Frat Party Guide (College students GTFIH)



Hardstuck MTN
Aug 25, 2023
Most of us here are more than likely here because we look bad, are autistic, or both. What if there was a place where these falios are reduced? Well it exists, and they're frat parties.

A lot of us here probably have no idea how to act a party and are scared to even step foot in one. Hopefully, this will make that a bit easier.

The general rule of thumb here is to blend in. If you're jacked and have good muscle you can get away with a tank top and athletic shorts, or a basketball jersey(yes this is common for frats). If you're not, wear Airforce 1s(extra height and look good with any color),baggyish jeans, a t-shirt and flannel over the t shirt. This is the most textbook frat outfit. It doesn't have to be exactly this, but something along the lines of it. Also, a fragrance is important. It might cause women to stay in your area if they like the scent.
Bonus: If you have a shitty eye area, wear sunglasses, again its weird usually but normal in these circumstances.

Confidence, when to approach, and IOIS
The thing that makes frat parties such a good place to hook up with becky is that their is essentially no repercussions. The biggest opportunities to approach are gonna be at the dance floor. If you a see a girl being outward, and dancing, go up next to her and essentially just match what shes doing, because lets be honest you have no idea how to dance. Will you probably look like a retard doing this? Yes, but who cares, the girls at frat parties are not their to find sophisticated men, and frat guys are not to be cringey and douchey which is what they're expecting. If she's smiling/looking at you, plays along with your initiation, or starts talking to you. Thats an in, take it and lead her upstairs after 5 minutes. If she moves away or ignores you, leave and do something else. Best part? She wont remember that in 5 minutes. As for IOIS, if a girl is eyeing you down, its not for no reason, if a girl is brushing up against you constantly while shes dancing, its not for no reason. For the best results, I recommend being with a group and conversing with another group if possible. The key with all of this, is looking like you fit in. No one here is gonna have a hard time acting like a dickhead who doesn't care, just add some confidence to that and you'll be okay. Yes, you might be getting ready to just reply with "just be confident bro!" but in this case, its as true as ever.

Getting in
Obviously, if you arent in the frat that's hosting the party, its not as easy to get in. The most common ways to get in are, bringing a group of girls(no one here is doing that), bringing alcohol, knowing someone in it, or just paying. Im being 100% serious when I say you can bring used bottle(s) of vodka and fill it with water, the bouncers aren't going to check, once you're in drop it off in some random location and leave. As a last resort, you can try and hop the fence or something, but this probably wont work.

But I'm Ugly/Nuerodivergent?
Yes, the glaring reason why most people here most likely avoid parties. Luckily for you, this might be your best shot. Yes- the chad at the party will have more women than you. Yes- the 5'4 subhuman won't get shit. The problem with this thinking is that both of these are outliers. The majority of the people in the world are average, or slightly below or above. So chances are that your are too! Girls at these parties don't have incredibly high standards, they don't give a fuck about your gonial angle, or your zygos. They're here to get drunk, party, and have pointless hookups, which means low standards, they simply just don't care as much. As for being ND/autistic, this is actually a bigger falio here than your looks. As long as you understand that everyone here will forget about you the next morning if not sooner, you don't space yourself far away from people, and use normal vocabulary while you're talking to a girl. It'll be fine. A final word, rotting is death. You can comment 'cope, dnr, greycell, or water' on this post. But it doesn't change the fact that you're rotting your life away and that I don't give a fuck what you comment.

BONUS TIPS: If you're tall, use this to your advantage. Position yourself around short people and purpose, and you'll mog everyone around you. Normally 6'1-6'3 might not be enough to pull a girl. Here it is. I used this strat (I'm 6'1-6'2 with shoes and made out with four girls in a night all with an MTN face.
If you have acne, stand in darker areas. Light makes your skin much more visible and shitty looking.
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tagging good users @ylrven @NorwoodAscender @dragomaxxer @5.5psl
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Normally 6'1-6'3 might not be enough to pull a girl.
High iq strat but this statement is retarded, 6 ft is enough for 99% of girls.

And will this strategy work for ethnics or do I have to find other ways to pull bitches?
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What race are you and what do u look like?
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High iq strat but this statement is retarded, 6 ft is enough for 99% of girls.

And will this strategy work for ethnics or do I have to find other ways to pull bitches?
6ft is enough in terms of cutoff. But in a normal setting height isn't always gonna be enough, as in your face plays a larger strat elsewhere.

as for your ethnicity, being ethnic wont rule you out in a girls mind, its just typically ethnic races fight an uphill battle in white spaces. So depends on what I talked about in the thread.
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6ft is enough in terms of cutoff. But in a normal setting height isn't always gonna be enough, as in your face plays a larger strat elsewhere.

as for your ethnicity, being ethnic wont rule you out in a girls mind, its just typically ethnic races fight an uphill battle in white spaces. So depends on what I talked about in the thread.
Yeah that makes sense but what would u recommend to do at a predominantly white school like ASU
being nt is extremely important ngl
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Pretty good thread ngl
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Bars and house parties are also good spots depending on the college. Not that I've had the confidence (or connections) to go to one yet.
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Yeah that makes sense but what would u recommend to do at a predominantly white school like ASU
This might sound harsh but your best bet might be to try and 'fraud' your pheno to less ethnic looking like white/other race hairstyles, or something like that. Or maybe do something to stand out? I suppose that might be your exact opposite goal as someone ethnic but a great physique/strong fragrance ould maybe put you as an even playing field. Its hard for me to say because I've never been in this position. but I've seen a wide variety of races pull. You wont know until you try though.
Bars and house parties are also good spots depending on the college. Not that I've had the confidence (or connections) to go to one yet.
100%, college bars are a great option especially if its known as a 'freshman bar' meaning not a lot of serious adults
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100%, college bars are a great option especially if its known as a 'freshman bar' meaning not a lot of serious adults
I was just talking to my buddy 10 minutes who is extremely NT and low inhib and he was telling me how many ugly horny women there are at one of the freshman bars
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Most of us here are more than likely here because we look bad, are autistic, or both. What if there was a place where these falios are reduced? Well it exists, and they're frat parties.

A lot of us here probably have no idea how to act a party and are scared to even step foot in one. Hopefully, this will make that a bit easier.

The general rule of thumb here is to blend in. If you're jacked and have good muscle you can get away with a tank top and athletic shorts, or a basketball jersey(yes this is common for frats). If you're not, wear Airforce 1s(extra height and look good with any color),baggyish jeans, a t-shirt and flannel over the t shirt. This is the most textbook frat outfit. It doesn't have to be exactly this, but something along the lines of it. Also, a fragrance is important. It might cause women to stay in your area if they like the scent.
Bonus: If you have a shitty eye area, wear sunglasses, again its weird usually but normal in these circumstances.

Confidence, when to approach, and IOIS
The thing that makes frat parties such a good place to hook up with becky is that their is essentially no repercussions. The biggest opportunities to approach are gonna be at the dance floor. If you a see a girl being outward, and dancing, go up next to her and essentially just match what shes doing, because lets be honest you have no idea how to dance. Will you probably look like a retard doing this? Yes, but who cares, the girls at frat parties are not their to find sophisticated men, and frat guys are not to be cringey and douchey which is what they're expecting. If she's smiling/looking at you, plays along with your initiation, or starts talking to you. Thats an in, take it and lead her upstairs after 5 minutes. If she moves away or ignores you, leave and do something else. Best part? She wont remember that in 5 minutes. As for IOIS, if a girl is eyeing you down, its not for no reason, if a girl is brushing up against you constantly while shes dancing, its not for no reason. For the best results, I recommend being with a group and conversing with another group if possible. The key with all of this, is looking like you fit in. No one here is gonna have a hard time acting like a dickhead who doesn't care, just add some confidence to that and you'll be okay. Yes, you might be getting ready to just reply with "just be confident bro!" but in this case, its as true as ever.

Getting in
Obviously, if you arent in the frat that's hosting the party, its not as easy to get in. The most common ways to get in are, bringing a group of girls(no one here is doing that), bringing alcohol, knowing someone in it, or just paying. Im being 100% serious when I say you can bring used bottle(s) of vodka and fill it with water, the bouncers aren't going to check, once you're in drop it off in some random location and leave. As a last resort, you can try and hop the fence or something, but this probably wont work.

But I'm Ugly/Nuerodivergent?
Yes, the glaring reason why most people here most likely avoid parties. Luckily for you, this might be your best shot. Yes- the chad at the party will have more women than you. Yes- the 5'4 subhuman won't get shit. The problem with this thinking is that both of these are outliers. The majority of the people in the world are average, or slightly below or above. So chances are that your are too! Girls at these parties don't have incredibly high standards, they don't give a fuck about your gonial angle, or your zygos. They're here to get drunk, party, and have pointless hookups, which means low standards, they simply just don't care as much. As for being ND/autistic, this is actually a bigger falio here than your looks. As long as you understand that everyone here will forget about you the next morning if not sooner, you don't space yourself far away from people, and use normal vocabulary while you're talking to a girl. It'll be fine. A final word, rotting is death. You can comment 'cope, dnr, greycell, or water' on this post. But it doesn't change the fact that you're rotting your life away and that I don't give a fuck what you comment.

BONUS TIPS: If you're tall, use this to your advantage. Position yourself around short people and purpose, and you'll mog everyone around you. Normally 6'1-6'3 might not be enough to pull a girl. Here it is. I used this strat (I'm 6'1-6'2 with shoes and made out with four girls in a night all with an MTN face.
If you have acne, stand in darker areas. Light makes your skin much more visible and shitty looking.
Good thread, read every molecule, take my shekels little jew
This might sound harsh but your best bet might be to try and 'fraud' your pheno to less ethnic looking like white/other race hairstyles, or something like that. Or maybe do something to stand out? I suppose that might be your exact opposite goal as someone ethnic but a great physique/strong fragrance ould maybe put you as an even playing field. Its hard for me to say because I've never been in this position. but I've seen a wide variety of races pull. You wont know until you try though.
Could I pm you for some help on this advice
good thread thanks for the tag. being in a top frat at my university helped me a lot socially and connections wise. forced myself through pledging and akward social interactions to help become 10x more NT (still autistic though)

very easy to get your name known and have good rep if you approach "fratmaxxing" appropriately, and a great way to meet a lot of girls to have as friends and more
good thread thanks for the tag. being in a top frat at my university helped me a lot socially and connections wise. forced myself through pledging and akward social interactions to help become 10x more NT (still autistic though)

very easy to get your name known and have good rep if you approach "fratmaxxing" appropriately, and a great way to meet a lot of girls to have as friends and more

yeah frats are a great social tool and an easy way to meet girls and have a guaranteed group. Only annoying parts is the pledging and that they cost money.
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with CHAD
Not always though, you've clearly never been to one. Obviously, the better-looking guy will receive more IOIS. But there isn't gonna be that many super good-looking dudes at one party, mathematically its just unlikely which was my point. People here seem to think chadlite/chads are just a common everyday thing lol
Not always though, you've clearly never been to one. Obviously, the better-looking guy will receive more IOIS. But there isn't gonna be that many super good-looking dudes at one party, mathematically its just unlikely which was my point. People here seem to think chadlite/chads are just a common everyday thing lol
it's a frat party, all you're gonna see is CHAD CHAD CHAD CHAD CHAD CHAD AND CHAD (maby chadlite)
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Did this nigga just make a frat thread guide knowing half of these users aren’t even in school jflllll , mods remove this shit
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Did this nigga just make a frat thread guide knowing half of these users aren’t even in school jflllll , mods remove this shit
notice how the title says 'college students gtfih.' Not highschoolers gtfih.' Also a decent amount of people here are in college, and even if most arent who give af?
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notice how the title says 'college students gtfih.' Not highschoolers gtfih.' Also a decent amount of people here are in college, and even if most arent who give af?
IMG 6892
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Not always though, you've clearly never been to one. Obviously, the better-looking guy will receive more IOIS. But there isn't gonna be that many super good-looking dudes at one party, mathematically its just unlikely which was my point. People here seem to think chadlite/chads are just a common everyday thing lol
you are always better off statistically at a frat party than a regular club in terms of having the chance of being among the best looking. when i go out on regular nights to clubs there is normally around 2-3 guys that are looksmatched or maybe even above me but when its a frat type of event or tab specifically im normally the best looking, excluding height
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you are always better off statistically at a frat party than a regular club in terms of having the chance of being among the best looking. when i go out on regular nights to clubs there is normally around 2-3 guys that are looksmatched or maybe even above me but when its a frat type of event or tab specifically im normally the best looking, excluding height
Yeah clubs are wayyy harder to mog at, you have jeff seid looking mfs on the techno floor.
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yeah frats are a great social tool and an easy way to meet girls and have a guaranteed group. Only annoying parts is the pledging and that they cost money.
the pledging is honestly what makes it extremely worth it ngl, youll never be put in as many awkward situations in a short period of time in your life it will really help you with becoming more sociable and less anxious as well as developing long lasting friendships with your pledge class. Very valuable and worth it imo, in b4 european cope of paying to get bullied or etc. Pledging is not like it looks like in the movies and you end up having a shit ton of fun during it tbh, i was extremely against frats since I'm also european immigrant and parents hate the concept of them but its hard to ignore all the positive things that can come from it.

Money aspect though yeah its aids
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tagging good users @ylrven @NorwoodAscender @dragomaxxer @5.5psl
Im mirin so hard, this is completely accurate too ive been to a few frat parties and the part about the dance floor is super legit, easiest way to get hookups is girls dancing cuz they are usually the most intoxicated.
BOTB, bump
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Bonus tip, at the backdoor if there are woods, just walk in and say you were taking a piss, the pledge wont second guess you if you say you were pissing or smoking, just act drunk when u walk in to indicate you were already inside the party. Also most frats have multiple doors and ive snuck into a few parties through back doors and windows, its legit.
Really high quality thread, mirin effort
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Bonus tip, at the backdoor if there are woods, just walk in and say you were taking a piss, the pledge wont second guess you if you say you were pissing or smoking, just act drunk when u walk in to indicate you were already inside the party. Also most frats have multiple doors and ive snuck into a few parties through back doors and windows, its legit.
Huh thats pretty smart might have to try that out, the pledges are retards anyways prob wont suspect much
Im mirin so hard, this is completely accurate too ive been to a few frat parties and the part about the dance floor is super legit, easiest way to get hookups is girls dancing cuz they are usually the most intoxicated.
Ikr. its the easiest game ever.
This only works for htn +6’3 tbh. I’m a brother in a frat as a mtn 5’11 and only ever had one hookup ironically just bartending JFL. Also there are many mtn brothers who don’t get any. But yeah if ur htn 6’3+ its gonna be pretty easy as long as you look chill and fun to be around. My friend who fucks every different girl is 6’6 and he just goes to freshmen bar and make out with random girls JfL.
  • JFL
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This only works for htn +6’3 tbh. I’m a brother in a frat as a mtn 5’11 and only ever had one hookup ironically just bartending JFL. Also there are many mtn brothers who don’t get any. But yeah if ur htn 6’3+ its gonna be pretty easy as long as you look chill and fun to be around. My friend who fucks every different girl is 6’6 and he just goes to freshmen bar and make out with random girls JfL.
Lol nigga this is cap, you get no girls cuz ur on here and most likely aspie. All frat brothers are mtn usually and statusslay. Almost never see htn frat brothers maybe 1 per house.
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Lol nigga this is cap, you get no girls cuz ur on here and most likely aspie. All frat brothers are mtn usually and statusslay. Almost never see htn frat brothers maybe 1 per house.
Well that depends on college and haus. In my haus, most brothers alr have gfs or just don’t show up to parties at all cs their lazy and retarded. Also, ur on this forum and also aspie too?
Well that depends on college and haus. In my haus, most brothers alr have gfs or just don’t show up to parties at all cs their lazy and retarded. Also, ur on this forum and also aspie too?
Yes nigga im aspie as fuck.
Well that depends on college and haus. In my haus, most brothers alr have gfs or just don’t show up to parties at all cs their lazy and retarded. Also, ur on this forum and also aspie too?
Well no shit you aren't gonna hook up with women who are already taken?
Most of us here are more than likely here because we look bad, are autistic, or both. What if there was a place where these falios are reduced? Well it exists, and they're frat parties.

A lot of us here probably have no idea how to act a party and are scared to even step foot in one. Hopefully, this will make that a bit easier.

The general rule of thumb here is to blend in. If you're jacked and have good muscle you can get away with a tank top and athletic shorts, or a basketball jersey(yes this is common for frats). If you're not, wear Airforce 1s(extra height and look good with any color),baggyish jeans, a t-shirt and flannel over the t shirt. This is the most textbook frat outfit. It doesn't have to be exactly this, but something along the lines of it. Also, a fragrance is important. It might cause women to stay in your area if they like the scent.
Bonus: If you have a shitty eye area, wear sunglasses, again its weird usually but normal in these circumstances.

Confidence, when to approach, and IOIS
The thing that makes frat parties such a good place to hook up with becky is that their is essentially no repercussions. The biggest opportunities to approach are gonna be at the dance floor. If you a see a girl being outward, and dancing, go up next to her and essentially just match what shes doing, because lets be honest you have no idea how to dance. Will you probably look like a retard doing this? Yes, but who cares, the girls at frat parties are not their to find sophisticated men, and frat guys are not to be cringey and douchey which is what they're expecting. If she's smiling/looking at you, plays along with your initiation, or starts talking to you. Thats an in, take it and lead her upstairs after 5 minutes. If she moves away or ignores you, leave and do something else. Best part? She wont remember that in 5 minutes. As for IOIS, if a girl is eyeing you down, its not for no reason, if a girl is brushing up against you constantly while shes dancing, its not for no reason. For the best results, I recommend being with a group and conversing with another group if possible. The key with all of this, is looking like you fit in. No one here is gonna have a hard time acting like a dickhead who doesn't care, just add some confidence to that and you'll be okay. Yes, you might be getting ready to just reply with "just be confident bro!" but in this case, its as true as ever.

Getting in
Obviously, if you arent in the frat that's hosting the party, its not as easy to get in. The most common ways to get in are, bringing a group of girls(no one here is doing that), bringing alcohol, knowing someone in it, or just paying. Im being 100% serious when I say you can bring used bottle(s) of vodka and fill it with water, the bouncers aren't going to check, once you're in drop it off in some random location and leave. As a last resort, you can try and hop the fence or something, but this probably wont work.

But I'm Ugly/Nuerodivergent?
Yes, the glaring reason why most people here most likely avoid parties. Luckily for you, this might be your best shot. Yes- the chad at the party will have more women than you. Yes- the 5'4 subhuman won't get shit. The problem with this thinking is that both of these are outliers. The majority of the people in the world are average, or slightly below or above. So chances are that your are too! Girls at these parties don't have incredibly high standards, they don't give a fuck about your gonial angle, or your zygos. They're here to get drunk, party, and have pointless hookups, which means low standards, they simply just don't care as much. As for being ND/autistic, this is actually a bigger falio here than your looks. As long as you understand that everyone here will forget about you the next morning if not sooner, you don't space yourself far away from people, and use normal vocabulary while you're talking to a girl. It'll be fine. A final word, rotting is death. You can comment 'cope, dnr, greycell, or water' on this post. But it doesn't change the fact that you're rotting your life away and that I don't give a fuck what you comment.

BONUS TIPS: If you're tall, use this to your advantage. Position yourself around short people and purpose, and you'll mog everyone around you. Normally 6'1-6'3 might not be enough to pull a girl. Here it is. I used this strat (I'm 6'1-6'2 with shoes and made out with four girls in a night all with an MTN face.
If you have acne, stand in darker areas. Light makes your skin much more visible and shitty looking.
  • JFL
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