fuck gym



Mar 17, 2019
fuck being in the gym, only fucking retards around me trying to grab as much as they can so others can't fucking use it
I got the shittiest frame ever and still got the hormones of a 12 yo also looking like one, only 60kg(132 pounds) at 6' got the most cancer frame ever.
from age 8 to 16 fed the most retarded amounts of psychiatric drugs by my parents literally the most fucked up body ever
tren or die. face is the only thing thats gonna save me if I can even fix it
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dw bro when i started i weighed as much as u but 3 inches taller

we're all gonna make it brah
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you mean you can't get weight even with a dirty bulking?
my condolences brother

You had to mention the fact that you're 6"3 huh
because if i weighed as much as him but 3 inches taller that means i was even skinnier u fuckwit
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I bulked on 5000-5500 kcal for a time, didnt gain weight for shit my metabolism is HEAVILY fucked. My doctor is a retard and doesnt give a flying fuck. Im only losing weight as I gotta bike to school again now and I burn way too many kcal
some water weight and that was almost instantly gone when I stopped that overfed as fuck
I bulked on 5000-5500 kcal for a time, didnt gain weight for shit my metabolism is HEAVILY fucked. My doctor is a retard and doesnt give a flying fuck. Im only losing weight as I gotta bike to school again now and I burn way too many kcal
try mass gainer and nutella/pbj sandwiches
  • JFL
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I bulked on 5000-5500 kcal for a time, didnt gain weight for shit my metabolism is HEAVILY fucked. My doctor is a retard and doesnt give a flying fuck. Im only losing weight as I gotta bike to school again now and I burn way too many kcal
3 litres of raw milk everyday
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but you have god tier frame dude
yes but i thought i had crap genes at first and bc of that i was put off by gymcelling until i said fuck it im tired of being skinny when i was 16
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so start to eat and don't cry ;)
  • Hmm...
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If ur frame isn't even average don't bother. Gym is relaxing cope but it's worthless unless you have a decent frame
My mom doesnt let me she is a "dietician"
she thinks there's no point in wasting money on you because she thinks you're subhuman (and subconsciously wants you to die) or she thinks you're mentalcel anyway
literally said I could die before so 🤷‍♂️
also my waist is ridiculously small its 23" my waist to shoulder ratio is far over 2
  • Woah
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I bulked on 5000-5500 kcal for a time, didnt gain weight for shit my metabolism is HEAVILY fucked. My doctor is a retard and doesnt give a flying fuck. Im only losing weight as I gotta bike to school again now and I burn way too many kcal
Get bloodwork done for test levels if your t levels are below 600ng/dl get on trt
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She always says Im just stressed with all shit I go there even if my fucking toe hurts
yes bro

post pics
Same bruh i used to weigh 135 lbs at 6'4 and my shoulders width is almost double the waist my blue pilled family told me i look weird because of it lol
  • +1
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Same bruh i used to weigh 135 lbs at 6'4 and my shoulders width is almost double the waist my blue pilled family told me i look weird because of it lol
ya ive been called alien before bc of it as well jfl
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She always says Im just stressed with all shit I go there even if my fucking toe hurts
Eat a fuck ton/sleep well/do compound movements only and focus on bench press squats overhead press and deadlifts/supplement zinc and vit d to boost your t/work out full body with compound movements three times a week
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Same bruh i used to weigh 135 lbs at 6'4 and my shoulders width is almost double the waist my blue pilled family told me i look weird because of it lol
same but i doubt that's 2.0 ratio. IT's gymceled david laid tier
Aren't you the one who told me there's no point using less than 500mg test? Anyways..

What's your digestion like? It doesn't matter how much you eat if you have constant diarrhea.

Assuming you have proper digestion It shouldn't be possible to not gain weight on that many cals at your size. You'd have to be on dnp to have that fast of a metabolism. Are you sure you counted cals properly? Personally I never count them but I have a general idea if I'm eating enough to gain weight or not.

Also roids will just speed up your metabolism, they won't help you if you can't gain weight Natty. When you do figure out how to gain weight though I highly recommend dbol. Turns twinks into men.
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I'm struggling as well. It's hard for me to gain weight Im 6ft1 and just 155lbs (70 kg) after half a year in the gym. What are your lifts?
Literally just eat and train
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No its cuz my waist is insanely retarded
you're better than gymceled david laid? Post pics, if it's as good as you say you're mr olympia material
Bump some test e in ur veins bro 500mg 12 weeks
this is you're problm; low test
Do more volume and lift heavier you should be gaining weight
You guys talking about 2:1 shoulder waist ratios and being well over 6” must be damn ugly if your here lol. Also I was 6’1” 130ish I believe I have the worst frame possible for my height deadass and I am now 6’2” 180 and have created an aesthetic close to zyzz from damn near nothing so don’t give up fag
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Just measured it again its at 2 currently used to be higher good its a BIT lower now
Look im 6' and 134 pounds Im not gymcelled at all
Bump some test e in ur veins bro 500mg 12 weeks
this is you're problm; low test
What's the test gonna do if he can't gain weight? Maybe add some temporary glycogen and boost strength but that's about it.
Do more volume and lift heavier you should be gaining weight
Doing more volume and lifting heavier will make him lighter
3 litres of raw milk everyday
That's autistic and unecessary strain on the organs roids would be healthier lol
Aren't you the one who told me there's no point using less than 500mg test? Anyways..

What's your digestion like? It doesn't matter how much you eat if you have constant diarrhea.

Assuming you have proper digestion It shouldn't be possible to not gain weight on that many cals at your size. You'd have to be on dnp to have that fast of a metabolism. Are you sure you counted cals properly? Personally I never count them but I have a general idea if I'm eating enough to gain weight or not.

Also roids will just speed up your metabolism, they won't help you if you can't gain weight Natty. When you do figure out how to gain weight though I highly recommend dbol. Turns twinks into men.
I disagree on the part where you said roids won't help you gain weight i am a pure ectomorph before i touched a barbell i used to weigh 135 lbs gained 30 lbs of lean weight natty and was stuck at 165 lbs 10%bf did a test e dbol cycle last year and went up to 190 lbs 12% bf
Just measured it again its at 2 currently used to be higher good its a BIT lower now
Look im 6' and 134 pounds Im not gymcelled at all
show pics i won't belive you
Doing more volume and lifting heavier will make him lighter
Lol no if he's a pure ecto and he eats well it will make him gain muscle and go up in size
Im as ecto as it gets
fuck being in the gym, only fucking retards around me trying to grab as much as they can so others can't fucking use it
I got the shittiest frame ever and still got the hormones of a 12 yo also looking like one, only 60kg(132 pounds) at 6' got the most cancer frame ever.
from age 8 to 16 fed the most retarded amounts of psychiatric drugs by my parents literally the most fucked up body ever
tren or die. face is the only thing thats gonna save me if I can even fix it
Just buy 300 euros of weights and train at home

watch this jfl if you think you have 2.0 which is god tier even with shit tones of musle on delts
You guys talking about 2:1 shoulder waist ratios and being well over 6” must be damn ugly if your here lol. Also I was 6’1” 130ish I believe I have the worst frame possible for my height deadass and I am now 6’2” 180 and have created an aesthetic close to zyzz from damn near nothing so don’t give up fag
There is no way that you eat 5000kcal and don't get weight... you can have problems with digestion, check your gut, do bloodwork, check your thyroid, health on first place always brah ;) good luck
post frame pics already


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Btw zyzz takes roids... I use milk and chicken... and I’m 16 so ...
He takes SARMS mainly, still not bad. Talking about the frame, your muscles arent that good...

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