forward growth, midface ratio, jawline, FWHR, is all cope. If you want to keep coping don't click.

this honestly might be the most low iq dogshit thread ive ever seen

youre basically saying "hunter eyes and jaw wont save you if everything else is melted"

no shit but no one is as deformed as that and forward growth and midface and shit are good traits

u are honestly a fucking moron man
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Things that won't save you

Here's good forward growth

View attachment 372680
looks like human shrek with good forward growth. still ugly.

Here's a good midface ratio
View attachment 372685

no words. looks like the local 60 year old pedophile had a child with thomas the tank engine.

Here's good FWHR
View attachment 372692
gigachad compact face slayer :lul:

View attachment 372723
high gonial angle, wide chin, good forward mandibular growth, overall robust masculine square jawline. Is made fun out worldwide, has popular memes based on his ugly face, just looks like a faggot.

Things that will save you

Low body fat percentage
View attachment 372696

If you don't even try to lower your body fat percentage to acceptable levels through consistent cardio and weight-lifting, you don't deserve to ascend

Good frame - (shoulder width+height)
View attachment 372700
Sadly this trait is not achievable by every male. This is a straight up mog massacre, but even if chad on the right had something like a 6/10 above-average normie face and left had henry cavills face, girls will still swoon to above average normie with good frame because its a sexy sexually dimorphic trait. The body building potential for normie on the left is drastically limited by his frame. This is mostly genetics and you should try to focus on other halos if this doesn't work out for you. Speaking of sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism
View attachment 372714View attachment 372716

This is the complete package of a man. This is the reason why despite the guy on the left looking way more aesthetically pleasing facially and more symmetrical face will have less sexual partners in his lifetime than the masculine man on the right with a less attractive face. Do you think a female will look at his nose and say it looks 2cm too big or his "smile" is more cute and attractive like the prettyboy on the left? fuck no. The man on the left will be critiqued by females, "oh his nose is so cute", his smile is so attractive", "his dimples are so attractive", while when a female sees the man on the right, they won't give a single rats ass if a single facial feature is slightly bloated or aesthetically less pleasing, they will instead think only about fucking him. While she is trying to sleep she will drool over him thinking how good it will to be fucked by him. The guy on the left has better facial genes, but the guy on the right is a sexual dream for females. You guys focus so much on facial aesthetics like its the only things girls will judge you for. "suifuel my nose is 5cm not 4cm average", "gonna rope my eye has 3mm upper eyelid exposure". stop this nonsense cope. If you put half as much effort into your body as you did to your face you will have already escaped inceldom.

Thats it. stop coping.
Harmony > PSL

Funny that you deny the importance of having a robust jawline and later say that sexual dimorphism is very important, wide jaws are a dimorphic masculine trait:

Not to mention that the gonial angle of the dude you posted is low and not high like you said, you clearly dont know what you are talking about.

Make us a favour and never post a thread again.
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jfl at everyone saying “muh harmony” when they can’t even define it.

View attachment 372798View attachment 372799

Well developed aboriginal with good bones still mogged into a parallel universe because Hemsworth has a good pheno, not cause of “harmony”. In 60% of cases where people say harmony they’re just talking about pheno.

What an absolute shit fucking post, even for a grey cel.

“Everything listed is cope the only thing that’ll save you is losing body fat to improve the aforementioned copes.”

View attachment 372812

View attachment 372816

“Yeah bro girls prefer the body over the face. Leonardo Dicaprio? Never heard of him.”

View attachment 372821View attachment 372823

You’ll never find me a decent looking girl who’ll prefer the gook over Leo; keep coping with “muh frame”. Doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have a good face.

Sexual dimorphism is important, but mostly in the face. Have you not seen all those tweets and Tik Toks of girls lusting over skinny white boys? Who just fucked and dumped the most popular girl on Tik Tok?

View attachment 372827

“i MOG those feminine pretty cucks into the ground”

The cuck in question:

View attachment 372832View attachment 372833View attachment 372834View attachment 372835View attachment 372836
hemsworth doesnt even have a good pheno with that blonde hair and pale skin
cope ive just been spending a lot of extra time due to quarantine
i didnt brag about spending time, called u a greycel as a joke which u seem butthurt over
and JFL now ur gonna mention "personality" why am i not surprised, greycel
He's toxic as soon as he joins the site eh?
  • +1
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Op are you mentally disabled?
fuarkkk i didn't know that having one good tier feature can't save u if everything else is shit, blow your fucking brains out you utter waste of brain matter.
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everything is cope theory
  • +1
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Nice bait thread, op
Didnt read
Guessing OP got shitty measurements and the one actually coping is OP
  • +1
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You can't pick faces with one correct ratio but terrible in everything else and claim that voids the usefulness of said ratio. Thats like saying height doesn't matter in basketball because you found a tall guy who is terrible at basketball.

I do think you have a point in terms of aesthetics vs sex appeal. Most girls I've shown Barrett to are not impressed by him despite insane aesthetics.
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Guy on the right is still a chad though.
If an incel tried to inject T, become mma fighter, try to sex appeal max, he will just look like an ugly angry guy.
You can't pick faces with one correct ratio but terrible in everything else and claim that voids the usefulness of said ratio. Thats like saying height doesn't matter in basketball because you found a tall guy who is terrible at basketball.

I do think you have a point in terms of aesthetics vs sex appeal. Most girls I've shown Barrett to are not impressed by him despite insane aesthetics.
I don't know, I've heard women say that Brad Pitt wasn't that attractive to them. And look at this pic of Barrett, he looks good ngl (and I like to shit on him a lot):


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