full blown white identitarianism is the only alternative to collapse left at this point


Deleted member 46979

Oct 4, 2023

in short, if your politics doesn't benefit you or your people, or align with your own cultural values, then what are you doing?

if you support other cultures and peoples at your own expense, you are by definition a cuck on a population/global/universal scale.

from an evolutionary perspective, leftists favor the unfamiliar to the detriment of the familiar, this tells me fundamentally their genes are telling them to fucking die off already. the problem is they want everyone else to do the same.

it's really a simple solution that should be second nature, but the hurdle is the years of social and psychological indoctrination of egalitarianist ideals in western liberal society, ie everyone should benefit at the same exact level and conditions. if this is exploited ever so slightly, by memetics such as "power differentials", "systemic racism" aka assumed racism, racism apriori, communism can develop, and people can be convinced they have no right to their own separate and distinct moral or cultural development, or that the net product of their people's contributions cannot be valued above those of others. what this all leads to, what it is designed towards, is the annihilation of white cultural identity, and inevitable, civilization itself.
  • +1
Reactions: Lirevk, Aero, Deleted member 70955 and 1 other person
This is why I don't care about politics. They don't do anything for me personally, don't benefit me, so why should I?
Leftists are spiteful mutants.
This is why I don't care about politics. They don't do anything for me personally, don't benefit me, so why should I?
i care insorfar as it keeps me grounded. too often i am a million years ahead of everyone else, thinking of concepts that are simply too advanced for the human realm. politics provides some much needed perspective/relief.

the current big problem facing the west is that it is training its extant whites to be self hating and non reproductive, yet white people are the only reason all of these modern conveniences and available. now we have planes opening up and falling out of the sky, ships crashing into bridges, sky bridges falling down, submarines imploding. all of this is due to diversity incentivized/forced by policy, but how soon will that diversity be actual?

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