherent argument...

I became aware of potential logical fallacies in argument one by one and the same pattern is recycled often so being good at detecting it after being in situations where you find them often doesn't necessarily equate to a higher IQ
Same for me.
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All nootropics (natural ones, can't speak for Addie and shit) I've tried are underwhelming to say the least. I don't feel much different than usual.
Glucose, T3, Progesterone, co2, raw egg yolks and raw milk are the main things that should help restore and improve cognitive ability. And doing mentally challenging tasks.
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If you were low IQ you wouldn't be recognising all of this and most of all asking for help
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Glucose, T3, Progesterone, co2, raw egg yolks and raw milk are the main things that should help restore and improve cognitive ability. And doing mentally challenging tasks.
elab on rationale behind them?
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All nootropics (natural ones, can't speak for Addie and shit) I've tried are underwhelming to say the least. I don't feel much different than usual.

What did you try?
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What did you try?
Modafinil, l theanine, ashwagandha, caffeine so far
These ones are probably deemed to be sustainable unlike adderall-esque stuff
a dead giveaway of my iq should be i posted this in looksmaxxing section

Also did I spend 15 hours here already holy shit

I do that too because every other section is dead and you know that too
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Modafinil, l theanine, ashwagandha, caffeine so far
These ones are probably deemed to be sustainable unlike adderall-esque stuff

Try DHEA, pregnenolone, adrenosterone (11 oxo), 7-keto-DHEA (7 oxo), T3, choline, sulbutiamine, DMAE, phenylpiracetam, noopept.

Your "low IQ" may be actually ADHD or high inhibition, in that case try low dose naltrexone (research).
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Try DHEA, pregnenolone, adrenosterone (11 oxo), 7-keto-DHEA (7 oxo), T3, choline, sulbutiamine, DMAE, phenylpiracetam, noopept.

Your "low IQ" may be actually ADHD or high inhibition, in that case try low dose naltrexone (research).
I'll look into those (y) (isn't dhea suppressive or smth?)

Seriously doubt I have ADHD but high inhibition and internal mental resistance and inclination towards low effort tasks due to psychological reasons is what might be it. Like autopilot zombie mode.
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Try DHEA, pregnenolone, adrenosterone (11 oxo), 7-keto-DHEA (7 oxo), T3, choline, sulbutiamine, DMAE, phenylpiracetam, noopept.

Your "low IQ" may be actually ADHD or high inhibition, in that case try low dose naltrexone (research).
where do u learn the basic chem & instructions on how to use/understand nootropics? like are there any similar psl type forums or websites or anything of that sort for this area that u could point towards?
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where do u learn the basic chem & instructions on how to use/understand nootropics? like are there any similar psl type forums or websites or anything of that sort for this area that u could point towards?
reddit r/nootropics is a good place to start. Sidebar
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elab on rationale behind them?
I'll just write about glucose and co2 briefly since I'm on my mobile.

Glucose oxidation produces 50% more co2 than fat oxidation. Co2 is needed to release oxygen from red blood cells to cells, if cells don't get enough oxygen it stops them from producing energy efficiently via oxidative phosphorylation which the by product is co2, and thus allows continuous cycle of efficient energy creation. Co2 also protects cells from the damaging effects of free oxygen such as oxidative stress, free radicals, inflammation, which all are due to cellular hypoxia which are mainly caused by co2 deficiency (this is written in one of the medical physiology books).

Glucose is needed to convert inactive thyroid hormone T4 to T3. T3 is needed for steroid hormone production, pregnenolone and progesterone are the hormones that protect the brain from internal and external stressors, progesterone also plays a role with regulating co2 production and retention.
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I'll look into those (y) (isn't dhea suppressive or smth?)

Seriously doubt I have ADHD but high inhibition and internal mental resistance and inclination towards low effort tasks due to psychological reasons is what might be it. Like autopilot zombie mode.

Yes, DHEA and adrenosterone are suppresive, so cycle them for 8 weeks and then do a PCT with ATD or tamoxifen.

Most ppl don't live their full potential. You're likely to have more mental capacity, but you get stunted by stress. Racetams have the nice property of improving your worst mental failo. If you're actually low IQ, they will increase IQ (proven even with actual brain damaged retards). But if your problem's nature is of emotional kind, they will improve working of the limbic system. Racetams work through upregulating neuron metabolism to it's potential maximum, and that obviously has the most effect on neurons that are underutilized.

Racetams can literally compensate for stress-induced hypocampus miniaturization.

where do u learn the basic chem & instructions on how to use/understand nootropics? like are there any similar psl type forums or websites or anything of that sort for this area that u could point towards?

There are lots of forums in the net, they come and go. Search for something and share. Also, read scientific journals and descriptions in shops.

But most importantly, main part of all knowledge comes from experimenting on ourselves.

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good T3 levels, full glycogen storage throughout the day, good deep sleep everyday
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I sleep 11 hours a day :lul:
How you sleep is also important. If you are hyperventilating during sleep then you shouldn't expect for the body to regenerate fully.
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That's too much and it's a likely sign of depression.
well I'm exaggerating a little. I have gone to 11 cumulative several times this week as a crash after failed attempt to fix sleep cycle/cut on hours but 8 is typical.
Don't know if I'm depressed in the sense of perpetual "sadness" but low energy levels, motivation, sure.
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Yes, DHEA and adrenosterone are suppresive, so cycle them for 8 weeks and then do a PCT with ATD or tamoxifen.

Most ppl don't live their full potential. You're likely to have more mental capacity, but you get stunted by stress. Racetams have the nice property of improving your worst mental failo. If you're actually low IQ, they will increase IQ (proven even with actual brain damaged retards). But if your problem's nature is of emotional kind, they will improve working of the limbic system. Racetams work through upregulating neuron metabolism to it's potential maximum, and that obviously has the most effect on neurons that are underutilized.

Racetams can literally compensate for stress-induced hypocampus miniaturization.

There are lots of forums in the net, they come and go. Search for something and share. Also, read scientific journals and descriptions in shops.

But most importantly, main part of all knowledge comes from experimenting on ourselves.

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so what got you interested in this?
Don't know if I'm depressed in the sense of perpetual "sadness" but low energy levels, motivation, sure.

Unironically, roid.

I've posted 4 different roids, converting to neurosteroid, and 1 cortisol blocker. They should put your brain on more achievement oriented tracks.

Levels of neurosteroids are literally the basis of mental differences between dudes and foids and also the reason why we excell in risk-taking tasks. Why are dudes better stock traders than foids? It's because they have balls, in unironical purely literal sense. The levels of testosterone, or more correctly of neurosteroid testosterone derivatives allow us for better risk to reward assessment.

This is also the reason why finasteride makes you feel like shit and eventually will turn you gay. Some of the neurosteroids are derivatives of DHT.
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well I'm exaggerating a little. I have gone to 11 cumulative several times this week as a crash after failed attempt to fix sleep cycle/cut on hours but 8 is typical.
Don't know if I'm depressed in the sense of perpetual "sadness" but low energy levels, motivation, sure.
you have suboptimal Thyroid function. check out Ray Peat ( , ; forum check out later, and a lot of content which seems unrelated on there)
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will probably need this in the future shit sleep and depression and cooming due to being recessed probably made me a retard tbh I was the smartest kid in 5th grade ngl. 2nd in maths in competitive school application and I was already ldaring. over for my life. any actual way to restore brain development/brain damage and not just cope by taking some drug with temporary gain? kinda like mk4 seems to do for bones. @quakociaptockh @Dainslief
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my low iq prevents me from comprehending and seeing things through

-poor pattern recognition due to bias of existing sub-par knowledge
-cant think on my feet
-lack imagination
-very slow processing
ADHD/ADD? Maybe u have sluggish cognitive tempo
High IQ makes you high inhib. If I was lower IQ I probably wouldn't be able to good-college-maxx/career-maxx/money-maxx, but all that is irrelevant because money itself didn't make me slay, unless you count strippers.
High IQ makes you high inhib. If I was lower IQ I probably wouldn't be able to good-college-maxx/career-maxx/money-maxx, but all that is irrelevant because money itself didn't make me slay, unless you count strippers.
Money is important for surgeries though. Without money you can't get surgeries that you want. It also kills your youth because now you have to wageslave which can take years off your youth.

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