FULL detailed explanation on the PSL system -- ALL misconceptions cleared up



Sep 25, 2019
There are many misconceptions surrounding the PSL system. As a result of these misconceptions, almost no one here understands the PSL system properly anymore. 4 PSL is NOT the average as many think. And neither is 4.5 PSL the average as some think. Moreover, the PSL scale is NOT out of 8 as many think. And neither is it out of 9 as some think. I will explain everything in detail below. But before I do so, I want to take a moment to go through the misconceived version of the PSL system that nearly everyone holds to. Well, there are two misconceived versions that are commonly held to. I will go through them both.

Misconceived PSL system version 1

According to this system, the scale goes up to 8 PSL, where 4 PSL is the average. So the highest possible rate within this system is 8/8, which would essentially be a perfect morph (or whatever). But, of course, no one is perfect, hence no one actually is 8 PSL. That's why, within this system, all the top male models like prime Chico, prime Gandy, and prime O'Pry would get rated 7-7.5/8 (or something like that).

Misconceived PSL system version 2

According to this system, the scale goes up to 9 PSL, where 4.5 PSL is the average. So the highest possible rate within this system is 9/9, which would essentially be a perfect morph (or whatever). But, of course, no one is perfect, hence no one actually is 9 PSL. That's why, within this system, all the top male models like prime Chico, prime Gandy, and prime O'Pry would get rated 8-8.5/9 (or something like that).

Most people here hold to version (1) from what I can tell and only a minority hold to version (2). But, as far as I can tell, almost everyone holds to either version (1) or version (2). And both of these versions are, as I explained, misconceived. As far as I can tell, this (below) is the proper way to understand the PSL system.

The scale doesn't go up to 8 (as it does in version 1) nor does it go up to 9 (as it does in version 2). It goes up to 10. Now here's what basically happened. People on the original PSL forums realized, rightly so, that no one is actually a 10/10. So, while the scale they used went up to 10, no one was actually rated a 10 PSL. So some people took 9 PSL to, for example, be the highest rate at which all the top male models (prime Chico, prime Gandy, prime O'Pry, etc.) were at. Eventually, as far as I can tell, other people took 8 PSL to be the highest rate at which all the top male models (prime Chico, prime Gandy, prime O'Pry, etc.) were at. So the scale wasn't actually out of 9 or out of 8. It was out of 10. Just that, depending on which way you went, either 9 or 8 was the highest rate at which all the top male models were at. The highest possible rate (in theory) was still, of course, 10/10 (just that no one exists and for that matter could exist who would be a 10/10). With this understood, we get the following two versions of the PSL system that are properly conceived.

Properly conceived PSL system version 1

According to this system, the scale goes up to 10 PSL. So the highest possible rate within this system is 10/10, which would essentially be a perfect morph (or whatever). But, of course, no one is perfect, hence no one actually is 10 PSL. Now, within this system, the best looking humans are thought to be 8 PSL. People like prime Chico, prime Gandy, prime O'Pry, etc.

Properly conceived PSL system version 2

According to this system, the scale goes up to 10 PSL. So the highest possible rate within this system is 10/10, which would essentially be a perfect morph (or whatever). But, of course, no one is perfect, hence no one actually is 10 PSL. Now, within this system, the best looking humans are thought to be 9 PSL. People like prime Chico, prime Gandy, prime O'Pry, etc.

Now let me take a moment to discuss what the average rate would be in both these systems (and explain why that would be the case).

The average rate in the properly conceived PSL system version 1

The average rate in this system, as it seems to me, would be 5 PSL. One might think it would be 4 PSL and their reasoning for that might be: Well, look, according to this system 10 PSL is the highest possible rate, but 8 PSL is the highest rate that any living human is at. So since no human is above an 8 PSL, that means all humans are in the range of 0-8 PSL. So it's safe to assume that the average is 4 PSL. This would be incorrect. The reason being, if we're supposing that, out of 10, no human is above an 8 PSL (as is the case with this system), then we also have to do the same thing to the lower end of the spectrum. That is, just like no one is above an 8 PSL, no one is below a 2 PSL either. Just like 9s and 10s don't exist, 0s and 1s don't exist either. This is needed for consistency (and it makes sense too; how can someone objectively be a 0/10 for example?). Hence all humans are in the range of 2-8 PSL. Thus it's safe to assume that the average in this system is actually 5 PSL.

The average rate in the properly conceived PSL system version 2

The average rate in this system, as it seems to me, would be 5 PSL. One might think it would be 4.5 PSL and their reasoning for that might be: Well, look, according to this system 10 PSL is the highest possible rate, but 9 PSL is the highest rate that any living human is at. So since no human is above a 9 PSL, that means all humans are in the range of 0-9 PSL. So it's safe to assume that the average is 4.5 PSL. This would be incorrect. The reason being, if we're supposing that, out of 10, no human is above a 9 PSL (as is the case with this system), then we also have to do the same thing to the lower end of the spectrum. That is, just like no one is above a 9 PSL, no one is below a 1 PSL either. Just like 10s don't exist, 0s don't exist either. This is needed for consistency (and it makes sense too; how can someone objectively be a 0/10 for example?). Hence all humans are in the range of 1-9 PSL. Thus it's safe to assume that the average in this system is actually 5 PSL.

I hope all this made at least some sense.
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Reactions: Alexanderr, wateriswet, Deleted member 4106 and 15 others
Good thread op
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and jordanbarrettisgod
Come on, now everyone has his own version of "The PSL System"
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery, RAITEIII and 3 others
1 - disfigured, obese
2 - unattractive st blackops2cel @reptiles @DownBroken
3 - below average ( @ArabIncel )
4 - average ( @Yoyome99 )
5 - above average ( @TsarTsar444)
6 - attractive ( @Amnesia )
7 - very attractive ( prime gandy, chico)
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  • JFL
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Reactions: NarcyChadlite, Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and 10 others
a fitting picture for this very thread

  • JFL
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Reactions: NarcyChadlite, Deleted member 6401, Mateusz74 and 10 others
PSL 8 = highest one can objectively get.

PSL 9-10 = subjective for everyone
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Patient A and Darkstrand
You brought up some great arguments, but I like the number 8. We’ll keep it.
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery, Patient A and 7 others
Not a word btw
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery, RAITEIII and 2 others
Dn read
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and Aesthetics_III
lol im ngl but i didnt read a single pixel
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery, Patient A and 2 others
1 - disfigured, obese
2 - unattractive st blackops2cel @reptiles @DownBroken
3 - below average ( @ArabIncel )
4 - average ( @Yoyome99 )
5 - above average ( @TsarTsar444)
6 - attractive ( @Amnesia )
7 - very attractive ( prime gandy, chico)
That's it!!! Good job!
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery, Deleted member 1560 and 2 others
That's it!!! Good job!
Easy compact scale, no decimal numbers and other bullshit

psl 5+ = approximately top20th percentile ( location dependant)

Might want to rank popular users with this method :lul:
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and Patient A
1 - disfigured, obese
2 - unattractive st blackops2cel @reptiles @DownBroken
3 - below average ( @ArabIncel )
4 - average ( @Yoyome99 )
5 - above average ( @TsarTsar444)
6 - attractive ( @Amnesia )
7 - very attractive ( prime gandy, chico)

You're adhering to the misconceived PSL system version 1 here. You're taking the scale to be out of 8, where 0/8s don't exist and 8/8s don't exist. Hence the highest rate at which any human finds themselves is like 7/8 and the lowest rate at which any human finds themselves is like 1/8. But, if you took a minute to read my original post, you would realize that this system you're adhering to is NOT the proper way of understanding the PSL system. It's a misconception.
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it’s either youre attractive or youre not
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, SexyMofo, TsarTsar444 and 10 others
it’s either youre attractive or youre not
based son
if a few girls find u attractive, reality is most girls will find u attractive
if a few girls find u unattractive, reality is most girls will find u unattractive
their brains are wired the same, yes some have their "types" but besides that
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based son
if a few girls find u attractive, reality is most girls will find u attractive
if a few girls find u unattractive, reality is most girls will find u unattractive
their brains are wired the same, yes some have their "types" but besides that

Doesn't seem right to me. Quite a few girls find Barrett pretty unattractive or meh. Just ask girls IRL (like I and others have done here) if you don't believe me. Does that mean most girls will find him unattractive? I don't think that that would follow nor do I think that that would be the case.
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based son
if a few girls find u attractive, reality is most girls will find u attractive
if a few girls find u unattractive, reality is most girls will find u unattractive
their brains are wired the same, yes some have their "types" but besides that
This dude would get rated psl4 here, in the normie range its is a bit subjective thats why its psl5+ or death

it’s either youre attractive or youre not
Average 5psl foid gets approached by tons of psl5 and psl 6 guys
While the psl5 guys are attractive thell get cucked by the psl6 guy so yiyr logic is flawed
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Doesn't seem right to me. Quite a few girls find Barrett pretty unattractive or meh. Just ask girls IRL (like I and others have done here) if you don't believe me. Does that mean most girls will find him unattractive? I don't think that that would follow nor do I think that that would be the case.
barrett always struck me as some one who just has that "model" look to him, he looks alien like.
looks fake, may be why
he has aesthetics i guess, but no raw attraction "sexyness" that spews shit i wanna fuck this dude like right now
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Alexanderr
1 - disfigured, obese
2 - unattractive st blackops2cel @reptiles @DownBroken
3 - below average ( @ArabIncel )
4 - average ( @Yoyome99 )
5 - above average ( @TsarTsar444)
6 - attractive ( @Amnesia )
7 - very attractive ( prime gandy, chico)
Holy fuck, I remember amnesia used to be benchmark for 6.5 PSL, now my nigga is getting shoved down to 6, smh.
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Holy fuck, I remember amnesia used to be benchmark for 6.5 PSL, now my nigga is getting shoved down to 6, smh.
Amnesia has fucked up facial thirds and high hairline, looks boring and bland, no harmony and his eye area is nothing special
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Doesn't seem right to me. Quite a few girls find Barrett pretty unattractive or meh. Just ask girls IRL (like I and others have done here) if you don't believe me. Does that mean most girls will find him unattractive? I don't think that that would follow nor do I think that that would be the case.
that’s jordan though. he’s an alien. take someone more “realistic” looking.

take him for example. some low class girls may not find him attractive but mid-upper would. the low class types will say he’s not “my type”.
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not a single oled micron on my samsung galaxy s8+ was even LOOKED at

actually, i didnt even open this thread

my dick is writing all of this down as we speak
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Patient A and Deleted member 4209
0-1 - deformed
1-2- subhuman (me)
2-3 - significantly below average, will be FA
3-4 - ugly, unlikely to lose virginity outside of betabuxx situation
4- average, if white can get asian foid or landwhale
5- GL, can get average foid with effort
6- chadlite, can get beckys with little effort
7- chad, easily slays
8- o'pry/chico/infinite access to females
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, goat2x and homesick
that’s jordan though. he’s an alien. take someone more “realistic” looking.

take him for example. some low class girls may not find him attractive but mid-upper would. the low class types will say he’s not “my type”.

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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Agreed son. No PSL 9.5-10s currently exist (that we know of), only through morphs. If only Chico, Barrett, and O’Pry found this site and were autistic...
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He's not 6 PSL. Is more like 5.5 PSL with a good phenotype that appeals a lot to sub 25 yo women.
Hes 5.5 bonewise but hus phenotype boosts him to 6
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
This post should be pinned. I had no idea how this shit worked. Very insightful.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and Patient A
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Which is bullshit

Might as well start including height and body then too right? As, of course, that also comes into account when girls rate you IRL. The PSL system was meant to deal with HARD facial aesthetics without considerations to phenotype, height, body, and any other thing that figures into attraction.
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Didnt read. Go outside and go for a walk
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and Deleted member 2486
Might as well start including height and body then too right? As, of course, that also comes into account when girls rate you IRL. The PSL system was meant to deal with HARD facial aesthetics without considerations to phenotype, height, body, and any other thing that figures into attraction.
Phenotype directly influences facial looks
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Deleted member 2486
I just want the old lookism 1-10 rating scale back where 5 PSL is average and prime Chico is PSL 9, this 1-8 idea is retarded as fuck
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, PenileFacialSurgery and mulattomaxxer
1 - disfigured, obese
2 - unattractive st blackops2cel @reptiles @DownBroken
3 - below average ( @ArabIncel )
4 - average ( @Yoyome99 )
5 - above average ( @TsarTsar444)
6 - attractive ( @Amnesia )
7 - very attractive ( prime gandy, chico)
8 - God level attractive (@ArvidGustavsson , Pitt)
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and PubertyMaxxer
I just want the old lookism 1-10 rating scale back where 5 PSL is average and prime Chico is PSL 9, this 1-8 idea is retarded as fuck

That's exactly what I was getting at in the original post. One PROPER way of understanding the scale, as I cover in my original post, is exactly what you said here: The scale is 0-10 PSL where 5 PSL is average, 9 PSL is the highest rate any human is at, and 1 PSL is the lowest rate any human is at (because 0 PSL'ers and 10 PSL'ers don't exist). I cover this in the "properly conceived PSL system version 2" section.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and BonesAndHarmony
Jesus who can be arsed writing this shit up
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Alexanderr and PubertyMaxxer
That's exactly what I was getting at in the original post. One PROPER way of understanding the scale, as I cover in my original post, is exactly what you said here: The scale is 0-10 PSL where 5 PSL is average, 9 PSL is the highest rate any human is at, and 1 PSL is the lowest rate any human is at (because 0 PSL'ers and 10 PSL'ers don't exist). I cover this in the "properly conceived PSL system version 2" section.
Yes, I read it. It has always been like that on lookism and everything worked well. Then autists had to introduce the 1-8 scale for no reason and it caused many misunderstandings
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and ArabIncel
Psl 4 shitskin

Yes that's the problem. Including the fact that he's a "shitskin" he is of course that low (maybe even lower). But looking at just hard facial aesthetics he's like 5-5.5 PSL.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, A4ROGANT, Sikkunt23 and 1 other person
8 - God level attractive (@ArvidGustavsson , Pitt)
Yeah this why there is an 8 in the scale but perfection doesnt exist so 1-7 is much better
Adding an 8 fucks up the scale
It doesnt matter anymore if you are pitt or chico bc both are gigaslayers so they can both be rated 7
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Yes, I read it. It has always been like that on lookism and everything worked well. Then autists had to introduce the 1-8 scale for no reason and it caused many misunderstandings

Tbh even on lookism these days they have moved to one of the two misconceived versions lol. Prime lookism of course was a different story.
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Should these two have the same PSL rating?
F95C7CCF 76E1 49A0 99BC BFFEE6AA7703
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Amnesia has fucked up facial thirds and high hairline, looks boring and bland, no harmony and his eye area is nothing special

6 psl my ass, maybe you're thinking of his shittier pictures.

If this is 6 PSL then PSL scale has dropped another 1.5 points since november 2019 JFL.
Should these two have the same PSL rating?
View attachment 327351
like a .25 difference maybe, but they dont look that different, the blue eyes just give a bit more "flash" I guess.
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Should these two have the same PSL rating?
View attachment 327351

Adhering to strict lookism PSL standards, yes they should. The reason being, according to the original criteria of hard facial aesthetics that PSL takes into account, eye color is NOT included.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, күренеш and PubertyMaxxer
psl rating is trash and for faggots anyways
i always rate how i think the person would do in a college/nightclub
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PSL scale is mostly bullshit and relative as fuck
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