Full guide to improve your social connects/ max out hooking up in the nightclub while in college [VERY LONG THREAD]



Dec 26, 2019
Hi everyone, I’m creating this guide to help you know more people, more connects, go to more parties not necessarily get more action with the girls. I’m assuming you come from a country with less hypergamous tendencies (than say United States) and that you already have a decent face, at least above 5/10 in the normal looks scale, not a manlet, not an ethnic in a white country. If you are an ugly like 4.5/10 and bellow, I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for you, I can’t help you, invest in surgery and then we’ll see.

I’ll divide this in 3 parts:

  • How to get rid on the negative feedback cycle that is not going to parties
  • Types of parties and the people that go to it
  • How to max out the possibilities you have for hooking up in a club/concerts
Before we begin you might question yourselves to whom am I to give advice on this, well I was always a shy dude and never had a decent social life and never went to the real parties while in my first years of college, my few friends didn’t like the type of events that is going to the club and getting drunk, they always preferred bigger dates like, New Years, Halloween, birthdays and never did shit real interesting shit. I always wanted to know what is like to actually go to a nightclub once a week and hook up and not just to random far apart events, live the full college experience to the max. I’m white in a white country, before I began I was like 4.5/10 in looks, 179 cm tall (5’10’’), I have poor zygos, NCT and bad chin, all I did was grow a chin beard to cover my chin and nothing else. I’m still ugly but my social circle increased and my party life improved, I was an unknown dude and know I'm a well known party boy around my circles. This guide will help you to max out what you can do with the face you have, it is not a replacement for ugly bones (as I already said) but a guide on how be less cringy, less needy and less autistic if you want to improve your connects.


Simply putting it, you aren’t going to enough parties because you are stuck inside a negative feedback loop that is not having enough people to parties and because you have little to no people you don’t go out and you don’t create a reputation of partying and so forth… We have to break the cycle.

How do we do this? The beginning is always ruff, but at the start of a new year/semester, you have to take advantage of big events like birthdays or dinners to commemorate the new date. An example is, at the beginning of a new semester, my university department organizes a dinner with all the students from there; you want to go to the dinner and go with the flow, watch the type of people you get best with and watch those you die to soon into the night (have girlfriends and don’t go partying next or just don’t like getting up all night), you want to stick with at least 2-3 groups of the people you know better and in the process meet the people they know that you don’t usually talk to, notice that the process of meeting new people is facilitated because it’s the start of something new and people are beginning to get drunk. Once the dinner is over, most will go to the nearest night fun places, like public squares with many bars/discos. From the groups you selected, go with them and wait to see what their plan is. One thing that is important to mention is that you need to already have some prior friends that you can meet at this places, you don’t need them to go out all night with you, they just need to appear there – this way you have someone closer to talk and you can introduce him to your other friends. At this point you already need to feel comfortable with new people and of the people you just met, some groups will go to night clubs. It is simple now, just ask them if you can join them for that night. They will most likely say yes because of the lower inhibitions, but they can say ‘no’ under certain conditions, if the groups have girls in it and they are all relatively close, or if the group members are friends from an early age, the probability of them saying no increases, so it is important to find groups that mix different people.

I did this several times and always had no problems. As an example, in the end of the 1st semester, back in 2019 I had a course dinner and then me and several guys I know from smoking weed, took an Uber to a public square, and after that I went with 2 dudes I know to their main group and after that to the local nightclub, have in mind, that I did knew those two from directly talking to them multiple times, but the rest was just from view and they accepted me to join them.

What about creating this momentum to always have people to go out with? Not everything happens at big events, one of the secrets is to have social participation among the people one would like to be with, that is frequenting the same places as them and being in their presence will make them accustomed to you, after this you can talk about the events you would like to go to (with the individuals you know the best). It is also very useful to find people that like this type of things and live nearby those places or live at the college dorm houses. This is also how you make friends, while some user think that they are friendless because of looks, I disagree (it could be), but it’s probably because they were never around someone in the first place to begin with. If you are in college, that’s how you make friends, by being around people and paring up with the ones you think might have a similar lifestyle to yours.


Not all parties were created equal. There are variations and the type of people that frequent them might change, that’s why is essential to have multiple groups to hang out with and that know you, that way you always have multiple options and it’s just a matter of choosing between them. This is related to the type of event, because some people will only go to the first big events, other will go to all of them (big and small, like random night outs) while other, don’t go out at all and prefer to drink in the apartment. The best to do is to talk about the people you know and see if they’re going to the event, even if they aren’t going, go always meet them and it’s likely there might me someone else (you already knew from Part 1) that might go.

I know some of you may be reading this and thinking that what I’m saying is so simple, why even discussing it. Well, there are some people here are actually clueless on how to do these interactions in order to expand their connects, they were never very social and it isn’t natural for them to do this without being semi autistic. I’m just presenting the process for getting these connects.


Final part, is important to know the right night clubs to max out the possibility of getting action. The best night clubs are college ones, most universities will have a particular night club that only members of the academic institution can go to, or they have a partnership with several bars and night clubs, like student discounts, ect… I recommend particular night clubs, owned by the university itself, the other options are usually more expensive and close too soon, like 4-5 am, because they have more adults, the ambient is always more chill and people are more inhibited, less likely to talk and interact. The college one is the best because the younger audience brings more energy and it increases many times the probability of being with people that also study, not to mention their closing time, like 6-8 am. Some of you may know this, but to those who don’t, it’s always better to bring a lightweight, zippered pockets jacket, this way you get warm, don’t lose your cellphone/money/cards from dropping, and it’s easier to walk around with the jacket. Jeans must be straight or slim and you can bring a dress shirt (if you don’t have muscle) or a nice shoulder fitted t-shirt, if you have the frame or muscle mass to pull it off. I don’t recommend wearing tank tops, unless you go to large events like concerts and even that I’m, skeptical because most people just assume you are showing off or are some type of bb obsessed freak.

While inside the club the point is to drink as quickly as possible to reach a slight inhibition state and from that slowly drinking until you get semi wasted. Getting semi wasted is always better than just having a slight buzz and being really wasted because you will never suffer from being in the perfect point of low inhibition, you need to reach the state of being very easy to touch people, talk to them and dance; not rambling like a stupid baboon nor getting into fights and especially not vomiting (if you do, do it outside, in the end of the night, never do this in front of a girl).

Next point is to dance to main stage and target several groups of people dancing, most of them will have girls. Don’t over analyze everything, just go to were you feel better and dance, don’t dance like a crazy Alabama fuck on meth, enjoy the music and move your hips, girls like this. What you wanna do is to see the girls reaction has you began to dance near their group. If they get upset about it, back of and go take a piss/ drink something/ talk to a male friend or just wait a bit and re-approach. If they remain neutral wait and comfort with your physical presence. You can do this to several groups and see which one has the better response to your presence. Some groups are to close together and make it difficult to dance with them, while others are more open and responsive.

Don’t worry about other guys there, you want to be nearby, you don’t want to boss around or make your presence overly noticeable, most guys do care because they obviously see you as competition, but they won’t do anything about it, they can’t because if so, the girls will notice it and get turned off. The only things that matters regarding the competition is your face and your proximity to them, nothing else.

The next step is to see of those who react neutral to it, the ones who react positively. This next step is very very trick, girls might enjoy your presence, but that doesn’t mean hooking up. Hooking up in the middle of the night is highly unlikely because it’s still soon and many girls don’t want to be seen with guys or haven’t made up their mind yet, if it so happens you make out with someone in the middle of the night, congratulations, the bitch likes you. If not, don’t worry, do the steps above and wait until the closing of the bar, leading to this point, people know the fun is about to end, they get more nervous and the tension increases, it is important to already be familiar with a group at this point, if you don’t make out with a girl within 5 minutes, it means she want nothing, just need to get lucky (as a sub Chad) and search for other girls.

Once the club as close and people got out, the probabilities of hooking up decreases by a large margin, people are tired and know what to do, the best chance is to talk to girls at the entrance, but I wouldn’t bet one this.

If you are at a concert the logistic change. Most people are there to listen to the music artist and not hooking up, it is for this reason I wouldn’t recommend going for the front-line on a concert, that is at 10 meters from the stage. Best thing to do is to remain in the back with your group, as the night progresses, some people in the group will find other people they know and now if you have the opportunity you can meet them and if you resonate, go take a drink together and then go dance in the middle of the distance between the stage and the front of the concert. One more thing about concerts; because they are large events more people will go to it and the types of girls you find are different: at night clubs, most girls are the that whore-type with higher standards, while at concerts, we tend to find more ‘innocent’ ones. Also, in the end of concerts, ‘afters’ are more likely to occur and one can meet girls there, but the probability of hooking up is low.

Finally, if it so happens for you to meet girls that you think might be into you, but not at the dance floor, just at the bar, ask her the usual things, like her name, what see does and so forth, but also and very important, ask her who did she came with, that way you get a change to meet her friends and discard the possibility of her being with the boyfriend. If you spend a while talking to her and she didn’t back off and is getting closer to you or making those ‘fuck me’ eyes, lead her and hold hands, dance if you feel like to, but make sure he likes you, something, I’m not going to elaborate because that is almost obvious from the start.

And that’s it. I know it's quite long, but i like to explain everything in detail.
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Reactions: tyronelite, mulattomaxxer, happybread and 20 others
good thread
im still not gonna do any of it jfl id rather rot and continue my cycle of self hatred
  • JFL
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Reactions: SoyGune, Deleted member 439, Deleted member 4612 and 8 others
Gj OP. tbh I dnr, but It seems you put a lot of effort in it, so it is what it is.
  • +1
Reactions: RAITEIII and RichardSpencel
Add a tl;dr if you want more people reading your advice
  • +1
Reactions: Madhate
Im reading this 4 years to late. Out of uni alreadx :(
good thread
im still not gonna do any of it jfl id rather rot and continue my cycle of self hatred
Like me😂
Last edited:
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: HighIQcel, RichardSpencel and Timelessbrah
Hi everyone, I’m creating this guide to help you know more people, more connects, go to more parties not necessarily get more action with the girls. I’m assuming you come from a country with less hypergamous tendencies (than say United States) and that you already have a decent face, at least above 5/10 in the normal looks scale, not a manlet, not an ethnic in a white country. If you are an ugly like 4.5/10 and bellow, I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for you, I can’t help you, invest in surgery and then we’ll see.

I’ll divide this in 3 parts:

  • How to get rid on the negative feedback cycle that is not going to parties
  • Types of parties and the people that go to it
  • How to max out the possibilities you have for hooking up in a club/concerts
Before we begin you might question yourselves to whom am I to give advice on this, well I was always a shy dude and never had a decent social life and never went to the real parties while in my first years of college, my few friends didn’t like the type of events that is going to the club and getting drunk, they always preferred bigger dates like, New Years, Halloween, birthdays and never did shit real interesting shit. I always wanted to know what is like to actually go to a nightclub once a week and hook up and not just to random far apart events, live the full college experience to the max. I’m white in a white country, before I began I was like 4.5/10 in looks, 179 cm tall (5’10’’), I have poor zygos, NCT and bad chin, all I did was grow a chin beard to cover my chin and nothing else. I’m still ugly but my social circle increased and my party life improved, I was an unknown dude and know I'm a well known party boy around my circles. This guide will help you to max out what you can do with the face you have, it is not a replacement for ugly bones (as I already said) but a guide on how be less cringy, less needy and less autistic if you want to improve your connects.


Simply putting it, you aren’t going to enough parties because you are stuck inside a negative feedback loop that is not having enough people to parties and because you have little to no people you don’t go out and you don’t create a reputation of partying and so forth… We have to break the cycle.

How do we do this? The beginning is always ruff, but at the start of a new year/semester, you have to take advantage of big events like birthdays or dinners to commemorate the new date. An example is, at the beginning of a new semester, my university department organizes a dinner with all the students from there; you want to go to the dinner and go with the flow, watch the type of people you get best with and watch those you die to soon into the night (have girlfriends and don’t go partying next or just don’t like getting up all night), you want to stick with at least 2-3 groups of the people you know better and in the process meet the people they know that you don’t usually talk to, notice that the process of meeting new people is facilitated because it’s the start of something new and people are beginning to get drunk. Once the dinner is over, most will go to the nearest night fun places, like public squares with many bars/discos. From the groups you selected, go with them and wait to see what their plan is. One thing that is important to mention is that you need to already have some prior friends that you can meet at this places, you don’t need them to go out all night with you, they just need to appear there – this way you have someone closer to talk and you can introduce him to your other friends. At this point you already need to feel comfortable with new people and of the people you just met, some groups will go to night clubs. It is simple now, just ask them if you can join them for that night. They will most likely say yes because of the lower inhibitions, but they can say ‘no’ under certain conditions, if the groups have girls in it and they are all relatively close, or if the group members are friends from an early age, the probability of them saying no increases, so it is important to find groups that mix different people.

I did this several times and always had no problems. As an example, in the end of the 1st semester, back in 2019 I had a course dinner and then me and several guys I know from smoking weed, took an Uber to a public square, and after that I went with 2 dudes I know to their main group and after that to the local nightclub, have in mind, that I did knew those two from directly talking to them multiple times, but the rest was just from view and they accepted me to join them.

What about creating this momentum to always have people to go out with? Not everything happens at big events, one of the secrets is to have social participation among the people one would like to be with, that is frequenting the same places as them and being in their presence will make them accustomed to you, after this you can talk about the events you would like to go to (with the individuals you know the best). It is also very useful to find people that like this type of things and live nearby those places or live at the college dorm houses. This is also how you make friends, while some user think that they are friendless because of looks, I disagree (it could be), but it’s probably because they were never around someone in the first place to begin with. If you are in college, that’s how you make friends, by being around people and paring up with the ones you think might have a similar lifestyle to yours.


Not all parties were created equal. There are variations and the type of people that frequent them might change, that’s why is essential to have multiple groups to hang out with and that know you, that way you always have multiple options and it’s just a matter of choosing between them. This is related to the type of event, because some people will only go to the first big events, other will go to all of them (big and small, like random night outs) while other, don’t go out at all and prefer to drink in the apartment. The best to do is to talk about the people you know and see if they’re going to the event, even if they aren’t going, go always meet them and it’s likely there might me someone else (you already knew from Part 1) that might go.

I know some of you may be reading this and thinking that what I’m saying is so simple, why even discussing it. Well, there are some people here are actually clueless on how to do these interactions in order to expand their connects, they were never very social and it isn’t natural for them to do this without being semi autistic. I’m just presenting the process for getting these connects.


Final part, is important to know the right night clubs to max out the possibility of getting action. The best night clubs are college ones, most universities will have a particular night club that only members of the academic institution can go to, or they have a partnership with several bars and night clubs, like student discounts, ect… I recommend particular night clubs, owned by the university itself, the other options are usually more expensive and close too soon, like 4-5 am, because they have more adults, the ambient is always more chill and people are more inhibited, less likely to talk and interact. The college one is the best because the younger audience brings more energy and it increases many times the probability of being with people that also study, not to mention their closing time, like 6-8 am. Some of you may know this, but to those who don’t, it’s always better to bring a lightweight, zippered pockets jacket, this way you get warm, don’t lose your cellphone/money/cards from dropping, and it’s easier to walk around with the jacket. Jeans must be straight or slim and you can bring a dress shirt (if you don’t have muscle) or a nice shoulder fitted t-shirt, if you have the frame or muscle mass to pull it off. I don’t recommend wearing tank tops, unless you go to large events like concerts and even that I’m, skeptical because most people just assume you are showing off or are some type of bb obsessed freak.

While inside the club the point is to drink as quickly as possible to reach a slight inhibition state and from that slowly drinking until you get semi wasted. Getting semi wasted is always better than just having a slight buzz and being really wasted because you will never suffer from being in the perfect point of low inhibition, you need to reach the state of being very easy to touch people, talk to them and dance; not rambling like a stupid baboon nor getting into fights and especially not vomiting (if you do, do it outside, in the end of the night, never do this in front of a girl).

Next point is to dance to main stage and target several groups of people dancing, most of them will have girls. Don’t over analyze everything, just go to were you feel better and dance, don’t dance like a crazy Alabama fuck on meth, enjoy the music and move your hips, girls like this. What you wanna do is to see the girls reaction has you began to dance near their group. If they get upset about it, back of and go take a piss/ drink something/ talk to a male friend or just wait a bit and re-approach. If they remain neutral wait and comfort with your physical presence. You can do this to several groups and see which one has the better response to your presence. Some groups are to close together and make it difficult to dance with them, while others are more open and responsive.

Don’t worry about other guys there, you want to be nearby, you don’t want to boss around or make your presence overly noticeable, most guys do care because they obviously see you as competition, but they won’t do anything about it, they can’t because if so, the girls will notice it and get turned off. The only things that matters regarding the competition is your face and your proximity to them, nothing else.

The next step is to see of those who react neutral to it, the ones who react positively. This next step is very very trick, girls might enjoy your presence, but that doesn’t mean hooking up. Hooking up in the middle of the night is highly unlikely because it’s still soon and many girls don’t want to be seen with guys or haven’t made up their mind yet, if it so happens you make out with someone in the middle of the night, congratulations, the bitch likes you. If not, don’t worry, do the steps above and wait until the closing of the bar, leading to this point, people know the fun is about to end, they get more nervous and the tension increases, it is important to already be familiar with a group at this point, if you don’t make out with a girl within 5 minutes, it means she want nothing, just need to get lucky (as a sub Chad) and search for other girls.

Once the club as close and people got out, the probabilities of hooking up decreases by a large margin, people are tired and know what to do, the best chance is to talk to girls at the entrance, but I wouldn’t bet one this.

If you are at a concert the logistic change. Most people are there to listen to the music artist and not hooking up, it is for this reason I wouldn’t recommend going for the front-line on a concert, that is at 10 meters from the stage. Best thing to do is to remain in the back with your group, as the night progresses, some people in the group will find other people they know and now if you have the opportunity you can meet them and if you resonate, go take a drink together and then go dance in the middle of the distance between the stage and the front of the concert. One more thing about concerts; because they are large events more people will go to it and the types of girls you find are different: at night clubs, most girls are the that whore-type with higher standards, while at concerts, we tend to find more ‘innocent’ ones. Also, in the end of concerts, ‘afters’ are more likely to occur and one can meet girls there, but the probability of hooking up is low.

Finally, if it so happens for you to meet girls that you think might be into you, but not at the dance floor, just at the bar, ask her the usual things, like her name, what see does and so forth, but also and very important, ask her who did she came with, that way you get a change to meet her friends and discard the possibility of her being with the boyfriend. If you spend a while talking to her and she didn’t back off and is getting closer to you or making those ‘fuck me’ eyes, lead her and hold hands, dance if you feel like to, but make sure he likes you, something, I’m not going to elaborate because that is almost obvious from the start.

And that’s it. I know it's quite long, but i like to explain everything in detail.

if you are good looking

then be confident

you are basically telling us redpill stuff
Im reading this 4 years to late. Out of uni alreadx :(

Like me😂
reading this 2 years to early

ha ha

won't need it anyways
Reminder none of this works if you are in a STEM uni
  • JFL
Reactions: .👽.

if you are good looking

then be confident

you are basically telling us redpill stuff

reading this 2 years to early

ha ha

won't need it anyways
You need to an extrovert for this. No eay i would start dancing with random women like a weirdo
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
they dance with u if ur gl

don't dance lol

grab 'em
Well no one is gl here so.. + im ethnic they wont even let me inside the club😂
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Ritalincell and Short Ugly and Brown
Well no one is gl here so.. + im ethnic they wont even let me inside the club😂

@Amnesia psl 7
@Salludon psl 7.5
@Dante1 psl 7
@Alarico8 psl 6.5
@ChadKahn psl 6.5
@cocainecowboy psl 6.5

this is chads.me
Well no one is gl here so.. + im ethnic they wont even let me inside the club😂
over for this ugly curry

  • +1
Reactions: Madhate
Ok 6 ppl out of 4k
they are are chad some of them gigachad

4k people?

they are greycels who make an account then leave
old accounts
duplicate accounts

nowwhere near 4k real users

more like 300
  • Woah
Reactions: .👽.
Btw salludon 7,5psl? No way. U have pics?
Gj OP. tbh I dnr, but It seems you put a lot of effort in it, so it is what it is.

Thanks dude, took a while to write. It's here if anyone has the time to read it.

if you are good looking

then be confident

you are basically telling us redpill stuff

reading this 2 years to early

ha ha

won't need it anyways

No, none of what I wrote is red pill stuff; I'm just pointing out the best way to gain a circle, so that you always have people to go to parties with, and honestly, yeah one can probably still get laid with zero friends, if they are Chad, but having friends is big part of life and you wil never be chad. I did wrote this to help you get more interaction with people, witch may lead to more interactions with girls - and this ofc will be dictated by your face, that's why in the beginning I said that the face matters and that given one looks level it may not do shit.
Reminder none of this works if you are in a STEM uni

Doesn't mean shit, unless there are no night clubs near by, and I highly doubt that.
You need to an extrovert for this. No eay i would start dancing with random women like a weirdo

It's rare to find people that really are extrovert, most people just seem to do well in social situations because they have their friends to back them up and have already spent some time dealing with people. In the absence of friends or alcohol everyone becomes an introvert.
Well no one is gl here so.. + im ethnic they wont even let me inside the club😂

Feels bad, but did that actually happened to you?
Add a tl;dr if you want more people reading your advice

I mean, I did said it was along post, why add that :/
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  • +1
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
A long thread is what I need to reframe my way of thinking indeed
  • Woah
Reactions: Timelessbrah
I can shorten this guide
1 be chad
2 finish
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: EverythingMaxxer and HighIQcel
Dn rd but liked the post anyway since it looks high IQ
  • +1
Reactions: Timelessbrah
I can shorten this guide
1 be chad
2 finish

Obviously you can over pass everything I wrote by being Chad, but really will you ever be a Chad. And notice, I did not say face didn't matter, i'm just providing a guide to find opportunities the smoothest way.
I'm a pale guy from Eastern Europe with an accent (not thick) in the US. It's over for me.

Depends on your face and height. You could, however, use the fact that you came from near Russia to give off that hard drinker vibe xD.
Depends on your face and height. You could, however, use the fact that you came from near Russia to give off that hard drinker vibe xD.
I'm 6'2 with a face that's above the average Joe. I'm straight edge and I can't allow myself to drink/smoke/do drugs.
didnt read this useless for me shit
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel, NormieKilla and Enlil
Imagine going to a nightclub, need friends for that jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Enlil
didnt read this useless for me shit

@Timelessbrah you should understand the majority of us looksmaxxers are basment dweller autists, your guide is pretty obvious when you use common sense or put some effort to socialmaxx, tldr water is wet.
also LOL socialmaxxing is pointless when ur ugly truecel.
truecel= no gf= socialmaxxing cope is pointless shit that will make u a laugh stock
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Pietrosiek

@Timelessbrah you should understand the majority of us looksmaxxers are basment dweller autists, your guide is pretty obvious when you use common sense or put some effort to socialmaxx, tldr water is wet.
also LOL socialmaxxing is pointless when ur ugly truecel.
truecel= no gf= socialmaxxing cope is pointless shit that will make u a laugh stock
stfu you're not a truecel
  • +1
Reactions: Over

@Timelessbrah you should understand the majority of us looksmaxxers are basment dweller autists, your guide is pretty obvious when you use common sense or put some effort to socialmaxx, tldr water is wet.
also LOL socialmaxxing is pointless when ur ugly truecel.
truecel= no gf= socialmaxxing cope is pointless shit that will make u a laugh stock

I know. Read what I wrote in the intro.
I'm 6'2 with a face that's above the average Joe. I'm straight edge and I can't allow myself to drink/smoke/do drugs.

You already have a good base to start with. Lmao it's your call, but you could do more.
tl'dr fuck this NT shit
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4563
Got a deja Vu reading this, remembered me of the last year that I felt the same reading something... Now I wanna rope cause that year was dogshit
at least above 5/10 in the normal looks scale, not a manlet, not an ethnic in a white country. If you are an ugly like 4.5/10 and bellow, I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for you
Damn this thread has ended really fast for me. God.....

  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel, Nosecel and .👽.
Hi everyone, I’m creating this guide to help you know more people, more connects, go to more parties not necessarily get more action with the girls. I’m assuming you come from a country with less hypergamous tendencies (than say United States) and that you already have a decent face, at least above 5/10 in the normal looks scale, not a manlet, not an ethnic in a white country. If you are an ugly like 4.5/10 and bellow, I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for you, I can’t help you, invest in surgery and then we’ll see.
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Hi everyone, I’m creating this guide to help you know more people, more connects, go to more parties not necessarily get more action with the girls. I’m assuming you come from a country with less hypergamous tendencies (than say United States) and that you already have a decent face, at least above 5/10 in the normal looks scale, not a manlet, not an ethnic in a white country. If you are an ugly like 4.5/10 and bellow, I’m sorry, this isn’t the thread for you, I can’t help you, invest in surgery and then we’ll see.

I’ll divide this in 3 parts:

  • How to get rid on the negative feedback cycle that is not going to parties
  • Types of parties and the people that go to it
  • How to max out the possibilities you have for hooking up in a club/concerts
Before we begin you might question yourselves to whom am I to give advice on this, well I was always a shy dude and never had a decent social life and never went to the real parties while in my first years of college, my few friends didn’t like the type of events that is going to the club and getting drunk, they always preferred bigger dates like, New Years, Halloween, birthdays and never did shit real interesting shit. I always wanted to know what is like to actually go to a nightclub once a week and hook up and not just to random far apart events, live the full college experience to the max. I’m white in a white country, before I began I was like 4.5/10 in looks, 179 cm tall (5’10’’), I have poor zygos, NCT and bad chin, all I did was grow a chin beard to cover my chin and nothing else. I’m still ugly but my social circle increased and my party life improved, I was an unknown dude and know I'm a well known party boy around my circles. This guide will help you to max out what you can do with the face you have, it is not a replacement for ugly bones (as I already said) but a guide on how be less cringy, less needy and less autistic if you want to improve your connects.


Simply putting it, you aren’t going to enough parties because you are stuck inside a negative feedback loop that is not having enough people to parties and because you have little to no people you don’t go out and you don’t create a reputation of partying and so forth… We have to break the cycle.

How do we do this? The beginning is always ruff, but at the start of a new year/semester, you have to take advantage of big events like birthdays or dinners to commemorate the new date. An example is, at the beginning of a new semester, my university department organizes a dinner with all the students from there; you want to go to the dinner and go with the flow, watch the type of people you get best with and watch those you die to soon into the night (have girlfriends and don’t go partying next or just don’t like getting up all night), you want to stick with at least 2-3 groups of the people you know better and in the process meet the people they know that you don’t usually talk to, notice that the process of meeting new people is facilitated because it’s the start of something new and people are beginning to get drunk. Once the dinner is over, most will go to the nearest night fun places, like public squares with many bars/discos. From the groups you selected, go with them and wait to see what their plan is. One thing that is important to mention is that you need to already have some prior friends that you can meet at this places, you don’t need them to go out all night with you, they just need to appear there – this way you have someone closer to talk and you can introduce him to your other friends. At this point you already need to feel comfortable with new people and of the people you just met, some groups will go to night clubs. It is simple now, just ask them if you can join them for that night. They will most likely say yes because of the lower inhibitions, but they can say ‘no’ under certain conditions, if the groups have girls in it and they are all relatively close, or if the group members are friends from an early age, the probability of them saying no increases, so it is important to find groups that mix different people.

I did this several times and always had no problems. As an example, in the end of the 1st semester, back in 2019 I had a course dinner and then me and several guys I know from smoking weed, took an Uber to a public square, and after that I went with 2 dudes I know to their main group and after that to the local nightclub, have in mind, that I did knew those two from directly talking to them multiple times, but the rest was just from view and they accepted me to join them.

What about creating this momentum to always have people to go out with? Not everything happens at big events, one of the secrets is to have social participation among the people one would like to be with, that is frequenting the same places as them and being in their presence will make them accustomed to you, after this you can talk about the events you would like to go to (with the individuals you know the best). It is also very useful to find people that like this type of things and live nearby those places or live at the college dorm houses. This is also how you make friends, while some user think that they are friendless because of looks, I disagree (it could be), but it’s probably because they were never around someone in the first place to begin with. If you are in college, that’s how you make friends, by being around people and paring up with the ones you think might have a similar lifestyle to yours.


Not all parties were created equal. There are variations and the type of people that frequent them might change, that’s why is essential to have multiple groups to hang out with and that know you, that way you always have multiple options and it’s just a matter of choosing between them. This is related to the type of event, because some people will only go to the first big events, other will go to all of them (big and small, like random night outs) while other, don’t go out at all and prefer to drink in the apartment. The best to do is to talk about the people you know and see if they’re going to the event, even if they aren’t going, go always meet them and it’s likely there might me someone else (you already knew from Part 1) that might go.

I know some of you may be reading this and thinking that what I’m saying is so simple, why even discussing it. Well, there are some people here are actually clueless on how to do these interactions in order to expand their connects, they were never very social and it isn’t natural for them to do this without being semi autistic. I’m just presenting the process for getting these connects.


Final part, is important to know the right night clubs to max out the possibility of getting action. The best night clubs are college ones, most universities will have a particular night club that only members of the academic institution can go to, or they have a partnership with several bars and night clubs, like student discounts, ect… I recommend particular night clubs, owned by the university itself, the other options are usually more expensive and close too soon, like 4-5 am, because they have more adults, the ambient is always more chill and people are more inhibited, less likely to talk and interact. The college one is the best because the younger audience brings more energy and it increases many times the probability of being with people that also study, not to mention their closing time, like 6-8 am. Some of you may know this, but to those who don’t, it’s always better to bring a lightweight, zippered pockets jacket, this way you get warm, don’t lose your cellphone/money/cards from dropping, and it’s easier to walk around with the jacket. Jeans must be straight or slim and you can bring a dress shirt (if you don’t have muscle) or a nice shoulder fitted t-shirt, if you have the frame or muscle mass to pull it off. I don’t recommend wearing tank tops, unless you go to large events like concerts and even that I’m, skeptical because most people just assume you are showing off or are some type of bb obsessed freak.

While inside the club the point is to drink as quickly as possible to reach a slight inhibition state and from that slowly drinking until you get semi wasted. Getting semi wasted is always better than just having a slight buzz and being really wasted because you will never suffer from being in the perfect point of low inhibition, you need to reach the state of being very easy to touch people, talk to them and dance; not rambling like a stupid baboon nor getting into fights and especially not vomiting (if you do, do it outside, in the end of the night, never do this in front of a girl).

Next point is to dance to main stage and target several groups of people dancing, most of them will have girls. Don’t over analyze everything, just go to were you feel better and dance, don’t dance like a crazy Alabama fuck on meth, enjoy the music and move your hips, girls like this. What you wanna do is to see the girls reaction has you began to dance near their group. If they get upset about it, back of and go take a piss/ drink something/ talk to a male friend or just wait a bit and re-approach. If they remain neutral wait and comfort with your physical presence. You can do this to several groups and see which one has the better response to your presence. Some groups are to close together and make it difficult to dance with them, while others are more open and responsive.

Don’t worry about other guys there, you want to be nearby, you don’t want to boss around or make your presence overly noticeable, most guys do care because they obviously see you as competition, but they won’t do anything about it, they can’t because if so, the girls will notice it and get turned off. The only things that matters regarding the competition is your face and your proximity to them, nothing else.

The next step is to see of those who react neutral to it, the ones who react positively. This next step is very very trick, girls might enjoy your presence, but that doesn’t mean hooking up. Hooking up in the middle of the night is highly unlikely because it’s still soon and many girls don’t want to be seen with guys or haven’t made up their mind yet, if it so happens you make out with someone in the middle of the night, congratulations, the bitch likes you. If not, don’t worry, do the steps above and wait until the closing of the bar, leading to this point, people know the fun is about to end, they get more nervous and the tension increases, it is important to already be familiar with a group at this point, if you don’t make out with a girl within 5 minutes, it means she want nothing, just need to get lucky (as a sub Chad) and search for other girls.

Once the club as close and people got out, the probabilities of hooking up decreases by a large margin, people are tired and know what to do, the best chance is to talk to girls at the entrance, but I wouldn’t bet one this.

If you are at a concert the logistic change. Most people are there to listen to the music artist and not hooking up, it is for this reason I wouldn’t recommend going for the front-line on a concert, that is at 10 meters from the stage. Best thing to do is to remain in the back with your group, as the night progresses, some people in the group will find other people they know and now if you have the opportunity you can meet them and if you resonate, go take a drink together and then go dance in the middle of the distance between the stage and the front of the concert. One more thing about concerts; because they are large events more people will go to it and the types of girls you find are different: at night clubs, most girls are the that whore-type with higher standards, while at concerts, we tend to find more ‘innocent’ ones. Also, in the end of concerts, ‘afters’ are more likely to occur and one can meet girls there, but the probability of hooking up is low.

Finally, if it so happens for you to meet girls that you think might be into you, but not at the dance floor, just at the bar, ask her the usual things, like her name, what see does and so forth, but also and very important, ask her who did she came with, that way you get a change to meet her friends and discard the possibility of her being with the boyfriend. If you spend a while talking to her and she didn’t back off and is getting closer to you or making those ‘fuck me’ eyes, lead her and hold hands, dance if you feel like to, but make sure he likes you, something, I’m not going to elaborate because that is almost obvious from the start.

And that’s it. I know it's quite long, but i like to explain everything in detail.
overthinking it
Brutal. Just start theory. Fuck me.
Brutal. Just start theory. Fuck me.
Are you talking about the beginning? As I said, I don't miracles, it only goes so far man :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:(y)
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In college the easiest way would be to move in a dorm, most people are there from other towns, they don't have their social circles and friends, so it's easy to befriend them and be part of a newly formed social circle. At least in Romania all dorms seem to be one big, giant fun house, where everybody knows everybody, there's always a party in some room, and you can simply enter and start to talk and socialize.
If you can't get laid even in a dorm, then it's pretty much over for you...(this happened to E.R. btw, he kept moving from dorm to dorm, got into arguments and conflicts with some NT roommates, he looked down on others because the girls they brought weren't hot, blonde Stacies, and eventually moved with some Asian nerds that he really hated and eventually killed).
Are you talking about the beginning? As I said, I don't miracles, it only goes so far man :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:(y)
If you’re talking about the looks part no, most people here rate me chadlite, so htn at the worst with room for improvement. I’m just very removed from society due to health issues I’m struggling to treat. So I look decent but I’m going on 22 with no social media, not in school, no active social life irl, and not really sure where to start if and when my issues ever get resolved.
In college the easiest way would be to move in a dorm, most people are there from other towns, they don't have their social circles and friends, so it's easy to befriend them and be part of a newly formed social circle. At least in Romania all dorms seem to be one big, giant fun house, where everybody knows everybody, there's always a party in some room, and you can simply enter and start to talk and socialize.
If you can't get laid even in a dorm, then it's pretty much over for you...(this happened to E.R. btw, he kept moving from dorm to dorm, got into arguments and conflicts with some NT roommates, he looked down on others because the girls they brought weren't hot, blonde Stacies, and eventually moved with some Asian nerds that he really hated and eventually killed).

I've noticed that one of the few ways to actually have intrinsic value as a man is if he have a dorm or our single apartment near the university. And yes, everybody knows and they're always hanging out because I've been there (I'm still taking my bachelors) and people just know each other and yeah it makes knowing females ten times easier and smoother, not to mention it provides a point of encounter for pre parties and a place to sleep and get comfortable due to adverse weather conditions.
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If you’re talking about the looks part no, most people here rate me chadlite, so htn at the worst with room for improvement. I’m just very removed from society due to health issues I’m struggling to treat. So I look decent but I’m going on 22 with no social media, not in school, no active social life irl, and not really sure where to start if and when my issues ever get resolved.
AShhhh, I got mistaken dude. given you are abv avg you might still have a chance, social media maxxing works and gaining friends is super important as well. You must treat your health first and then do something to gain a social circle.
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AShhhh, I got mistaken dude. given you are abv avg you might still have a chance, social media maxxing works and gaining friends is super important as well. You must treat your health first and then do something to gain a social circle.
Yeah shits tough outchea
Yeah shits tough outchea
If you are chadlite then you have a chance, even without much participation I would guess. Anyways, good luck .
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If you are chadlite then you have a chance, even without much participation I would guess. Anyways, good luck .
Yeah I made a tinder back in fall when I wasn’t gl, got some boner pills and went on nofap to motivate myself and just see if I could do it. Slayed 4 lower tier beckys, but one had nice body and submissive personality that I liked so we had a nice fling for a month or so. I was nutting in her raw a good 5 times per week if not more. Cbf rn tho.
Yeah I made a tinder back in fall when I wasn’t gl, got some boner pills and went on nofap to motivate myself and just see if I could do it. Slayed 4 lower tier beckys, but one had nice body and submissive personality that I liked so we had a nice fling for a month or so. I was nutting in her raw a good 5 times per week if not more. Cbf rn tho.
Mirin that, I have tinder for a year and still nothing, no sex at least. that already proves something tbh, you should be fine.
  • So Sad
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Mirin that, I have tinder for a year and still nothing, no sex at least. that already proves something tbh, you should be fine.
I guess man. Do you get any girls from clubbing or social circle? Or are you an nt inkwell
I guess man. Do you get any girls from clubbing or social circle? Or are you an nt inkwell
I'm not incel, but I've only fucked once in my life, so not far from it. I had like 3 make out sessions, but that was it. I never really had much luck, despite knowing people I think are in the same looks level doing better, I definitely need an expanded social circle.
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I'm not incel, but I've only fucked once in my life, so not far from it. I had like 3 make out sessions, but that was it. I never really had much luck, despite knowing people I think are in the same looks level doing better, I definitely need an expanded social circle.
Fuark sorry dude. Any room for improvement lookswise? I no you said your chin is bad, so maybe implants or genio? Cool if I pm?
Fuark sorry dude. Any room for improvement lookswise? I no you said your chin is bad, so maybe implants or genio? Cool if I pm?
No need to feel pity, I could have lost my virginity at 14, and yet I didn't. That action could have ascended me for good and I wouldn't be here today.

There's always room for improvements. I consulted with an orthognathic surgery clinic here and the price for bimax is 20k euros, which I'll never have in a near future. I'm just gonna use my money on a chin implant and rhino and fuck it. Yeah my chin is weak.

No need for pm's, here: https://looksmax.org/threads/profile-reveal-and-surgery-advice.330594/

If u want to see how I look on normal pics, yeah I can pm.
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