Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever


Deleted member 62039

Feb 3, 2024
Seriously. Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever. Imagine wasting your white genes to a fucking gook instead of just hardmaxxing to find a white htb+.
Like wtf? Spending 3000$ for example on jaw implants to ascend from lets say mtn to a chadlite to find a beautiful white girl, so that she gives birth to beautiful white children is more reasonable than going to some shit country like philippines to find an ugly 5'2 subhuman gook and have kids with her. Like imagine how mad your children will be if they find out that you moved to a shit country to make a gook pregnant. Especially if you're Nordic.

I wish you luck in your ascension. Never geomaxx.Hardmaxxing always wins:feelshmm:
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  • JFL
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Seriously. Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever. Imagine wasting your white genes to a fucking gook instead of just hardmaxxing to find a white htb+.
Like wtf? Spending 3000$ for example on jaw implants to ascend from lets say mtn to a chadlite to find a beautiful white girl, so that she gives birth to beautiful white children is more reasonable than going to some shit country like philippines to find an ugly 5'2 subhuman gook and have kids with her. Like imagine how mad your children will be if they find out that you moved to a shit country to make a gook pregnant. Especially if you're Nordic.

I wish you luck in your ascension. Never geomaxx.Hardmaxxing always wins:feelshmm:
Fr, why spend thousands for geomaxxing and a plane ticket when you could be spending that on ascension to be mtn/htn in the west.
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Just undergo painful and expensive surgery (with risks of botching and complications) to maybe get a 30+ year old white MTB
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where tf you finding jaw implants for 3k lmk asap
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Just undergo painful and expensive surgery (with risks of botching and complications) to maybe get a 30+ year old white MTB
still too optimistic. should be “just undergo painful and expensive surgery to still get the exact same results”
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Seriously. Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever. Imagine wasting your white genes to a fucking gook instead of just hardmaxxing to find a white htb+.
Like wtf? Spending 3000$ for example on jaw implants to ascend from lets say mtn to a chadlite to find a beautiful white girl, so that she gives birth to beautiful white children is more reasonable than going to some shit country like philippines to find an ugly 5'2 subhuman gook and have kids with her. Like imagine how mad your children will be if they find out that you moved to a shit country to make a gook pregnant. Especially if you're Nordic.

I wish you luck in your ascension. Never geomaxx.Hardmaxxing always wins:feelshmm:
geomaxxing is stupid but so is buying (((surgery)))
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the white woman will probably never respect you. Even if you fully softmax, hardmaxx, become rich and high status there's still a (high) chance she will divorce rape or cuck you. Meanwhile a girl that didn't grow up around the poisons of the west is far less likely to ruin your life in the long term. This is why HTNs and chadlites are being seen more and more in WMAF relationships with LTBs
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its disgusting bc ppl are taking advantage of ethnics
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what about Poland or Ukraine or Romania? They too subhuman for your chad genetics as well? :feelshaha:
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Hardmaxxing does nothing to improve your genetic lineage. Only diet does that.
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What about hot Japanese gooks?
  • JFL
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Imagine spending money on surgeries (outside of simple fixes for your own sake) to get more attention from shallow white stinky holes who don't care about you whatsoever, they just want to get the best trophy for themselves.

It's giga cucked to spend money trying to "attract" some disgusting shitting machine who is only concerned about her own life

Paying for sex or getting gooks is far better and ironically less self degrading. Then again, celibacy mogs all other options
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  • JFL
  • WTF
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Taking action to improve your life quality = cucked
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Geomaxxing can be white countries too. Im geomaxxing in poland rn and I recommend it until ukraine and Russia opens back up
  • JFL
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Seriously. Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever. Imagine wasting your white genes to a fucking gook instead of just hardmaxxing to find a white htb+.
Like wtf? Spending 3000$ for example on jaw implants to ascend from lets say mtn to a chadlite to find a beautiful white girl, so that she gives birth to beautiful white children is more reasonable than going to some shit country like philippines to find an ugly 5'2 subhuman gook and have kids with her. Like imagine how mad your children will be if they find out that you moved to a shit country to make a gook pregnant. Especially if you're Nordic.

I wish you luck in your ascension. Never geomaxx.Hardmaxxing always wins:feelshmm:

  • JFL
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Yes. Slavs are india of europe.:feelskek:
>says a nordcuck

also your HTB is most likely Chadpreet's and Tyrone's leftover so go for it, cuck
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Imagine spending money on surgeries (outside of simple fixes for your own sake) to get more attention from shallow white stinky holes who don't care about you whatsoever, they just want to get the best trophy for themselves.

It's giga cucked to spend money trying to "attract" some disgusting shitting machine who is only concerned about her own life

Paying for sex or getting gooks is far better and ironically less self degrading. Then again, celibacy mogs all other options
Nah I wanna feel better about myself cause I'm narcy
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Nah I wanna feel better about myself cause I'm narcy
Yeah doing surgeries (as long as u don't go overboard) for self image is fine. It's actually ideal to be a good looking celibate. But my point is doing surgeries to try and appeal to some hole is lame
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lol at thinking the melted oldcels who geomax just need a surgery to slay in the west
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I mean yeah i agree dont reproduce with a gook jfl, your better off africamaxxing because mullatoes probably have more smv than whites in the west these days. Anyway this is retarded because a lot of people geomaxx just to slay, not reproduce.
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Reactions: HTN_When_Lean
Seriously. Geomaxxing is the most disgusting thing to do ever. Imagine wasting your white genes to a fucking gook instead of just hardmaxxing to find a white htb+.
Like wtf? Spending 3000$ for example on jaw implants to ascend from lets say mtn to a chadlite to find a beautiful white girl, so that she gives birth to beautiful white children is more reasonable than going to some shit country like philippines to find an ugly 5'2 subhuman gook and have kids with her. Like imagine how mad your children will be if they find out that you moved to a shit country to make a gook pregnant. Especially if you're Nordic.

I wish you luck in your ascension. Never geomaxx.Hardmaxxing always wins:feelshmm:
Nordicks have worse genes than gooks
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Just undergo painful and expensive surgery (with risks of botching and complications) to maybe get a 30+ year old white MTB
Not really surgery is like a character selection screen, you can ascend from truecel to chad if you have enough money.
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u can geomaxx from poland to sweden which is a W thing to do
Nordicks have worse genes than gooks
Хахахаха славянин чёто высирает. Сабхуманище блять. Закрой свой рот, шавка.
Germanics are the dirtiest shithole of Europe then
Кип коупинг, SLAVEic ниггер :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
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no jaw implant is making you go from mtn to chadlite
costs more than 3k
  • JFL
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Хахахаха славянин чёто высирает. Сабхуманище блять. Закрой свой рот, шавка.

Кип коупинг, SLAVEic ниггер :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Nordick subhuman ramblings
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It’s also extremely cucked

Imagine traveling thousands of miles to tap some chink flat faced slant eyed gook pussy jfl :feelskek:
  • JFL
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Норды во первых уродливые, во вторых живут в дерьме (на протяжении всей истории и даже сейчас)
Они кстати едва ли белые, если смотреть по днк тестам
черрипикинг, и даже так они выглядят лучше среднестатистических нордов
так выглядят нордики, фото из какой то шкилы нордикленда, пиздец я страшнее людей еще не видел
@smoth не деформирован=не нордик
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Норды во первых уродливые, во вторых живут в дерьме (на протяжении всей истории и даже сейчас)
Они кстати едва ли белые, если смотреть по днк тестам

черрипикинг, и даже так они выглядят лучше среднестатистических нордов
View attachment 2998297View attachment 2998299@smoth не деформирован=не нордик
Норды во первых уродливые, во вторых живут в дерьме (на протяжении всей истории и даже сейчас)
Они кстати едва ли белые, если смотреть по днк тестам

черрипикинг, и даже так они выглядят лучше среднестатистических нордов
так выглядят нордики, фото из какой то шкилы нордикленда, пиздец я страшнее людей еще не видел
View attachment 2998297View attachment 2998299@smoth не деформирован=не нордик
Коупи, сабхуман монголоид SLAVEянин.:feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha:
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Коупи, сабхуман монголоид SLAVEянин.:feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Нордики самые худшие сабхуманы на ровне с индусами и неиронично хуже монголоидов (монголоиды кстати к славянам не имеют никакого отношения, я не ебу с чего ты это взял придурок блядский я твоей матери матку вырезал и твоей сестре скормил)
  • JFL
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Хахахахаха коупи, славяноунтер.:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
это нордики унтеры))) Вас так римляне и греки называли:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Коупи, сабхуман монголоид SLAVEянин.:feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Хорошо что ты выучил русский (если не пользуешься переводчиком) но думаю что вам нордкукам больше нужен арабский, потому что они трахают нордических арийских королев :feelshah::feelshah:
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Хорошо что ты выучил русский (если не пользуешься переводчиком) но думаю что вам нордкукам больше нужен арабский, потому что они трахают нордических арийских королев :feelshah::feelshah:
он по сути сам славянин, если говорит на русском

но при этом генетически он нордик (кстати нордики имеют славянские гены, ибо во времена второй мировой мы ебали их телок)
  • JFL
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Нордики самые худшие сабхуманы на ровне с индусами и неиронично хуже монголоидов (монголоиды кстати к славянам не имеют никакого отношения, я не ебу с чего ты это взял придурок блядский я твоей матери матку вырезал и твоей сестре скормил)
slav(e) is mongoloid and subhumans:lul::lul::lul:


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