For Prospective Roidmaxxers: ONLY use THESE Anabolics!!

I'll read it.
Do you think there is a big difference in the esters?
Not really. The biggest factors are how long they stay in your system and the concentrations. Enanthate has more test per milliliter than propionate for exemple but stays longer in your system
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Not really. The biggest factors are how long they stay in your system and the concentrations. Enanthate has more test per milliliter than propionate for exemple but stays longer in your system
I'm actually thinking about taking propionate because it's shorter in the body and I could finish the cycle faster if there were any side effects. Would be my first Testo cycle and like everyone here I'm just afraid of the (possibly occurring) androgenic side effects.
I don't care about injecting every day, I already did that during my last natty diet with L-Carnitine injects.
I'm actually thinking about taking propionate because it's shorter in the body and I could finish the cycle faster if there were any side effects. Would be my first Testo cycle and like everyone here I'm just afraid of the (possibly occurring) androgenic side effects.
I don't care about injecting every day, I already did that during my last natty diet with L-Carnitine injects.
Oh yeah. Your first bottle should be propionate to look for side effects. Pin for 2-4 weeks and if there is no major side, you can swich to enanthate. Most side effects Are fixable tho. Your last bottle should be propionate too so that you won’t be suppressed for long. In my thread I talked about ways to mitigate the suppression and maintain testicular health in long term cycles
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I will blast a 8 week dbol only cycle
Just do a test only cycle then. More gains, less suppressing, no liver toxicity and you can run that shit for months without any issues. I have a post on test only cycles check it out
I'll read it.
Do you think there is a big difference in the esters?
Test can be good too, but there’s no escaping suppression
With dbol, there is a study showing you recover in a month
And with anavar and tbol protocols you don’t get that suppressed
I need to find more info on the 2 on 2 off East German protocol that supposedly didn’t suppress

Probably better results with test, but a little more hair loss risk, gyno risk (compared to turinabol and anavar at least), and you will be suppressed longer
Also water retention which I hated
Test can be good too, but there’s no escaping suppression
With dbol, there is a study showing you recover in a month
And with anavar and tbol protocols you don’t get that suppressed
I need to find more info on the 2 on 2 off East German protocol that supposedly didn’t suppress

Probably better results with test, but a little more hair loss risk, gyno risk (compared to turinabol and anavar at least), and you will be suppressed longer
Also water retention which I hated
With test if you time it right you can recover within a month too. The problem is at high enough doses you’ll absolutely need ancillaries. Some people have to at 500mg a week, others at even 250mg and some around 750. That’s where aromatisation and conversion to dht can really fuck you up. If you start feeling your nipples getting sensitive, get on some AI immediately. Same with a lot of hair shedding
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With test if you time it right you can recover within a month too. The problem is at high enough doses you’ll absolutely need ancillaries. Some people have to at 500mg a week, others at even 250mg and some around 750. That’s where aromatisation and conversion to dht can really fuck you up. If you start feeling your nipples getting sensitive, get on some AI immediately. Same with a lot of hair shedding
Yeah I need to find data on test recovery
19-Nors is where you really get killed
Lmao to gain muscle you start with testosterone only nothing else it's the safest steroid
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Yeah I need to find data on test recovery
19-Nors is where you really get killed
19-nors are too dangerous and toxic to be used long term. And they have random ass side effects that you can’t even control. You can become gay or cuck, get deca dick, tren cough or tren rage and these are devastating.

If you wanna recover from test all you need is clomid 25mg day starting two weeks before end cycle. Your last doses should be pretty low too so that you don’t get suppressed for too long or just switch to propionate for the last weeks. If you were to do a long test cycle tho ranging from 6 months to 1.5 year, you’ll need HCG to maintain testicular function at 500IUs per 3 day.
Lmao to gain muscle you start with testosterone only nothing else it's the safest steroid
Literally no unmanageable side effects and even the preexisting ones are easy to deal with. Imagine using orals for just 2 weeks when you can have more gains on test and blast for far longer
19-nors are too dangerous and toxic to be used long term. And they have random ass side effects that you can’t even control. You can become gay or cuck, get deca dick, tren cough or tren rage and these are devastating.

If you wanna recover from test all you need is clomid 25mg day starting two weeks before end cycle. Your last doses should be pretty low too so that you don’t get suppressed for too long or just switch to propionate for the last weeks. If you were to do a long test cycle tho ranging from 6 months to 1.5 year, you’ll need HCG to maintain testicular function at 500IUs per 3 day.
You know that one study saying PCT doesn’t help though
Nolva over clomid as some people get permanent vision issues like floaters and stuff
You know that one study saying PCT doesn’t help though
Nolva over clomid as some people get permanent vision issues like floaters and stuff
Pct just helps your body kickstart the natural production again by stimulating the pituitary axis.
And those sides are pretty rares
How about short oral only cycles with Tbol/Anavar if you just try to become a "bit enhanced"? Like 4 weeks on/4-+ weeks off/4weeks on/4-6weeks off/... I've read a few times now that Tbol is supposed to work well in the first 4 weeks and that would be around the time when natural testosterone is suppressed in only cycles.
Of course you don't get mountains of muscles that way. But for someone of average genetics, even 1kg/2punds of pure muscle mass is a massive gain when you've been training natty for years and you are stagnating.
I think Tbol and var are overrated and not worth it. Test is better
This is a high IQ post with studies linked.

Everything is a give and take.
With gear, this is no exception.

-Less kidney strain? Less strong compound.
-Don’t like injecting? You will have to use orals, which can cause some liver stress (use tudca).
-Is it stronger? Probably a gyno risk
-Cheaper compound? It’s cheaper to make and has more side effects (vs something like primo
-Want something that doesn’t suppress testosterone as much? Will be weaker.

When you are choosing anabolics to run, or even whether to do anabolics or sarms, you will likely be juggling a few factors:
-hair loss
-GYNO (scares me so much)
-oral vs. injectable
-how STRONG is it
-how suppressive/hard to recover from is it?

-Your liver and kidneys will recover. Even for alcoholics over time.
-If something is less suppressive, you can run it for longer so it’s better sort of.
-Acne can be fixed.
-Gyno can be noticed early and undone (or just use no gyno risk drugs)
-The price of different compounds shouldn’t be relevant to you

But, I beg of you in you considerations:


I fell into this trap myself.
Do NOT view hair loss as yet another side effect or a “give and take” to factor in, PERIOD.
Anabolics and sarms that cause hair loss, cross them off your research or stack list NOW.

Why is this?

Hair loss from steroids is not easy to fix.
Most people think they can use fin, dut, min, RU during or after so it’s really not a concerning side effect at all.


Hair loss from steroids is REALLY hard to get back, and it is a LONG process.

You will be juggling all these restoration drugs and then probably have to use a derma rolling device to stab holes into your scalp.

What’s better, buying a cheaper steroid like winstrol and having to buy MULTIPLE hair loss drugs or a transplant which together WAY exceed the price of a more expensive compound?
OR just getting something like anavar that is hair safer?

Do NOT view hair loss on par with kidney stuff, the pain of injecting, or having to worry about gyno.

With gyno even, you can prevent it with AIs or treat it with nolvadex or raloxifine. When you feel nips being puffy, that’s just TEMPORARY inflammation since it takes WAY longer for you to actually grow breast tissue there.
That being said, I would be safe with gyno causing drugs.

After using most steroids, which are the best from cost:benefit view? Not saying to do these, but just ideas

1. Anavar
-Not very suppressive. If you want to run oral only (no injecting test as a base), you will recover fast. Can’t find the study sadly
-no gyno risk
-hair safe for most, gets more perilous over 50mg per day (which will give good results already, people saying you need over 100 are mostly coping IMO)
-shreds fat well, great for strength and obv muscle too
-can run for a long time
-pricier end
-often faked (look at tons of reviews of your site you want to buy from)
-lipids effects
-liver (use tudca)
-made me kind of anxious/irritable vs something like dbol which gives a better mood

2. Dbol (ONLY at a lower dose, 20mg/day or less, this is plenty fr)
-you recover from it fast!
Within a month, your test levels bounce back and actually go a little HIGHER than before for a bit!
ONLY for dbol only, don’t use a test base (dbol is so similar to test it was once used as TRT so no need and you will be suppressed if you also inject test with it)
-good mood
-strong and good for strength too
-low risk of gyno (have AI and other stuff and be ready to stop if needed)
-ideally should take 3-4 times per day
-not hair safe for everyone, but mostly good!
-does suppress you harder, but you bounce back fast as shown
-WATER RETENTION: dbol bloat is well known, but at a lower dose I don’t think this is much of a thing IF you diet doesn’t have a ton of carbs and salt

Those two are the best. People say no orals only, but those will give you great results alone and are really the best from side effects perspective IMO.

Also, fuck sarms. Less results and same side effects. Rad-140 RAPED my hair, more than even tren or anadrol.

TLDR: Hair loss is the worst side effect from steroids since it is the hardest to reverse or prevent. Only use hair safe compounds since it is cheaper and way wiser in the long run. Do not think it is something you can handle later or that it won’t happen to you.

Im going to post in the future on having the perfect roided physique and it’s effects on girls perceptions of me. Sadly, it is a male gaze thing and didn’t go as I wished

Tobias Fünke
@Tobias Fünke
Leo Carryn
@Leo Carryn
Ada Mustang
@Ada Mustang

The pics are not at my peak btw, all the tren stuff I’ve posted so can’t share here. Overall gear wasn’t really worth it to me, but stay tuned.

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to any of this so my question is after you take roids the results you take are they permanet or do they revert back to normal once one stops consuming steroids ?

also if they are temporary is it worth the permanent risk of hair loss ?
shut the fuck up retard

everyone with 0 understanding of basic biochem suddenly thinks they are qualified to act as an authority and guide others after their 3 hours of research
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I'm a complete newbie when it comes to any of this so my question is after you take roids the results you take are they permanet or do they revert back to normal once one stops consuming steroids ?

also if they are temporary is it worth the permanent risk of hair loss ?
There is a certain cosmetic effect that goes away, size stays unless too far above natural limit
Do hair safe ones for sure
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There is a certain cosmetic effect that goes away, size stays unless too far above natural limit
Do hair safe ones for sure

Is there 1 that is completely safe without any kidney hair or gymo risks like 100 percent
Nothing is risk free but test and lighter orals won’t hurt kidneys
Heavy stuff hurts kidneys and liver some although they do recover
For hair watch more plates videos on hair safe steroids but have RU and minoxidil on hand
Is there 1 that is completely safe without any kidney hair or gymo risks like 100 percent
Nothing is risk free but test and lighter orals won’t hurt kidneys
Heavy stuff hurts kidneys and liver some although they do recover
For hair watch more plates videos on hair safe steroids but have RU and minoxidil on hand
did you ever get women coming onto you when you were on roids? also whats your bodycount if you don't mind?
did you ever get women coming onto you when you were on roids? also whats your bodycount if you don't mind?
Yeah my face ain’t on here so I don’t mind

Women coming to be- No since my face wasn’t good enough, when lean and debloated I am above average maybe low to medium tier HTN but on gear I had a lot of bloat and gained some fat but didn’t realize it since the new muscle and cosmetic hardness can hide some amount of fat rly well (still had abs etc)
Gear is a huge halo for guys, they automatically respect you usually and want to ask about fitness and stuff, easy hack for social circle with guys and then you can go to the gym which is an NT hangout and then try and get them to invite you to their parties or whatever

Occasional IOIs sure, but wasn’t that much of a halo with girls, if face was maxxed it would have helped

On tren I was more confident to cold approach and stuff for sure but don’t do tren

All in all I didn’t have the pharemone attraction thing nor did I have a huge physique halo from girls view, although for some reason shirtless it does become a halo and you can get the interest of girls you wouldn’t get in a normal shirt setting, this I can say confidently (have to be shredded with abs not bulked and big in shirt but having a belly)

Edit- and I know it was the face since girls would say I had a good physique or big arms whatever then still not be interested lol
Edit 2- some girls rumored I was compensating for a small D or smth since it was clear I was on gear, they just hated seeing ascension for no reason as is biologically normal ig
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